Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 340 Heading to Dazhou, Xiandufang City [Please subscribe]

Several members of the Zhou family also had some minor differences of opinion regarding who should accompany Lin Hongyu to the Great Zhou Kingdom to participate in the auction.

Zhou Mingde originally wanted to follow him in person.

But Zhou Daoyi wanted to go with him, and Zhou Chun also supported Zhou Daoyi to go.

So after a dispute, it was finally decided that Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun would go to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The reason why Zhou Chun wants to go is simple. At the auction where spiritual objects that assist in forming pills can appear, there will definitely be no shortage of spiritual objects that can assist in opening up the Zi Mansion.

So he was also planning to go there and see if he could get a chance.

Although the Zhou family had originally prepared 200,000 spiritual coins to help him open up the Zi Mansion, they had already decided to use it to form pills for Lin Hongyu.

But his own private savings remained.

In these years, Zhou Chun traveled around, fighting in the north and south, and accumulated a lot of wealth.

If we sell some of the treasures and borrow some spiritual coins from Taoist companion Su Yuzhen and other family elders, we can still collect over 100,000 spiritual coins.

Generally speaking, the spiritual objects that assist in opening the Zi Mansion are only worth 100,000 spiritual coins.

After determining the candidates to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun made some preparations and went to the Yang Kingdom together.

They will first meet up with Lin Hongyu who is in charge in Yangguo, and then go to the farther Zhou Kingdom together.

Previously, Zhou Daoyi accompanied Lin Hongyu to transport the [Tu Yuan Jade] ore back to the Zhou family, and also took a route from Jingguo to Yangguo.

Now that he, a cultivator of the Zifu period, was on the road, no cultivator dared to attack the two Zhou family members along the way.

High-level monks tend to pay attention to status and often have their own power.

Generally speaking, unless they are interested in a certain treasure, it is impossible for them to do things like murder and robbery.

For the sake of safety, Zhou Daoyi rode the golden-winged tiger or the silver lightning python Baibai with Zhou Chun along the way, and never showed the green dragon in the spirit beast bag.

In this case, even if they occasionally enter the market to rest, there will not be any Zifu period monks who will come here to rob and kill them.

Therefore, after half a month of traveling, the two of them entered Yang Kingdom.

Entering Yang Country again after many years, the situation here is completely different from what Zhou Chun saw when he first came here.

The land that was burned into scorched earth is now covered with grass and trees again. However, the trees in the forest do not look strong and tall. It is obvious at a glance that the trees are very young.

Birds, beasts, snakes and insects that were originally extinct also reappeared on this land.

Perhaps the only thing that has not appeared is the human beings who once roamed this land.

The death of tens of millions of mortals cannot be recovered in just a dozen years.

Today, most of the Yang Kingdom is still a wilderness, with only a few areas inhabited by mortals who have migrated from various places.

However, this is only temporary. At the rate of reproduction and expansion of mortals, it won't take a hundred years for them to appear everywhere again.

Compared with mortals who are rarely seen, immortal cultivators are relatively easy to see in Yang Kingdom.

Yang Kingdom originally had many blessed places in the Lingshan Mountains. Although the "Thousand Jue Cricket Disaster" caused many spiritual veins to be damaged and dissipated, there are still many blessed places in the Lingshan Mountains that have become ownerless lands.

These unclaimed lands attracted many immortal cultivators who came to compete for development, and many low-level cultivators came here looking for opportunities to make money.

Lin Hongyu, who received guidance from the Zhou family, was among the first batch of monks to come over to compete for the spiritual land.

At this time, under the guidance of Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun and he flew within the Yangguo territory for less than a day before arriving at the stronghold opened by Lin Hongyu.

Lin Hongyu entered Yang Country as a casual cultivator from another country, so like most casual cultivators, she gathered eight foundation-building casual cultivators who also came to Yang Country to look for opportunities. A casual cultivator stronghold was opened in the mountains.

Because of the presence of Lin Hongyu, a late cultivator from the Purple Mansion, this loose cultivator stronghold is now quite famous in Yang Kingdom, and good people also respectfully call her the "Hongyu Fairy".

After Zhou Chun followed Zhou Daoyi to the outside of the stronghold, Zhou Daoyi also used secret techniques to restrain his own cultivation and turned into a foundation-building monk. Then the two of them entered the stronghold through normal channels.

Nowadays, there are foundation-building monks flowing everywhere in Yang Kingdom, looking for opportunities. When Zhou Chun and the two entered the stronghold, although they received the attention of the foundation-building monks who were stationed at the entrance, they did not stop them.

After entering the stronghold in this way, Zhou Chun looked around and saw a large number of single-family courtyards built in the stronghold. There were also several open shops near the entrance.

The practice rest area for passers-by is located in a separate area on the right side of the entrance, where some small single-family courtyards and rows of stone houses have been built.

Most of the areas deep within the stronghold were shrouded in white mist, making it impossible to see what was inside.

This layout is similar to other casual cultivator strongholds he has visited, the only difference is the size of the area.

While Zhou Chun was observing the situation inside the stronghold, Zhou Daoyi had already informed Lin Hongyu.

So soon a young female cultivator in a yellow skirt walked out of the foggy area and came directly to the two of them.

"Seniors, please come with me. The master has prepared tea in the cave and is waiting for you two."

The female cultivator saluted Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun, and then immediately led the way for them.

Following the female cultivator like this, with many monks in the stronghold watching in surprise, the two of them walked into the foggy area and headed to Lin Hongyu's cave.

"Husband and Masachun, you came here today, but have you finished selling those [Earth Element Crystal Jade] ores?"

In the cave, after Lin Hongyu waited for Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoyi to sit down, she couldn't wait to wave the maid away. She looked at the two of them expectantly and asked about her concerns.

It has now been less than three months since the big auction in the Great Zhou Kingdom. She is also counting the days in Yang Kingdom, eagerly looking forward to the Zhou family monks coming over every day.

Now that she saw Zhou Daoyi coming, how could she not be excited.

"It happened that Senior Shan Yangzi of Qinglian Temple wanted to collect [Tu Yuan Jade] ore to enhance the power of the magic weapon. The remaining ore was sold to him. Counting the spiritual coins that the family supports you, this time I A total of 470,000 spiritual coins were brought!”

Facing Lin Hongyu's expectant gaze, Zhou Daoyi nodded slightly and said the result in a deep voice.

Hearing his answer, Lin Hongyu was overjoyed. She clapped her hands with joy and said, "Great! I scraped together here and there, and managed to collect 220,000 spiritual coins. In total, There will be 700,000 spirit coins available!"

"If there are 700,000 spirit coins, that would be enough."

Zhou Daoyi nodded and then asked: "Then when will we set off for the Great Zhou Kingdom?"

"Of course the sooner the better!"

Lin Hongyu said, and immediately stood up and said: "Husband, you and Zhengchun are tired from coming all the way, so let's rest in this cave for a day. After I have explained and arranged everything, we will set off together tomorrow. Go to the Great Zhou Kingdom!"

After that, he left the cave to arrange his affairs after leaving.

The next morning, Lin Hongyu, who had entrusted all the arrangements for the affairs in the stronghold, left the stronghold directly with Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun, and then the three of them rushed to the location of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

According to Lin Hongyu, even the Great Zhou Kingdom was nearly 20,000 miles away from the Yang Kingdom, with two countries separated in between.

She was able to learn about the auction because she happened to meet a Zifu period monk who had returned from traveling in the Great Zhou Kingdom and learned about it from him.

But she has never been to the Great Zhou Kingdom once.

At this time, after the three people left Yang Kingdom, they could only fly all the way in the direction of the Great Zhou Kingdom. At the same time, they looked for people along the way to ask for directions to avoid going in the wrong direction.

With stops and starts along the way, it took the three of them almost a month to reach the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

As for the great Zhou Kingdom, it is much stronger than Jingguo and the surrounding countries where the Zhou family is located.

This country's land area alone is equivalent to three or four Jingguo, and it has nearly twenty Nascent Soul Stage monks.

And the northwest of the Great Zhou Kingdom is a place where foreign races are entrenched, called "Duolan Grassland". Its area is extremely vast, as big as seven or eight Great Zhou Kingdoms, and there are two powerful alien races living in it.

Therefore, you can often buy special products passed down from the "Duolan Grassland" in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

After Zhou Chun and the others arrived in the Great Zhou Kingdom, they soon learned from the monks of this country that the auction they were going to attend was a large auction held in the capital only every hundred years.

From the place where they entered the Great Zhou Kingdom to the capital of the Great Zhou Kingdom, it was still six or seven thousand miles away.

So the three of them didn't care to take a closer look at the customs and customs of the Great Zhou Kingdom. After buying a map in a city, they hurriedly followed the map to the capital of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Hurrying all the way, the three of them finally arrived in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty with about a month left before the big auction.

It is also very strange to say that this great Zhou Kingdom.

The royal family of this country is itself the largest immortal cultivating family in the Great Zhou Kingdom, a powerful cultivating family with Nascent Soul stage monks at its head!

The name of the Imperial Family of the Great Zhou Dynasty is well-known in the world of immortality cultivation in the Great Zhou Kingdom and even in surrounding countries.

Because this Huangfu family has been inherited in the Great Zhou Kingdom for more than five thousand years, and there have already been three Nascent Soul Stage monks!

Now the Huangfu family has two Nascent Soul stage monks, and their overall strength ranks among the top five in the great Zhou Kingdom. It can be said that they are the only one among the cultivating families.

The capital of the Great Zhou Kingdom was located at the foot of Huangfu's mountain gate.

Immortals and mortals coexist in this city. The city on the plain below the mountain is the residence of mortals. On the mountain is the "Xiandufang City", which ranks among the top three most prosperous cities in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Zhou Chun and the others visited many markets along the way.

But when they entered "Xiandufang City", they couldn't help but be shocked by this place.

First of all, the concentration of spiritual energy in this "Xiandufang City" is far from that of Hongyafang City in Lanzhou.

Secondly, the number of streets, shops, and even the number of pedestrians in "Xiandu Fang City" are far beyond what Zhou Chun and the others have been to before.

This city built on a mountain has three large main streets, two horizontal and three vertical, as well as five irregular small streets.

On those main streets, immortal cultivators of various cultivations come and go frequently, there are many travelers, and the excitement is not lower than that of the vegetable markets in some small mortal cities.

In the past, when Zhou Chun was working as a clerk in Hongyafang City, it was normal for him to go out on the streets for a day or two without seeing the foundation-building monks.

But now they are walking on the streets of "Xiandufang City", but they can easily see the figures of Foundation Establishment Stage monks. Many storekeepers also have Foundation Establishment Stage cultivation.

Even the monks of the Zifu period can occasionally see one or two of them.

This was the first time for the three of them to see such a prosperous city.

"Looking at the number of monks coming and going, I'm afraid only five or six Hongyafang City can be tied together to barely match the number!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself that he was indeed surprised by the huge flow of people in "Xiandufang City".

After Zhou Daoyi heard what he said, he whispered: "Maybe this kind of flow of people is not normal, maybe it is because of the influence of the big auction."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu and said, "I'll buy the souvenir certificates for participating in the auction first, and then I'll find a place to rest and take my time to stroll around here. What do you think?"

"I listen to my husband."

Lin Hongyu smiled slightly, looking as charming as a husband singing and a wife accompanying her.

Ever since the Zhou family agreed to help her form a pill, her attitude had naturally changed.

If he hadn't seen her fierce side, Zhou Chun would have thought that she was just that kind of gentle and gentle woman.

Zhou Chun also said quickly: "This junior has no objection either."

So the three of them did a little searching, and then headed straight to a certain street in the depths of Fang City.

Not long after, the three of them came to the door of a store called "Huihai Trading Company".

This "Huihai Trading Company" is the organizer of this big auction. They sell all tokens and certificates entering the auction site. They also accept other monks to send treasures for auction and draw relevant commissions.

If you just want to participate in this once-in-a-century auction, ordinary third-level magic weapons are not qualified. They must be rare treasures and precious spiritual objects.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of big auction recognizes all spiritual coins from all countries. There is no need for all the hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins carried by Zhou Chun and others to be exchanged for the common spiritual coins of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

This also fully shows the confidence of these forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and they are not afraid that the spiritual coins received from various countries will not be spent.

At this time, the three people entered the store and stated that they wanted to buy tokens to participate in the big auction. The white-haired old man in charge of the counter glanced at the three people and suggested softly: "If the three of you are together, I suggest you buy them." Although a lower-class private room will be more expensive than a private seat, it can save a lot of trouble!"

"Then how many spiritual coins are needed for a lower-class private room?"

Zhou Daoyi asked softly.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man immediately replied: "A lower-class private room costs five thousand spirit coins each. You can bring two followers in, and it comes with the right to use an independent courtyard in Fang City for half a year."

"If you are sitting alone, it will cost you one thousand spirit coins, and there are no extras!"

Hearing this, Zhou Daoyi immediately said without hesitation: "Then just listen to fellow Taoist and buy a low-grade private room."

First update!

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