Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 337 The end of a generation [Please subscribe]

Zhou Daoyi's return soon alarmed Zhou Daoquan, who was recovering in seclusion in Longxing Valley.

After he heard about Zhou Daoyi's situation, he hurriedly left the confinement and visited Zhou Daoyi's resting place.

"Dao Yi, where have you been these days? How could you be injured like this!"

In the room, Zhou Daoquan's expression changed as soon as he saw Zhou Daoyi, and he could tell at a glance that Zhou Daoyi was seriously injured.

"Unlucky, I was attacked and besieged by powerful monsters one after another, but I was lucky enough to escape with my life!"

Zhou Daoyi smiled bitterly, shook his head, and whispered about his experience.

It turned out that after he and Zhou Chun escaped separately that day, he also used the secret technique of "Blood Shadow Escape" to speed up his escape.

Although he didn't know at the time that the fourth-level monster he was chasing turned out to be a fourth-level thunder dragon, he also realized rationally that if he continued to escape on the green dragon, he would be easily followed.

After all, Qingjiao's target is too big, and the aura it emits is much stronger than that of a human cultivator, making it easier to be tracked.

But he was still not very lucky to be chosen as the tracking target by the fourth-level thunder dragon!

Perhaps this is also related to the fact that he is the master of the green dragon, and his body is contaminated with the strong aura of the green dragon.

But fortunately, the speed of "Blood Shadow Escape" is very fast, and the aura residue is much weaker than that of normal flight, making it difficult to be tracked.

In short, Zhou Daoyi successfully used "Blood Shadow Escape" to get rid of the fourth-level thunder dragon without ever encountering it.

But unfortunately, after the "Blood Shadow Escape" ended, Zhou Daoyi was attacked by a powerful monster in an unfamiliar body of water because his whereabouts were exposed.

The monster that attacked him at that time was a third-level high-grade monster "Dragon Scale Golden Shark", a kind of fish monster in the water with the blood of a dragon.

This beast was ferocious and powerful. Zhou Daoyi was no match for it, so he could only call out the green dragon to help him fight, and he fought and fled at the same time.

But even with the help of the green dragon, the "dragon-scaled golden shark" was still biting and chasing the master and servant all the way.

It didn't take long, because the noise of their battle was too loud, which attracted the attention of a third-level mid-level monster called "Poison-Eyed Water Monster".

Probably all because of the Long Yuanze Water Monster, the "Dragon Scale Golden Shark" and the "Poison Eyed Water Monster" quickly joined forces to launch a siege against Zhou Daoyi's master and servant.

Two against two, his cultivation was suppressed, and his own essence and blood were greatly depleted. Even with the help of the green dragon, Zhou Daoyi quickly fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Thanks to Qingjiao's desperate fight, he managed to escape the pursuit of the two monster beasts.

However, Zhou Daoyi's bad luck did not end just because he escaped from this pursuit.

When he finally escaped to the shore with the help of Qingjiao, he just found a place to rest and recuperate, but unexpectedly he bumped into two "Wind Thunder Martens" with cubs.

"Wind Thunder Marten" is also a type of high-level monster. One of the two "Wind Thunder Marten" is a third-order mid-grade monster, and the other is also a third-order low-grade monster.

The intrusion of Zhou Daoyi and Qingjiao caused the two "Wind Thunder Martens" with cubs to have a great stress reaction, and they immediately launched a crazy attack on their master and servant.

Zhou Daoyi's master and servant, who were almost exhausted, were now the opponents of two third-level monsters eager to protect their cubs!

After a fierce fight, both the master and the servant suffered heavy injuries from the attack of the "Wind Thunder ermine", and finally forced Qingjiao to spit out even the demon pills to participate in the battle. Only then did they frighten the two crazy "Wind Thunder ermine" and let them Successfully escaped from its territory.

This series of battles, coupled with the consumption of blood essence and vitality by using "Blood Shadow Escape", made Zhou Daoyi's injuries extremely serious, and he was unable to even carry out basic long-distance flights.

At the same time, Qingjiao was also seriously injured in the bloody battle with two "Wind and Thunder ermines" and was in urgent need of recuperation.

Under this situation, Zhou Daoyi could only find a place in the wilderness to take medicine to recuperate and take a breath.

What happened next was simple. After his injury improved a little, he hurriedly set off on his way home.

"I see. No wonder you, Dao Yi, came back after such a long time!"

After Zhou Daoquan listened to Zhou Daoyi's account, he was deeply moved by his rough experience.

Then he nodded again and again and said: "But it would be great if you can come back. If you can come back, my uncle and Masazumi will definitely be very happy if they know the news of your return!"

When Zhou Daoyi heard what he said, he immediately said: "I am still injured. I may not be able to return to the family alone. I need to ask my brothers to help escort me back."

"No problem, this is what it should be. After I give Zhengyong a few words, I will escort you back."

Zhou Daoquan readily agreed, then made some arrangements and escorted Zhou Daoyi to the family.

When the two arrived at Jiufeng Ridge, they saw Zhou Daoyi returning. Zhou Chun, who had not smiled for several months, finally smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really our ancestor's blessing. It's great that you can come back safely, Supreme Elder!"

He was filled with joy for Zhou Daoyi's return, and at this moment all the sorrow in his heart disappeared.

As happy as him were all the other Zhou family members.

Because Zhou Daoyi was so seriously injured, he only had time to meet with Zhou Chun and other important members of the Zhou family, and then hurriedly returned to the cave to retreat and recuperate.

This time, his injuries were so severe that he would not be able to recover even if he did not have three to five years of rest.

But as long as others can come back alive, these are all minor problems for the Zhou family.

After Zhou Chun put aside this worry, he started to deal with various family affairs with renewed energy, and no longer studied the white jade bead in his body.

In the following five years, the situation of the Jingguo and Zhou families was relatively stable.

The Tianjing Sect probably also needs to digest and integrate the forces of those who have come to join them, and it has not made any surprising moves.

Of course, Zhou Chun is more willing to believe that it is Tianjing Zhenren who still needs time to settle down and become familiar with the power of the Nascent Soul stage.

The war in Fengguo did not turn into a full-scale war as Zhou Chun originally thought.

The Zhengyang Palace seemed to regard the Corpse Demon Sect as a target for training its disciples, and sent many disciples to Feng Country to participate in the war. However, the purpose was not to conquer the city, but simply to find monks from the Corpse Demon Sect to fight with.

The Jingyang Sect also seems to have other plans. They are not in a hurry to conquer the city. On the contrary, they heard that they are recruiting more disciples and the number of sect members has increased a lot.

In short, in Zhou Chun's opinion, these two forces chose to become enemies of the Corpse Demon Sect, not because they had any intention of eliminating demons and defending the Tao, but all for profit!

Perhaps seeing this, the Li family of Danyao and the You family of Formation, which were about to make a move, became calm and honest again.

As for the Zhou family, in the past five years, the family has added two new foundation-building monks, namely Zhou Xindie and Xu Fu.

Both of them succeeded in building their foundation by taking the Yuan-Building Fruit. Xu Fu's one was a special reward from Zhou Chun and did not occupy the Zhou family's redemption quota.

There are successes and there are failures.

At that time, the four Yuan-Building Fruits that Zhou Chun offered to exchange for Zhou family members were exchanged for three of them in five years. However, except for Zhou Xindie who succeeded, the other two failed.

The two failed people were very unlucky. Neither of them could save their lives and died directly in the secret room.

This situation really shocked many Zhou family monks.

Over the years, because the Zhou family has always been able to exchange for foundation-building pills, most of these Zhou family monks have not paid attention to the risks of foundation-building. They feel that as long as they exchange the auxiliary foundation-building spiritual items, they can save their lives even if they fail.

But this time two people died in the foundation building level, which finally made them realize the difficulty of building the foundation, and they no longer dared to be as optimistic as before.

At the same time, the number of Zhou family monks who dared to lend their good deeds to others in exchange for foundation-building spiritual items was rapidly decreasing.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the person who borrowed his good deeds will come out of the secret room alive or whether he will succeed.

As a result, with a large number of monks willing to lend out their good deeds, it has become much more difficult for other Zhou family monks to redeem Yuan-Building Fruits and Foundation-Building Pills, which invisibly eases the difficulty of supplying these auxiliary Foundation-Building Spiritual Items. .

On the other side, it was just as Zhou Chun had thought.

Xu Fu's success in building the foundation had a great motivating effect on those dead soldiers of the Zhou family. Since then, they have been completely determined to stay in Longxing Valley, and they all want to fight for their own future like Xu Fu.

Zhou Chun also restarted the training of family dead men and began to recruit those mortals with spiritual root qualifications.

The difference is that this time these people will be sent directly to Longxing Valley for training.

In the past five years, Xu Fu and others at Longxing Valley have drawn a map of the surrounding area of ​​1,500 miles.

Regardless of the migrating monsters, as long as they follow the map, even a few Qi Refining Stage monks can survive in the wilderness for a few days.

This kind of progress is not much worse than the efficiency of the pioneering stronghold in Yunzhou.

At the same time, Xu Fu and the others also found a spiritual jade vein.

That spiritual jade vein can mine several types of spiritual jade with different uses, and their value is quite high.

Unfortunately, the location of the mine is too far away from Longxing Valley, with a straight-line distance of more than 800 miles, and there are dangerous areas around it where third-level monsters are entrenched.

This makes Zhou Chun and the Zhou family dare not have any thoughts about it for the time being. They can only remember the location first and slowly map it out.

But Zhou Chun still told Xu Fu and others to find a new base in the direction of the Lingyu mine.

Longxing Valley is still too small, and the surrounding resources are not particularly rich, and have been almost plundered.

Therefore, it is imperative to find a better place to establish a stronghold.

Just as Zhou Xindie succeeded in building the foundation, her skills in formations also improved greatly. Not to mention being able to arrange forbidden formations such as the "Five Directions Miluo Formation" on her own, ordinary formations still couldn't trouble her. , enough to play a role in establishing a stronghold.

In addition, relying on the large amount of resources collected from the wilderness, the Zhou family's elixirs, weapons, talismans, beasts, etc. are also developing rapidly.

Not to mention low-level elixirs such as beast spirit pills, even demon spirit pills that can improve the cultivation of second-level monsters have been refined for several times, but Zhou Chun and other monks who have second-order monsters have opened one. Meat.

As a result, Zhou Chun also received seven or eight demon spirit pills, all of which he poured into the silver lightning python Baibai.

Now that his own cultivation level is very close to the late stage of foundation building, the Silver Lightning Thunder Python is still far away from being promoted to the second level high-grade monster. Zhou Chun must focus on cultivating it.

In addition to Zhou Chun, other Zhou family elders also benefited from the improvement of the Zhou family's background, and each gained a lot.

Zhou Jiarui, who was the first to successfully build the foundation, has already raised his cultivation level to the middle stage of foundation building, and Zhou Jiahe and Zhou Jiapeng are also approaching.

Moreover, the blue-feathered fire kite egg that Zhou Jiahe exchanged at that time has now grown into a first-order high-grade monster. With the supply of demon spirit pills, it is only a matter of time before it is promoted to a second-order monster.

As for those monks in the Qi Refining Period, they are even more comfortable.

Nowadays, the types of monsters and beasts that the Zhou family provides to these tribesmen for contracts are completely unmatched before, and the various medicinal pills and magic weapons that they can exchange from the family are also much richer than before.

It may be difficult to find someone who is as outstanding as Zhou Chun at that time, but generally their strength is much stronger than that of the Zhou family's Qi Refining Period monks at that time.

With sufficient resources to train them, most Zhou family monks with mid-level spiritual root qualifications can reach the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage before the age of fifty as long as they work hard.

Some people who have the support and care of their elders are even expected to reach this level by the age of forty.

Unknowingly, the people who stir up trouble in the Zhou family have become monks of the "zheng" generation and monks of the "heart" generation.

Most of the older generation of "family" monks have passed away, while the new generation of "si" generation is thriving.

On this day, an invitation arrived, which made Zhou Chun deeply moved after reading it.

The letter was delivered by someone from the Wang family in Hongyao Valley who had good relations with the Zhou family. The letter said that Wang Zhixiong, the previous patriarch of the Wang family, had passed away.

This reminded Zhou Chun of the first time he met this person.

The first time he met Wang Zhixiong was when the Zhou family had just taken root in Jiufeng Ridge. He tried his best to squeeze into the Wang family's circle and was able to participate in the joint martial arts competition of the five major cultivating families.

At that time, even Zhou Daoyi, the head of the Zhou family, had to be extremely humble in front of Wang Zhixiong.

But time has changed, and sixty or seventy years have passed. Zhou Daoyi has long since become a monk in the Zifu period, Zhou Chun has also successfully established the foundation, and the Zhou family has surpassed the Wang family several times in strength.

But Wang Zhixiong, the high-spirited head of the royal family in the past, has now exhausted his lifespan and passed away.

"With the death of Fellow Daoist Wang, the Wang family has lost another general. Senior Wang Guangping heard that his life span is not long. Is the Wang family, which has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, about to decline?"

Zhou Chun sighed slightly, feeling very emotional.

Perhaps this is the inevitable fate of every force.

If there is no successor who can take over, when the incumbents pass away one after another, the decline of a force will be inevitable.

Perhaps the difference is that some large forces still have a chance to recover after their normal decline, while small forces are likely to disappear after their decline.

First update

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