Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 345 News about Mu Mei [Please subscribe]

After deciding to go to Yangguo Town in person, Zhou Chun did not delay and immediately called the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui over to hand over family affairs.

Especially regarding matters over Longxing Valley.

After Zhou Chun leaves, the important task of going to Longxing Valley will be arranged by Zhou Jiahe.

But Zhou Jiarui, as the acting clan leader, must know about this matter.

Therefore, there is no room for sloppiness in this aspect. All aspects must be explained clearly.

Zhou Chun personally took Zhou Jiarui and Zhou Jiahe to and from Longxing Valley three times, communicated with Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Zhengyong there, and asked Zhou Jiahe to try to go back and forth between the two places alone.

It was not until it was confirmed that Zhou Jiahe was qualified for this task that Zhou Chun left for Yang Country with confidence.

At this time, Lin Wan'er had already returned to Yang Country to stabilize the situation, and Zhou Chun had to go to Yang Country independently.

This is the first time he has traveled so far alone.

Because he was setting off alone, Zhou Chun didn't have to pretend this time.

He and his spiritual pets took turns to rush forward along the way. To restore his mana, he no longer had to take a special detour to Fangshi or other immortal cultivator strongholds. He could just find a place to meditate in the wild.

On this day, after Zhou Chun traveled for a day in the Shen Kingdom northwest of Jingguo, he fell down in a mountain and began to rest because he had consumed too much mana.

In fact, according to the map, there is a family of immortal cultivators in the mountain range where he is located. He can travel dozens of miles more to rest inside the mountain gate of that family.

But Zhou Chun didn't think that resting in a gathering place for immortal cultivators was safer than in the wild.

It is difficult for him to encounter immortal cultivators during his short rest in the wild, and he can also send out spiritual pets to alert him.

If you go to a gathering place for cultivators to rest, your whereabouts will inevitably be exposed. If you encounter the kind of shady shop that likes to plot against passing cultivators, it will be very bad.

In fact, for monks in the foundation-building period, traveling abroad is a relatively risky behavior.

Because after arriving in a foreign country, everything is unfamiliar. If someone finds out about your origin or methods, you may secretly do something evil.

Especially monks like Zhou Chun who are in the later stages of foundation building are more likely to be tricked.

Because everyone knew that this foreign monk with cultivation level came here to travel in order to find an opportunity to open up the Zi Mansion.

As for his cultivation in the later stages of foundation building, his net worth will definitely not be that bad.

Therefore, there are some Zifu-stage monks who will shamelessly attack and kill these late-stage foundation-building monks and plunder their wealth.

In order to avoid this situation, Zhou Chun would of course choose not to rest in the gathering place for immortal cultivators if possible.

However, what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that just as he was hiding under a cliff and meditating to recover, the sound of fierce fighting suddenly came from above the cliff.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he found that it was just two Qi Refining stage monks fighting, so he didn't pay much attention to it and told the silver lightning python hidden in the grass to stay on guard.

But just as he was continuing to meditate and recover, not long after, the man who was defeated and injured in the battle on the cliff suddenly jumped off the cliff, and then by coincidence, he happened to land near him. On a tree.

This time he was condescending, and Zhou Chun's figure was immediately exposed to his sight.

And then another person who chased him discovered his existence.

"Huh? Why is there still someone here?"

The big man who was chasing him was slightly startled, and his expression changed a little.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with a fierce look in his eyes and snorted coldly: "Huh, since you caught me in this matter, I can only send you on the road together!"


Zhou Chun raised his eyebrows. He didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but he instantly became angry because of the big man's words.

Immediately, a silver-white electric light flashed through the air, and the big man was turned into a charred corpse on the spot because of his cruel words, without even having time to scream.

ah! !

The exclamation rang out, but it came from the young monk who was being hunted.

He was still surprised to see Zhou Chun just now, wondering why Zhou Chun was meditating here, whether he was an enemy or a friend.

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, his opponent, who had no choice but to jump off a cliff to escape, would be killed so easily and turned into a charred corpse.

These changes really scared him.

However, after being frightened, he was very discerning and hurriedly jumped down from the treetop and landed on the ground. He knelt down on the spot and kowtowed to Zhou Chun repeatedly and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving this junior's life. There is no way I can repay you for saving my life. Please accept it." Pay your respects, junior!"

Originally he was supposed to beg Zhou Chun for his life, but now he was thanking Zhou Chun for saving his life.

Zhou Chun couldn't help but secretly admire his ability to adapt to situations.

He immediately stood up slowly, looked at the other person and said, "You are quite clever, but I don't know how you could be hunted down!"

Hearing Zhou Chun's words, the young monk hurriedly raised his head and replied: "Reporting to the senior, just because the junior saw through Wang Hu's scandal, he wanted to kill and silence him. The junior was no match for him, so he could only run away in a hurry. , I accidentally disturbed the seniors, it’s really a sin, a sin!”

After saying that, he kowtowed to Zhou Chun several times to express his apology.

This beautiful answer made Zhou Chungao look at him again.

Ordinary monks would be in a different place with him. At this time, most of them would be panicked and their speech would not be coherent. How could they give such a clear and calm answer.

Then he spoke again: "Looking at your age, you are so smart and sharp. This performance is not something that ordinary cultivators can have. Could it be that you come from a certain family?"

Hearing this, the young monk immediately replied respectfully: "I don't dare to deceive my senior. This junior does not come from a family of cultivators, but is a casual cultivator who was brought up by casual cultivators since he was a child. Now these meager skills are all that the master had during his lifetime." Granted.”

At this point, he sighed with guilt: "It's a pity that this junior is not good at studying, making careless friends, and almost died. I really feel unworthy of the cultivation of my ancestors!"

"That's really rare. It's a good thing that my master can teach someone as smart and sharp as you!"

Zhou Chun nodded lightly and praised the young monk and his master.

Then he waved his hand and said: "Okay, I think you are a good junior, so I won't hold you accountable for disturbing me. You can just go on your own."

He was not afraid that the young monk would publicize the fact that he was meditating here. After all, he was just a passerby and the young monk did not know him.

Moreover, he was just meditating. Even if some people wondered how he dared to meditate in the wild, it would not cause any trouble.

Therefore, whether or not to let this young monk leave depends on his personal mood.

Unexpectedly, after the young monk heard what he said, he left immediately without being happy.

Instead, there was a look of hesitation on his face, and he stood there without making any move.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said with a displeased look: "What? Are you afraid that I am lying to you?"

"No, no, no, this junior has no such intention!"

The young monk shook his head repeatedly and hurriedly explained: "Senior clearly knows that this junior just has an unknown good or bad thing in his heart and doesn't know whether to tell senior. Some feel embarrassed and hesitant about it, but he has absolutely no intention of doubting senior!"

Hearing his answer, Zhou Chun was successfully aroused by him and couldn't help but follow his words and said: "Oh, what do you want to tell me?"

After saying that, he frowned again and couldn't help but say in a more serious tone: "If you have anything to say, just say it. I don't like those who speak secretly!"

"Yes, since the senior wants to hear it, the junior will say it!"

The young monk raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Chun, and then told the whole story.

It turned out that what he wanted to tell Zhou Chun was a rumor he had heard by chance before.

According to what he accidentally learned from a monk from a cultivating family half a month ago, a wooden demon appeared in the Qianye Forest of Shen State. It was said to have second-level strength. The elders and supreme elders of that family are now going to capture that My head is numb.

"Where is Qianye Forest? How could a strange beast like Mu Mei appear there?"

Zhou Chun looked at the young monk with a surprised expression. He was indeed surprised by what the other party said.

Mu Mei is not an ordinary monster. It should not even be counted as a monster, but should be called a spirit.

It is said that this object was born from the spirit of the ancient tree and took the form of the heaven and earth. It is naturally proficient in the art of wood escape and has many special magical powers.

Moreover, there is no upper limit for the growth of this kind of spirits. What level they can grow to depends entirely on their own opportunities. Some are similar to immortal cultivators.

There are existences like wood charms, stone charms, water charms, ice charms, etc. They are all extremely rare existences, and they are almost only recorded in ancient books.

For cultivators, this kind of spirit is undoubtedly an extremely precious treasure and has endless magical uses.

The simplest point is that Mu Mei is born with a strong ability to sense the vegetation of previous years, and can easily find rare elixirs that are difficult for immortal cultivators to find.

Shi Mei, on the other hand, has a very outstanding talent in prospecting. They are naturally proficient in the art of earth escape and can travel freely underground in search of mineral veins.

It is said that some powerful beings in the Nascent Soul stage can also refine such spirits into external incarnations, thereby obtaining the various extraordinary talents possessed by such spirits!

All in all, if any family can get this kind of spirit, it will be difficult for them not to make a fortune.

"Senior, don't you even know about Qianye Forest?"

Facing Zhou Chun's inquiry, the young monk also showed a very surprised look, which was incredible.

"I am not a monk from Shen Kingdom, and I really don't understand this."

Zhou Chun explained lightly, then looked at the young monk and motioned for him to explain for him.

After hearing what he said, the young monk couldn't help but show a look of surprise, then calmed down and said softly:

"Senior, Qianye Forest is a large forest in the central and eastern part of the Shen Kingdom. It stretches for more than 700 miles from east to west and more than 500 miles from north to south. There are no tall mountains in it, only extremely lush and boundless forests."

"Although there were many low-level monsters in Qianye Forest in the past and produced many kinds of elixirs, there was very little news about second-level monsters. Therefore, it is a place where casual cultivators like us like to venture in and out. "

"But now that news about Mu Mei has spread inside, I'm afraid it may not be as safe as we imagined!"

After saying that, he quickly saluted Zhou Chun and said, "Senior Mingjian, this junior just heard about Mu Mei's news and is not sure whether it is true or not."

"It doesn't matter. I know this well. You'd better tell me about the situation of the immortal cultivator family who discovered Mu Mei."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and then asked for more details.

When the young monk heard this, he immediately answered as he said.

According to the young monk, the Immortal Cultivating Family that discovered Mu Mei was the Huang Family, a powerful Immortal Cultivating Family, with a middle-stage Purple Mansion monk and six Foundation-Establishing monks.

Now, in his family, except for the patriarch who was in the foundation-building stage who was still sitting at the family gate, the rest of the foundation-building monks and the Zifu monk had gone to the Qianye Forest to capture Mu Mei.

The young monk was able to learn the news because he accidentally overheard the conversation of the Huang family monk who knew the inside story.

After listening to the young monk's explanation, Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly and said: "I understand. Your news is indeed valuable to me. I wonder what reward you want? Whether it is pills or magic for improving your cultivation." I can satisfy you with everything you need!"

But the young monk quickly shook his head and refused: "Senior's words are serious. If it weren't for senior today, junior would have been killed. Senior has saved my life greatly, but it's just a trivial matter. How dare I ask for rewards from senior so shamelessly!"

"Young people understand that it is a good thing to repay a favor, but they must also know how to seize every opportunity that can make them better. Since I am willing to reward you today, you can continue."

When Zhou Chun said this, he no longer asked the young monk for his opinion. He directly put his consciousness into his storage bag and took out a first-level high-grade magic weapon and two bottles of elixirs that were used by monks in the Qi Refining Stage to cultivate their magic power. Gave it to the other party.

The purpose of going to Yang Kingdom was to stabilize people's hearts, so Zhou Chun also deliberately brought some things from the Zhou family's treasury to win people's hearts. At this time, he just happened to take some out and reward the young monk in front of him.

"Take it, you deserve this."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for the young monk to thank him, he moved his steps and flew straight to land on Baibai, the silver lightning python that soared into the sky in the grass, and then floated away.

Seeing this, the young monk who had just grabbed the things he left behind hurriedly looked at his leaving back and shouted loudly: "Senior, senior, please leave your name. Junior Zhang Liang will definitely not forget your great kindness today." !”

"The common name goes without saying. If we meet again by chance, you will know it!"

A faint voice came from the sky, and the young monk Zhang Liang could only watch the figure ride away on the python and disappear.

"This senior has such an extraordinary demeanor. He must not be an unknown person. He is not a monk from our country of Shen. He must be a monk from Jingguo or Chengguo, which is adjacent to our country of Shen. If you are lucky enough to visit the two countries in the future, you must pay careful attention. Let’s inquire about this senior so that we can know the name of our benefactor!”

At the foot of the cliff, young monk Zhang Liang withdrew his gaze, then lowered his head to look at the magic weapon and elixir in his hand, and his face gradually showed joy.

He said he didn't dare ask for a reward, but he was naturally happy to have such a reward fall into his hands.

Next, he cleaned up the charred corpse on the ground and quickly left the place.

The second update is here to recommend a friend's new book "Me: Chinese Medicine Treatment, Top Medical Skills at the Beginning". If you are interested, you can read it.

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