Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 343 Lin Hongyu’s plan to return to the family [Please subscribe]

Magic weapons, elixirs that can increase the chances of Golden Core monks breaking through the bottleneck, and powerful formations that can trap and kill Golden Core monks.

These extremely precious treasures were taken out one by one by Liu Mengyan, a beautiful woman in a red dress, and each one was sold for a sky-high price!

The last treasure is a secret talisman that a Yuanying-stage monk spent seven years of hard work and sacrifice. Once activated, it can unleash a shocking blow that has 30% of the strength of an early-stage Yuanying monk!

The final transaction price of this secret talisman was as high as 2.25 million spiritual coins, which was almost as much as two magic weapons!

But no one will think it is not worth the price!

People who don't buy this thing will only regret that they don't have enough money.

After all, such a secret talisman can completely determine the outcome of a battle between Golden Core monks under certain circumstances, and determine the life or death of a certain Golden Core monk!

Such a secret talisman is usually not something that money can buy, because the Nascent Soul stage monks who can make it will not easily spread it and will only leave it to some younger generations as a life-saving thing.

Moreover, the production of this kind of secret talisman is also very difficult. Not only does it require the supernatural powers of the Yuanying stage monks, but it also requires the use of very rare materials as the carrier of the secret talisman. It is impossible to produce it in large quantities.

After this treasure was also sold, Zhou Chun mentally calculated the transaction prices of all the treasures in this auction, and the result made him short of breath.

According to his calculations, the total transaction price of all the treasures at this grand auction was more than 28 million spiritual coins!

Even a Nascent Soul Stage monk would not be able to come up with such a huge amount of wealth.

Even speaking on a larger scale, none of the three sects of Jingguo can afford such a large amount of spiritual coins!

And this is just the revenue from one auction!

This shows how rich the Great Zhou Kingdom is.

Not long after Liu Mengyan, a beautiful woman in a red dress, announced that the auction was over, the treasures photographed by Lin Hongyu were delivered to their room.

"[Extreme Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid], [Extreme Cold Ice Marrow Liquid], and [Xuanyi Heqi Pill], these three treasures are all here. Fellow Taoist, please check the authenticity and weight on site. If you leave this private room, If there are any problems later, our firm will not be responsible!"

In the private room, a Zifuqi monk who was responsible for delivering the goods took out three treasures and handed them to Lin Hongyu for inspection.

Based on the background of the auctioneer, there is actually no need to worry about the authenticity of this thing.

It is impossible for the Huangfu family to do such a self-defeating thing.

However, after hearing what the other party said, Lin Hongyu opened the three jade bottles on the spot and inspected them carefully.

Then he nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's right, it is indeed genuine and the portion is sufficient."

After saying that, he handed a storage bag to the other party, "This is 815,000 spiritual coins. Please have a look at it, fellow Taoist."

Counting more than 800,000 spirit coins correctly is not something that can be accomplished in a short time, especially when the spirit coins among them are not of the same kind.

Fortunately, the auctioneer was also prepared for this situation. The Zifu-stage monk who delivered the goods was followed by two Foundation-building stage monks, so the three of them could count together.

After almost two-quarters of an hour of counting, the Zifuqi monk nodded to Lin Hongyu and the others who were waiting quietly and said: "The payment is correct. The three fellow Taoists can leave now."

Hearing this, Zhou Chun and the others walked out of the stone room without any further delay, walked straight out of the auction house, and returned to their residence.

"What should we do next? Should we go back directly?"

In the residence, as soon as Zhou Chun returned here, he looked at the two elders and asked about the follow-up plans.

They came to Great Zhou Kingdom to participate in the auction. Now that the auction is over, Lin Hongyu has also bought the spiritual object to assist in forming pills as she wished. Logically speaking, there is really no need to stay any longer.

But after hearing what he said, Zhou Daoyi looked at Lin Hongyu and said softly: "What's your opinion, madam? What do you think?"

Lin Hongyu heard the words, pondered for a moment, then looked at the two of them and said: "The spiritual objects that assist in forming pills are too precious. Although we were in the private room the whole time, we can't completely guarantee that this matter has not been leaked to others. I know, so I want to rent a cave directly in Xiandufang City to retreat and form pills!"

After that, he continued: "Of course, the results of seclusion and alchemy cannot be achieved within a year and a half. Husband, you and Zhengchun don't need to stay with me here. You can wait for a month or two before going back."

What she said was reasonable and well-founded, and she was also prudent and prudent. After hearing this, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at each other and both fell into deep thought.

After a moment passed like this, Zhou Daoyi nodded first and said: "What Madam said is very reasonable. You can indeed avoid being robbed and killed by retreating directly in Xiandufang City to form elixirs. Moreover, the concentration of spiritual energy in Xiandufang City is also very good." It’s better than our Zhou Family Mountain Gate, and it’s also more helpful for forming pills!”

After saying that, he made a decision: "Then let's do it. When the time comes, I will send Zhengchun back first, and then come over to protect Madam!"

Hearing his words, Lin Hongyu's complexion suddenly softened a lot, and there was joy in her eyes.

Although the two had a lot of trouble in the past, Zhou Daoyi's recent performance really made her feel very satisfied and happy.

Although she actually knew in her heart that all this was just to please her because she was about to enter the Golden Core stage.

But isn’t this kind of flattery itself a good signal?

Now that she has not successfully formed the elixir, Zhou Daoyi can already take the initiative to please her. After she successfully forms the elixir, will she still worry that Zhou Daoyi will be cold to her?

Although Zhou Chun had some thoughts of staying here and wandering around after seeing the prosperity of the Great Zhou Kingdom, he also knew that the current situation in Jingguo was turbulent and undercurrent, and he, the patriarch, could not stay away from the family for a long time at this time.

Therefore, after listening to Zhou Daoyi's words, he quickly nodded and responded: "I have no objection, I will listen to the two supreme elders."

So the matter was settled, and Lin Hongyu immediately went with Zhou Daoyi to find a cave for retreat.

In larger cities, in addition to training areas for casual cultivators and passing monks to practice and restore their magic power, there are also long-term rental caves.

The prices of these long-term rented caves are often very high, and ordinary monks in the foundation building period cannot afford them.

Therefore, many times these caves are vacant or used by short-term tenants.

Xiandu Fang City is one of the top three cities in the Great Zhou Kingdom. Because of its rich aura environment, many immortal cultivating families in the Great Zhou Kingdom will come to rent it when their people want to make some key breakthroughs. A cave for his retreat.

Therefore, the vacancy rate of caves here is relatively low, and the prices are extremely high.

Lin Hongyu wanted to retreat to form alchemy, and her requirements for the caves were even higher. It could be said that most of the caves in Fang City could not meet her requirements.

In the end, she spent a lot of money to rent a suitable cave house at a high price.

This cave requires a rent of three thousand spiritual coins every year, and it is paid annually, with a minimum rent of three years.

Such a high rent price could not be afforded by Lin Hongyu, who was already strapped for money. Zhou Daoyi emptied his family's fortune and took out 30,000 spiritual coins to pay her rent for ten years.

After renting the cave, Lin Hongyu moved in directly and began to slowly recover and prepare for retreat.

Zhou Chun still had some spirit coins in his hand, and planned to buy some things in the market that were not easily available in Jingguo.

He originally wanted to buy a few Foundation Establishment Pills, but the Foundation Establishment Pills here only accept reservations, and the delivery time is several years.

So I could only find a big store, pay 30,000 spiritual coins as a deposit, and order three Foundation Establishment Pills.

When Zhou Daoyi comes to the Great Zhou Kingdom to protect Lin Hongyu, he can take these foundation-building pills.

After paying the deposit in advance, Zhou Chun didn't have many spiritual coins left at his disposal. He stopped visiting those shops and went to the free trading area in Fangshi.

How about the prosperity of Xiandufang City!

Even in this free trading area, which is exclusively for casual cultivators to sell their things, there are many foundation-building monks setting up stalls here.

After Zhou Chun walked around for half a circle, he stopped in front of a stall.

The owner of this stall is a white-haired old man with a mid-stage foundation-building cultivation. The items sold at his stall are mainly medicinal materials, animal eggs, and insect eggs, and it is also specially marked that the items come from Duolan Grassland.

"Fellow Taoist said that these things all come from Duolan Grassland, but is there any evidence?"

Zhou Chun stopped in front of the stall, stared at the goods, and asked questions in a low tone.

After hearing what he said, the white-haired old man couldn't help but look up at him, and then said lightly: "Fellow Taoist should not be a monk from my Great Zhou Kingdom!"

"Oh, how can I see this?"

Zhou Chun narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man's face.

The old man said slowly: "If we, a monk from the Great Zhou Kingdom, have reached the level of my Taoist friend, even if he has never been to Duolan Grassland, he should have seen a lot of things on the grassland. He won't know how to see it." I don’t know the origin of these things on my stall!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded and said, "Fellow Taoist, I have good eyesight. I am indeed not a monk from the Great Zhou Kingdom."

Then he shook his head slightly and said, "I'm just curious about the things on Duolan Grassland, but I don't want to be fooled. I wonder if you can introduce the origin of these things?"

"Are you really interested in these things?"

The white-haired old man looked at Zhou Chun, as if judging his sincerity.

Zhou Chun said calmly: "Zhou is indeed interested in the things on Duolan Grassland, but whether he will buy them depends on whether these things are worth Zhou's money."

After hearing what he said, the white-haired old man lowered his head slightly and pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, there is nothing else to do, so I will talk to my fellow Taoist!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the things on the stall one by one and introduced them.

"This is the egg of the low-level monster Purple-eyed Falcon on the grassland. This monster is small and cannot carry people, but it is very fast and can travel long distances. The low-level mages of the multi-winged tribe on the grassland often tame this beast. Birds come to warn and inform.”

"This is the egg of the horned lizard, a low-level monster on the grassland. The horned lizard can grow up to two feet long when it reaches adulthood. It is good at running on flat ground and can also climb mountains and ridges. It is an excellent transportation mount and also has unique abilities. With its weak combat power, the low-level mages of the Multi-Wing Tribe will occasionally tame this monster beast to take their place."

"These are the eggs of the wind mantis, a specialty monster on the grassland. Although these monster insects are small in size, they are very ferocious and aggressive in nature. Two or three of them can hunt down a horned lizard beast, and there is a chance that they can mutate into a single body with a combat power comparable to The wind demon mantis variant of the second-level monster!"

"This hive is the hive of the cow-eating bee, a specialty insect on the grassland. The smell emitted after being ignited can drive away many monsters. If it is ignited on the grassland, it can even drive away some groups of monsters!"

"This kind of insect-like and grass-like medicinal material is called Cordyceps. The multi-winged clan mage can use it as medicine to make a variety of medicines. It can also be taken together with spiritual ginseng. It has a great effect on restoring vitality after injury. I have these. A cordyceps that is more than ten years old, or a hundred-year-old cordyceps, is worth hundreds of spiritual coins!"

On the street stall, the white-haired old man chatted and introduced all the things on his stall one by one. He also explained to Zhou Chun some methods of distinguishing authenticity.

Of course, whether this method is effective or not is all his opinion, and Zhou Chun doesn't dare to believe it.

But with his many years of experience, he did not dare to say whether those medicinal materials were genuine or not, such as monster eggs and insect eggs. He still had the confidence to make the distinction.

Therefore, after learning some relevant information from the old man, Zhou Chun bought two purple-eyed falcon eggs, five horned lizard eggs, and even three Cordyceps plants from his stall.

Although these things are only used by monks in the Qi Refining Stage, they are not cheap.

Zhou Chun spent nearly three times the price of other similar spiritual objects to be able to buy these things.

However, he has nothing to complain about. After all, the "Duolan Grassland" is the territory of the foreign race. If you want to bring back these special spiritual objects on the grassland, the risks you take are not ordinary, and they are more expensive. reason.

Just like the rare treasures from the Longyuan Ze waters that he had previously sold, they were all sold at high prices that were difficult to sell in Jingguo.

After buying some specialty spiritual items in the free trading area, Zhou Chun went to the grocery store to buy some monster illustrations and "Duolan Grassland" related information and classics.

After all the shopping, he had less than 50,000 spirit coins left in his hand, which he had to take back to replenish the family's liquidity.

So in the next one or two months, Zhou Chun didn't come out much, and he kept concentrating on practicing at his residence.

After avoiding the limelight for two months, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun left Xiandufang City and embarked on their way back to their family.

Perhaps because Lin Hongyu did not accompany him, or perhaps because the news was not leaked in the first place, Zhou Chun and the others did not encounter anyone who robbed or killed them after they left Xiandufang City.

After almost two months of traveling together, the two of them returned to the Jiufengling Family Mountain Gate safely.

But as soon as the front foot stepped into the family, Zhou Chun, the back foot, learned some bad news.

First update!

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