Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 333 Missing, Cold Cave【

But it was said that after Qingjiao left Thunder Lizard Island with Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun, under Zhou Daoyi's guidance, they flew back to the mainland along the route they took when they came.

However, they had only flown less than 500 miles when they discovered Zhou Mingde, who was catching up with him using "Flowing Fire Flying Star Escape".

After learning from Zhou Mingde that there might be a fourth-order monster chasing after them, the group discussed briefly and asked Zhou Chunlai, the weakest person in cultivation, to escort the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree back to the mainland.

Of course, in order to protect Zhou Chun's safety and prevent accidents, Zhou Mingde gave the Vulcan Jackal to him to carry with him.

Then Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Mingde split up and fled towards the mainland along different routes.

In this way, the risk is spread again.

If a fourth-level monster really catches up, it most likely won't chase a second-level human monk.

But Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi had to gamble on their luck.

If a fourth-level monster catches up, one of them will definitely be targeted.

And whether they can get rid of each other's tracking, luck will be very important.

Zhou Chun could only pray in his heart for the two elders of the clan at this time.

After he separated from the two elders, he rode a golden-winged tiger to escort Zhuyuan Fruit Tree back along the route he came from.

They had already walked this route when they came, and encountered no dangers worth noting along the way.

At this time, it had only been half an hour since Lu Ran returned along this route. If Zhou Chun continued walking, the risk would definitely not be too great.

This is also true. Zhou Chun returned all the way along this route. Although he also encountered some attacks from first- and second-level monsters that were not long-sighted, he dismissed them all easily.

Until he successfully reached the land beside Longyuan Ze, he did not encounter any danger worth mentioning.

As soon as he came back, Lu Ran showed up to see him soon.

"It seems that you, Fellow Daoist Zhou, have succeeded. I wonder why the other three Fellow Daoists did not return with Fellow Daoist Zhou?"

At the edge of the water, after Lu Ran appeared, he just glanced at the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree supported by the Golden Winged Tiger on his back, and then looked at Zhou Chun with strange eyes to inquire about the situation of Zhou Mingde and the others.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment and then said truthfully: "Just like what Senior Lu reminded us, those thunder lizard beasts are indeed protected by fourth-level monsters. The three Supreme Elders discovered the thunder dragon lizard. After asking for help, we decided to divide our troops into four groups to return to the shore. The juniors happened to be on the same road that Senior Lu had taken, so they would be one step ahead."

Although he was worried about the three elders, he did not believe that all three elders would die in Longyuan Ze.

So he wasn't afraid that Lu Ran would dare to try anything against him.

If the words are really flashy and try to cover up, it may have the opposite effect.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Lu Ran nodded thoughtfully and said, "Is that so? Then I'll wait here for the other three fellow Taoists!"

"Senior Lu is willing to accompany us, so it would be great."

Zhou Chun agreed without hesitation.

Then the two of them waited patiently on the shore.

After waiting like this for almost an hour, the two of them waited until Zhou Mingde returned.

"Sir, you are finally back!"

Seeing Zhou Mingde appear, Zhou Chun was relieved and hurriedly stepped forward to ask about the situation.

At this time, Zhou Mingde's complexion was sallow and dry, and he looked like his vitality was severely damaged.

Facing Zhou Chun's concerned inquiry, he waved his hand and said, "I'm fine. It's just that the escape technique caused some serious damage to the body's vitality. I'll be able to recover after going back to rest for a month or two."

After speaking, his eyes met with Lu Ran's, and he nodded slightly and said hello, then looked at Zhou Chun and said, "What? Dao Yi and Dao Quan haven't come back yet?"

"Yes, so far, this junior has only seen you return!"

Zhou Chun nodded with a worried look on his face.

"That may be the direction I chose. Let's get there first!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes flashed and he spoke softly, as if he was not worried about what would happen to Zhou Daoyi and the two of them.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree that was placed on the ground, and suddenly said again: "There is no way to keep this Zhuyuan Fruit Tree here forever. We have to transplant it back to the family as soon as possible. Masahiro you Let’s take it back to plant it first, I’ll just wait here for Dao Yi and the others.”


Zhou Chun hesitated slightly and looked at Zhou Mingde's face.

But all he could see was the determination in the other person's eyes.

So I could only swallow my humble words, nodded slightly and said: "Junior understands, then I will take the first step."

After saying goodbye, he said goodbye to Lu Ran beside him, and then released the golden-winged tiger again, and continued to make it carry the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree all the way to the underground sewer exit.

After Zhou Chun left for a while, Lu Ran suddenly looked at Zhou Mingde and said, "Does Fellow Daoist Zhou not have the life soul cards of the other two fellow Daoists in his hand?"

The Life Soul Card in his mouth is a special treasure that can contain a ray of soul separated from the monks in the Zifu period.

If this Zifu period monk dies unexpectedly, the life soul tablet will be broken, letting people know that he has an accident.

Generally, those Zifu period monks from large sects keep such life soul tablets in their sects so that the sects can keep abreast of their life and death status.

The Zhou family used to have life soul tablets, just like Zhou Mingde himself had one.

When he leaves the family, the life soul tablet will be placed in the Zhou family's ancestral temple. The patriarch of the Zhou family will stop by every day to check whether the life soul tablet is normal.

However, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan, who later successfully opened the Zifu, did not have the Life Soul Card.

At this time, facing Lu Ran's inquiry, Zhou Mingde immediately said: "The refining of the Life Soul Tablet requires the use of precious spiritual trees such as soul-nourishing wood. Although my Zhou family has little savings now, we have never had the chance to meet such people. Spiritual things.”

"What's more, Zhou also believes that Dao Yi and Dao Quan are both good people and have their own fate, so there is no need to worry about their safety!"

After hearing his answer, Lu Ran stopped talking.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun protected the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree and entered the underground river outlet, he transferred to the Silver Lightning Python and went upstream in vain, returning to Lanzhou in nearly two days.

After that, he put on the golden-winged tiger and transported the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree back to Zhoujiajiu Fengling without any problems.

And precious spiritual roots like the Zhuyuan Fruit Tree should naturally be planted in the safest and most spiritual place of the Zhou family.

Therefore, after returning to the family mountain gate, Zhou Chun went straight to Pagoda Peak.

He arrived near the top of the mountain, in front of Zhou Mingde's cave.

Then he moved the jade vat containing the Zhuyuan fruit tree across a pit, pulled out the fruit tree and put it into the pit, and quickly filled it with soil.

After doing this, he looked at Zhou Jiahe who had already rushed over and said, "Thirteenth Aunt, the rest is up to you."

"Clan leader, don't worry, I will do my best to take good care of this spiritual root!"

Zhou Jiahe nodded solemnly, then stepped forward to cast a spell, gathering spiritual energy to drop rain and nourish the Yuan-Building Fruit Tree.

Zhou Chun stayed at the top of the mountain for a while. After observing, he saw that there was no big problem, so he went back to his residence to rest.

After Zhou Chun meditated and rested for several hours, he still had no news of the return of Zhou Mingde and others after he came out.

This made him feel heavy.

He hoped that Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan were just lost. Otherwise, the loss of either of them would be a huge loss that is difficult to accept for the Zhou family.

And from an emotional point of view, Zhou Chun didn't want these two elders who cared about him the most to be in any danger.

Time passed day by day, and Zhou Chun would feel tortured and unable to sleep every day.

Even though Taoist companion Su Yuzhen had been comforting him, he couldn't feel at ease.

After waiting like this for five days, he finally waited until Zhou Mingde returned.

Yes, Zhou Mingde came back alone, but Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan were nowhere to be seen.

This result made Zhou Chun's face instantly look ugly.

Looking at his face, Zhou Mingde knew what he was feeling at the moment, so he immediately took the initiative to explain: "After Zhengchun left, I waited for half a day for Dao Quan to return, but then I waited with Dao Quan together. I've been here for three days and haven't been able to wait for Dao Yi to return!"

"Although it is not clear why Dao Yi was late and did not return for so long, I and Dao Quan both felt that there was no need to wait there any longer, so they asked fellow Taoist Lu Ran to arrange for someone to wait there for him. I and Dao Quan Then come back first!"

At the end of his words, Zhou Mingde's voice became much heavier.

There is no doubt that among the three monks of the Zhou family in the Purple Palace period, Zhou Daoyi is definitely the most important one.

But now there is no news about him.

This made both Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun feel very heavy.

But things have come to this, no matter how worried they are, they can only accept the reality.

So after Zhou Chun was silent for a long time, he nodded to Zhou Mingde and said: "Junior understands, you have worked hard too, Supreme Elder. Go back to the cave to rest first!"

"Don't worry too much. Dao Yi also has some life-saving things in his hands. It won't happen so easily. Maybe he was just delayed by something!"

Zhou Mingde comforted Zhou Chun again before returning to the cave to recuperate.

In the next two or three months, Zhou Chun went to Longxing Valley several times in person.

However, no news about Zhou Daoyi was obtained.

This made him even more worried about this elder.

Because he was worried about this matter in his heart, Zhou Chun could not be happy even if the two Qi-refining monks from the Zhou family who had obtained the Foundation-Building Pill successively successfully built the Foundation and came out of seclusion.

At this time, the news of Zhou Daoyi's disappearance could no longer be concealed, and almost all the elders of Zhou's family knew about it.

This also made the elders of the Zhou family, who were originally full of joy because of the addition of an Yuan-building fruit tree and two more Foundation-building monks in their family, lose their smiles.

Since the Zhou family took root in Jiufeng Ridge, although many members of the clan have died accidentally in wars and adventures, no one who has cultivated at the foundation level or above has died unexpectedly.

Not to mention the Zifu period monks!

Now thinking that Zhou Daoyi, the most important Zifu period monk of the Zhou family, might have had an accident, everyone who knew about it became very heavy.

Even Zhou Zhengqing and Zhou Zhengbai, the two new foundation-building monks, no longer had smiles on their faces.

Only those monks in the Qi Refining Stage of the Zhou family who were unaware were overjoyed because the family had a new auxiliary foundation-building spiritual object that they could redeem.

At that time, there were fourteen Yuan-Building Fruits hanging on the fruit trees. Zhou Chun took out four of them at once and put them into the family treasury for the clan members to redeem.

The rest were all sealed and stored in jade boxes, ready to be slowly released for exchange later.

After all, it takes hundreds of years for a Zhuyuan fruit tree to bloom and bear fruit once.

If all those Yuan-Building Fruits were released now, not only would there not be that many tribesmen who could redeem them all, but even if they were all redeemed, there would be no way to replenish them in the future.

On this day, Zhou Chun, who was worried about Zhou Daoyi's safety, rushed to Longxing Valley in advance again.

He knew in his heart that if Zhou Daoyi returned to the wilderness and didn't find them, he would definitely go to Longxing Valley first.

However, what disappointed him was that after arriving at Longxing Valley this time, he still didn't get any news about Zhou Daoyi.

But just when he was extremely disappointed and prepared to hand over the things and go back, Zhou Zhengyong told him something.

"Xu Fu and the others discovered a natural cave in a mountain range the day before yesterday. It was extremely cold inside, and there were roars of strange beasts. The spiritual pet they sent to explore the path soon died inside, so they did not dare to act rashly again. .”

"Originally, I was planning to go there to find out what happened in person today, but since you, Thirteenth Brother, are here, I think it would be safer for you to go with me."

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, then I will follow Brother Yong to explore the cave."

After saying that, he and Zhou Zhengyong went to the natural cave together with Xu Fu who was leading the way.

The three of them set off from Longxing Valley and flew for more than a thousand miles before arriving at a lofty mountain.

The fog in this mountain range is extremely heavy, and many places are filled with mist, making it difficult to see.

There are many kinds of monsters in the mountains, including many second-level monsters.

The natural cave that Xu Fu and the others discovered was actually still in the outer area of ​​the mountain range.

Otherwise, with the strength of their team, they would not be able to penetrate deep into the center of the mountain range.

At this time, under Xu Fu's guidance, Zhou Chun quickly landed at the bottom of a broken valley, and then with a sweep of his consciousness, he discovered the natural cave he mentioned.

Deep in the valley, a gap was opened deep into the mountain. Wisps of frosty white air continued to float out from the gap. As a result, many ice crystals condensed on the stone walls of the nearby valley.

Zhou Chun tried to release his spiritual consciousness to explore deep into the crack, but he was surprised to find that after his spiritual consciousness sank about a hundred feet into it, he was blocked by a strange force and could not go any further.

"This is a bit strange. Could it be that there are formations arranged by the cultivators inside?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with surprise, then he thought for a moment, then reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing a "Black Armor and Golden Feather" monster insect.

Then he used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to attach a ray of distraction to the demonic insect, causing the demonic insect to fly into the cracks in the mountain.

First update

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