Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 330 The Foundation Building Pills are out of stock【Please subscribe】

Regarding the war that was about to break out in Fengguo, after the meeting, the Zhou family trio decided to ignore it and just wait and see.

They are all very realistic.

Although Fengguo is their hometown for them, the Zhou family has now established its roots in Jingguo and cannot go back at all.

And even if the Corpse Demon Sect is defeated, it will not be the Zhou family's turn to occupy the mountain gate of the Sanjue Sect.

In this case, what does the war in Fengguo have to do with them?

After making such a decision, Zhou Chun felt relaxed. He only needed to ask the people in the Intelligence Hall to collect Fengguo battle reports.

What he is more concerned about is the Tianjing Sect.

After all, with the independence of Lingzhou, Lanzhou has become a buffer area for Qinglian Temple and Tianjingmen.

If the Tianjing Sect wants to expand its territory and does not want to offend the two major forces of Yanyang Sect and Qinglian Temple at the same time, it will basically have no choice but to attack Lanzhou.

This is not good news for the Zhou family.

And because the Spirit Beast Villa had taken refuge with the Tianjing Sect, and the war broke out again in Feng Country, the Danyao Li family and the Formation You family also sent people to the Zhou family to discuss these two matters.

After hearing what the two families said, Zhou Chun had some thoughts of returning to Feng Country.

In recent years, their family has not been doing well in Jingguo, but it is barely better than Spirit Beast Villa.

If they hadn't made a lot of contributions and made a lot of sacrifices in the Southern Expedition, their family might have declined now.

But now that the Spirit Beast Villa has taken refuge with the Tianjing Sect, their family has also become the object of suspicion in Qinglian Temple, and they are in a very embarrassing situation.

Therefore, after they heard that the Jingyang Sect colluded with the Zhengyang Sect to declare war on the Corpse Demon Sect, they came up with the idea of ​​returning to their homeland.

It was only at this time that Zhou Chun learned more detailed information about Zhengyang Clan from the two families.

According to someone from the Li family, the Zhengyang Sect is a sect that cultivates immortality even more powerful than the Yuelun Sect. Not only does it have four Yuanying-stage monks in charge, but there is also one who is in the late Yuanying stage.

Moreover, most of the secret techniques practiced by Zhengyang Sect monks have a restraining effect on evil spirits and ghosts. Several evil-killing talismans secretly taught by this sect are even famous in various countries.

There once was a sect whose strength was not much inferior to that of the Corpse Demon Sect, called the Digui Sect. Because the monks in the sect had a conflict with the Zhengyang Sect, the soul of a Zifu period monk from the Zhengyang Sect was extracted and sacrificed into a ghost. .

As a result, the Zhengyang Clan was angered, and several Yuanying-stage ancestors of the Zhengyang Clan personally led an army on an expedition abroad. They forcibly surrounded and killed two Yuanying-stage monks from the Earth Ghost Clan inside the mountain gate, and slaughtered the entire Earth Ghost Sect. Door.

After that battle, no one dared to bully the disciples of the Zhengyang Sect when they were walking outside.

It is precisely because of the Zhengyang Sect's strong record that the Danyao Li family and the Formation You family felt that the Corpse Demon Sect might be defeated this time, and they had the idea of ​​returning to their homeland.

Not only did they want to go back, they also wanted to bring the Zhou family back with them.

After all, if the Three Jue Sect is to be reorganized, the Zhou family is indispensable.

Otherwise, if two families form a sect, if there is any disagreement, and there is no third party to mediate and ease the situation, it will easily intensify the conflict and produce a serious conflict that neither party wants to see.

This has been proven many times in the history of Sanjue Sect for more than a thousand years.

And after all, the Zhou family's current strength is not as strong as the two of them. Once the Three Jue Sect is reorganized, the power will still fall on the two of them, who have golden elixir stage monks.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and others are also members of their own family who know their own affairs, and they are well aware of the plans of the two families.

No matter what the Li family and the You family said, Zhou Chun just shook his head and firmly stated that he would not give up the hard-earned foundation of Jiufeng Ridge.

Seeing that the Zhou family could not move, and at the same time worried that Zhou Chun would become desperate and report them to Qinglian Temple, the Li family and the You family said nothing more.

Zhou Chun also pretended that he had never heard of this matter.

In the next year or two, many foundation-building casual cultivators from Lanzhou, Yunzhou, Cangzhou and other places went to seek refuge with the Tianjing Sect, and even some small cultivator families moved there.

However, the forces with Zifu period monks at their command are still in a wait-and-see mode and are not in a hurry to take sides.

After receiving the monks from all over the world, the Tianjing Sect finally became like a large sect, with more than 400 foundation-building monks at its disposal.

It is a pity that except for Yu Jinghua who took refuge in the past, there is still no second golden elixir stage monk in Tianjing Sect.

This is also a flaw for a large sect.

If no breakthrough can be made in this area, the Tianjing Sect's appeal to those Zifu stage monks will be greatly reduced.

In short, Zhou Chun and the Zhou family are just paying attention to the Tianjing Sect and have no intention of seeking refuge in the past.

On this day, another monk from the Zhou family, Zhou Zhengbai, collected 5,000 points of good deeds and exchanged a Foundation Building Pill from Zhou Chun.

Zhou Zhengbai was also a monk who had participated in the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly" before. His cultivation level had reached the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage shortly after participating in the Dharma Assembly.

And because his father is Zhou Jia Gong, the elder of the Zhou family, with the help of his parents, he finally got this opportunity before others.

In fact, now, the elders of the "family" generation of the Zhou family are passing away year by year. For example, Zhou Jiacheng, who failed to build the foundation, and Zhou Jiawei, who was good at making poisons, have both passed away.

There are not many left of those Zhou family elders who Zhou Chun came into contact with when he first came to this world.

One or two new tombs are added to the Zhou family tombs on the mountain behind Pagoda Peak almost every year.

And if it is not an important person like a family elder, generally if a monk of the Zhou family dies in a state of meditation, only his family will pay filial piety to him.

At most, Zhou Chun, the patriarch or a certain elder, will go through the motions on behalf of his family and himself.

After experiencing this kind of thing too much, Zhou Chun started to take it lightly.

On this day, Zhou Chun headed to Longxing Valley again with supplies.

After several years of development, Longxing Valley has truly become an important source of income for the Zhou family.

Relying on the abundant elixir resources provided by Longxing Valley, the skills of the alchemists of the Zhou family have increased rapidly. Zhou Zhengyuan and Zhou Xinlan have been able to refine elixirs that can enhance the magic power of foundation-building monks.

At the same time, the various materials for refining weapons and talismans collected here have also put the Zhou family's skills of refining weapons and talismans on the fast track of development.

Among the four major cultivation skills of alchemy and talismans, except for the formation which requires too much personal understanding and talent, the other three are actually empirical disciplines.

In this empirical discipline, those with talent can certainly go faster and further, but those with average talent are not without hope of catching up.

However, after several years of searching, everything that could be searched in the area around Longxing Valley had been completely searched.

Now if they want to continue to maintain their income, they can only let Xu Fu and others search further away.

But once they go too far away from the stronghold of Longxing Valley, the survival risk of monks in the Qi Refining Stage will greatly increase.

You must know that only a few years have passed, and of the forty-eight dead soldiers of the Zhou family who came here at that time, five have died and two have been disabled!

And this was the result under the care of Zhou Zhengyong and the Vajra Monkey.

"This time I brought ten first-level magic weapons, thirty second-level magic charms, five hundred first-level magic charms, twenty bottles of elixirs for improving magic power, various healing medicines, and various jade Box of five hundred!”

In Longxing Valley, after Zhou Chun was welcomed in, he first told Zhou Zhengyong and Xu Fu about the supplies he was carrying this time.

Due to the small number of people and the high intensity of the battle, Longxing Valley suffered a lot of losses in magical weapons and talismans.

Every time Zhou Chun or Zhou Daoyi comes to deliver supplies, the talisman must be given.

Fortunately, Zhou Daoyi himself is a talisman maker who can make second-level talismans. The Zhou family has now trained several monks who can make first-level high-grade talismans. Otherwise, it would be a huge expense just to buy them.

"That's great. With the things you brought here, Patriarch, we can continue to explore further places."

Zhou Zhengyong still paid attention to some etiquette things in front of an outsider like Xu Fu, and always addressed Zhou Chun as the patriarch.

After he took the storage bag from Zhou Chun, he quickly took out two storage bags and handed them to Zhou Chun, "This contains the harvest I have been waiting for for the past two months. Patriarch, please keep it." .”

After Zhou Chun put away the storage bag, Zhou Zhengyong continued: "In addition, last month the team lost a sixth-level Qi Refining monk and seriously injured a seventh-level Qi Refining monk. Now the team has The atmosphere is a little bad, and some people are afraid of their companions dying one after another!"

He said it a bit euphemistically, but Zhou Chun understood what he meant.

Although the Zhou family had already made it clear to them when they first trained these family warriors that they might sacrifice their lives for the Zhou family at any time in the future.

But it's one thing to explain the situation, and another thing entirely when it actually happened.

These dead men of the Zhou family studied and grew up together in the Zhou family, and they also cultivated a tacit understanding of fighting together, and their relationship was very close.

Now seeing his friends who were close to him in the past dying one after another, and not knowing when it will be his turn, Zhou Chun himself has experienced that feeling of hesitation and anxiety.

After all, the monks who participated in the Southern Expedition also encountered this situation.

Therefore, he also attached great importance to what Zhou Zhengyong said. He immediately looked at Xu Fu, the leader of the dead soldiers, and asked, "Xu Fu, do you have anything to say?"

Hearing his words, Xu Fu immediately replied respectfully: "I think these are normal things. Those people just haven't fully adapted to this kind of life and death. After they get used to it, they won't think too much about it." too much!"

"Well, what you said makes sense, but this matter still needs to be taken seriously."

Zhou Chun nodded, then lowered his head and pondered for a while, then he had an idea in his mind.

He looked at Xu Fu and said slowly: "Well, you can tell them that every time they go out and gain something, they can get two days of rest."

"At the same time, you can also tell them that as long as they can persist and make enough contributions to the family, they will have the opportunity to leave here!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun waved his hand and said: "Okay, Xu Fu, please step aside first. I still have something to explain to the Eighth Elder."

"Yes, I am resigning."

After Xu Fu resigned and left, Zhou Chuncai looked at Zhou Zhengyong and asked, "Brother Yong, what do you think of Xu Fu?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyong was obviously stunned for a moment.

Then after pondering for a while, he spoke softly: "Xu Fu is a very good boy. Not only is his fighting ability outstanding, few can match him. The key is that he is also very flexible in mind. Whether it is dealing with people or making plans, he is a good hand and quick at everything." You can keep up with Thirteenth Brother when you were young!"

"Oh, Brother Yong, do you think so highly of him?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with surprise, as if he didn't expect Zhou Zhengyong to answer like this.

When Zhou Zhengyong heard this, he replied with a serious face: "It's not that I think highly of him, but he has indeed done an outstanding job. If he is a member of my Zhou family, I will definitely recommend him to take over your thirteenth brother in the future. class!"

"Yes, it's a pity that he is not from my Zhou family!"

Zhou Chun sighed softly, feeling quite sorry for this in his heart.

To be fair, Zhou Chun is not the kind of person who insists on bloodline theory.

However, the special situation of the Zhou family makes it difficult for monks who are not of the Zhou family's blood to be reused in the Zhou family.

Now Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder of the Zhou family who really makes the final decision, is very concerned about this.

Zhou Chun couldn't accuse Zhou Mingde of being narrow-minded. After all, Zhou Mingde and the Zhou family had indeed suffered great losses in this regard.

Moreover, Zhou Chun couldn't guarantee that he would be accurate in judging people. He couldn't guarantee that Xu Fu would become more successful in the future and would not betray the Zhou family like Yu Jinghua.

"Let's take another look. Brother Yong, please pay more attention to observe him. If there is nothing wrong with him, even if it is to give other family members a hope of struggle, I will find a way to help him build a foundation and succeed!"

Zhou Chun raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and whispered his plan.

"Thirteenth brother, don't worry, I will pay attention."

Zhou Zhengyong nodded and agreed.

So after Zhou Chun went to visit Zhou Daoquan again, he returned to his family with the harvest from Longxing Valley.

A few days after he didn't want to return to his family, another Foundation Establishment Pill was exchanged from Zhou Chun's hand.

The person who exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill this time was Zhou Zhengqing, the "righteous" member of the Zhou family. He was also a monk of the Zhou family who had participated in the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly" before.

He is also the second generation of immortals. His mother is Zhou Jiakui, a monk of the "family" generation of the Zhou family, and his father is a late-stage Qi-refining casual cultivator who married into the Zhou family.

Because he has always performed well, his parents gave up their own practice early in order for him to redeem the Foundation Establishment Pill. They frugally focused all their energy on earning good deeds for the family, and they also lost face everywhere. Raised some good deeds.

Now he finally succeeded and got a Foundation Establishment Pill for him.

And as the Foundation Establishment Pill was replaced, Zhou Chun only had one Foundation Establishment Pill left in his hand.

According to the rules, this Foundation Building Pill is prepared for Zhou Xinyan, a member of the Zhou family with high-grade spiritual root qualifications, and no one can touch it.

This means that even if others gather up 5,000 points of family merit, they will not be able to redeem the Foundation Establishment Pill for the time being.

"It seems that the standard of five thousand points of family good deeds is a bit outdated. Perhaps the amount of good deeds that can be exchanged for Foundation Establishment Pills should be increased in the future!"

"Well, maybe we should not only provide the Foundation Establishment Pill to the tribesmen for redemption. We should give the tribesmen more choices so that they don't have to stick to the Foundation Establishment Pill. In this way, even if they fail, they will not be like Seventh Brother for the rest of their lives. I can’t hold my head up!”

Zhou Chun looked at the last Foundation Establishment Pill in his hand and couldn't help but think deeply.

The second update is here!

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