Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 347 Yoyo Luming【Please subscribe】

In the raging forest, Zhou Chun hid under the embers burned by the fire, his eyes full of surprise.

Just now, when he was about to capture Mu Mei, he was suddenly surprised to find that Mu Mei's aura was constantly strengthening and was now comparable to a third-level monster.

After discovering this, he hurriedly stopped his actions and found this place to hide.

The third-level wooden charm is definitely not a target that he can capture, and he knows this very well.

But Zhou Chun knew better that Mu Mei had never been able to possess the strength of a third-level monster before.

Otherwise, just a Huang family would not dare to get involved in it.

You must know that in this forest, Mu Mei's strength will be greatly improved, just like a dragon in the water, or even more exaggerated.

Even the third-level low-grade monster level Mu Mei cannot be captured by the middle-stage Zifu monk from the Huang family.

So Mu Mei’s current state is very wrong!

In view of this, Zhou Chun decisively stopped his action and chose to hide on the spot.

He carefully recalled the situation of Mu Mei he had just seen in his mind, and he quickly caught the little green light.

"That should be the life essence of the plants and trees that have been stripped of their vitality, so are these things temporarily improving Mu Mei's cultivation strength?"

A look of surprise flashed in Zhou Chun's eyes, and he couldn't help but recall the information about Mu Mei in the classics.

However, I don’t know if it is because of the special nature of Mu Mei’s spirit. Zhou Chun recalled the recorded information in the classics and found that the descriptions of Mu Mei’s magical powers in several classics were not exactly the same.

In some classics, Mu Mei is proficient in the art of transformation, and can transform into birds and animals to hide herself, and even transform into humans to communicate with people.

In some classics, the wood demon is a very dangerous thing, which can suck the essence and blood of birds, beasts and even monks, and even turn the souls of monks into ghost slaves.

In other classics, Mu Mei has become a kind and loving monster with superb healing skills. It can treat injured monsters and wild beasts in the forest, and is followed and protected by hundreds of beasts.

In some classics, some senior monks have speculated on the different versions of rumors about wooden charms. They believe that the reason why the magical powers and temperaments of wooden charms are so different should be related to the ancient trees that gave birth to them, and their related to the growth experience.

The wooden charm that likes to suck the blood of birds, beasts and monks may be a blood-sucking vine or a blood-sucking tree.

The wooden spirit that turns the monk's soul into a ghost servant may be a ghost locust tree or a ghost tree.

This speculation sounds reasonable, but in the absence of supporting evidence, it is just speculation.

However, if you think about it this way, the wooden charm that Zhou Chun discovered now can temporarily improve its cultivation by absorbing the life essence of other plants and trees, which may also have something to do with its body.

This made Zhou Chun even more curious about what kind of tree it was.

Just when Zhou Chun was surprised by the changes in Mu Mei, those Huang family monks who saw the communication fireworks also rushed over one after another, including naturally the Huang family monk who was in the middle stage of Zifu.

But when the Supreme Elder of the Huang family arrived at the scene and saw the green deer who was making a fire isolation zone, his expression changed slightly, and he could see through the changes in his aura cultivation at a glance.

"What's going on? When did this Mu Mei become a third-level monster?"

Huang Boxiong looked at the wooden charm with a shocked expression, and immediately turned to question the Huang family monk who first discovered the wooden charm.

Hearing this, the Huang family monk hurriedly defended himself and said: "The Supreme Elder Mingjian, this junior also doesn't know about this. I sent out a signal after discovering it, and then I only saw it running like this to put out the fire!"

"Is that so?"

Huang Boxiong looked at Mu Mei, whose aura was still increasing, and seemed to have some enlightenment, and seemed to see the reason why Mu Mei's cultivation level was increasing.

After he pondered for a while, he immediately ordered: "Go, you put some more fires in there, I want to see how to save it!"


Several Huang family foundation-building monks immediately took the order, dispersed and set fire behind the isolation zone.

This bad behavior, of course, quickly angered the green deer.


The clear and ethereal sound of deer calls echoed over the forest, and the son of the forest was completely angered!

But with a flash of green light, Qinglu's figure disappeared instantly.

Then a green light appeared above an ancient tree below a Huang family monk who was returning to Huang Boxiong, and a green deer appeared.

not good!

Huang Boxiong's expression changed. When Qinglu disappeared, he had already realized something.

But there were three people he sent out to set the fire, and he didn't know who Qinglu would pick.

When he discovered Qinglu's figure and wanted to rescue him, it was already too late.

After reappearing, Qinglu raised his head and spat out, then fired a green wooden thorn towards the Huang family foundation-building monk.

It seems that this is just a very low-level "wood stabbing technique".

But in fact, the Huang family monk who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment was helpless in front of this wooden thorn.

The second-level defensive magic weapon shield he offered was easily pierced by the wooden thorn and torn into pieces. Then his body was also pierced and he fell on the spot!


Huang Boxiong called out the fallen man's name with an ugly face, but unfortunately the younger generation couldn't hear him.

"You evil beast, look at the sword!"

He shouted angrily, his sword moved according to his heart, and a blue-red flying sword shot out, heading towards the Qinglu Killer.

But Qinglu didn't fight him head-on. He just stepped on his four hooves, and his figure instantly turned into green light and dispersed, leaving the place using the wood escape technique.


Along with a roar, the big tree where Qinglu was originally was cut off by the flying sword and collapsed.

However, Qinglu's figure appeared on the tree under another Huang family foundation-building monk, and he repeated his old tricks and launched an attack on him.

However, this Huang family monk was already prepared. When Qinglu appeared, the others suddenly accelerated and left the place.

At the same time, Huang Boxiong quickly took the initiative to use a yellow-brown wooden shield to protect the junior, blocking Qinglu's attack.

Then he shouted in a deep voice to these juniors: "You retreat first, we no longer need you here!"

But he knew in his heart that facing Qinglu, who already had third-level strength, these juniors would only become a burden to him if they stayed here.

The remaining three foundation-building monks of the Huang family certainly wanted this order from him. After hearing the news, they gathered together and broke out.

Huang Boxiong also participated in the escort at this time, escorting several juniors to leave first.

Unexpectedly, Qinglu became unrelenting at this time and directly pursued them.

Seeing this situation, Huang Boxiong's heart moved, and he suddenly led his juniors to fly towards the place that had turned into a piece of scorched earth.

Sure enough, he didn't know whether to be happy or regretful. After they entered the scorched land area, Qinglu immediately stopped pursuing them.

Obviously, although he was in a state of anger, Qinglu still had not lost his reason and vigilance, and would not set foot on the scorched earth that made his wood escape technique ineffective.

After avoiding the pursuit of the green deer by turning into a scorched earth forest, Huang Boxiong asked several family members to take refuge in the scorched earth while he turned around to find trouble for the green deer.

He also didn't believe that Qinglu had really advanced to become a third-level monster, thinking that he had temporarily raised his cultivation level to third level through special magical powers.

As long as he persists in fighting the green deer, he will be able to delay it until its magical power expires.

Now that he has discovered Qinglu's persistence in protecting the forest this time, he naturally doesn't worry that Qinglu will continue to avoid him.

Soon, the forest burning with fire became the battlefield between Qinglu and Huang Boxiong.

"Sure enough, although this kind of natural spirit is smart, it still has its limitations!"

"The reason why people are human is that they can restrain certain instinctive desires and not be slaves to desires!"

"Although this wooden charm is smart, it is still driven by instinct and cannot break free from it!"

In the darkness, Zhou Chun looked at the changing situation and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, sighing at Mu Mei's persistence.

In fact, with Mu Mei's ability, she can avoid being manipulated by Huang Boxiong like this.

But it was driven by instinct and nature to make this choice that was very detrimental to itself.

Maybe this is the difference between humans and monsters!

And in this way, Zhou Chun's plan to capture Mu Mei undoubtedly has no hope of success.

This made him secretly anxious.

Time passed slowly, and soon the battlefield between Mu Mei and Huang Boxiong moved to the depths on the other side of the forest, seventy or eighty miles away from Zhou Chun's location.

At such a distance, apart from hearing the clear and ethereal roar of deer and the roar of fighting, Zhou Chun had no idea of ​​the specific conditions on the battlefield.

This forced him to come out of hiding and think about the next path.

He stood on the ground, looked around and thought for a long time, then suddenly seemed to have made some kind of determination, and suddenly rushed towards the resting place of the Huang family's foundation-building monks.

At this time, several Huang family foundation-building monks also lost their grasp of the battlefield situation. They gathered on the scorched land, and everyone looked ugly.

This time, the Huang family went out in full force to hunt for Mu Mei, and even made the decision to set fire to the forest.

If Mu Mei is not captured even after this, the Huang family will suffer huge losses and troubles.

Therefore, several people are now feeling very uneasy.

However, what they never expected was that a terrifying hunter had set his sights on them.

More than ten miles away where the Huang family monks could not see, Zhou Chun used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to conduct some reconnaissance, and then decisively killed those Huang family monks.

He's going to do something big!

Yes, Zhou Chun was eyeing these Huang family monks and was preparing to destroy them and force the Huang family Zifu period monk back.

He has already seen that among the three foundation-building monks of the Huang family, there is only one who is in the late-stage foundation-building stage, and the remaining two are also in the middle-stage foundation-building stage and one in the early-stage foundation-building stage.

Such three people cannot be his opponents.

"Huh? There's a situation!"

On the scorched earth, the three Huang family monks quickly discovered Zhou Chun who was running towards him, and they all flew up from the ground.

"It's him! It's the monk who came to warn us before!"

Soon, the Huang family monk who had met Zhou Chun before recognized him.

The Huang family monk in the late stage of foundation building quickly said: "This person comes with bad intentions, so be prepared to meet the enemy!"

After saying that, he yelled at Zhou Chun: "The cultivators of the Huang family in Huangshi Mountain are here to do business, please stop here!"

But Zhou Chun had no intention of stopping at all, and soon he was less than ten miles away from them.

Seeing this situation, the Huang family monk immediately ordered in a deep voice: "Let's do it together and kill him!"

After saying that, he clapped his hands to the storage bag on his waist and took out the magic weapon.

At the same time, Zhou Chun, who was flying rapidly, also slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist with both hands, and directly released the three spirit pets and all the "Black Armor Golden Feathers" and "Flying Fire Scorpions".

"You guys, kill me!"

With a thought in his mind, Zhou Chun also directly issued kill orders to all spiritual pets and monster insects.

Seeing Zhou Chun suddenly release three second-level monsters and two groups of monster insects, the Huang family monk who was about to attack him suddenly shrank his pupils and couldn't help shouting: "No, the thieves are powerful, we will retreat first." !”

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

The other two monks from the Huang family were also scared to death. Seeing this, they quickly dispersed and fled for their lives. No one dared to stay and fight Zhou Chun.

But it was undoubtedly too late to escape at this time.

But when they saw the golden-winged tiger and the silver-electric thunder python roaring and hissing each in vain, they immediately chased after a monk from the Huang family.

And Zhou Chun also used the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique to accelerate, and easily caught up with the Huang family monk who was in the late stage of foundation building.

Seeing this, the Huang family monk could only stop, and while activating the magic weapon to protect himself, he shouted angrily: "Huang has never met fellow Taoist, and has no grievances with fellow Taoist." , Why did fellow Taoist want to kill Mr. Huang? You need to know that the Supreme Elder of the Huang family is not far away. Aren’t you afraid that his elder will avenge us and others? "

At the same time as he spoke, there was a roar and explosion in the sky not far away, but it was a Huang family foundation-building monk who triggered the fireworks to call for help.

"You, the Huang family, have done something unreasonable and unreasonable. For your own selfish reasons, you even set fire to the forest, causing all life to be devastated. Zhou is just doing justice for heaven!"

While Zhou Chun was responding to the words of the Huang family monk, he launched a fierce attack on him with his magic weapon without hesitation, and two kinds of monster insects were coming quickly behind him.

In fact, he chose to kill the Huang family, of course, not for some reason.

But the words in his mouth were not pure nonsense.

The Huang family's burning of the forest not only caused disaster to birds and animals, but also to many casual cultivators who were active in the forest.

Many casual cultivators were besieged and killed by frightened monsters, and some were silenced by Huang family cultivators.

"This bullshit will do justice to God! Huang will fight with you!"

The Huang family monk probably knew that he could not survive, so he immediately reached out and took out several second-level talismans and activated them all, ready to fight to the death.

However, his behavior only accelerated his death.

After the "Flying Fire Scorpion" arrived, a single volley of scorpion needles helped Zhou Chun break through the Huang family monk's protection and cut him to the ground.

Then Zhou Chun turned around and killed the other two Huang family monks without stopping.

Just like that, in less than half a quarter of an hour, the three Huang family foundation-building monks were beheaded together, and the corpses were put into storage bags by Zhou Chun, ready for another use.

Then Zhou Chun didn't have time to clean up the battlefield, so he only took away the magic weapons left by the three people, put away all the spiritual pets and monster insects, and quickly evacuated the scene as quickly as possible.

Second update!

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