Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 346 Qianye Forest, Wooden Charm Appears [Please subscribe]

But it was said that after Zhou Chun separated from Zhang Liang, a young monk from the Shen Kingdom, he rushed straight towards the Qianye Forest that the other party mentioned.

The temptation of Mu Mei was so great that Zhou Chun thought it was completely worth spending some time on.

If you can tame a wooden charm, even if the [Tu Yuan Jade] mine in Yang Country is lost, it will be a sure-profit deal.

What's more, based on Zhou Chun's understanding of Lin Wan'er, after knowing that the Zhou family would send people to help, they would definitely try their best to stabilize the situation, and it would be impossible for the stronghold to fall into chaos so quickly.

After traveling like this for most of a day, Zhou Chun arrived outside the Qianye Forest of Shen State.

It can be said that this Chiba Forest is indeed a fertile land. Its terrain is relatively flat as a whole, with many lush deciduous broad-leaved trees growing on it. Many of the trees are so thick that they need several people to hug them.

But because this land is too fertile, it is difficult for mortals to cultivate it into fertile farmland.

In the absence of large-scale machines like Zhou Chun's previous life, it would be too difficult for mortals to repeatedly remove the overgrown trees and weeds here.

Therefore, this fertile land is still in pristine ecology.

Zhou Chun arrived here riding a spiritual pet, so he had plenty of personal magic power and energy.

After arriving at the place, he got off his mount and entered the forest alone.

The young monk Zhang Liang only knew that Mu Mei appeared in Qianye Forest, but he didn't know where it appeared. Moreover, the area of ​​Qianye Forest was so large that it was impossible for Zhou Chun to search for it foot by foot.

So now he must first find those Huang family monks who are aware of it, find out the activities of Mu Mei from the movements of those Huang family monks, and then look for opportunities to capture Mu Mei.

When it comes to capturing Mu Mei, Zhou Chun still has a clear advantage.

Among the five elements, Jin overcomes wood. He practices Jin Xing's top skill "Jin Ding Xuan Gong". As long as he can fight with Mu Mei face to face, he has a lot of confidence that he can trap the opponent and make it difficult for the opponent's wood escape technique to be used. effect.

But she was afraid that Mu Mei would be frightened and run away as soon as she saw someone.

Zhou Chun now only hopes that the monks of the Huang family will not act stupidly and use some extreme methods to deal with Mu Mei.

Qianye Forest is the main activity place for Shen Guo's casual cultivators. Zhou Chun was traveling in it and met many Shen Guo's Qi Refining Period rogue cultivators.

And relying on his powerful spiritual consciousness, he did not meet those people, let alone find those people to find out the traces of the Huang family monks, he just looked for the target alone.

After searching in the forest for more than a day, Zhou Chun finally found traces of a foundation-building monk. If he expected it to be true, he should be a member of the Huang family.

For him, finding people is easy.

When the man paused for a moment, he released dozens of "Black Armored Golden Feather" demonic insects, and contaminated these demonic insects with the powder of "Blue Moon Butterfly".

Then he used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to possess a demonic insect, and commanded dozens of demonic insects to attack the Huang family monk who was in the early stages of foundation building.

Because Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness was much stronger than that of the Huang family monk, he deliberately controlled dozens of demonic insects to kill from the ground in the forest, so that the Huang family monk did not expect to be attacked by immortal cultivators, and only thought it was him. Breaking into the insect nest range, alarmed the demonic insects.

So this person immediately retreated quickly and wanted to leave the nearby area, but the mature "Black Armor Golden Feather" was so fast that he could not get rid of it at all.

Soon these demonic insects posed a great threat to him. During the battle, more than a dozen demonic insects took the opportunity to bite through his protective shield, biting off more than a dozen pieces of flesh from his body, and by the way, "Blue Moon Butterfly"'s body was bitten off. The butterfly powder remained on him.

After the mission was completed, the demonic insect, under Zhou Chun's control, slowly stopped pursuing the Huang family monk and allowed him to leave.

Zhou Chun then released the "Blue Moon Butterfly" and hung it leisurely behind the man, secretly following him to look for other Huang family monks.

Not long after, Zhou Chun located the stopped Huang family monk and used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to detect traces of other Huang family foundation-building monks.

After finding many monks from the Huang family, Zhou Chun was almost certain that the area he was currently in was the area where the wooden charm appeared.

But in order to obtain more useful information, he still used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to attach his mind to a "Blue Moon Butterfly" and let the monster insect slowly approach it to see if he could overhear any news.

In addition to illusion, "Blue Moon Butterfly" also has strong camouflage ability.

They can temporarily transform into a moth with blue-black wings. They are very inconspicuous in the forest and their breath is relatively weak.

It was a good time to get close to the Huang family.

The Huang family seemed to be prepared for a protracted war and actually built a small camp in the forest.

It's just that unlike Zhou Chun, they have purification stone jars in hand and can meditate in the wild to restore mana at any time. They can only take Huiyuan Pill to restore the consumed mana.

The "Blue Moon Butterfly" that Zhou Chun was attached to flew slowly close to the forest floor. It took a long time to slowly fly outside the camp.

Some Huang family monks in the camp took a few more glances at the approaching moth, but in the end they didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, there are many kinds of butterfly creatures in the forest. Although this moth is a bit big, it is alone and does not pose any threat.

After all, insect cultivators are still too rare in the world of immortal cultivators, and many immortal cultivators lack vigilance in this regard.

This allowed Zhou Chun to quickly hear the conversations of several Huang family monks.

Excluding some irrelevant words, Zhou Chun roughly learned three things about Mu Mei from the conversations of several Huang family monks.

First, Mu Mei has the ability to injure mid-stage foundation-building monks, and her actual strength is estimated to be comparable to a second-order high-grade monster.

Second, Mu Mei takes the form of a deer demon.

Third, the true nature of Mu Mei has not yet been found.

After learning about these situations, Zhou Chun felt a little relieved.

He was afraid that the Huang family had already found Mu Mei's true form, which would be very troublesome.

You must know that although things like Mu Mei are conceived by the spirit of ancient trees, they can already break away from the constraints of their own bodies and move freely.

But most wood charms will not leave the main body too far, and will always live in the forest near the main body.

And when the main body is threatened, Mu Mei will try his best to protect the main body.

If the Huang family finds Mu Mei's body, they can force Mu Mei to appear automatically by destroying Mu Mei's body.

Zhou Chun wanted to seize the food from the tiger's mouth, but there was no chance.

After all, the supreme elder of the Huang family is in the middle stage of Zifu, and he is definitely not something he can deal with.

Zhou Chun did not continue to eavesdrop, but began to search for the true form of the wooden charm.

Mu Mei has a strong sense of danger and the ability to hide in the forest. Now that it is disturbed by human monks, it will definitely choose to avoid a late-stage foundation-building monk like Zhou Chun.

It is very unrealistic to expect to find and capture Mu Mei.

Zhou Chun's only chance to catch Mu Mei is to find where his body is, and then force him to take the initiative to attack him.

But it is not an easy task to find the true form of Mu Mei.

The ancient tree that gave birth to the wood charm will return to ordinary life after the wood charm breaks away from the original body, just like an ordinary big tree.

Therefore, every ancient tree in this forest may be the true form of Mu Mei.

At this time, Zhou Chun could only use a stupid method to find Mu Mei's true form.

He released a large number of "Black Armor and Golden Feather" demonic insects, letting them bite every ancient tree he passed.

"Black Armor Golden Feather" is a kind of metallic demon insect, and it likes to suck tree sap. It is extremely harmful to these ancient trees. It can be said to be the natural enemy of ancient trees.

The wounds of ancient trees bitten by them will be difficult to heal, and some areas will directly become necrotic.

If the wood charm's body is bitten, the wood charm will definitely sense it and come to protect it.

Although there are many ancient trees in the forest, Zhou Chun also has a lot of monster insects. Although this method is a bit clumsy, it is also very practical.

However, Zhou Chun originally thought that his move was powerful enough, but he still underestimated the Huang family's courage and lower limit.

The day after he eavesdropped on the conversation of the Huang family monks, the Huang family monks set fire to the area where Mu Mei was active!

They tried to use large-scale arson to find the location of Mu Mei's body and force Mu Mei to show up!

Such behavior is truly daring.

You must know that Qianye Forest is an important resource area in Shen State, and many casual cultivators rely on this place to make a living.

This arson of the forest will have a devastating impact on various resources in the forest. If the fire spreads too much, the entire Chiba Forest may be burned down!

When the news leaks out, the Huang family will definitely be verbally criticized by the angry casual cultivators, take crazy revenge, and even be directly abandoned by the sect forces to which they are attached.

But what I have to admit is that setting fire is indeed the simplest and most effective method.

This fire together will not only force Mu Mei to appear, but also make it difficult for Mu Mei to use his wood escape technique, and the power of other wood magic spells will also be greatly reduced.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun stopped looking for a needle in a haystack and collected the monster insects directly. He also flew into the air and followed the sea of ​​fire to find traces of Mu Mei.

Unexpectedly, before Mu Mei noticed him, his figure had already been seen by the monks of the Huang family.

When a Huang family foundation-building monk flew towards him, he raised his hands to him from a distance and said, "Fellow Taoist, please stay. The Huang family is hunting important criminals here in Huangshi Mountain. Please move to another place, so as not to cause misunderstanding!" "

"Can we set fire to the forest just like this when we are chasing important criminals? The Huang family must be too courageous!"

Zhou Chun looked at the Huang family monk opposite with a gloomy expression, and his tone was very rude.

This attitude made the monk from the Huang family on the opposite side become a little scared. He even explained: "Your Majesty, you misunderstood. We did not set fire to the forest intentionally. It was just the aftermath of the fight that ignited the forest, and we will put out the fire soon." , we will never let it spread!”

At this point, he seemed to be afraid that Zhou Chun wouldn't believe it, so he continued: "I, the Supreme Elder of the Huang family, are also here. If fellow Taoist disciples don't believe it, you can follow Huang to confront him in person."

How could Zhou Chun go to see the middle-term Zifu monk from the Huang family? He also knew that the other party said this to deliberately hint that he should not find trouble.

So he quickly waved his hands and said: "There is no need for a confrontation. I just hope that the Huang family can control it as fellow Taoist said, otherwise it will cause a big mess and it will be too late to regret it!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After watching his figure disappear into the sky, the Huang family monk returned to his life.

But they didn't know that after Zhou Chun left, he walked towards the fire area from the ground.

This time Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to take off to check the situation in the fire area. He just stared at the Huang family monks suspended in the sky.

If Mu Mei appears, those Huang family monks will definitely take action.

Perhaps it was Zhou Chun's previous warning that gave the Huang family monks some worry. They also used rain spells to deliberately control the direction of the fire's spread, preventing the fire from spreading outside the area they had designated.

At the same time, the monsters in the forest are also taking the initiative to put out the fire.

I saw a group of rock-armored pig monsters performing the "rock armor technique" on themselves, then rushed into the burning area, knocked down the burning trees, and then put out the fire.

There is also a group of demon monkeys leading a large number of monkeys to put out the fire with branches.

These monsters also love the home where they live and want to try their best to save it.

But who loves this forest the most, it is obviously the wood charm.

Mu Mei can be said to be the darling of the forest, the son of the forest. It is undoubtedly the most disgusted and angry at this large-scale destruction of the forest.

Not long after, its figure appeared in the burning forest.

I saw a green deer galloping through the forest. Wherever it passed, trees and weeds quickly withered and turned into rotten wood fragments scattered all over the ground.

And little bits of emerald green aura overflowed from the trees and weeds, and were all absorbed into the body by the green deer.

In the blink of an eye, an isolation belt more than ten feet wide appeared in the area where the green deer ran.

This scene was not eye-catching at first, but when the isolation zone became dozens of miles long, it became very conspicuous from the air.

A certain Huang family monk who had been watching from high in the sky saw this scene and immediately raised his hands excitedly to trigger the announcement fireworks.


When the roar and explosion of the announcing fireworks rang in the sky, Zhou Chun, who was not far away, also saw it.

He immediately realized the meaning of the announcement fireworks without thinking, and quickly rushed there.

Not long after, Zhou Chun saw the long isolation belt and the green deer running tirelessly.

"Striping away the vitality of vegetation and causing it to quickly wither to form a natural isolation zone, it is worthy of being a spirit bred by heaven and earth. This spiritual wisdom is truly unparalleled by ordinary monsters!"

Zhou Chun's eyes sparkled, and he was quite amazed by the wisdom displayed by Qinglu.

But even though Qinglu was smart, he was fooled by humans this time.

The isolation zone it creates is actually of no use at all. As long as the Huang family monks are willing, they can immediately cross the isolation zone and set a fire.

What it is doing now is ultimately useless.

But is this really the case?

Just when Zhou Chun was about to seize the green deer before the Huang family's Zifu monk arrived, an astonishing discovery made him stop his movements quickly!

First update!

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