Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 334 Ice cave, weird roar, man in the ice [Please subscribe]

Compared with the detection of spiritual consciousness, the demonic insect possessed by the "Insect Puppet Technique" is like Zhou Chun's eyes. In some cases, it can play a role that cannot be compared with spiritual consciousness.

Just like now, when Zhou Chunyu flew the "Black Armor Golden Feather" into the crack of the mountain, the demonic insect quickly flew to the place where his consciousness was blocked.

Contrary to what he thought, there was not any formation barrier there, but it was filled with white cold mist.

The thing that seems to be hindering the advancement of his consciousness is the cold mist.

But how could ordinary cold fog hinder the detection of spiritual consciousness?

Zhou Chun thought about this, and immediately used the "Black Armor Golden Feather" to crash into the cold fog area.

But what surprised him was that the "Black Armor Golden Feather", which was extremely resistant to both high and low temperatures, immediately began to stiffen as soon as it entered the cold fog area. It froze into a ball of ice and fell directly to the ground.

Although the "Black Armor Golden Feather" itself was not completely dead yet, Zhou Chun knew that it was only a matter of time, so he did not persist any longer and quickly withdrew his distraction.

After he withdrew the distraction attached to the monster insect, he looked at Zhou Zhengyong with a solemn expression and said: "There is something strange in this cave. There is an extremely cold mist densely covered in it. Even my black armor and golden feathers can't grow in it." live."

After that, he continued: "Let's do this. Brother Yong, you and Xu Fu will protect me outside first, and then I will go in and investigate in person. If I can't hold on in the mist, I will ask the Supreme Elder to come over." It’s good to take a walk!”

"Okay, thirteenth brother, you should be more careful yourself."

Zhou Zhengyong nodded and did not argue with Zhou Chun about the matter.

He knew the strength gap between himself and Zhou Chun. If Zhou Chun couldn't find anything in it, he wouldn't be able to.

After explaining to Zhou Zhengyong and Zhou Zhengyong in this way, Zhou Chun called out the silver lightning python in vain, and one person and one python slowly walked into the crack in front.

This crack in the mountain is more than ten feet high, but only about one foot wide. In such a narrow place, the golden-armored rock turtle cannot move at all, and even the golden-winged tiger can barely move.

Only the Silver Lightning Python Bai Bai can move normally in it.

As Zhou Chun walked, he also blessed himself with several layers of protection, appearing very cautious.

I don't know if it was caused by the entry of their bodies and some noises.

Just when they were about fifty or sixty feet deep into the cracks in the mountain, Zhou Chun's consciousness suddenly captured many mana fluctuations.

From the cold mist deep in the cracks in the mountain, blue-black bats with a wingspan of several feet suddenly surged out, and soon appeared in Zhou Chun's sight.

Whoosh whoosh!

When Zhou Chun saw those blue-black bats, blue-white ice pick arrows were already shooting towards him and the silver lightning python.

Without having time to think about it, Zhou Chun immediately activated the [Xuanling Golden Bell] to cover himself inside.

Baibai, the silver lightning python in front of him, quickly moved forward against the mountain wall and rushed out of the ice pick's attack range.

But seeing the golden bell fall to the ground, the golden light shines brightly, and the ice picks fall on the golden light, smashing themselves into pieces.

However, the cold air formed after these ice cones were crushed condensed into a ball, and Zhou Chun and his body were soon frozen in a large piece of ice.

Seeing this, the bat monsters that issued the ice picks thought they had the upper hand, and quickly changed their targets and launched an attack in vain towards the silver lightning python that had escaped unscathed.

But their attacks are much slower than those of the Silver Lightning Python.

At that time, as soon as the silver lightning python dodged the attack of the ice cone, it quickly roared and released a chain of lightning techniques to fight back against the bat monsters.

Silver-white lightning was seen jumping and flashing in the air. After hitting a bat monster, it would bounce to other nearby bat monsters.

And because of the humid environment inside the cracks in the mountain, electric current is very easy to conduct and spread in the air. Many bat monsters that were not struck by lightning were paralyzed in the lower half of their bodies by the flowing electric current, making it difficult to move.

And the bat monster that can fight back can hardly cause any actual harm to the silver lightning python.

So without Zhou Chun taking action, nearly half of those bat monsters were killed by the silver lightning python in vain, and the rest were so frightened that they fled back to the cold fog area.

At this time, Zhou Chuncai shattered the ice that had frozen him and walked out.

"Well done, you have made another meritorious service in vain."

After he came out, he immediately praised his pet, picked up the corpse of a bat monster on the ground and threw it to his pet to eat.

Then he looked at the other burnt corpses of bat monsters on the ground, with a look of contemplation.

What is certain is that he does not know this kind of bat monster, and there is no information about this kind of monster in the Zhou family's monster illustrated book.

However, it really surprised him that these bat monsters could live in that kind of cold fog area.

You know, even the "Black Armor Golden Feather" can't last long in there!

And these bat monsters seem to be just first-order monsters, and none of them have reached the second level.

But now was not the time to study these things. After Zhou Chun became curious, he continued walking deeper into the cave with Bai Bai, the silver lightning python.

Soon they arrived outside the cold fog area.

Coming into close contact with the cold fog area, Zhou Chun had to use his magic power to resist the bone-chilling chill.

And Bai Bai, the silver lightning python beside him, was even more miserable.

Snakes are inherently afraid of the cold. Even though Bai Bai is a second-level monster with a cold tolerance far beyond that of ordinary snakes, he still feels extremely uncomfortable when facing the extremely cold temperatures here.

If Zhou Chun hadn't brought it in, it definitely wouldn't have wanted to get anywhere near this place.

"Well, Bai Baiqi, please go back first. If there is any danger, I will call you out."

Zhou Chun glanced at his pet, which was so cold that it kept twisting its snake body, and immediately put it into the spirit animal bag with great consideration.

Then he called out the Golden Winged Tiger.

The narrow terrain inside the cave made it possible for the Golden Winged Tiger's wings to contract and not expand at all.

But its resistance to cold is undoubtedly much stronger than that of the Silver Lightning Python Baibai and the Golden Armored Rock Turtle.

Its thick fur allows it to adapt to the environment quickly after coming out.

After Zhou Chun waited for it to adapt, he flew directly onto its back and rode it into the cold fog area.

cold! Biting cold!

As soon as he entered the cold fog area, Zhou Chun felt the biting cold even with the magic protection.

The golden-winged tiger at his feet couldn't help but sneeze, and his body glowed slightly with golden light, and he began to use his magic power to resist the cold.

Zhou Chun tried to release his spiritual consciousness, but after it was released, it was suppressed by a strange force, as if his eyes were covered with a piece of gauze. Although he could still see some blurry outlines, it had no significant effect at all. use.

He had no choice but to take out a few talismans from his storage bag and put them in his sleeves, just in case something unexpected happened.

At the same time, he also warned his beloved pet: "Xiao Jin, you should be careful yourself and protect yourself in advance. Don't worry too much about me."

After admonishing his pet in this way, he signaled his pet to move on.

But not far forward, a flapping sound reached Zhou Chun's ears. He immediately realized something and hurriedly activated the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang" to lay a wall of golden light in front of him.

Almost as soon as the golden light barrier was laid, ice cones fell on it, and then a bat monster rushed out of the cold mist, biting the golden light barrier with its teeth and claws.

The number of bat monsters that appeared this time was much greater than before. Zhou Chun felt that there might be hundreds of them.

He didn't want to tangle with these beasts anymore, so he immediately ordered the golden-winged tiger at his feet to launch a counterattack.

I saw the golden-winged tiger open its mouth wide, and a golden and green wind swept up, including dozens of bat monsters.

Being blown by this chilling wind, those bat monsters screamed one by one, with blood splashing all over their bodies, and they fell to the ground one after another.

It's just that the cold fog inside the cave is really weird, and even the chilling wind can't blow it away.

Such a blow destroyed the enemy's rear, and the Golden Winged Tiger proudly moved Zhou Chun deeper.

But this time, it had just walked less than ten feet away when a strange roar sounded from the depths of the cave!

The sound sounded like a croaking sound, but also like a cow roaring. It was extremely weird and indescribable.

But it contained extraordinary power. After Zhou Chun heard the sound, his body shook slightly and his consciousness fell into a trance for a moment.

And the golden-winged tiger under his feet was even more unbearable.

After hearing the roar, the big cat fell to the ground, trembling all over.

"What's going on? Xiaojin, why are you so afraid of that roar?"

Zhou Chun frowned and looked at the big cat at his feet, not understanding why it reacted like this.

You must know that with the level of the mutated golden-winged tiger, even the dragon power of the third-level green dragon will not make it like this.

Could it be that the owner of that roar is a fourth-level monster?

"I don't know the reason, but it's the instinctive fear in my blood that forces me to do this!"

Golden Winged Tiger answered Zhou Chun's question in his heart, his limbs were still trembling, and it seemed that he couldn't stand up for the time being.

This situation made Zhou Chun even more shocked and suspicious.

The bloodline of monsters is the source of power of monsters. Generally speaking, there are only three situations that can make monsters feel fear from their bloodline instinct.

One is to encounter a natural enemy monster that is far more powerful than itself.

Just like the silver lightning python Baibai, an intermediate monster, met the natural enemy monsters such as the golden-winged thunder eagle, a high-level monster.

Another situation is encountering a powerful monster of the same race.

Just like the silver lightning python met the fourth level thunder dragon in vain.

The third situation is the pressure of the demon king.

The so-called Demon King is the honorific title for the fifth-level demon beast.

They are the kings among demon beasts. Their unique demon king pressure has a great deterrent effect on any demon beast that is not the demon king level, and can directly make all demons fear and surrender.

As for the mutated golden-winged tiger, the tiger clan is the king of beasts. It can be called the natural enemy of its clan. The number of monsters can be counted on one hand. Zhou Chun has never heard of any kind that would inhabit this place. Inside a cold environment.

Similarly, although the roar just now was weird, it had nothing to do with the roar of a tiger, and it was unlikely to be made by a powerful tiger monster.

But the third scenario is undoubtedly more exaggerated.

How could a fifth-level demon king appear in such a place!

"Since you can't move now, go back to the spirit beast bag first. I'll do it myself!"

Zhou Chun suppressed the doubts in his heart and made a decision quickly.

After he put the golden-winged tiger into the spirit beast bag, he stepped forward on his own.

It's also strange that after the weird roar sounded once, it didn't sound again.

But as we went deeper into the cave, the chill became more intense.

Zhou Chun looked at the ground and saw that there was no ice on the ground.

This is another weird situation.

The temperature in the place where he was at this moment had definitely dropped to more than 100 degrees below zero as in his previous life, maybe even as low as 200 degrees below zero.

Under such an environment, it stands to reason that all water vapor should condense into ice.

For this, Zhou Chun could only blame it on the difference in the world. In a world of immortals, everything is possible!

Regardless of whether he was affected by the weird roar, Zhou Chun never encountered another attack from that kind of bat monster during his advance.

He silently calculated the distance he had traveled in his mind. When he was almost a thousand feet deep into the cave, the cold fog in front of him disappeared.

What he saw in front of him at this time was an ice passage. The mountain crevice was covered by blue ice on all sides. There was only a passage less than a foot high and less than five feet wide for moving forward.

The irregular shape also shows that everything is naturally formed.

Zhou Chun tried to use his spiritual consciousness to detect the situation inside the dark passage, but failed without any surprise.

As soon as his consciousness was less than a foot away from his body, it was like an ordinary person putting his hand on the ice, and he shrank back from the cold.

When he tentatively took one foot into the ice tunnel, the biting cold almost sealed his leg in ice.

"I still don't believe it. I, Zhou Chundang, a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, can I still freeze to death inside?"

Zhou Chun gritted his teeth, and immediately took out the second-level high-grade magic weapon [Flame Bird Pot] from the storage bag, and activated the power of this magic weapon to use it as a stove for himself.

This is indeed a waste of mana, and most monks would not dare to do this.

However, Zhou Chun had enough Recovery Pills in his body, and he could absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world to restore his mana without any scruples, and he didn't care about this loss at all.

He held the red copper kettle like a heater and strode into the ice passage.

Zhou Chun didn't know how this ice channel was formed, or why there was such a channel among the layers of solid ice.

But now he no longer wants to think about this. Now he just wants to know what is in the deepest part of the ice channel.

In this way, Zhou Chun carried the copper pot all the way deep into the ice passage, and after walking almost a hundred feet with difficulty, he finally reached the end of the passage.

At the end of the ice passage, there was an ice cave.

In the center of the ice cave, there is a cold spring with white cold air.

The mouth of the cold spring is not big, only less than one foot wide.

But inside the spring stands a human-shaped ice sculpture.

To be precise, it is a person standing in the spring in the form of an ice sculpture!

It was a naked middle-aged man, half of his body was submerged in the water, half of his body was exposed, and his eyes were closed tightly as if he was taking a rest.

This weird scene made Zhou Chun feel a little cold down his back.

Because Zhou Chun glanced around at this time and did not find anything else worth noting in the ice cave.

And the weird roar that appeared before did indeed exist.

Could it be that the roar was made by this middle-aged man?

Second update!

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