Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 331 Thunder Lizard Island, Yuan-Building Fruit Tree [Please subscribe]

The benefits of using the Foundation Establishment Pill to build a foundation are, of course, needless to say.

But for the Zhou family monks, the disadvantages of failing to use the Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation are obvious to all.

Not to mention Zhou Jiacheng, who failed at the beginning and has now passed away.

Zhou Zhengtao, who used 5,000 points of family merit to redeem the Foundation Building Pill but failed to build the Foundation, is a living example.

At first, he borrowed money to collect 5,000 points of family merit, but in the end, he failed to build the foundation.

This left him penniless and in debt from two to three thousand points of family good deeds.

Over the years, he has been busy like a top in order to pay off his debts, without much time to rest.

But even if he has worked very hard to pay off the debt, the debt of two to three thousand points of family good deeds cannot be paid off in ten or eight years.

Under normal circumstances, by the time he pays off his debts, he will only have ten or twenty years left in his life.

Even his descendants will have a much lower starting point than the descendants of other tribesmen in the future because they cannot inherit much inheritance from him.

This kind of borrowing money to exchange for Foundation Establishment Pills was originally a green light specially set up by Zhou Chun to help the tribesmen exchange for Foundation Establishment Pills.

But now it seems that if you are unlucky, good things can turn into bad things.

In view of this, with the foundation building pills now exhausted, Zhou Chun felt that it was time to change the original temporary mechanism.

He quickly proposed to convene an elders meeting, and invited the two Supreme Elders and the elders inside the Jiufeng Ridge Mountain Gate to explain the shortage of Foundation Establishment Pills and to propose changes to the exchange requirements for the Foundation Establishment Pills. amount of good deeds.

"The reason why the five thousand points of good deeds were exchanged for the Foundation Establishment Pill was because the family was still at a low point of decline, and it was necessary to use this to stimulate the confidence of the clan members and cheer them up to work towards this goal."

"But now that the family has long gone out of the decline period, the number of monks in both the Purple Mansion Stage and the Foundation Establishment Stage has more than doubled than at that time. The difficulty for clan members to earn good deeds has also been relatively reduced a lot."

"Under this situation, if we continue to insist on the preferential policy of exchanging five thousand points of good deeds for foundation-building pills, and also ensure sufficient supply, the family's finances will sooner or later be emptied like this!"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun plausibly explained why he wanted to change the exchange standards for Foundation Establishment Pills, and then looked at the elders.

In fact, he is not worried that his proposal will not be approved, because any monk with common sense knows that a foundation-building pill worth 5,000 spiritual coins is simply not available in the market.

The Zhou family had previously implemented this preferential policy because several elderly foundation-building elders were about to pass away, and in order to cultivate a sufficient number of foundation-building monks as soon as possible to take their places.

Now that the Zhou family's foundation-building monks have all been replaced by young and middle-aged people, and their number has more than doubled than before, there is no need to continue to maintain this preferential policy.

"Then in your opinion, Patriarch, how many good deeds should the exchange standard for Foundation Establishment Pills be revised to?"

Sure enough, shortly after Zhou Chun finished speaking, Fifth Elder Zhou Jiahe asked about the revised standards first, directly skipping over whether he agreed or disagreed with the revised standards.

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately replied: "In my opinion, the exchange standard for Foundation Establishment Pills should be raised to at least 7,000 points of family merit."

Hearing his answer, before Zhou Jiahe could express his position, Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui frowned and said, "Is seven thousand points of good deeds too much? Generally, you only need seven or eight thousand spiritual coins to purchase a Foundation Establishment Pill!"

"That's true, but Fourth Elder, you also know that if no family comes forward to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill, even if a monk in the Qi Refining Stage has so many spiritual coins, he still has to rely on luck to purchase the Foundation Establishment Pill. You may not be able to take the Foundation Establishment Pill with your life!"

After Zhou Chun said this, he continued: "Furthermore, the purchase price of the few Foundation Establishment Pills purchased by the family recently was not less than 8,000 spirit coins. It is expected that it will be difficult to purchase Foundation Establishment Pills at normal prices in the future. Kidan!”

What he said was true.

In fact, because in the past hundred years, both Yasukuni and Fengguo have suffered successive wars and lost many foundation-building monks, which has led to a rush to buy the foundation-building pill markets in several nearby countries.

Those cultivating families who lost their Foundation Establishment monks did not hesitate to use their financial resources to buy Foundation Establishment Pills to restore their vitality. Some monks who made money during the war did not hesitate to increase the price to buy Foundation Establishment Pills.

This rush of buying has pushed up the price of the Foundation Establishment Pill, and there is no hope that the price will fall in the short term.

However, even if what Zhou Chun said made sense, Zhou Jiarui still couldn't help but look worried and said: "But if it is really adjusted to 7,000 points of good deeds, I'm afraid it will easily make many tribesmen lose confidence!"

"So I plan to prepare some more auxiliary foundation-building spiritual objects in addition to the foundation-building pill. Their exchange price will be half of the foundation-building pill, or even less!"

"In this way, the tribesmen can do what they can according to their own circumstances, without having to risk everything to pursue a foundation-building pill, and avoid the tragic situation of spending the rest of their lives paying off debts if the foundation-building fails!"

Zhou Chun expressed his plan with a solemn expression, having already considered what Zhou Jiarui said.

"If this is the case, there won't be much of a problem. However, if this is the case, the demand and consumption of those auxiliary foundation-building spiritual objects will inevitably be huge. Can the family achieve stable supply?"

When Zhou Jiarui said this, he looked at Zhou Chun with doubt on his face.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun must have made such a plan after having relevant methods.

But he really didn't know where Zhou Chun could find so many auxiliary foundation-building spiritual objects to supply his tribe's consumption.

And just when he was about to listen to Zhou Chun's opinion, Zhou Mingde's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly interrupted and asked: "Zhengchun, are you trying to get rid of the Yuan-building fruit tree?"

"Yuan-building fruit tree? What Yuan-building fruit tree? Where is it?"

Zhou Jiarui kept mumbling to himself with a puzzled face, his eyes couldn't help but scan the faces of Zhou Chun and the two Supreme Elders one by one.

I already knew in my heart that I was afraid that this would be another secret that was not known to me and others.

Facing the gazes of the elders, Zhou Chun also nodded lightly and said: "Yes, this junior really wants to transplant the Yuan-building fruit tree!"

"With the current strength of my Zhou family, if we go all out, we should still have great hope of accomplishing this!"

The Zhou family now has three Zifu-level monks, a third-level low-level green dragon and a third-level mid-level demon beast Vulcan Jackal.

As for the group of thunder lizards guarding the Yuan-Building Fruit Tree, there are two third-order thunder dragon lizards and dozens of second-order thunder lizards.

If the Zhou family went all out, the green dragon and the fire god jackal would be enough to contain the two third-order thunder dragon lizards.

The remaining dozens of second-level thunder lizard beasts, although numerous in number, could not possibly be the opponent of the three Zifu stage monks.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Daoyi immediately said: "Actually, Zhengchun is right. Now, with the current strength of my Zhou family, I am fully capable of transplanting the Yuan-building fruit tree back."

His words were undoubtedly in agreement with Zhou Chun's proposal.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Zhou Mingde nodded and quickly agreed.

Then he personally explained to the other elders who looked confused: "You don't have to worry. The matter about the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree involves a big secret of the family. It is not convenient to disclose this matter to too many people. As long as you know about it, Things will be fine.”

What he said was in vain, but because of his different status, other elders did not dare to say anything even if they were a little guilty, and could only say yes.

After further deliberation, the Elders Council finally unanimously approved the decision to raise the redemption standard for Foundation Establishment Pills to 7,000 points of family merit, and also priced the Yuan-Building Fruit that had not yet been obtained at 3,000 points of family merit.

At the same time, the age limit for redeeming Foundation-Building Pills and Yuan-Building Fruits has also been modified this time. The age of the redeemer of the Foundation-Building Pills must not be higher than 70 years old, and the age of the redeemer of the auxiliary Foundation-Building Spiritual Items such as Yuan-Building Fruits must not be higher than 60 years old. age.

All monks who have redeemed these two spiritual items must only take them by themselves. Violators will be severely punished!

However, these two decisions will not be announced until the Yuan-Building Fruit Tree is obtained, and only elders and above will know about it for the time being.

In order to make the matter of winning the Yuan-Building Fruit Tree go smoothly, the Zhou family decided to use all their main forces this time.

Not only will all three Zifu period monks go to battle, but even Zhou Chun will follow.

The Zhou family's mountain gate asked Zhou Chun to invite Su Yuzhen to help take care of it.

After making these preparations, Zhou Mingde personally led the team. Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun went with him to Longxing Valley, and then met Zhou Daoquan there to go to Longyuanze together.

Because after learning about the Yuan-building Fruit Tree from Lu Ran, they had never been to the site to check it out. Before they officially went deep into Long Yuanze, they went to Lu Ran again and asked him to help lead the way.

Now that the two parties have been cooperating for decades, Lu Ran will naturally not refuse this small request from the Zhou family.

Under his personal leadership, the four members of the Zhou family traveled nearly three thousand miles deep into Longyuan Ze before arriving at the island where the Thunder Lizard herd was located.

This island located deep in Longyuan Ze is very large, shaped like a scallop, nearly two hundred miles long and seventy or eighty miles wide.

The island has dense vegetation and abundant spiritual energy, making it a very good treasure land.

It's a pity that because this treasure land is located deep in Longyuan Ze, it is impossible for it to be occupied and developed by immortal cultivators.

At this time, after bringing the Zhou family and his group to the island, Lu Ran pointed to the island and said to the four members of the Zhou family: "The Yuan-building fruit tree is located next to a pool in the middle of the island, and the Thunder Lizard group is also mainly there. There is a nest nearby, fellow Daoist Zhou, please go there by yourself, Lu will not go there."

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde's eyes suddenly flashed with strange color, and he couldn't help but ask: "Based on Zhou's understanding of Fellow Daoist Lu, Fellow Daoist Lu should not be a person who is afraid of trouble. Why are you not even willing to wait with me to watch the battle now?"

"It's not that Mr. Lu is afraid of trouble, but Mr. Lu is already at his age and doesn't want any more accidents!"

While answering Zhou Mingde's question, Lu Ran continued: "And Lu also said a few words, it is best to stop the fight between several fellow Taoists and the Thunder Dragon Lizard, and do not hurt their lives, otherwise It is very likely to cause an accident!”

"Why is this? Does Fellow Daoist Lu know anything else?"

Zhou Daoyi's eyes narrowed, and he also looked at Lu Ran and asked.

"It's not that Lu knows any inside information, but Lu feels that these thunder dragon lizards and thunder lizards can dominate this island, they must be protected by fourth-level monsters. If death occurs, I'm afraid it will be easy to completely Enraged the fourth-level monster and launched an endless pursuit of several fellow Taoists!"

Lu Ran didn't hide anything and directly expressed his guess.

These words instantly caused the expressions of several members of the Zhou family to change, and their expressions instantly became serious.

"Indeed, what Fellow Daoist Lu said makes sense. It's true that I didn't think carefully about this!"

Zhou Mingde nodded solemnly and admitted on the spot that he had not thought it through well, and then slowly said: "But since you are here, I will definitely not be willing to give it a try!"

When Lu Ran heard this, he also nodded and said: "Lu is somewhat aware of the strength of Zhou Dao friends. As long as we fight quickly and only seize the Yuan-building fruit tree, we should be able to achieve our goal in less than half an hour."

Having said this, he gave another polite blessing and went home directly.

This time he just came to lead the way and didn't care about the rest.

Now that the task of leading the way is completed, he will naturally not stay in such a dangerous area again.

Looking at Lu Ran's leaving figure, the four members of the Zhou family looked at each other, quickly nodded, and rushed towards the depths of the island.

The island seems to be quite large, but in fact it is not that big compared to the flying speed of the Zifu period monks.

The four members of the Zhou family rushed all the way and reached the central area of ​​the island in less than a quarter of an hour, and soon saw the Yuan-building fruit tree that Lu Ran had mentioned.

This spiritual root grows in the crevices of the rocks beside the pool. The tree is about one foot tall, like a loquat tree, and the fruit it produces is like a persimmon, except that the color of the fruit is purple-black.

At this time, there are still more than a dozen spiritual fruits hanging on the fruit trees, all of which appear to be in a mature state.

But just when the eyes of the four Zhou family members fell on the Yuan-building fruit tree, two angry neighings quickly distracted their attention.

In the jungle next to the pool, two blue giant lizards with a body length of more than five feet suddenly rose into the air, looked up at a few people and roared angrily.

Both of these two blue giant lizards have a silver-white horn growing on their heads, with blue electric arcs jumping on them. Judging from their auras, they are both third-level mid-level monsters.

And with the appearance of these two blue giant lizards, a roaring sound soon sounded on the ground.

In the jungle on all sides of the water pool, a thunder lizard beast with a head and body ranging from three to four feet in length was galloping towards the water pool like lightning. While galloping, it made bursts of neighing calls to other members of its race.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mingde immediately ordered in a deep voice: "I and Dao Yi are here to deal with these monsters. Zhengchun, you will assist Dao Quan in transplanting this Yuan-building fruit tree as quickly as possible!"

After saying that, he and Zhou Daoyi released their spiritual pets together.

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