Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 332 The Yuan-Building Fruit Tree is obtained, and the fourth-level monster appears [Please s

The battle with the Thunder Lizard herd turned out to be surprisingly smooth.

When Zhou Daoyi released the green dragon, the two angry thunder dragon lizards and the thunder lizard beasts were immediately frightened.

They live in Longyuan Ze, so they naturally understand who the real owner of this place is, and they have also seen the power of the dragon.

Therefore, facing an opponent like Qingjiao, they were timid before fighting and couldn't let go at all.

The attacks from the two Purple Mansion monks, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, also made it difficult for those second-level thunder lizard beasts to bear.

Although as the battle continued, the two thunder dragon lizards gradually began to overcome their fear of the green dragon, but it was still difficult for them to cause actual harm to Zhou Mingde and the other two.

On the other side, Zhou Daoquan personally took charge of transplanting the Yuanguo tree, while Zhou Chun released the silver lightning python Baibai and the golden armored rock turtle to guard the outside.

Some second-level thunder lizard beasts wanted to come and stop them, but they were taught a lesson by Zhou Chun and his spiritual pets.

I saw a pale golden insect cloud and a fiery red insect cloud floating in the sky. For a while, the pale golden insect cloud surged towards the approaching thunder lizard beast like a tide, and for a while, dense flying needles emerged from the fiery red insect cloud. It shoots out and turns the approaching Thunder Lizard into a hedgehog.

With these spiritual pets and demonic insects, Zhou Chun alone was able to withstand the attack of five or six second-level thunder lizard beasts.

The number of second-level thunder lizards in the entire group of thunder lizards is only between thirty and forty.


Suddenly, a thunderous roar caught Zhou Chun's attention.

He looked distractedly and saw a thunder dragon lizard standing upright, with blue and white lightning dancing around its horn, and suddenly a thick blue and white lightning burst out and struck the Vulcan Jackal.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and the Vulcan Jackal, wearing a flame armor, was immediately hit. He let out a miserable howl and fell to the ground.

After the Thunder Dragon Lizard succeeded with one move, even though it had gained the upper hand, it slammed into the Vulcan Jackal with its horn on the ground, which was torn apart and unable to move.

"How dare you, evil beast!"

Zhou Mingde yelled angrily, and immediately raised his hand and pointed. A red-gold shield magical weapon that was originally flying around him to protect him quickly flew in front of the Vulcan Jackal, blooming with rich golden light to block the thunderous dragon lizard's violent collision.

Then with a thought in his mind, the commonly used red flying sword weapon flew down towards the tail of the thunder dragon lizard.

That's not all. In order to save his spiritual pet, he used a crimson flag flag magic weapon. When the magic power was activated, a flaming fire wolf with two wings jumped out and rushed towards the thunderbolt. Dragon lizard.

Under his vigorous attack, the Thunder Dragon Lizard could only withdraw and defend, taking care of its own safety first.

After a while, the Vulcan Jackal also recovered from his paralysis, roared and continued to join the battle.

On the other hand, under the attack of the green dragon, the thunder dragon lizard seemed to have a much harder time.

Not only is the green dragon much faster than the Vulcan Jackal, its dragon scale defense is also far superior to that of the Vulcan Jackal, and it is also very resistant to lightning spells.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard's attack fell on it, and it was difficult to cause serious damage to it, and it never gained any advantage in physical confrontation.

Zhou Daoyi hardly needs to intervene in the battle between the two, he only needs to focus on dealing with those second-level thunder lizard beasts.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly. Under Zhou Daoquan's digging, most of the roots of the Zhuyuan fruit tree buried deep in the ground had been dug out, and they could be uprooted before his eyes.

At this time, the two thunder dragon lizards seemed to understand the intentions of the intruders in front of them.

Then the Thunder Dragon Lizard, which was fighting fiercely with the Vulcan Jackal, let out an angry hiss on the spot.

Immediately, the second-level thunder lizard beasts that were still besieging Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi gave up their attack on them, and instead pounced towards Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Chun who were digging trees.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Daoyi's expression changed, and he immediately ordered to his spiritual pet: "Qingqing, go suppress these beasts!"

As soon as he shouted, he flicked his sleeve and shot a flaming spear at the thunder dragon lizard like a fireball.

Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he wanted to hold off the Thunder Dragon Lizard for a while and let the Green Dragon clean and suppress the Thunder Lizard beasts.

And Qingjiao really lived up to his expectations.

I saw the blue dragon swung its tail, and its figure instantly turned into a blue light and appeared in the sky near Zhou Chun.

Then it glanced at the thunder lizard beasts with cold eyes, opened its mouth, and blurted out a dazzling blue-white aura, turning into a blue-white storm and sweeping towards the earth.

As this powerful storm swept down, more than a dozen second-order thunder lizard beasts were blown away without any resistance at all. Countless small wounds appeared on their bodies, as if they were cut into pieces by a thousand knives. Blood.

This scene frightened the other thunder lizard beasts to stop, and they did not dare to take a step forward.

For these beasts, the Thunder Dragon Lizard's orders must be obeyed, but the fear of the dragon is engraved in their bones.

The cold gaze of the green dragon was enough to destroy their will to fight.

After the two thunder dragon lizards saw this, they no longer forced these tribesmen to die. They just moved closer to this side in person to prevent the enemy from taking away the tribe's sacred tree.

"Damn it! If I hadn't been worried that Fellow Daoist Lu's words would come true, I would have skinned and cramped you two beasts today!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes flashed with anger, and he was very dissatisfied with the two thunder dragon lizards' reckless behavior.

If he hadn't been worried about completely irritating the fourth-level monsters behind the two thunder dragon lizards, he and Zhou Daoyi would have killed them long ago. How could they have given them a chance to jump around like this.

But at this time, the transplantation of the Zhuyuanguo tree was about to be successful, and he did not want to cause unnecessary problems.

At the moment, he could only suppress the anger in his heart and use all his strength to intercept the advance of the Thunder Dragon Lizard.

After another half-quarter of an hour of delay, Zhou Daoquan finally uprooted the Zhuyuan fruit tree and put it into a large jade vat containing spiritual spring water.

This jade jar was specially made for this trip, and the spiritual spring water contained in it was also purchased from Fangshi. It is said to have a strong nourishing effect on the transplanted spiritual plants and can reduce the loss of vitality during the transplanting process.

At this time, as soon as the Zhuyuan fruit tree was installed, Zhou Daoquan said in a deep voice: "Okay, the Zhuyuan fruit tree has been transplanted. Daoyi, you take Zhengchun away first, and my uncle and I will come and take care of the rear!"

As he said this, he asked Zhou Chun to hold the jade jar to prevent it from falling, while he already used his magic weapon to kill the thunder dragon lizard that Zhou Daoyi was dealing with.

This was also a plan that was discussed in advance. The fastest Qingjiao took Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun and Zhuyuan Guoshu away first, and then Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoquan were responsible for breaking up the rear and choosing an opportunity to retreat.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens, they won't be caught in one fell swoop.

Therefore, seeing Zhou Daoquan rushing up to replace him, Zhou Daoyi did not hesitate and immediately told him: "Brothers from the Daoquan clan, be more careful."

Then with a thought in his mind, the green dragon opened his mouth and spit out a blue-white light beam at the thunder dragon lizard.

This blow immediately sent the Thunder Dragon Lizard flying away, causing extensive flesh injuries on its body, causing it to roar in pain.

But at this moment, Qingjiao swung its dragon tail, appeared next to Zhou Chun with Zhou Daoyi, and fixed the jade jar held by Zhou Chun on his back.

Then Zhou Chun also collected his spiritual pets and demonic insects, and together with Zhou Daoyi, they quickly fled away from the island on a dragon.

After the two of them left with the Yuan-building Fruit Tree, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoquan who stayed behind were frantically attacked by two Thunder Dragon Lizards.

Because of the powerful power and speed of the lightning spell, even if Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoquan wanted to escape and retreat, they could not escape successfully from the two thunder dragon lizards.

Being forced like this, Zhou Daoquan was first forced to use his killing move.

But after Zhou Daoquan sacrificed the talisman that the Zhou family had exchanged from Yu Jinghua, he commanded a green spear to fly towards the thunder dragon lizard.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard didn't realize how powerful the talisman was. It just thought it was another magic weapon. It just spit out a blue-white split lightning and bombarded the green shadow, trying to intercept it.

But it soon tasted the consequences!

The green spear shadow flashed, and the falling lightning was directly shattered and torn apart.

The spin left a long white mark in the air and pierced the Thunder Dragon Lizard's body.

The spear penetrated the Thunder Dragon Lizard's left rib and passed out of its right rib, directly tearing a blood hole as big as a human head in its body. Both internal organs, bones and flesh and blood were all destroyed by the power of the storm. torn into powder.

Such a severe injury caused the Thunder Dragon Lizard to fall to the ground and roll around in pain on the spot.

But at this time, Zhou Daoquan gave up the tempting idea of ​​killing the Thunder Dragon Lizard, directly retracted the cyan spear, quickly jumped into the air and flew away towards the outside of the island.

On the other side, the Thunder Dragon Lizard, who was fighting with Zhou Mingde's master and servant, was shocked and angry when he saw his companion was seriously injured. He hurriedly abandoned the Vulcan Jackal and rushed to protect his companion.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde quickly put away the already injured Vulcan Jackal, and then quickly retreated into the air.

At this moment, the lightning dragon lizard that was guarding its companions suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a piece of silver scales, and then the electric light flashed from the horn on its head, and a blue-white lightning instantly bombarded the silver scales, shattering it into pieces. Countless pieces.

This scene happened to be seen by Zhou Mingde, who had not completely left the island, and his eyes suddenly changed, knowing that what he was worried about had finally become a reality!

Immediately, he hurriedly took out a communication firework from his storage bag and fired it out, telling Zhou Daoquan what he had discovered.

Then he quickly made seals with his hands, and a ball of red fire suddenly emerged from the soles of his feet. Then his whole body was wrapped in the red fire, and he accelerated and flew away like a flaming meteor.

This is an escape technique that he has practiced hard for many years, called "Flowing Fire Flying Star Escape", which can more than double his own escape speed.

However, after this secret technique is used, it will cause a lot of damage to the body's vitality and consume a lot of mana. It is not suitable for daily travel and can only be used for emergency escape under life and death danger.

Speaking of which, this escape technique also has requirements for practitioners. They must be cultivators who practice fire techniques, and even spiritual root attributes with fire attributes are not acceptable.

So after Zhou Daoquan on the other side saw the communication fireworks, he was practicing the earth movement technique. At this time, he could only grit his teeth and force out a ball of natal blood essence, and performed another secret escape technique "Blood Shadow Escape".

This secret technique of "Blood Shadow Escape" was obtained from Han Yuan before, and Zhou Daoquan had not been practicing it for a long time.

The main reason is that every time this technique is performed, the immortal essence and blood of the cultivator must be used, and ordinary people cannot practice it frequently.

The advantage of this technique is that there are no restrictions on the attributes of the technique. Anyone who is a monk in the Zifu stage can practice and perform this escape technique.

At this time, Zhou Daoquan performed his escape technique, and his figure instantly turned into a streak of blood and flashed through the sky, even faster than Zhou Mingde.

Less than a quarter of an hour after Zhou Mingde left, a silver lightning suddenly fell from the sky above the waters of Thunder Lizard Island and landed on the island.

I saw that it was a silver dragon!

It is nearly thirty feet long, with silver dragon scales all over its body. Silver lightning bolts sprout from the dragon horns above its head and circulate throughout its body, causing the air around it to be densely filled with electric current. No mosquitoes or birds can enter it. Within three feet.

There is no doubt that this is a fourth-level dragon, or a thunder dragon known for its powerful combat power.

After it appeared above Thunder Lizard Island, the two Thunder Dragon Lizards and the Thunder Lizard beasts all knelt on the ground in awe, not daring to look up at it.

But it just glanced at the messy scene on the island, and after seeing the big hole where the Yuan-building fruit tree used to be, it already understood what happened.

But what makes it puzzling is that there is still the breath of the dragon at the scene, it seems to be a green dragon.

This combination of human monks and dragons made him think of a certain human monk organization on the shore of Longyuan Ze.

But didn’t His Majesty the Dragon King already have an order strictly prohibiting those human monks from breaking into Longyuan Ze?

Even if those human monks were brave enough to secretly disobey His Majesty the Dragon King's orders, what happened to that green dragon?

Isn't it afraid that its tendons will be cramped and its keel bones will be torn apart?

Lei Jiao was very puzzled.

But it will definitely not let go of anyone who dares to harm the descendants of its tribe.

Yes, this thunder dragon also came out of Thunder Lizard Island. It was once a thunder dragon lizard.

Precisely because it evolved from a thunder dragon lizard into a thunder dragon, with its protection, this thunder lizard island can always be firmly occupied by the thunder lizard herd.

Many of the thunder dragon lizards and thunder lizards on the island are its descendants.

At this time, after lightly sniffing the scent remaining in the air, it immediately jumped into the air and quickly followed the scent all the way up.

Looking at the direction it is going, it is exactly the route the green dragon took.

Obviously, in Lei Jiao's heart, only the target of Qing Jiao is worthy of its personal pursuit.

And with the speed of its fourth-level thunder dragon, even though the green dragon had already left for more than two quarters of an hour, it could not escape its pursuit.

Today’s first update, I don’t know if I can write the second update!

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