Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 348 Lin Shen Sees a Deer【Please subscribe】

Easily eliminating the three Huang family foundation-building monks fully demonstrated Zhou Chun's strength at this time.

Now, even if he doesn't do anything, his three spiritual pets and two groups of demonic insects are worth four or five foundation-building monks.

This is just the combat power under normal conditions.

If he participated in the battle and inspired the true strength of the Silver Lightning Python Baibai, it would be even more terrifying.

This is why Zhou Mingde thinks that by going north to Yang Kingdom alone, he can suppress those casual cultivators in the foundation-building period who are dissatisfied with Lin Wan'er.

On the road of controlling beasts, Zhou Chun can now be said to be the most successful monk in the Zhou family. Even Zhou Daoyi, who has cultivated a third-level dragon, is even less successful than him.

Of course, all this is the result of his family's full support.

You must know that he cultivates three second-level monsters at the same time, which consumes a lot of resources.

Not to mention the specially provided spirit beast rations, which are elixirs such as [Demon Spirit Pill] that can improve the cultivation level of second-level monsters. Zhou Chun has always been the one who gets the most from the Zhou family.

Almost half of the [Demon Spirit Pill] currently refined by the Zhou family has been given to him.

Without the support of his family, it would have been impossible for Zhou Chun to raise three second-level monsters so well on his own without delaying his improvement in cultivation.

Because of this, even if he traveled around for the family these years, and even became a Taoist couple with people who had no feelings for the family, he never complained.

Although a person's success is closely related to the individual's own efforts, the help of noble people is also indispensable.

For Zhou Chun, his family is his nobles, and his elders such as Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi are his nobles.

After killing someone at this time, Zhou Chun evacuated the scene as quickly as possible.

He knew that the middle-term Zifu monk from the Huang family would immediately rush over to save people after seeing the summons fireworks.


There are only five foundation-building monks in the entire Huang family, and one of them has been killed by Mu Mei before.

Now these three foundation-building monks can be said to be the essence of the Huang family.

If something happens to these three foundation-building monks, unless the Huang family elder really catches Mu Mei, the entire Huang family will decline rapidly, and there may be no chance to recover in the future.

The fact is exactly what Zhou Chun thought. After seeing the fireworks rising, Huang Boxiong, who was fighting Mu Mei, immediately wanted to leave and go back to save people.

But at this time, Mu Mei seemed to have noticed Huang Boxiong's eagerness, and suddenly refused to let him go.

It let out a long deer cry, and the slit antlers above its head suddenly emitted a bright green light. Soon, two emerald rays of light shot out from the antlers above its head like two vines, winding towards Huang Boxiong.

Originally, Huang Boxiong did not take this seriously. He just turned his mind and used his flying sword to slash the two emerald green light belts, preparing to cut them off.

But what he didn't expect was that after the flying sword hit the emerald green light belt, it not only failed to cut it off, but was instead wrapped in the emerald green light and trapped in it. No matter how he urged it, it was difficult to take it back.

This frightened him so much that he hurriedly activated another defensive weapon to intercept the remaining emerald green light, and laid a green shield outside his body.

As a result, just like a flying sword, the shield weapon he used to protect himself was also wrapped in the emerald green light, making it difficult to move at all.

And the two sleight-of-hand weapons were trapped one after another. Even if Huang Boxiong's movement was fine, he would definitely not be able to abandon the two sleight-of-hand weapons and leave.

After all, he still doesn't know what the cultivation level of the enemies who attacked those younger generations is. If they were monks in the Zifu period, without these two sleight-of-hand tools, he might not have been able to save people in the past.

He glanced at the green deer with an ugly expression, and couldn't help roaring: "What an evil beast, you are asking for death!"

Before he finished speaking, he used his magic formula to shoot a blast of magic power at the blue-red flying sword.

Immediately, a stream of blue-red flames burst out from the flying sword, instantly burning the emerald green light surrounding him into blue smoke.

Immediately, the sword light flashed, and the flying sword blessed by blue-red flames shot towards Qinglu.

This was obviously beyond Qinglu's expectations, and he didn't expect that this flying sword actually had such magical powers.

And if it wants to maintain the output of those two emerald green rays of light at this moment, it is also unable to use the wood escape technique to dodge.

So it could only choose to resist the attack of the flying sword.

But seeing a flash of emerald light in its emerald eyes, emerald green aura suddenly burst out from its body, turning into an emerald scale armor to cover its whole body.

Then the flying sword struck hard on its neck!

In an instant, green light surged brightly, and the emerald scales on the green deer's neck shattered instantly under the blow of the flying sword, turning into pure green aura and dissipating, and the sword blade cut into the green deer's neck mercilessly.

But Mu Mei was not made of flesh and blood, so the sword that almost cut off its head was not actually fatal.

The trouble is the green-red flame on the flying sword. This "fire in wood" has a more powerful restraint effect on the wood charm than pure flames.

Once burned by the flame, the rich vitality in Mu Mei's body turned into fuel, fueling the power of the flame, causing it to make a miserable roar in pain.

The magical power that trapped Huang Boxiong's magic weapon was forced to disperse in an instant.

"Suffer death, you evil beast!"

Seeing that the effect of the flame attack was much better than he expected, Huang Boxiong was overjoyed. For a moment, he forgot about the fact that his juniors were still waiting for his rescue. He immediately took advantage of the situation and launched a fierce offensive against Qinglu, wanting to Capture them in one fell swoop.

But Mu Mei is Mu Mei after all, and she has home bonuses in the forest that are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

But I saw its figure swaying and suddenly crashed into a nearby big tree.

In the blink of an eye, the green deer's figure merged into the big tree.

Immediately, the big tree ignited with blue-red flames!

Then I saw a flash of green shadow, and the green deer's figure reappeared in the forest. The flames burning on its body had been extinguished, and its wounds were healed, as if it had never been injured.

But if you sense it carefully, you will find that the aura on its body is much weaker than before. Now it is on the edge of a third-level monster, and it seems that it will fall back to the second level at any time.

Seeing this scene, Huang Boxiong couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, as expected, your sudden increase in cultivation is only a temporary increase, not that you have actually advanced to the third level!"

This discovery made him completely relieved, and he became confident again in capturing Mu Mei.

But just when he was about to continue his efforts and catch Mu Mei in one fell swoop, Mu Mei stopped playing with him!

Then he saw Qinglu move, and his figure instantly turned into light and disappeared from the place.

When it reappeared, it was already under a tree several miles away. With a few flashes like this, it opened a gap of twenty or thirty miles from Huang Boxiong.

Seeing such a scene, Huang Boxiong's expression changed drastically, and his expression instantly became extremely ugly.

The previous battle confused him, making him almost think that Mu Mei would continue to fight him to the death.

But he forgot that Mu Mei is actually a timid creature by nature, and it is impossible for him to fight with a powerful opponent all the time.

At this time, as soon as Mu Mei started to run away, Huang Boxiong suddenly had no way to deal with her.

"What a bastard, I'll let you be free for now, and I'll come back to deal with you later!"

In the end, Huang Boxiong could only curse and immediately turned around and flew towards where the descendants of the Huang family were.

At this time, more than a quarter of an hour had passed since the notification fireworks were raised.

By the time Huang Boxiong arrived at the deserted scene, Zhou Chundu had already fled dozens of miles away.

"What a messy smell!"

At the scene of the incident, Huang Boxiong fell down with an ugly face. His consciousness carefully sensed the aura left at the scene. He only felt strange and messy, something he had never seen before.

But the place where the Huang family monks last breathed away gave him a very bad feeling.

"Who is it? Who did it?"

Huang Boxiong looked furious and couldn't help but fly up to the sky and look around.

But the surrounding fields were vast, and except for the thick smoke and dust floating in the sky after the forest burned, there was no trace of anyone.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but snorted with a fierce look in his eyes: "Hmph, no one can kill my Huang family members and still get away with it!"

After the words fell, you could see his eyes slightly closed, his hands forming a seal, and then he touched his eyes with a green light.

Then he opened his eyes, and his black and white eyes suddenly glowed with cyan light.

Against this pair of glaucoma eyes, a scene that was difficult for ordinary people to see immediately appeared in his sight.

But seeing his eyes move, he quickly looked in the direction Zhou Chun was leaving.

In the seemingly empty sky, a faint golden trace appeared in Huang Boxiong's sight like a rainbow.

"Got you!"

With a low shout in his mouth, Huang Boxiong immediately followed the direction of the golden gas trace and chased after him.

Unexpectedly, after chasing him for twenty or thirty miles, the golden traces of energy disappeared.

What appeared in front of Huang Boxiong at this time was a sea of ​​flames, which was a burning forest.

The target he was chasing broke into the sea of ​​​​fire and never used his magic power again, so he lost the target he was following.

"Do you think you can avoid my tracking by hiding here? You are naive!"

With a fierce light in his eyes, Huang Boxiong immediately flew into the smoke area above the sea of ​​fire, and his powerful spiritual consciousness patrolled the ground, looking for the hiding murderer.

But even though he searched the surrounding area for dozens of miles like scraping the floor, he still couldn't find the missing murderer.

The murderer seemed to have been melted by the sea of ​​fire and completely lost his trace.

Such a situation also made his face look very ugly.

He was seen standing in the air, looking down at the sea of ​​​​fire on the ground. He no longer knew whether to continue searching or to capture the wooden charm first.

After hesitating like this for a long time, he snorted with an ugly face, waved his sleeves and left the place, continuing to look for the wooden charm.

Are you finally leaving?

In a cave somewhere underground, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief after discovering Huang Boxiong's departure through the possessed "Flying Fire Scorpion".

Of course, he knew that even if he had the opportunity to escape, he would not be able to outrun a middle-stage Zifu monk, so he never thought of running away directly.

So after killing the people, he ran into the sea of ​​fire and used the sea of ​​fire to cover up his aura.

Then he quickly walked through the sea of ​​fire and hid in a hole dug by an unknown animal.

Of course, if it was just a hole in the ground, it would definitely not be able to help him avoid Huang Boxiong's spiritual search.

So now he was covered in blue butterflies.

"Blue Moon Butterfly" is a kind of monster insect with extremely strong transformation and concealment ability. When they are stationary, even the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the Zifu stage may not be able to see through their disguise.

Zhou Chun used the disguise of these monster insects to conceal his own existence, making Huang Boxiong's spiritual search useless.

At this time, after realizing that Huang Boxiong had left, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to act rashly.

He didn't know if this was Huang Boxiong's plan to lure the snake out of its hole, or whether the other party would counterattack.

So it’s always a good idea to be more stable.

After hiding like this for more than an hour, Zhou Chun finally took off his disguise and returned to the ground.

Then he pondered for a moment, then boldly rushed towards Mu Mei's place.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Chun rushed back, he saw Huang Boxiong setting fires everywhere.

All the younger monks of the Huang family who were brought out have died, and Huang Boxiong has no face to return to the family now.

The only way he can save his face now is to capture the wooden charm.

If you can catch the wooden charm, even if you can't tame it, you can sell it for a sky-high price if you put it up for auction.

At that time, the spirit coins obtained can be used to purchase Foundation Establishment Pills, which will be able to make up for the losses of the four Foundation Establishment Stage monks today.

For this reason, he no longer cared about the consequences of setting fire to the forest everywhere.

"I'm afraid this guy is going crazy now. I'd better stay away from him!"

Zhou Chun looked at the figure in the sky from a distance with twinkling eyes. After a while, he quietly rushed from the ground into the forest.

Now that Huang Boxiong is the only one left, his opportunity has come.

As long as he can find Mu Mei's body before Huang Boxiong, he may catch Mu Mei.

Thanks to the fires set off by Huang Jiazhong, the scope of Zhou Chun's search has been greatly reduced.

I saw his figure moving quickly in the forest, and the pale golden monster insects spread out with him as the center, biting every ancient tree and vine a few times.

Using this method, Zhou Chun could inspect all the ancient trees within a dozen miles within a quarter of an hour.

This speed may not be as severe as the forest fire, but it is also a very fast troubleshooting method.

After about three hours passed like this, several demonic insects biting the ancient tree suddenly sent a special message to Zhou Chun, and then lost contact with him.

After receiving the summons from the demonic insect, he hurried over to check the situation.

I saw an ancient tree in the forest that was as thick as six or seven people could hug each other, but only less than ten feet tall. It was hidden under countless green vines and tall trees.

If Zhou Chun hadn't carried out a blanket investigation from the ground and only looked down from the sky, no one would have been able to see this thick and well-covered ancient tree.

But when several "Black Armored Golden Feathers" were lying on the ancient trees biting the trunks, they were wrapped and imprisoned by balls of amber-like emerald green liquid.

At this moment, these demonic insects have completely severed contact with Zhou Chun and are probably dead.

"What kind of tree is this?"

Zhou Chun looked at the ancient tree in front of him with leaves that looked like maple leaves and a trunk that looked like nanmu. He couldn't even recognize its name.

This is normal. There are so many types of trees in this world, much more than in his previous life.

If it weren't for those famous spiritual trees, even a Nascent Soul Stage monk would not be able to recognize the name of every tree in the forest.

But it doesn't matter if you don't recognize the name. Judging from the extraordinary performance of this ancient tree, it is probably the target Zhou Chun is looking for!

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