Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 341 Soul-fixing Pill [Please subscribe]

"It's so dark. Just one person's qualification to participate in the auction costs one thousand spirit coins. It's simply robbery!"

After walking out of the door of "Huihai Commercial Bank", Zhou Chun couldn't help but complain aloud when he thought of his experience inside.

This was definitely the most expensive admission he had ever seen.

Based on this price, I am afraid that just by charging the entrance fee, I will receive dozens or millions of spiritual coins.

This is much faster than robbing money!

"There is an auction only once in a hundred years. Even ordinary third-level magic weapons are not eligible to be on the auction stage. Although the admission price is a bit expensive, it is still acceptable."

Zhou Daoyi was open-minded and didn't pay too much attention to this. He just waved his hand and said: "Let's go. Since this private room also comes with a yard, then we don't have to spend money to find another place to live. We can just go first Come and stay!”

The attached yard is certainly not a good place.

Its location can be said to be the most remote area in Fang City. It is in an alley at the end of a small street and has only three rooms in size.

Fortunately, this is the courtyard inside "Xiandufang City" after all, and a set of separate warning and protection formations are still deployed, which is enough to ensure that the monks passing by outside will not let go of their consciousness and see the scene in the courtyard.

Zhou Chun and the three of them were only staying here temporarily, so they were not picky. They just rearranged a protective array by themselves, and then they settled down with peace of mind.

In the next month, none of the three people had the intention to practice cultivation in their residence, and they all wandered around in the "Xiandufang City".

It has to be said that this place is prosperous for its own reasons.

In order to exchange some things for spiritual coins, Zhou Chun visited many shops, and what he saw and heard was eye-opening to him.

For example, in Lanzhou, Jingguo, he wanted to buy elixirs that could improve the mana cultivation of monks in the foundation-building period. In most cases, he could only obtain it through some underground bidding meetings, underground Yibao meetings, or publicly held auctions. .

But in this "Xiandufang City", many big stores sell this kind of elixir, but the price is slightly higher.

Even for the Foundation Establishment Pill, some stores claim to be able to accept pre-orders and guarantee delivery within three years.

Of course, the price of this kind of reservation is also relatively high, 10,000 spirit coins each!

In addition, like magic weapons, many big stores can easily buy third-level magic weapons, let alone second-level magic weapons.

There are even some shops that accept customization of magic weapons and guarantee the success of the refining. If it fails, there will be no charge, but the price will still be very high!

Other high-end products such as talismans, formations, etc. are much easier to buy in this "Xiandufang Market" than in Jingguo.

If the world of immortality can be divided into developed and underdeveloped areas, then Jingguo is undoubtedly that underdeveloped area.

If Zhou Chun hadn't been concentrating funds to purchase spiritual objects to help open up the Purple Mansion, he would have wanted to take the opportunity to make a large purchase in this "Xiandufang City".

In his opinion, although many things here are very expensive, if they can be purchased directly with spiritual coins, it is still acceptable.

After all, there are many things in Jingguo that are difficult to buy with spirit coins.

Thanks to the prosperous business environment of "Xiandufang City", many of Zhou Chun's rare spiritual objects were sold at a good price.

You must know that funding Lin Hongyu's elixir formation empties the Zhou family's liquidity, and of course a family as big as the Zhou family cannot let its liquidity dry up.

So when Zhou Chun came to the Great Zhou Kingdom this time, he also brought a lot of rare spiritual objects saved by his family, which he planned to sell in exchange for spiritual coins to supplement the family's liquidity.

These include the fragrant musk incense that can remove turbid and evil spirits, the "soul-cleansing water" produced by the soul-cleansing water demon in Longyuanze, and many things that the Zhou family obtained from the wilderness and Longyuanze. of rare things.

As long as such rare spiritual objects are willing to sell, there is basically nothing that cannot be sold.

Although there are many treasures in "Xiandufang City", such rare spiritual objects are in short supply and are difficult to obtain easily.

Therefore, not only did Zhou Chun get rid of the things easily, but the price he sold them for was much higher than expected.

What he didn't dare to let Lin Hongyu know was that the number of spiritual coins in his hand now exceeded 200,000!

This is thanks to him having a good Taoist companion.

When she heard that he wanted to borrow spiritual coins to buy the spiritual objects that would open up the Purple Mansion, Su Yuzhen gave him all the spiritual coins she had without saying a word.

The Su family in Jiangzhou is a golden elixir family, and they have always generously distributed spiritual coins to their clan members as welfare offerings. Su Yuzhen is also a monk in the Zifu period, and the Su family alone distributes 500 spiritual coins to her every year as welfare offerings.

And there is basically no place where she needs to spend spirit coins.

So she lent more than 47,000 spiritual coins to Zhou Chun alone!

Time flies, and one month has passed quickly.

On the day when the big auction started, Zhou Chun and the three of them went to the auction venue very early.

The auction venue is located behind the "Huihai Commercial Bank" where they purchased the token certificate that day. It is a circular stone building similar to the Colosseum, but the area is much smaller than the Colosseum, and there are not as many bleacher seats. .

After Zhou Chun and the others checked the token certificate, they were taken to a stone room on the lower floor of the auction venue.

The number "fifty-seven" written on the door plate of the stone room represents the number of this private room.

The space inside is not large, and it will feel crowded if six or seven people sit there.

On the other side of the stone door where they came in was the auction table. A special crystal floor-to-ceiling window allowed them to clearly see the auction table in the center and some of the seats on the stands.

However, due to the special refining process of the crystal floor-to-ceiling window, they could not see the situation in the private room through the crystal floor-to-ceiling window in the opposite bakery.

Moreover, the walls of the stone room and the crystal floor-to-ceiling windows of the private room have the function of isolating the detection of spiritual consciousness. Their spiritual consciousness cannot detect the private room.

But in order to make it easier for them to bid and hear the sounds on the auction stage, a crystal ball and a conch artifact were placed in the stone room.

These two magic weapons do not need to be refined. If you want to bid, you only need to take the crystal ball in your hand, inject mana and spiritual consciousness into it and indicate the price.

The conch instrument is used to convey the sound on the auction stage.

"Although it's a bit expensive, it does have its advantages. Sitting here to participate in the auction is much safer and more comfortable than sitting there!"

Zhou Daoyi nodded slightly and sat down on the Taishi chair placed nearby.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu also sat down on their chairs.

After waiting like this for nearly two hours, most of the seats in the auction house were occupied.

Because it was a regular auction, most of the monks sitting at the table did not cover their faces, and only a few of them covered their faces.

At this time, a charming and sexy woman in a red dress quickly landed on the originally empty auction stage. She should be the auctioneer of today's auction.

I saw that the beautiful woman in the red dress was tall, with protruding front and back. The red dress on her body was also translucent, and the scenery inside was looming, which was extremely attractive.

After she landed on the auction stage, she first bowed in all directions, then smiled charmingly and said, "I, Liu Mengyan, have met all of you fellow Taoists."

The voice was soft and charming, like the laughter of a fox.

After introducing herself in this way, the beautiful woman in the red dress casually made polite remarks, and then talked about the rules of the auction.

And she obviously knew that not many people wanted to hear these words, so she spoke very quickly.

After finishing all the necessary nonsense in one breath, she let out a sweet smile and quickly got to the point.

She raised her hand and waved, and a black stone box appeared out of thin air in front of her. Then the lid of the box opened automatically, revealing a green animal egg inside.

"Fellow Taoists, please take a look, this is the first treasure today, the egg of the high-level monster poisonous dragon lizard."

The beautiful woman in the red dress explained the name of the beast egg:

"Perhaps many fellow Taoists who come from far away don't know about the poisonous dragon lizard. It is a ferocious monster that lives on the Duolan Grassland. Its poisonous magical power is comparable to that of poisonous dragons of the same level, and it can be easily poisoned to death. Even if a cultivator of the same level as the Purple Mansion Stage or the Golden Core Stage is accidentally contaminated with its toxin, it will take a huge loss of vitality to get rid of it."

"This poisonous dragon lizard egg was found by a Golden Core monk from the Duolan Grassland. It is absolutely authentic!"

Having said this, she pursed her lips slightly and smiled and said: "Okay, now the bidding for this item starts, the base price is 80,000 spirit coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spirit coins!"

As soon as the words fell, people began to bid.

Every time someone bids, the beautiful woman in a red dress on the stage will whisper the other person's price and use some seductive words to induce more people to bid.

In Private Room No. 57, Zhou Daoyi listened to the sound coming from the conch artifact, looked at the monster egg in the stone box on the auction table, and said thoughtfully: "This is a reminder. Now that we have finally made a trip to the Great Zhou Kingdom, we have to buy some illustrations of monsters and beasts from here to take back with us to enrich the family’s book collection and broaden the horizons of the clan members.”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he nodded in agreement and said, "Sir, you are right. This matter is indeed necessary. I will do it myself after the auction is over."

Then several people watched the price of the poisonous dragon lizard egg rising steadily. It was finally auctioned for a high price of 195,000 spiritual coins, and was bought by a monk in a private room.

This price is actually not that outrageous. After all, as long as a high-level monster does not die young, it will definitely become a third-level monster.

For a force, it is completely worth it to spend two hundred thousand spirit coins and a hundred years to obtain a loyal and powerful third-level monster.

After the poisonous dragon lizard egg was auctioned, the beautiful woman in red dress Liu Mengyan immediately took out the second auction item.

It was a silver-white flying sword weapon with sharp edges.

Liu Mengyan hung the flying sword in front of her, stretched out her slender jade fingers and flicked the sword body, causing it to make a crisp tinkling sound.

Immediately introduced: "The third-level high-grade magic weapon Silvermang Soul-Splitting Sword, a killing sword, is a top-quality flying sword made by the golden elixir stage monks using hundreds of refined black iron as the main material and refined by their own elixir fire. , in order to enhance its sharpness and hardness, two ounces of iron essence were added!”

"This sword itself has an extremely sharp effect, which activates the sword energy and increases its power by 30%. It can withstand 80% of the mana poured by the monks in the early stage of the golden elixir without damaging the sword body!"

"The starting price is 50,000 spirit coins, and each bid increase must not be less than 1,000 spirit coins!"

As soon as the words fell, the monk sitting on the table began to bid loudly.

There was no barrier between the seats and the auction table, and the voices from above were clearly transmitted into each private room, but there was no need for Liu Mengyan to repeat it.

The people who participated in the bidding for this Silver Soul-Splitting Sword were mainly the monks sitting on the table.

Zhou Daoyi looked at the raging bidding process and suddenly remembered something. He turned slightly to look at Zhou Chun and said, "I remember that the family also got a piece of iron essence from the Zhang family. It seemed to be half a catty?"

"There is such a thing. That piece of iron essence costs six or seven dollars!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, confirming his words.

Hearing this answer, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but glance at Lin Hongyu and said no more.

His action made Lin Hongyu stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun instantly understood what Zhou Daoyi meant.

Then he said with a smile: "No one in the family can use that piece of iron essence. After Elder Lin successfully forms the elixir, it can be given to Elder Lin to refine the natal magic weapon!"

Hearing this, Lin Hongyu couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and smiled and said: "Hahaha, it's a bit early to say this now, let's talk about it then!"

She said this, but looking at the smile on her face, it was obvious that she was very grateful for Zhou Daoyi's kindness.

This made Zhou Chun secretly admire the elder Zhou Daoyi's methods.

Obviously, Zhou Daoyi used the previous methods of winning over his clan members on Lin Hongyu, a Taoist monk.

And the effect looks very good.

In this way, Zhou Chun and the others, who had clear goals, watched in the private room as Liu Mengyan took out precious and rare treasures one by one and sold them at high prices one after another.

During this period, the three of them all talked about some treasures, but had no idea of ​​making a bid.

This continues until the eighth auction treasure appears.

On the auction stage, Liu Mengyan waved her jade hand, and a jade bottle appeared in her hand.

Then he slowly said: "A [Soul-fixing Pill] that can assist in opening the Purple Mansion, the starting price is fifty thousand spirit coins, and each increase in price must not be less than a thousand spirit coins."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun in Private Room No. 57 suddenly became energetic.

And sitting in the stands, a late-stage foundation-building monk immediately shouted: "I will give you 60,000 spiritual coins!"

"Sixty-five thousand spiritual coins!"

Another monk sitting on the table increased the price and the competition was fierce.

Seeing this, Zhou Daoyi in the private room handed the crystal ball artifact to Zhou Chun and said, "Zhengchun, do it yourself!"

"Junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded, immediately took the crystal ball, directly injected mana and consciousness, and quoted his price.

"Ninety-five thousand spirit coins. There are ninety-five thousand spirit coins from private room No. 57. Is there a higher price? [Soul-fixing Pill] not only helps to open up the Purple Mansion, but sometimes it can also play a role. It’s life-saving!”

On the auction stage, Liu Mengyan, a beautiful woman in a red dress, quoted Zhou Chun's price while trying to lure other monks to increase their prices in a seductive tone.

The second update is here!

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