Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 335 Breaking the Ice, Toad【Please subscribe】

Zhou Chun asked himself that he was not a timid person.

Although he has always acted relatively steadily, he is actually quite courageous.

Not many foundation-building monks dare to bargain with the golden elixir monks, but he has done this kind of thing.

However, now, the situation inside the ice cave made him feel cold inside, and the [Flame Bird Pot] in his arms seemed to be completely useless.

He was looking at the man in the cold spring with his whole body tensed up, his eyes widened as he observed the man inch by inch.

After looking at it for who knows how long, he finally relaxed a little.

According to his observation, the man should not be alive.

But he was only slightly relieved.

In this world of immortality, not only the living are in danger, but the dead are also capable of killing!

Zhou Chun knew without thinking that this man must have been a person with extremely high cultivation level during his lifetime, and his cultivation level should not be lower than that of the Golden Core Stage.

Even if such beings die, there is still a way to leave some means before death to plot against those who dare to desecrate their corpses.

"I don't know why this person was frozen here! This ice cave doesn't look like it was dug out by manpower!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flickered and he was not in a hurry to attack the ice sculpture. He just carefully looked at the situation inside the ice cave.

He walked to the corner of the ice cave and used the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] to cut the ice wall in front of him.

The results shocked him!

The sharp golden round instrument only cut into the ice wall less than a foot deep, and it was difficult to make any further progress.

The hardness of this blue ice wall is simply frightening.

"Could this ice wall be the thousand-year-old mysterious ice recorded in the classics?"

Zhou Chun looked at the blue ice wall in front of him, secretly guessing its origin.

It is recorded in the classics that thousands of years of black ice has condensed a large amount of extremely cold spiritual energy due to its precipitation. Its texture is much harder and stronger than black iron, and it is a unique product of extremely cold places.

On top of the thousand-year black ice, it is said that there is also a kind of ten thousand-year black ice, the cold air it emits can freeze the soul, and non-Golden Core Stage monks cannot touch it.

Seeing that he had nothing to do with the ice wall at this time, Zhou Chun no longer expended energy on such things.

He put away the magic weapon and continued to focus on the ice sculpture in the cold spring.

After staring at the ice sculpture for a while, Zhou Chun raised his sleeve and flicked it, and a silver embroidered handkerchief flew out of his sleeve. Suddenly it fluffed up and formed a large silver net that was drawn towards the ice sculpture.

Everything went smoothly, and the silver net easily covered the ice sculpture.

But just when Zhou Chun was about to pull the ice sculpture out, the silver wire net was suddenly frozen into an ice net, and contact with him was lost.

Such a change also caused his complexion to change drastically, and he hurriedly stepped back a distance.

It wasn't until he didn't see any movement from the ice sculpture that he realized what was going on and relaxed again.

He looked at the silver net frozen on the ice sculpture and pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and flicked it, and a golden light struck the ice sculpture like a sword.

As expected, after the golden light hit the ice sculpture, it not only failed to leave any traces on the ice sculpture, but actually disintegrated on the spot.

Seeing this scene, he thought to himself: "It seems that if I want to get this ice sculpture out, it will be difficult for me to do it!"

Thinking of this, he immediately wanted to retreat, preparing to leave this place first and then think of a way back.

But just as he was about to leave, the strange roar that had appeared before suddenly sounded again.

Just like before, when this weird roar appeared, Zhou Chun's consciousness fell into a trance.

And because he was closer this time, the absent-minded state lasted longer.

After he recovered from his absent-minded state, he suddenly looked at the ice sculpture with his eyes wide open in fear.

He definitely heard it right!

The weird roar just now definitely came from the body of the ice sculpture.

But when he looked at the ice sculpture again, it was no different from before.

This strange situation also made Zhou Chun completely confused.

He has limited knowledge and really doesn't understand what is going on.

Why would such abnormality appear in a dead person's body?

What on earth was that weird roar coming from?

"It's better to go back and ask the Supreme Elder for advice. No matter what, I can't even break the ice sculpture now!"

Muttering to himself, Zhou Chun took a deep look at the ice sculpture and immediately turned around and left without hesitation.

Not long after, Zhou Chun's figure walked out of the mountain crevice cave and reappeared in the sight of Zhou Zhengyong and others waiting outside.

"How's it going? Patriarch, have you found anything?"

Seeing Zhou Chun come out, Zhou Zhengyong immediately stepped forward curiously and asked about the results of his investigation.

"There are indeed some discoveries, but this is not the place to talk. Let's go back and talk about it first!"

Zhou Chun answered vaguely, and immediately led the people back to Longxing Valley without further explanation.

Zhou Zhengyong is also a smart man. From Zhou Chun's vague attitude, he knew that there might be some secrets in the cave.

So Zhou Chun didn't mention it, and he didn't ask any more questions.

After arriving at Longxing Valley, Zhou Chun did not go to report the ice cave incident to Zhou Daoquan, who was still recuperating.

Previously, Zhou Daoquan used "Blood Shadow Escape" to escape for his life. Although he succeeded in escaping with his life, he also lost a lot of his life essence and blood. It is not appropriate to do it again now.

And Zhou Chun felt that even if he could do it, he might not be able to shake the ice sculpture.

So after returning to Longxing Valley to rest for a while, Zhou Chun returned to the family mountain gate and reported to Zhou Mingde about the ice cave.

"As you said, Zhengchun, this matter is really extraordinary. Even if I try to do it myself, I may not be able to do it!"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde, who had just recovered from the loss of energy in his body, became very solemn after hearing what Zhou Chun said.

There were too many weird things in the world of immortality, and he was also unable to explain the ice sculpture and the weird roar from what Zhou Chun told him.

But he knew that such strange and unexplainable things usually contained considerable dangers.

Therefore, I dare not boast about any Haikou.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately said: "If you think it is too dangerous, then let's not go there yet. Anyway, the place is so remote and in the wilderness, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by others. .”

"Let's go and take a look first. I'll make a decision after I see it in person."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and did not back down.

Then he and Zhou Chun rushed to the wilderness.

Two days later, Zhou Chun brought Zhou Mingde to the outside of the ice cave again, and the two of them walked straight into the ice cave.

This time there was still that kind of bat monster coming to harass the two of them, but they were easily dismissed by the two.

It didn't take long for the two of them to pass through the cold fog area and ice passage, and arrived at the icehouse where the ice sculpture was located.

During this period, Zhou Mingde also heard the strange roar. Even with his cultivation in the middle stage of Zifu, he could not completely avoid being in a trance.

"This is it, you should take a look first."

In the ice cave, Zhou Chun pointed at the ice sculpture in the cold spring and said softly.

After Zhou Mingde heard this, he immediately came up and looked at the ice sculpture carefully.

He is a monk who practices the fire technique and is in the middle stage of Zifu. He feels much better than Zhou Chun in this ice cave.

Even if he is close to the cold spring, he can still hold on.

But after he looked around the ice sculpture for a while, he couldn't see anything from the outside.

Finally, he said to Zhou Chun: "Zhengchun, please step back, I will test it."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately retreated into the ice passage where he came from.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately waved his sleeves and used his commonly used red flying sword weapon, and used the flying sword to stab the cold spring.

I saw the flying sword suddenly stabbing down from the air, and in the blink of an eye, half of the sword body was pierced into the spring water.

Then, visible to the naked eye, a layer of blue frost quickly climbed up the sword and spread.

This made Zhou Mingde's expression change slightly, and he hurriedly shouted and increased the mana infusion.

Suddenly, the red flying sword burst into flames, quickly melting the ice on the sword, and the sword was drawn out of the water.

Then the sword light turned and struck the place where the ice sculpture was in contact with the cold spring water.

It can be clearly seen that when the flying sword struck the ice sculpture, there were slight cracks near the impact point.

But soon those cracks were quickly healed by the extreme cold power coming from the cold spring.

After seeing this scene, Zhou Mingde raised his hand and took the flying sword back into his hand.

Then he said to Zhou Chun: "If I go all out, there is a half chance that I can successfully break the ice sculpture, but I can't predict what will happen after the ice sculpture is broken!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "In your opinion, Zhengchun, do I want to take action?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately replied without hesitation: "Sir, you can make your own decision. No matter what you decide, this junior will support you!"

"Okay, then I'll try my best!"

Zhou Mingde nodded, then raised his hand and patted the storage bag, offering a red flag flag.

But when he waved the flag vigorously, a stream of crimson flames rushed towards the ice sculpture in the cold spring.

However, under the erosion of the strong cold air here, the flames quickly shrank and weakened after leaving the flag. By the time it fell on the ice sculpture, its power was less than 30%.

After a few breaths passed, the flames were extinguished by the cold air emanating from the ice sculpture.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde patted the spirit beast bag on his waist again and released the Vulcan Jackal.

His original intention was to ask the Vulcan Jackal to help drive the demon fire to assist.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the Vulcan Jackal came out, his legs and feet became weak and he almost fell to his knees.

Then it whined a few times, and Zhou Mingde put it back into the spirit beast bag with a frown.

Zhou Chun was stunned by this scene and couldn't help but asked: "Sir, what's going on?"

"The Vulcan Jackal said it felt an aura that frightened it inside the ice sculpture, and it didn't dare to attack the ice sculpture!"

Zhou Mingde whispered, his tone full of disbelief.

He didn't let the Vulcan Jackal come out before because of the weird roar and it wasn't necessary.

But what he didn't expect at all was that the Vulcan Jackal, a third-level mid-level monster, would be so afraid of the dead ice sculpture in front of him that he wouldn't even dare to attack it!

"Is even the Vulcan Jackal that afraid of this thing?"

Zhou Chun's expression also changed, and he felt incredible about this.

Then he couldn't help but whispered: "Then do we really want to continue to fight?"

"Why not? It's already reached this point. If there was any danger to this ice sculpture, it would have happened to us long ago!"

Zhou Mingde said firmly.

There was a fiery color in his eyes at this moment.

Although I still don’t know why the weird roar came from the ice sculpture, and I don’t know why the Vulcan Jackal is so afraid of the ice sculpture.

But he guessed that this should be some kind of strange treasure inside the man inside the ice sculpture.

And this kind of rare treasure that can make even high-level monsters tremble in fear should not be of much use to a beast-controlling family like the Zhou family.

Now that Zhou Mingde has met him, how could he miss it?

He immediately didn't hold anything back, sacrificed several magic weapons, and launched an attack on the ice sculpture with all his strength.

With his full strength, Zhou Chun's frozen embroidered handkerchief was quickly thawed and taken back.

Later, cracks appeared in the ice sculpture during his continuous attacks.

After attacking for an unknown amount of time, Zhou Mingde struck down with his sword, and the ice sculpture was finally completely penetrated. The sword edge landed directly on the man's shoulder, piercing several inches of his flesh.

But before Zhou Mingde could feel happy, a powerful force suddenly burst out from the man's body, instantly shattering all the ice on his body and sending Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun behind him flying.

puff! puff!

Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun fell to the ground one after another, vomiting a large mouthful of blood at the same time, and their organs were injured by the powerful impact.

However, their attention was no longer on themselves at this time, but on the man.

With a flash of white light, a white toad flew out of the man's body and floated in mid-air.

Then the white toad opened its mouth and inhaled, and the extremely cold air emanating from the ice cave and the cold spring rushed toward it, and was swallowed into its body.

After swallowing an unknown amount of extremely cold air in this breath, the white toad seemed to be full and closed its mouth with satisfaction.

Then it seemed to remember something again, and suddenly opened its eyes and looked at the two human monks lying on the ground.

Its eyes first fell on Zhou Mingde.

Then, I don't know if he disliked Zhou Mingde for practicing the fire movement technique. His eyes showed disgust, and he immediately turned his attention to Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun, who practices the Gold Element Technique, is undoubtedly not compatible with its attributes, but he is not as repulsive as the Fire Element Technique.

And it can feel that although Zhou Chun's cultivation is not as good as Zhou Mingde's, his magic power is very pure, and his potential is much greater than Zhou Mingde's.

This made him look hesitant in his eyes.

To be honest, it was not very satisfied with Zhou Chun, both in terms of cultivation and attributes.

But it also knows that it doesn't have many choices now.

Compared to Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde, who practiced the Fire Movement Technique, was undoubtedly even more out of its choice.

So after a brief hesitation, it suddenly crashed into Zhou Chun!

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