Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 342 Giving and Gaining, the Value of Magical Weapons [Please subscribe]

[Soul-fixing Pill] can not only assist in opening up the Purple Mansion, but also has the effect of fixing souls and saving people.

Certain methods of attacking the souls may cause the souls of the monks in the Purple Mansion Stage to be in a state of "shock", and in severe cases, the souls may leave the body.

At this time, if you take [Soul-Calming Pill], you can stabilize your soul and save your life.

In addition, if a cultivator in the Zifu stage has his soul leave his body and seize another person's body, the soul will be weak after the seizure and prone to various complications. At this time, taking [Soul-fixing Pill] can also stabilize the soul, greatly reducing the occurrence of complications.

Therefore, there are many monks competing with Zhou Chun for the [Soul-fixing Pill]. Not only are there foundation-building monks who need this item to help open the Zifu like him, but there are also some Zifu-phase monks who are rich.

The price was raised higher and higher, and soon reached 120,000 spiritual coins.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and released his hand from the crystal ball.

"Masumi, are you giving up?"

Zhou Daoyi on the side saw this and spoke in surprise.

He knew how many spirit coins Zhou Chun had on him. Although 120,000 spirit coins were a lot, Zhou Chun could not afford them.

And this kind of elixir that helps open up the Purple Mansion is not something you can encounter all the time.

"Although [Soul-fixing Pill] can also help open the Purple Mansion, the effect may not be as good as the [Xuanxin Purple Return Pill] that the three elders took. Spending hundreds of thousands of spirit coins to buy this thing to open the Purple Mansion, the junior thinks it is not good. worth!"

Zhou Chun explained in a low voice the reason why he gave up, but there was no sign of unwillingness on his face.

Seeing that he had said this, Zhou Daoyi could not persuade him any more, so he could only nod his head and said: "That's fine, you can make the decision yourself."

In the end, the [Soul-fixing Pill] was bought for a high price of 150,000 spirit coins.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the [Soul-fixing Pill] was sold, the beautiful woman in red dress Liu Mengyan waved her hand again and took out two other spiritual objects to help open up the Zi Mansion.

"There are two treasures being auctioned this time, [Silver Star Soul Jade] and [Qingling Zhuguo]. Based on past experience, these two treasures can steadily increase the chance of success in opening the Purple Mansion to 30% if used together. above!"

"Therefore these two treasures will be auctioned together, with a starting price of 120,000 spirit coins, and each increase in price shall not be less than 1,000 spirit coins!"

After the words fell, Zhou Chun in Private Room No. 57 suddenly stood up.

He stared at the two jade boxes on the auction stage. One of the jade boxes contained the [Silver Star Soul Jade] used by Zhou Daoyi to open the Zifu. The other jade box contained Purple red fruit similar to strawberry.

It is the combination of these two things that can increase the success rate of opening the Purple Mansion by more than 30%!

This made Zhou Chun, who was facing the problem of opening up the Zifu, how could he not be moved by it.

However, even though he wanted these two treasures very much in his heart, his reason told him that he might not be able to get these two treasures today.

Although he has 200,000 spirit coins in hand, judging from the previous transaction price of [Soul-fixing Pill], the price of these two treasures will definitely not stop at this number.

The auction has now progressed, and Zhou Chun has finally understood it.

The treasures that can appear in this auction are indeed exquisite.

But the price of these treasures is definitely the highest price they can be sold for.

If they hadn't appeared at this once-in-a-century auction, and if the monks who came to the auction hadn't been carrying a lot of money, it would have been difficult for them to sell for such a high price.

Therefore, the treasures appearing in this auction cannot be regarded at normal prices at all.

Sure enough, the fierce bidding that followed confirmed Zhou Chun's idea.

Soon the price exceeded 200,000 spirit coins, and the transaction was finally completed at a price of 243,000 spirit coins.

And after he shouted the price of 200,000 spiritual coins once, he didn't raise the price again.


A long sigh came from Zhou Chun's mouth, and the crystal ball in his hand fell to the ground.

Knowing it is one thing, but seeing the opportunity taken away in front of you is still very uncomfortable.

Seeing him like this, Lin Hongyu on the side also clenched her lips, with a look of guilt in her eyes.

Obviously she also knew that if the Zhou family hadn't used all their working capital to support her in making pills, Zhou Chun would have easily taken down these two treasures that helped open up the Zi Mansion, and even the [Soul-fixing Pill] before Can be taken away together.

Zhou Daoyi also glanced at her at this time, and then sighed softly to comfort Zhou Chun and said: "Hey! Zhengchun, don't be discouraged. After all, you are still young. Even if you miss this opportunity, there will be a next time, no matter what In this way, the family will definitely do its best to help you open up Zi Mansion!"

"Junior understands, I'm just a little sorry!"

Zhou Chun responded and said no more.

The private room was quiet for a while, and all that could be heard were various price calls coming from the conch magic weapon.

"Three pieces of iron essence, a magic weapon and spiritual material, weighing three kilograms and six taels. The starting price is 120,000 spirit coins. Each increase in price must not be less than a thousand spirit coins!"

"There are two pieces of magic weapon and spiritual material, gold essence, weighing two kilograms and six taels. The starting price is 150,000 spiritual coins. Each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spiritual coins!"

"A three-thousand-year-old golden ginseng king plant has a starting price of 100,000 spiritual coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spiritual coins!"

"The magic weapon and spiritual material is a piece of ten-thousand-year-old golden sun wood tree heart. The starting price is 200,000 spiritual coins. Each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spiritual coins!"

The real targets of this once-in-a-century auction are the Golden Core monks.

At the midfield stage, most of the treasures put up for auction were for Golden Core Stage monks.

Various materials for refining magic weapons, as well as elixirs for refining golden elixirs for monks to take, were taken out one by one by Liu Mengyan, triggering a fight among many monks in the private room.

Obviously, those bidders are all golden elixir stage monks.

This kind of scene also opened the eyes of Zhou Chun and others.

Not only because he saw the huge financial resources of many Jindan monks, but also because he saw many rare spiritual objects whose names he had only heard of, or even whose names he had never heard of.

Zhou Chun, who complained at the time that admission was too expensive, now felt that it was worth the money.

He could never see such high-end auctions in Jingguo, and he couldn't find them even if he had the money.

Even the monks of the great Zhou Kingdom can only witness this once every hundred years.

Spending thousands of spirit coins for this is completely worth it.

Each of these treasures was bought by many Golden Core monks at high prices. After a short time, the main event came.

On the auction stage, Liu Mengyan waved her jade hand, and three more red, white, and blue jade bottles of different sizes appeared in front of her, and then she whispered: "These three treasures are also auctioned together. They are [extremely beautiful]." Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid], [Extremely Cold Ice Marrow Liquid], [Xuanyi Heqi Pill]!”

"When these three treasures are used together when forming an elixir, one can have at least a 20% chance of successfully forming an elixir. All Taoist friends who need it will understand their preciousness and scarcity!"

"In fact, this object was specially prepared for this once-in-a-hundred-year auction. It is to give other fellow Taoists an opportunity to form elixirs. Otherwise, such treasures would never be measured in spiritual coins!"

In Private Room No. 57, Lin Hongyu stood up suddenly, staring intently at the three jade bottles floating in front of Liu Mengyan.

The contents of those three jade bottles were what she was after.

She has risked everything for these three treasures!

After Liu Mengyan on the auction stage introduced the origins of the treasures in the three jade bottles, she loudly said: "The starting price for these three treasures is 300,000 spiritual coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spiritual coins. !”

The starting price of 300,000 spirit coins is the highest starting price in this auction so far.

But this price did not scare those who came specifically for these three treasures at all.

"I'll give you 400,000 spiritual coins!"

Soon, a certain late-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion loudly announced the price in the stands.

This person is so rich that he is not willing to open a private room. He probably wants to spend every penny wisely.

Unfortunately, his offer failed to scare anyone.

"Fifty thousand spiritual coins. The fellow Taoist in Room No. 62 offered half a million spiritual coins. Is there anything higher? The opportunity to form an elixir is right in front of you. If you miss it, you may not have it even if you wait a hundred years!"

"Okay, the fellow Taoist in private room No. 57 bids 550,000 spiritual coins. Is there any higher price?"

"Okay, okay, the Taoist friend in Room 65 bids 570,000 spiritual coins. Does anyone want to continue to increase the price?"

"Five hundred and eighty thousand spiritual coins, the fellow Taoist in private room No. 57 has increased the price!"

On the auction stage, Liu Mengyan, a beautiful woman in a red dress, kept saying high prices one after another.

Obviously, the people who can really take down these three treasures must be those in the private room.

Under such fierce bidding, the auction price soon reached 700,000 spirit coins, which was the limit that Lin Hongyu could control now.

At this time, there were two monks in the private room bidding for her.

Seeing this situation, she was extremely anxious. She immediately turned to Zhou Chun and said, "Zhengchun, can you lend me another hundred thousand spiritual coins? I will use my personal magic weapon as a mortgage to you and promise to pay you back afterwards!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun just glanced at Zhou Daoyi briefly, and then said without hesitation: "Elder Lin is so polite. We are all a family. Isn't it strange to say this? There are still 150,000 juniors here. The spirit coins can be withdrawn freely, just use them!"

"Okay, okay, Zhengchun, you are indeed the Qilin of the Zhou family. I, Lin Hongyu, will definitely remember your kindness today!"

Lin Hongyu was so happy that she cheered, and then hurriedly entered a new quotation into the crystal ball.

In this way, with Zhou Chun's support of 150,000 spirit coins, she quickly defeated the other two competitors in the bidding, and finally successfully won the three with a price of 815,000 spirit coins. A treasure.

"Eight hundred and fifteen thousand spirit coins three times. Congratulations to the fellow Taoist in Room No. 57 for successfully acquiring this object!"

Following Liu Mengyan's slightly excited voice, the three people in Private Room No. 57 breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw Lin Hongyu quickly stood up, bowed to Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chunfu and said: "I will never thank you for your kindness. My husband and Zhengchun, you two are here to testify that if I can form a golden elixir in the future, I will definitely do it." I will repay the Zhou family’s kindness ten times!”

Seeing her like this, Zhou Daoyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately stepped forward to help her up and said: "Madam, you are exaggerating when you say this. The Zhou family helped Madam to form elixirs not because they wanted Madam's reward, but because Madam, you are My Taoist companion is a member of my Zhou family!"

Having said this, he also smiled and said: "At the same time, I would also like to congratulate Madam for getting her wish. I wish Madam that all her wishes will come true and that she will successfully form an elixir!"

"The Supreme Elder is right. Elder Lin, you are also the Supreme Elder of the Zhou family. You should get help from the family. I believe that if the Zhou family is in trouble in the future, you will not stand idly by!"

Zhou Chun nodded again and again, but he had no intention of taking credit for anything.

Although the words of the two sounded a little false, in Lin Hongyu's ears at this time, she was really moved and benefited.

She was born in the Hualong Cult, and she had to learn to compete with other sect members for cultivation resources since she was a child. Almost no one would give up their cultivation resources to her regardless of compensation.

She was not at all sure about asking the Zhou family for help this time.

But for her, the Zhou family is her only hope in a short time.

Unexpectedly, this unexpected result turned out to be unexpectedly good.

For a monk with a foreign surname like her, a monk with a foreign relative who joined halfway, the Zhou family was also willing to give them the greatest help they could, helping her raise hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins, and finally allowed her to successfully get her wish.

This unexpected gain, the feeling of being helped and cared for for the first time in her life, was indeed an unspeakably wonderful experience for her.

At least at this moment, she was truly warmed and moved in her heart.

She nodded heavily on the spot and said, "Yes, if the Zhou family needs me for anything in the future, I, Lin Hongyu, will definitely not say a word!"

While they were thinking about the future together, Liu Mengyan started bidding on new treasures on the auction stage.

At this time, this auction should have reached the backstage stage, and all the treasures put up for auction are high-quality.

Not long after, a magic weapon was put up for auction.

Liu Mengyan waved her hand, and a necklace emitting golden aura appeared in her hand, and she held her hand and showed it to all directions.

Xuanzhi listened to her introduction: "The magic weapon Qianyuan Golden Light Circle has the power to capture a dragon and trap an immortal. The Qianyuan Golden Light magical power attached to it can greatly suppress the power of cultivation. Once trapped by it, it will be a golden elixir." Later monks will never be able to use the magic power of the golden elixir stage. This thing can also trap enemy magic weapons, and it can also suppress the connection between enemies and magic weapons. It is a very mysterious magic weapon!"

"The starting price for this item is 500,000 spirit coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 10,000 spirit coins!"

The starting price alone was as high as 500,000 spirit coins. The appearance of this magic weapon gave Zhou Chun a deeper understanding of the value of this treasure.

The subsequent transaction price of this item shocked him even more.

In the end, this Qianyuan golden aperture magic weapon was bought for 1.27 million spiritual coins, once again breaking the transaction record of this auction!

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