Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 339 Decision, Jin Dan comes to the door [Please subscribe]

Jiufeng Ridge, inside Zhou Mingde Cave.

I saw that in the cave at this time, the three most important figures of the Zhou family were all sad and helpless.

The three of them had already had a round of discussions on whether to help Lin Hongyu form a pill.

During the discussion, the three of them did not express their attitudes directly, but each listed what they had to pay and what they could gain by helping and not helping.

It can be said that in this round of discussion, the three of them have spoken out all the good and bad aspects of everything.

Now the next step should be to express your own opinions and attitudes on these good and bad things.

This step stumped the three of them.

Because everyone knows how much impact the decisions they make now will have on the family.

In the face of such a major event, they can only think more carefully and cannot make decisions easily.

"This junior thinks that it would be too heartbreaking to not help at all, and the family's previous efforts to win over Senior Lin will be completely in vain!"

"But there should be a limit to the help. After all, Senior Lin is not a member of our Zhou family. It is impossible for the family to fully help her in a way that shakes the family foundation!"

"Therefore, this junior is more inclined to give her limited help. In this way, if she can successfully form the elixir, everyone will be happy. If she fails, it can only be said to be God's will. No one can blame her!"

In the end, Zhou Chun, as a junior, was the first to express his views and attitude.

After listening to his speech, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but look at each other, and then heard Zhou Mingde ask in a low voice: "Then how should this limit be defined?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment and then immediately said: "In the opinion of the younger generation, this limit should be the maximum help that the family can provide without shaking the family foundation, which is what the family can provide under normal conditions. Liquidity!”

"But as you said, it will be difficult for the family to come up with enough funds to help you open up Zi Mansion!"

Zhou Mingde said in a heavy tone, seemingly reluctant.

But Zhou Chun smiled and shook his head and said: "This matter is not a big problem. After all, I am still young and can afford to wait for more than ten years. And if Senior Lin can really succeed in forming the elixir, what will happen to the family?" My help is incomparable to even ten Zifu monks!"

Hearing his answer, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but sigh: "You are so open-minded, but you are really embarrassed!"

Then he looked at Zhou Daoyi, who had remained silent, and asked, "Where are you, Daoyi? What's your opinion?"

"It's not for me, the junior, to express any opinions on this matter. No matter what decision the family makes, I will agree with it!"

Zhou Daoyi said in a low tone, but chose to avoid suspicion.

After all, Lin Hongyu is his Taoist companion now, although the marriage between the two is largely due to interests.

But a Taoist is a Taoist after all. At this time, it is difficult for him to object or express support, so he can only remain silent.

Zhou Mingde also expressed his understanding of this, so he quickly nodded and said: "Well, since you don't want to express your opinion on this matter, Dao Yi, I won't force you. Let me make the decision on this matter!"

With that said, he asked Zhou Chun to invite Lin Hongyu over.

Although Lin Hongyu said she was resting over there, she couldn't actually calm down and rest.

As soon as Zhou Chun went over to notify her, she immediately gathered herself and followed her to Zhou Mingde's cave.

Then he looked at Zhou Mingde expectantly and asked, "How is it? Fellow Daoist Zhou, have you already discussed it?"

Zhou Mingde heard this, nodded slightly and said: "It is true that we have some common opinions, but before announcing, I would also like to ask fellow Taoist Lin to answer a few questions!"

"No problem. If you have anything you want to ask, fellow Taoist Zhou, just ask, and I will definitely tell you everything you know!"

Lin Hongyu immediately agreed without any hesitation.

"First question, Zhou would like to ask Fellow Daoist Lin, how many spiritual coins do you estimate it will take to purchase the spiritual object that assists in forming pills?"

"Second question, Mr. Zhou would like to know how many spiritual coins you can afford, Fellow Daoist Lin!"

"The third question is, if the Zhou family tries its best to support Daoist Fellow Lin in forming the elixir, how can it ensure that Fellow Daoist Lin is still willing to stay in the Zhou family after he successfully forms the elixir!"

Zhou Mingde stretched out three fingers, looked at Lin Hongyu solemnly, and spoke out his three questions in a deep voice.

After listening to his three questions, Lin Hongyu, who had always been very clean and straightforward, finally frowned and lost her previous straightforwardness.

She frowned and lowered her head in thought. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Zhou Mingde and said: "I can't tell you exactly how many spirit coins are needed to purchase the spiritual objects that assist in forming pills. But, I think it will definitely not be less than 600,000 to 700,000 spirit coins!"

"As for how much I can bring out, I'll tell you the truth. Even if I sell all the other things, I can only collect a hundred thousand spiritual coins at most!"

Speaking of this, she paused slightly and glanced at Zhou Daoyi next to her.

Then he whispered: "As for Fellow Daoist Zhou's third question, apart from swearing, I really don't know what to do to make you, Fellow Daoist Zhou, believe in my character and credibility!"

Hearing this, Zhou Mingde's eyes flashed strangely, and he couldn't help but nodded and said: "Zhou understands, then Fellow Daoist Lin, let's listen to Zhou's opinion first!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, please speak, I am all ears."

Lin Hongyu turned sideways slightly, looking a little nervous.

She couldn't help but be nervous. After all, what Zhou Mingde was about to say would determine whether she could take a step forward.

Zhou Mingde glanced at her and said slowly: "Zhou did not hide it from fellow Taoist Lin. Although the Zhou family has some savings over the years, it is still far from the seven or eight hundred thousand spiritual coins that fellow Taoist said." Far!"

"And not to mention the Zhou family, even those Jindan families, I'm afraid not many of them can get such a huge amount of liquidity!"

"So if Fellow Daoist Lin expects the Zhou family to come up with such a large amount of liquidity to support you, that is simply impossible!"

At this point, he didn't wait for Lin Hongyu, whose face changed slightly, to plead for mercy, and quickly changed the subject and said: "But Fellow Daoist Lin has been mining the [Tuyuan Jade] veins in Yang Country over the years, and I think he has accumulated a lot now. If you are willing to let my Zhou family sell the ore at a discount, you should be able to collect two to three hundred thousand spirit coins!"

"And the liquidity that my Zhou family can mobilize now is probably 200,000 spirit coins."

"Based on this, if you, Daoist friend Lin, can find a way to collect another two to three hundred thousand spiritual coins, it will be almost enough for you to purchase the auxiliary pill-forming spiritual items this time!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Mingde looked at Lin Hongyu, who looked thoughtful, and said softly: "What do you think of my answer, Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Hearing his words, Lin Hongyu immediately raised her head and whispered: "The two hundred thousand spirit coins are still a little short. Can Fellow Daoist Zhou add another hundred thousand spirit coins?"

After finishing speaking, he added: "I don't want to take this money in vain, I am willing to use several secret techniques I have practiced in exchange!"

However, after Zhou Mingde heard what she said, he shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Two hundred thousand spiritual coins is already all the savings that the Zhou family can come up with. Originally, I had already agreed with Zhengchun that we would This savings will be used to help him open up Zi Mansion."

"If he is not pure and pure, he understands the general situation and understands the righteousness, and is willing to postpone the time of opening the Purple Mansion and use this savings to help you, fellow Daoist Lin, to form elixirs. Even if I and the Zhou family want to help you this time, they will be powerless. !”

Hearing this, Lin Hongyu couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun.

She looked at Zhou Chun, who was already in the late stage of foundation building, and immediately understood that Zhou Mingde's words were not lying.

Then he bowed slightly to Zhou Chun and said, "Fellow Taoist Zhou understands the great righteousness, so I would like to thank you in advance."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly returned the gift and said, "I don't dare to do this to my senior. It is my honor to be able to contribute to the formation of elixirs for my seniors."

"Okay, then let's do what Fellow Daoist Zhou said. I will find another way to save the remaining spirit coins!"

Lin Hongyu turned to look at Zhou Mingde, gently nodded and agreed to his arrangement.

After the two parties reached an agreement, they immediately began to act separately.

Among them, Zhou Daoyi, who had just recovered from his injuries, personally followed Lin Hongyu to Yang Country to transport the [Tu Yuan Jade] ore.

On Zhou Chun's side, he began to mobilize the power of the Zhou family, contacting various forces and shops in the city, looking for buyers willing to purchase the [Tu Yuan Jade] ore.

Half a year is not a long time, and selling ore worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins during this period is also a big test for the Zhou family today.

Zhou Chun traveled all over the southern states of Jingguo, visited all the forces and cities that had good relations with the Zhou family, and finally sold more than 100,000 spiritual coins of ore.

There is no way. Although [Earth Crystal Jade] is extremely versatile, normal use of it for refining weapons and setting up formations will not use up as much ore as the Zhou family has accumulated.

But just when Zhou Chun was having a headache and worrying about how to sell all these [Earth Crystal Jade] ores, a big customer suddenly approached the Zhou family.

"Senior Shanyangzi is here, and the Zhou family is really in full bloom. I am disrespectful to you and did not entertain you well. Please forgive me, senior."

On the pagoda peak, Zhou Mingde, who hurriedly came out of the cave after learning the news, paid homage to the middle-aged Taoist in front of him with awe on his face.

It turned out that the big customer who came to the door was Shan Yangzi, a golden elixir monk from Qinglian Temple.

Speaking of Shan Yangzi, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun were not strangers, because the representative of Qinglian Temple at the "Hundred Tribes Conference" was this person.

At this time, facing Zhou Mingde's polite words, Shan Yangzi just waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist Zhou. Pindao didn't say hello in advance when he came this time. Fellow Taoist, if you don't know the situation, how can you entertain him? So don't be rigid." For these common rituals."

After saying that, he stared at Zhou Mingde and asked: "The purpose of Pindao coming to the Zhou family this time is also very simple, that is, Pindao has learned the news that your Zhou family is selling [Earth Yuan Jade] in large quantities. Ore, I wonder how much stock your family still has?"

It turns out that Shanyangzi practices the earth element technique, and his natal magic weapon is also an earth-attribute magic weapon. In order to enhance the power of the natal magic weapon over the years, he has been asking people to help him collect related spiritual objects.

The spiritual power contained in [Earth Element Crystal Jade] can be used to enhance the power of earth-attributed magic weapons after being condensed. When Shan Yangzi learned about the Zhou family's large-scale sale of this ore, he rushed over quickly. The Zhou family came to buy in person.

When he heard him ask about this, Zhou Mingde immediately responded respectfully: "Senior Mingjian, the Zhou family is indeed selling the [Earth Yuan Crystal Jade] ore to external parties, but the head of the Zhou family is responsible for this matter, and the junior does not If you know the specific situation, let him answer you!"

Having said this, he said to Zhou Chun who was waiting on the side: "Zhengchun, you have also heard Senior Shanyangzi's question. Please report the specific situation to Senior as soon as possible."

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Chun responded, and immediately bowed to Shan Yangzi and said: "Senior Qi, the Zhou family has about 60,000 kilograms of [Tu Yuan Jade] ore left, with a market value of over 130,000 kilograms." A spiritual coin!"

Hearing his words, Shan Yangzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help stroking his palms and shouting: "Very good, then these [Earth Crystal Jade] ores are all for the poor, and the ores you mine in the future can also be hoarded. Get up and send them to Pindao's cave in batches, and Pindao will buy them at the market price!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun's eyes lit up.

I saw Zhou Mingde hurriedly said: "How can we let our seniors spend so much money? From now on, all the ore supplied to our seniors by the Zhou family will be calculated at 80% of the market price. The remaining 20% ​​will be treated as filial contributions from the Zhou family to our seniors!"

But after Shan Yangzi heard what he said, he waved his hand gently and said: "There is no need for this. Although Pindao is not a very rich person, he is not short of this little spiritual coin. He just needs to settle according to the market price." !”

The tone was very firm, not polite.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and could only nod his head and said: "Junior understands, then just do everything as the senior said."

After such an agreement was reached, Shan Yangzi did not stay in the Zhou family any longer. After taking away the Zhou family's inventory of [Earth Yuan Jade] ore and leaving more than 135,000 spiritual coins, he left directly.

Seeing his figure floating away, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw the joy and regret in each other's eyes.

Zhou Mingde sighed with regret and said, "It's a pity. If we can use this [Tu Yuan Jade] ore to get on the line with Senior Shanyangzi, let alone 20% off, it will be 30% or 40% off." , and it’s totally worth it!”

"Yes, it's a pity to miss such an excellent opportunity!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded, his face full of regret.

Although relying on the existence of the ancestors of the Su family, the Zhou family is now considered to be protected.

But if you can establish a relationship with an elder of Qinglian Temple like Shan Yangzi, it will obviously be more important to the Zhou family.

However, Shan Yangzi obviously cherishes feathers and doesn't want to be dragged down by the Zhou family just because of this little benefit.

"Forget it, I am lucky to have gained it, but I have lost my life. The matter is over, so don't think too much about it."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and quickly looked away from the matter.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Now that the spirit coins have been obtained, let's discuss going to the Great Zhou Kingdom to participate in the auction. I am a little worried about leaving such a large amount of spirit coins to Daoyou Lin alone. !”

Zhou Chun naturally knew what he meant by being uneasy.

After hearing this, he immediately responded: "You are right, this matter should be discussed carefully."

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