Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 344 Rumors, dilemma [Please subscribe]

Zhou Daoquan is injured!

This is the bad news Zhou Chun learned after returning to his family.

As the most cultivated person stationed in Longxing Valley by the Zhou family, Zhou Daoquan's injury was by no means a trivial matter.

But thankfully, he was not injured while protecting Longxing Valley, but was injured while out exploring.

Despite this, after Zhou Chun learned about this, he quickly rushed to Longxing Valley to visit him in person.

"I was careless this time and fell into that beast's trick of luring the snake out of its hole. After I recover from the injury, I will definitely call my uncle to kill it together!"

In the cave, facing Zhou Chun who came to visit him, Zhou Daoquan, who looked slightly pale, told the details of his injuries while feeling resentful towards the monster that injured him.

It turned out that after he got everything on track in Longxing Valley, he would go out to explore the wilderness from time to time.

Some time ago, he discovered a purple moon fruit vine in the wilderness. There were more than a dozen purple moon fruits on the vine, which looked almost ripe.

The person guarding this purple moon fruit vine is a third-level mid-level monster four-eared lemur, which is very cunning and smart.

Zhou Daoquan's whereabouts had actually been discovered by it long ago, but it pretended not to know.

Even when the spiritual fruit was about to mature, Zhou Daoquan was deliberately lured away from the fruit tree so that Zhou Daoquan's spiritual pet, Zhu Yanhe, could safely go and steal the fruit.

But what Zhou Daoquan didn't discover was that the four-eared lemur actually secretly raised a second-level high-grade monster, the Variety Skin Lizard.

This ever-changing spirit lizard climbed onto the Purple Moon Fruit Vine. Its body completely blended into the same color as the vine, and its aura was completely restrained. Even a cultivator in the Purple Palace Stage like Zhou Daoquan could not detect it.

When Zhu Yanhe went down to pick the spiritual fruits with the bamboo basket in his mouth, the ever-changing spirit lizard suddenly attacked him and almost killed him on the spot.

Zhou Daoquan, who learned through spiritual contact that his pet was seriously injured, was later injured by a four-eared lemur because he was eager to save his pet.

In the end, if he hadn't inspired the talisman, the four-eared lemur would have been afraid of the power of the talisman and wouldn't have dared to attack him, and even he might not have escaped with his life.

After understanding what happened, Zhou Chun also hurriedly comforted him: "Elder, don't be angry, it's just a beast. It won't be difficult to kill it after the elder heals its injuries!"

Then he took advantage of the situation and recounted the circumstances of his and others' trip to the Great Zhou Kingdom, so that Zhou Daoquan would have an idea.

After he finished communicating with Zhou Daoquan and came out, Zhou Zhengyong suddenly came over and pulled him aside and talked about the things in Longxing Valley.

It turned out to be a mortal tribe that Zhou Zhengyong suggested to take in and protect. Now it has multiplied to tens of thousands, and among them there are three children with spiritual root qualifications.

Zhou Zhengyong wanted to bring all three children to Longxing Valley to be trained together with the second batch of dead Zhou family soldiers.

Originally he could have made the decision on this matter himself, but because of the special status of these three children, he thought it would be better to ask Zhou Chun, the clan leader, for instructions.

"I have no objection to this matter, Brother Yong, just go ahead and do it."

Zhou Chun nodded and had no objection to this matter.

Then he thought of something else and couldn't help but said in surprise: "But among the thousands of children, there are three with spiritual root qualifications. Isn't the chance a bit high?"

"Thirteenth brother, you have misunderstood. The reason for such a high probability is that two of the children are the descendants of Xu Fu's men!"

Zhou Zhengyong smiled and explained the truth, which made Zhou Chun feel relieved.

After agreeing on the matter, Zhou Chun looked around and said, "As for the new stronghold, how is your investigation going, brother Yong? Is there anything that suits your liking?"

When he asked about this, Zhou Zhengyong immediately replied: "I did find a few good places, but whether it will work or not, I have to let the formation master go over and take a look!"

"Well, then I'll bring that girl Xindie over when I get back, and let her and you guys go take a look."

Zhou Chun nodded and quickly made arrangements.

Helping Lin Hongyu purchase auxiliary pill-forming spiritual objects this time has emptied the Zhou family's savings, and even his own personal savings.

Next, if he wanted not to delay his opening of the Zi Mansion, he could only ask the family to speed up the process of making money.

Starting from the wilderness is undoubtedly the fastest way to achieve results.

"After the new stronghold is established, I will suggest that the family starts to allocate some clan members to develop here. By then, Brother Yong, your responsibilities will be more important. You must be mentally prepared!"

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Zhengyong and said, but he was vaccinated in advance.

When Zhou Zhengyong heard this, he nodded firmly and said, "Thirteenth brother, don't worry, I will take care of this territory for the family."

Next, the two talked about some personnel management and stronghold construction.

Time passed, and half a year passed quickly.

Shortly after Zhou Daoyi sent Zhou Chun back to the Zhou family, he went back to the Great Zhou Kingdom to protect Lin Hongyu.

Zhou Mingde is very supportive of this matter.

Since they have chosen to help Lin Hongyu form a pill, the most important thing the Zhou family needs to do now is to gain goodwill.

Although the binding of interests is important, emotional care is also indispensable.

If Lin Hongyu succeeds in forming the elixir and becomes a golden elixir stage monk, the benefits that the Zhou family can provide her will no longer be very attractive.

If you want her to truly be willing to stay in the Zhou family and protect the Zhou family, you have to rely on emotional bonds.

In the past six months, the location of the new stronghold in Longxing Valley has been successfully determined. Zhou Chun has issued a formation order to the You family, asking them to help refine a set that can withstand two or three enemies. The mountain defense formation for the first three levels of monster attacks is used to be deployed on the selected new stronghold.

In order to accomplish this, the Zhou family, which had already been emptied of its wealth, had to give up 10% of the [Xuan Jing Stone] mine in the pioneer stronghold to the You family, which was counted as the purchase cost.

But it's all worth it!

Because the location of the new stronghold is only more than 200 miles away from the discovered spiritual jade vein.

This means that as long as the new stronghold is successfully completed and put into use, the Zhou family can find a way to mine the spiritual jade vein.

When the time comes to monopolize a spiritual jade vein, it is no exaggeration to make a fortune every day.

All in all, the difficulties are only temporary. The momentum of the Zhou family has now risen. As long as there are no major casualties, the upward trend will be unstoppable.

On this day, a piece of news and rumor spread from nowhere and suddenly spread wildly in the states of Jingguo.

Rumor has it that Qinglian Temple, the Nascent Soul Stage monk Qingxiao Zhenren, has a short life span. After he passes away, without the Yuanying Stage monks in charge, Qinglian Temple will lose its current status and be replaced by Replaced by the Sky Mirror Gate.

The emergence of this rumor is undoubtedly a disturbing signal for immortal cultivating families such as the Zhou family who have taken root under the rule of Qinglian Temple.

I won’t say whether this rumor is true or false, but it is a very bad signal for this rumor to appear at this time.

And many people actually prefer this rumor to be true.

The reason is very simple. No one dares to spread rumors about a Nascent Soul Stage monk. If it is false, such rumors will have no meaning.

Another point is that after this rumor became popular, although Qinglianguan issued a statement complaining that this was nonsense, it did not dare to announce the true age of Qingxiao.

Such a evasive statement undoubtedly proves the authenticity of the rumors from the side.

Therefore, many immortal cultivating families under the rule of Qinglian Temple began to panic. The senior officials of each family couldn't help but get together to talk about this matter and make plans for the future of the family.

Of course the Zhou family is no exception.

"The lifespan of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage lasts for two to three thousand years. How many years ago did Master Qingxiao become enlightened? I am afraid that except for the three major sects, not many forces in Jingguo know the details."

"But what is certain is that the time it took for Master Qingxiao to become enlightened will not be less than 1,500 years, because when the three sects besieged Hualong Sect, he was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

"Based on this, even if this rumor is not entirely credible, it is indeed obvious that there will be no successor to Qinglian Temple!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun told Zhou Mingde all the information he had collected, and his tone was a little heavy.

The Zhou family is now also a vassal force under the rule of Qinglian Guan. If Qinglian Guan fails, the Zhou family will definitely not be in a good place.

So he couldn't help but not worry about it.

But Zhou Mingde seemed to have other ideas and was not too worried.

After listening to his report, he quickly expressed his opinion and said: "It is indeed a fact that Qinglian Temple has no successor. However, as long as Master Qingxiao does not live for less than a hundred years, it will not be our turn. Worry about it.”

"Furthermore, even if Master Qingxiao's life is really short, can't he see the danger that Qinglian Guanhui will face after he passes away? Will he just sit back and watch Qinglian watch after he passes away? Has the view been replaced by the Heavenly Mirror Sect?”

"There are rumors like this coming out of Tianjing Sect, which itself shows that they have a guilty conscience and have no confidence at all to compete with Qinglian Temple. Otherwise, why use such small means?"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "In short, don't take this matter to heart for the time being. The current situation is not our turn to worry about it. You have to let the juniors below keep their mouths shut and not talk too much about this matter. What's more, Don’t say stupid things that offend both parties!”

After listening to his analysis, Zhou Chun felt that this was indeed the case, and his heart settled down.

Indeed, for a family that cultivates immortality like the Zhou family, being able to look back a hundred years is already the limit.

What will happen in a few hundred years is really not something they can worry about now. Whether they can survive until then is unknown.

Therefore, there is no need to do things in advance that are not conducive to the development of the family in order to change in a hundred years.

But the Zhou family can think like this, but some families obviously can't think like this.

There is no shortage of unfounded worriers in the world, let alone speculators.

After seeing Qinglian Temple's weak response to the rumors, many cultivating families who were originally a little swayed by the establishment of Tianjing Sect have completely made up their minds to turn to Tianjing Sect this time.

In just one year, there were more than a dozen immortal cultivating families in Yunzhou and Lanzhou, two states adjacent to Lingzhou, who openly turned to the Tianjing Sect.

As for how many people secretly surrendered, only the Tianjing Sect knows.

And Qinglian Temple's handling of this kind of thing is also weird.

Although Qinglian Temple quickly sent people to take away the family's original mountain gate residence for those families who took refuge in the Tianjing Sect, it did not have any intention of pursuing their betrayal, as if they had acquiesced.

This act of showing weakness seems to indicate something.

Zhou Chun and the Zhou family watched all this with indifference, did not participate or comment, and only focused on developing the family.

But it is not that easy for them to develop their family with peace of mind.

On this day, Lin Waner, who was originally in Yang Kingdom, suddenly came to the Zhou family. In addition to delivering a batch of [Earth Crystal Jade] ore, she also brought bad news.

Because Lin Hongyu was in seclusion in the Great Zhou Kingdom to form elixirs, the stronghold in the Yang Kingdom saw that she had not shown up for more than a year, and some casual cultivators in the foundation building period began to make small moves.

And Lin Wan'er has to take care of the mining of the [Earth Crystal Jade] ore, and has to deal with the foundation-building monks. Now she is a little exhausted and can no longer hold on.

So she wanted to ask the Zhou family to send someone who could calm down the situation to help her, or simply give up that stronghold.

If they had not reached a supply agreement with Shanyangzi, the Zhou family might really choose to give up on this stronghold in Yangguo at this time.

But now that they have reached a supply agreement with Shanyangzi, the Zhou family cannot just give up on the [Tuyuan Jade] mineral vein.

Otherwise, not only would Shanyangzi be offended, but he would also lack a stable source of income.

But now Zhou Daoyi has gone to the Great Zhou Kingdom to protect Lin Hongyu, and Zhou Mingde has to sit at the family gate. The only Zifu period monk who can move in the Zhou family is Zhou Daoquan.

The problem is that the Zhou family is now going to carry out large-scale development and construction in the wilderness. It is not safe if there is no Zifu monk there.

This time, Lin Waner's request really stumped both Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde.

"Why don't I, this junior, go to the Great Zhou Kingdom and ask the old patriarch to come and take charge of the Yang Kingdom?"

After Zhou Chun pondered for a long time, he expressed his thoughts.

In his opinion, there is no need to doubt the safety of Xiandufang City. Lin Hongyu's cave is also relatively high-end and is a key patrol area of ​​the City Guards. It is unlikely that someone will maliciously attack the cave and disturb her.

Therefore, Zhou Daoyi was there to protect her, and the symbolic significance was greater than the actual significance.

But after listening to his suggestion, Zhou Mingde shook his head and said: "No, the matter of forming pills with fellow Daoist Lin is the most important. It is not suitable for Dao Yi to leave her side at this time!"

"Then what should we do? Should we let the third elder go?"

Zhou Chun frowned, really not wanting to make this choice.

But at this moment, Zhou Mingde seemed to have made some decision, and suddenly looked at him and said: "How about you go? With Zhengchun's current strength, as long as no Zifu period monks take action, it will be three or five times." Even if a Foundation Establishment Stage monk attacks you, he may not be your opponent. I think he is enough to suppress those casual cultivators!"

I go?

Zhou Chun was slightly startled, not expecting Zhou Mingde to say this.

At that moment, I couldn't help but say: "Is it appropriate for me to go? The situation in Jingguo has changed so much now. It's hard for me, the leader of the clan, to leave!"

Of course he was confident in his own strength, but he was worried about what problems would happen to the family after he left.

But after Zhou Mingde heard his worries, he said calmly: "No matter how the situation in Jingguo changes, our Zhou family can only go with the flow and be unable to change. If something serious happens, I will send someone to inform you to abandon that side." Just come back!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun felt that it made sense, so after pondering for a while, he nodded and said, "In that case, let me go for a while!"

I'm not feeling well, so I'm in no condition to write!

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