Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 338 Late stage of foundation building, Ruby’s request [Please subscribe]


There was thunder and torrential rain.

A heavy rain that had not been seen in more than ten years fell in the area near Jiufeng Ridge where Zhou's family was located.

In the Zhou Family Beast Garden, many monsters that don't like the rain have hid in their lairs.

This is the good thing about being a captive monster. Their nests are built with the help of humans. They are not only spacious enough, but also sheltered from wind and rain.

On the Baiyao Peak, in order to prevent the heavy rain from washing away some elixirs and breaking them, some of the Zhou family monks who took care of the elixirs could only hurriedly pull out raincloths to cover the medicinal fields and drain the accumulated rainwater into the fields.

In the face of such a downpour, low-level immortal cultivators will also appear helpless.

At the same time, in a small courtyard above Pagoda Peak, Zhou Chun had reached a critical point in his practice.

Three days ago, he took two pills for improving his magic power, hoping to use double the potency to attack the later stages of foundation building.

Now three days have passed, the potency of the medicine has reached its maximum, and his breakthrough has reached the most critical moment.

I saw him sitting cross-legged in the training room, his face seemed to be coated with a layer of gold powder, exuding a golden luster.

That was a vision in which he had already operated the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" to its extreme.

At this moment, the golden cauldron in his Dantian Qi Sea was also shaking violently, as if something shocking was being nurtured in the cauldron, with a faint golden light emerging.

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, when another thunderstorm shook the sky in the outside world, a powerful aura suddenly rose up in the secret room where Zhou Chun was located.


He successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building.

This year, Zhou Chun was ninety-six years old, and exactly sixty years had passed since he successfully established the foundation!

In sixty years, ordinary monks in the foundation building stage would only be able to break through once at most, from the early stage of foundation building to the middle stage of foundation building.

However, due to various encounters and the Zhou family's efforts in cultivation, Zhou Chun broke through two realms in a row in these sixty years, and was promoted from the early stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building!

It seemed that he was only twice as fast as an ordinary monk, but the actual situation was far more than that.

Only a monk who truly understands the difference will understand what it means for him to have a late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivation at his current age.

"We are finally in the late stage of foundation building!"

"Next, as long as you practice quiet for a few years and consolidate your cultivation level, you can start planning to open up the spiritual objects of Zi Mansion!"

In the secret room, Zhou Chun opened his eyes and felt the surge of mana in his body. He was still very ambitious and imagined the next realm.

For him, the late stage of foundation building has never been a hurdle.

The real level should be to open up the Zi Mansion.

This level is not only dangerous, but also has a huge failure rate.

Although the failure of the first foundation building did not leave a psychological shadow on Zhou Chun, it did make him dare not look down upon such a high-level level.

So even if he knew that the Zhou family would fully support him, he didn't dare to be careless in any way.

As for who was the happiest person besides himself after Zhou Chun broke through to the late stage of foundation building, of course it was Zhou Mingde.

Zhou Mingde had long pinned the future hopes of the Zhou family on Zhou Chun, and valued Zhou Chun more than anyone else.

At this time, looking at Zhou Chun who came to him to report the good news to him, he also clapped his hands repeatedly with great relief and shouted: "Okay, very good, Zhengchun, you are finally in the late stage of foundation building!"

"There are late-stage foundation-building monks who are less than a hundred years old. Counting up my Zhou family, there has not been such a person for at least three hundred years. Now, finally, such a genius has appeared again!"

Having said this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Facing his praise, Zhou Chun replied very humbly: "The Supreme Elder is ridiculous. I don't dare to call myself a genius. My own family knows my own affairs. I can have the cultivation I have today. It's all because of my fault." The family doesn’t care about the results of cultivation!”

Hearing Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Mingde became even more happy, and cheered again and again: "Okay, okay, you can think like this, I am even more happy, this shows that I and the family have not misjudged you, and the family has always treated you well." Cultivation!”

There is no harm without comparison.

Compared to Zhou Chun, Zhou Zhengkang, who was also cultivated by the Zhou family and Zhou Mingde, was so stupid.

Relying on his background and qualifications, he actually attributed all his achievements to his own talent. He had no sense of gratitude to his family at all, and he even did not hesitate to betray the family for some petty gains.

Such short-sighted and stupid behavior is in sharp contrast to Zhou Chun today.

That is to say, decades have passed since that incident, and Zhou Mingde has already downplayed it.

Otherwise, if I think about it now, I'm afraid I'll have a different feeling in my heart.

After he was happy at this time, he looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said: "Since Zhengchun, you have broken through to the late stage of foundation building, you should have made plans to open the Zifu early. I don't know what you think about it. Any ideas?"

Zhou Chun had expected that he would ask this, and after hearing the words, he quickly answered: "This junior plans to meditate for a few years to consolidate his cultivation, sell some unused things to raise spiritual coins, and then go to the surrounding areas." Several countries should inquire about the information about assisting in the development of spiritual objects in the Zi Mansion, and try to get one or two spiritual objects before we try!"

"Well, your plan is a mature and prudent one."

Zhou Mingde nodded first and affirmed Zhou Chun's idea.

Then he added: "But when you open up the Zi Mansion, you don't have to rely solely on yourself. You must know that your family is your most solid backing. For such a major event, your family will naturally support you!"

After speaking, without waiting for Zhou Chun to respond, he suddenly asked: "How many spirit coins are there in the family account now?"

Zhou Chun was stunned when he heard what he said. Then he quickly understood the meaning of his question and couldn't help but replied in a low voice: "I didn't look carefully, but when I checked last time, there should be 180,000." There are more than five thousand spiritual coins left!"

When Zhou Mingde heard the words, he just pondered for a moment, then nodded gently and said: "That's easy. When you really want to buy assistance to open up the purple mansion's spiritual objects, the family can come up with 200,000 spiritual coins. Fund you to do this!"

Hearing his words, even though Zhou Chun had guessed what he wanted to say, he couldn't help but be shocked by his words.

He immediately shook his head and said: "How can this be done!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but show a wry smile and said: "If we do this, if something goes wrong, wouldn't this junior become the sinner of the family!"

"What's wrong with this? The family has been saving money all these years, isn't it just to be able to put it to use at this time?"

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and said domineeringly: "As long as you, Zhengchun, can successfully open up the Zifu, not to mention a mere 200,000 spiritual coins, but 300,000 or 400,000. As long as the family can afford it, they should also get it for you." Give me this spiritual coin!"

These words were spoken with great force and were extremely moving.

Even though Zhou Chundang's expression was shocked, he looked at Zhou Mingde with a moved face and murmured: "Junior, how can I be so virtuous and talented as a junior that I can make you so... so loving!"

At the end of the sentence, my tone was a little choked.

He really showed his true feelings this time, and was deeply moved and grateful for Zhou Mingde's caring heart.

That's two hundred thousand spiritual coins!

Even with the current strength of the Zhou family, it would take more than ten years to accumulate so many spiritual coins.

Zhou Mingde gave such a huge fortune without hesitation at all, and wanted to use it to support Zhou Chun in opening up the Purple Mansion.

How could Zhou Chun not be touched and grateful for such great love?

Looking at Zhou Chun who was a little choked, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but step forward and put his hands on his arms. He looked straight at him and said: "You deserve this. In the entire Zhou family, you are the only one who deserves this." Do it for you!”

"Others may not know it, but I and you both know that who is the biggest contributor to the Zhou family's success today, and who is the one who has paid the most!"

"Your contribution to the family over the years has been seen by me and other insiders and kept in mind. Now is the time for the family to repay you!"

As the highest-ranking person in the Zhou family and the one who actually has the highest decision-making power, Zhou Mingde certainly knows that family and clan members should not only be asking for and giving, but should achieve each other's achievements.

In normal times, no matter how much the clan members have contributed to the Zhou family, the family can only give relevant rewards at its discretion. It does not have to be so clear.

But these contributions must not be written off.

When a clan member who has made outstanding contributions to the family needs the family's help, as the family's decision-maker, he must deeply consider the clan member's contribution to the family and the contribution he has made to the family, and then provide what he can according to the situation. Maximum help.

Only by doing this can the tribesmen who have made contributions to the family become more loyal to the family and more willing to serve the family wholeheartedly in the future.

At the same time, it can also serve as a great example and encouragement to other tribesmen, making them believe that the family can be their solid backing and provide them with protection and help at critical moments.

Just looking at Zhou Chun's reaction at this time, we can know how important Zhou Mingde's decision is.

"Junior, this junior deserves to suffer, deserves to suffer!!"

Zhou Chun responded with a choked tone, and it was hard not to be moved.

He thought that Zhou Mingde would make great efforts to support him in opening the Zifu, but he never thought that Zhou Mingde would make such great efforts.

How much determination and courage it takes to do everything you can to help him, and how much trust you have in him!

At this moment, Zhou Chun felt sincere gratitude and respect for the elder Zhou Mingde.

No matter how much he disagreed with some of Zhou Mingde's past practices, at least Zhou Mingde's expectation and love for him was not false at all.

How could he not be grateful and respectful to such an elder!

"Okay, this matter is settled, you can just consolidate your cultivation."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand, said nothing more about the matter, and directly settled the matter.

Seeing that he was so determined and that he really needed the family's help, Zhou Chun stopped refusing.

He also believed that once he succeeded in opening the Zifu, his impact on the family would be far greater than a mere 200,000 spiritual coins.

Besides, he doesn’t necessarily have to spend so many spirit coins!

But what Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun didn't expect was that as soon as they decided to hand over the spiritual coins their family had accumulated over the years to Zhou Chun to open up the Zi Mansion, an accident happened.

Just two months after Zhou Chun broke through to the late stage of foundation building, Lin Hongyu, who was far away in Yangguo, suddenly rushed back to Jingguo in person and came to the Zhou family.

The purpose of her trip was also very simple, to ask the Zhou family to help her form the elixir.

It turned out that she had received news in the Yang Kingdom that in half a year, there would be a very grand auction in the Great Zhou Kingdom, which was tens of thousands of miles away from the Jing Kingdom. At that time, there would definitely be spiritual objects that assist in forming pills being put up for auction.

And when she came back this time, she wanted to persuade the Zhou family to help her participate in this auction and win the spiritual object that assists in forming pills.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it may be my only chance in this life, so I ask fellow Taoist Zhou to help me so that I will have no regrets in this life!"

"I know that this may make Fellow Daoist Zhou very embarrassed, and it will also cost the Zhou family and Fellow Daoist Zhou a great deal, but I can swear to Fellow Daoist Zhou that as long as I can do what I want, no matter whether I can successfully form the elixir or not, I will be happy from now on. I will live as a member of the Zhou family and die as a ghost of the Zhou family, and I will do my best to serve the Zhou family for the rest of my life!"

In the cave, facing Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi, and Zhou Chun, the three most important monks of the Zhou family, Lin Hongyu lowered her always proud head and begged the three of them with words that were almost pleading.

Facing the barrier of pill formation, even a person like her, who has experienced many lives and deaths, can only lower her proud head and seek for herself the chance to break through the barrier.

And there's no shame in that.

You must know that it is the Dan-Jie level!

As long as you can pass this level, not only will your lifespan be immediately extended to a thousand years, but you will also truly become a member of the high-level monks, possessing strength and status that are far beyond what you can currently match.

In order to form a golden elixir, it doesn't matter if you lower your head temporarily!

Facing Lin Hongyu's request, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi, and Zhou Chun looked at each other in disbelief, and Zhou Mingde whispered: "This matter is of great importance. Can Fellow Daoist Lin allow me to discuss it before making a decision?"

"That's right. Fellow Daoist Zhou, please discuss it slowly. I'm going down to rest first. I'll come back to disturb you after you've discussed it."

Lin Hongyu nodded lightly, and agreed with a very talkative voice. Then she took the initiative to exit the cave and went to Zhou Daoyi's residence to rest.

After she left like this, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "Hey, you all tell me how to deal with this matter!"

I have to say that Lin Hongyu really gave them a big problem this time.

If he didn't help, Lin Hongyu would no longer be able to be united with the Zhou family, and might just leave.

But if you help, the effort will be huge!

And the most important thing is that this kind of effort may not be able to receive sufficient returns later!

Therefore, facing Zhou Mingde's questions, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun remained silent and did not speak for a long time.

Second update!

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