Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 336 Jade beads, guess【Please subscribe】

At that moment, when the white toad flew towards Zhou Chun, both Zhou Chun himself and Zhou Mingde beside him were extremely frightened, their faces full of horror.

At this moment, the two of them had many bad thoughts in their minds.

Zhou Chun even tried his best to activate the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang" to protect himself.

However, the protective golden light was like paper, easily crushed by the white toad.

Then it crashed into Zhou Chun's body.

It’s over!

When Zhou Mingde saw this scene, he immediately closed his eyes in despair.

At that time, Zhou Chun's body was shining with white light, so dazzling that it completely covered his whole body.

But this kind of vision only lasted for a few breaths and then quickly dissipated.

When Zhou Mingde opened his eyes and looked again, Zhou Chun had already passed out, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

And when he looked at Zhou Chun who was unconscious on the ground, surprise and fear appeared in his eyes alternately.

Soon he struggled to stand up from the ground, then gritted his teeth, quickly recalled the flying sword that fell on the ground, and slashed towards Zhou Chun with his sword.

In the end, the red flying sword stopped an inch above Zhou Chun's neck.

Then Zhou Mingde sat down on the ground and stared at Zhou Chun, maintaining this situation.

Based on what he had seen before, he suspected that Zhou Chun might have been possessed by the white toad or had his body taken over.

If that's the case, Zhou Chun's soul may have been erased and he can be declared dead.

But that was just his guess after all.

But Zhou Chun is the patriarch of the Zhou family, and the most promising monk in the Zhou family to form an elixir in the future.

Unless absolutely necessary, Zhou Mingde would definitely not kill Zhou Chun personally.

After waiting like this for who knows how long, Zhou Chun's eyelids finally loosened slightly in Zhou Mingde's sight and he opened his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mingde immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Don't move, don't move yet!"

Hearing his nervous and stern shout, Zhou Chun, who had just woken up, looked stunned. He couldn't help but blink his eyes, and then he noticed the red flying sword lying above his neck.

This made his expression change, and he quickly realized why Zhou Mingde was so nervous.

So he quickly lay down and replied obediently: "Sir, don't worry. Without your order, I will never move at all."

This familiar tone made Zhou Mingde relax a little.

But I just relaxed a little, and still didn't dare to have any careless thoughts.

Just listen to him say slowly: "Masachun, you also know what happened just now. Please check yourself now and give me a credible answer!"

"Junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded, and immediately looked inside his body with his spiritual consciousness to check his condition.

It didn't matter if he didn't check it. Once he checked it, he was shocked.

During the examination, he clearly felt some coldness in his lower abdomen.

When he focused his mind to explore the cold place, he found that there was an extra white jade bead in his Dantian.

This white jade bead shrank in the corner of his Dantian, motionless, like a dead object.

Zhou Chun's consciousness landed on it, but it was bounced away, as if refusing to communicate with him.

It felt to Zhou Chun that he disliked him because his cultivation level was too low and he was not qualified to talk to him.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun did not dare to do anything out of the ordinary. He could only check other places in his dantian. After finding nothing abnormal, he returned to normal and told Zhou Mingde about the changes in his body.

"You said there is an extra white jade bead in your Dantian?"

Zhou Mingde was slightly stunned, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, he did not expect to hear this answer.

Zhou Chun also felt that this thing was too weird, but at this time he could only nod his head seriously and said: "Yes, junior, every word is true, there is absolutely no falsehood!"

Seeing the serious look on his face, Zhou Mingde didn't know what to do for a while.

The two of them stared at each other for a while, then Zhou Mingde slowly said: "Let's do this, you can release your spiritual pets and monster insects to see if you can still survive." If you control them, I will believe that you have not been taken away or possessed!"

Most of the Zhou family monks' contracted spiritual pets use the secret technique of "soul control blood array", and their souls have established a connection with the monsters.

Including those monster insects contracted by Zhou Chun, they all had a similar situation.

If Zhou Chun was taken away, monsters such as the silver lightning python Baibai and the golden-winged tiger should be aware of it and behave abnormally when they come out.

And those demonic insects will definitely show up more obviously.

But this is not absolute, because if Zhou Chun's existence is too high, it is difficult to say that the other party has no means to make up for this.

But if that were the case, Zhou Mingde felt that even if he was wronged, it would not be wronged.

So at this time, he actually almost believed Zhou Chun's words.

With Zhou Chun's intelligence, he naturally thought of this.

So he immediately reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing the three spirit pets and two kinds of monster insects.

It can be clearly seen that suddenly appearing in the cold ice cave, the three monster beasts and two kinds of monster insects screamed and roared in great discomfort.

But they were not unfamiliar with Zhou Chun as their master. Zhou Chun gave several orders and they all followed them.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mingde immediately relaxed, raised his hand and withdrew the flying sword.

Then he waved his hand gently and said: "Okay, take them all back!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun was relieved and immediately took back all the spiritual pets and monster insects that were not suitable for the environment here.

After doing this, Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Mingde and asked: "Supreme Elder, what should we do next? Do you know what the white jade bead in this junior's body is?"

"We're not busy with any of this. Let's take a look at the body first!"

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and immediately turned his gaze to the cold spring.

But what made him and Zhou Chun's expressions change slightly was that there was no trace of the corpse in the cold spring.

"Could it be that it was shattered by the impact just now?"

Zhou Chun said with a surprised look on his face.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but carefully recall the previous events.

However, the two of them were focused on the white toad at that time, and they paid no attention to the body. Indeed, they did not notice how it disappeared.

"Maybe that's true!"

After thinking about it for a while but not finding anything, Zhou Mingde could only sigh and nodded.

Then he looked at the cold spring, then at the ice walls on all sides, and finally sighed softly: "Let's go, it seems there is nothing to explore here, let's go back first!"

After saying that, he walked outside the ice cave first.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun of course followed his footsteps and left.

After the two of them arrived outside, Zhou Chun looked at the entrance and exit behind him and couldn't help but ask Zhou Mingde: "Tai Shang Elder, do you think this entrance and exit should be blocked?"

"Forget it, there's no need for it, why not just leave it as it is!"

Zhou Mingde pondered for a while, then shook his head and rejected his idea.

Then the two of them returned to the Zhou family all the way without going to Longxing Valley.

After returning to Jiufeng Ridge, Zhou Mingde took Zhou Chun directly to his cave.

"Sit down first and let me see what is going on with that white jade bead in your Dantian!"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun in front of him and directly motioned for him to sit down and undergo his examination.

Zhou Chun was also very cooperative and immediately sat cross-legged and let him inspect.

Soon Zhou Mingde put his consciousness into his Dantian when he relaxed his mind and showed no resistance.

But what surprised Zhou Mingde was that he could not see the white jade beads Zhou Chun mentioned in Zhou Chun's dantian!

"It's strange, Zhengchun, are you sure there are those white jade beads in your Dantian? Why didn't I find anything?"

Zhou Mingde, who withdrew his consciousness, looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and asked questions.

His words also made Zhou Chun very surprised. He couldn't help but sink his mind and look inside his Dantian.

In his inner vision, the white jade bead still stayed there quietly without any change.

Then he nodded to Zhou Mingde with a firm expression and said, "Junior is extremely sure of this matter. That thing is in my dantian!"

"I know, you should get up first!"

After Zhou Mingde was silent for a while, he nodded slightly and let Zhou Chun get up.

Then he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said to Zhou Chun: "If everything you said, Zhengchun, is true, then this should be an opportunity for you."

"According to my speculation, the white jade bead in your Dantian is probably a powerful magic weapon!"

"And the white toad you and I saw at that time was probably the spirit of this powerful magic weapon!"

Zhou Chun was quite shocked when he heard his words.

Immediately he couldn't help but said in surprise: "But isn't the magic weapon only able to be refined and used by monks at the Golden Core stage? And does such a thing as a weapon spirit really exist in the world?"

"It is true that magic weapons can only be refined and used with cultivation levels above the Golden Core stage, but Zhengchun, haven't you refined that thing now?"

When Zhou Mingde said this, he whispered: "As for the authenticity of the weapon spirit, since there has always been such a legend in the world of immortality, it means that it should be real!"

His explanation was reasonable and well-founded, and Zhou Chun could not refute it after hearing it.

But soon Zhou Chun thought of something again, and suddenly asked: "What about the weird roar before? What about the inexplicable fear of the Vulcan Jackals? How to explain these?"

"The weird roar should be coming from that weapon spirit!"

"As for why Vulcan jackals are so afraid of white toads, it may also have something to do with the white toad's roots!"

Zhou Mingde continued to answer Zhou Chun's questions, as if he had really understood everything.

But when Zhou Chun heard his answer, he frowned again and couldn't help but said: "What are the roots of the white toad? What does the Supreme Elder mean by this?"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, he immediately coughed twice and said: "Ahem, I will make a bold guess. The roots of the white toad weapon spirit are probably the demon soul of a fifth-level demon king. Therefore, even if it becomes a weapon spirit , even though the memory has been erased, he still has the pressure of the demon king that scares all demons!"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide.

"The spirit of the demon soul of the fifth-level demon king, Supreme Elder, you really dare to think and speak!!"

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Mingde with a strange expression, truly admiring him for daring to think.

He has always dared to think, but he really didn't dare to think about this kind of thing.

What a presence the fifth-level demon king is!

This kind of powerful existence that can rival the Yuanying Stage monks can be said to be much rarer than the Yuanying Stage monks.

Not to mention these people, even those golden elixir stage monks, I'm afraid they may not be able to see them once in their lives!

And to kill the fifth-level demon king, extract the demon soul and refine it into a magic weapon, and become the weapon spirit of the magic weapon, how much magical power should you have?

Would a strong man with such magical powers fall silently into the wilderness like that?

Even if the man who disappeared in the cold spring was not the person who refined this magic weapon, he could possess such a powerful magic weapon and he must not be a weakling. How could he die there?

When Zhou Chun said this, Zhou Mingde replied matter-of-factly: "Perhaps the cultivation level of people who possess magic weapons is not as high as we thought. Zhengchun, don't you think you have this magic weapon now?" ?"

This answer left Zhou Chun speechless for a moment.

In the end, he could only say: "Then what should I do next? Elder Taishang, do you have any suggestions?"

"If you ask me for advice, I suggest you leave it alone for the time being. Since this treasure has chosen you, it means that you are destined to it and it shouldn't do anything to you."

"And since I can't discover it, it means that it also knows how to conceal treasures. You don't have to worry about other high-level monks discovering its presence in your body."

"As for the fact that you can't establish contact with it now, it's probably because your cultivation level is too low. In the future, you just need to focus on improving your cultivation level!"

Zhou Mingde pondered for a moment and then gave his own opinions and suggestions.

He said it easily, but Zhou Chun couldn't be as relaxed as he said.

But Zhou Chun didn't say anything more and verbally agreed.

After returning to his residence from the cave on the top of the mountain, Zhou Chun immediately began to concentrate on studying the white jade bead.

He first took the trouble to touch the white jade beads with his spiritual consciousness to convey his goodwill.

But no matter how many times he tried, his consciousness was bounced away.

Later, he tried to mobilize his golden soup magic power to touch the white jade bead, but the result was that he couldn't touch it at all.

Unable to touch or communicate, the white jade bead was like a piece of ice, ruthlessly rejecting Zhou Chun's overtures.

Fortunately, when Zhou Chun was meditating, he was not affected by the presence of white jade beads in his Dantian.

But from then on, Zhou Chun couldn't help but touch his belly every time he had free time, and often frowned and remained silent.

And just when Zhou Chun was worried about the unexpected extra white jade beads in his body, Zhou Daoyi, who had always worried him, finally appeared outside Longxing Valley.

"Phew, it's finally here!"

Outside Longxing Valley, Zhou Daoyi, wearing a simple animal skin coat, slowly walked out of the woods. A smile finally appeared on his pale face.

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