Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 349 Catch them all in one fell swoop【Please subscribe】

An ancient tree that had never been seen before was placed in front of him. It was probably the true form of Mu Mei.

Zhou Chun looked at the ancient tree in front of him, his face full of solemnity.

He first jumped onto a tall tree nearby and looked at the sky. After confirming that Huang Boxiong was not in the nearby area, he quickly jumped down.

Then he pondered for a moment, then took out the corpses of the three Huang family monks that he had collected earlier from the storage bag, and threw them next to the ancient tree.

Then he held a third-level defensive talisman with one hand, used the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] with the other hand, and slashed towards a branch of the ancient tree.

The golden round magic weapon landed on the ancient branch like a rotating gear, and a green aura suddenly emerged from the branch, trying to resist the cutting of the sharp blade.

But this green aura only helped it persist for a few more breaths before it was chopped down to the ground by the golden round magic weapon.

However, such a vision confirmed Zhou Chun's guess.

This ancient tree that has never been seen before is indeed the true form of Mu Mei!

After he chopped off a branch of the ancient tree, he waved his fingers at the ancient tree again, and a golden sword light suddenly fell on the trunk, leaving a deep hole in the tree and flowing out. Emerald green juice.

After doing this, Zhou Chun waited patiently.

Not long after a moment passed, the green light flashed on the ancient tree in front of him, and the wooden figure walking in the form of a spiritual deer appeared on the treetops.

At this moment, Qinglu's aura has dropped a lot, and is between the second and third levels, far less powerful than when Zhou Chun first saw it.

After it appeared on the treetop, a pair of emerald-like eyes immediately looked at Zhou Chun, with a touch of human disgust in its eyes.

There is no doubt that Zhou Chun, who practices the pure gold movement technique, is very disliked by it.

Moreover, the way Zhou Chun hurt its body just now also made it very angry.

Facing the look of disgust emerging from those deer eyes, Zhou Chun said calmly and calmly: "I know you understand what I'm saying, so I'll keep it short!"

"Now that your existence has been discovered, even if you can escape from Zhou and the man who set the forest on fire today, when the more powerful human monks come later, you will definitely have nowhere to escape."

"And if you are willing to come with me today, I dare not say anything else in the future. There will be no problem in helping you advance to the third level, and there is a great chance of even being promoted to the fourth level!"

"To show my sincerity, I have helped you kill these humans who set fire to the forest!"

This can be regarded as a courtesy first and then a soldier.

Zhou Chun and the Huang family had the same purpose in capturing Mu Mei.

But if they capture Mu Mei, the way they deal with it may be different.

The Huang family did not hesitate to set fire to the forest to capture Mu Mei. They probably did not think about taking Mu Mei as a spiritual pet. They just wanted to capture it and sell it at a high price. Naturally, they did not care whether they would be disliked by Mu Mei.

But Zhou Chunzhi was trying to conquer Mu Mei, so of course he couldn't do anything that would arouse Mu Mei's hatred.

That would bring great trouble to his conquest work.

However, in the face of Zhou Chun's overtures, Mu Mei didn't appreciate it very much.

It glanced at the three corpses on the ground. The ground beneath the three corpses suddenly cracked open, and red and black tree roots emerged.

These tree roots quickly tied up the three corpses and dragged them underground, seemingly to use them as fertilizer.

Then the deer's cry of "yo yo" came from Qinglu's mouth, which was a warning to Zhou Chun, warning him to leave.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh softly: "Well, since you don't believe it, then I can only use violence to calm you down first!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and immediately released all the "Black Armor and Golden Feather" monster insects he had tamed.

At this time, after years of cultivation, the number of "Black Armor Golden Feather" demon insects in his hands has reached more than 7,000, of which there are more than 800 mature demon worms and more than 4,000 adults.

At this time, more than 5,000 demonic insects were released by him, and a pale golden insect cloud quickly formed above his head.


Zhou Chun raised his hand and pointed at the ancient tree in front of him, and immediately thousands of demonic insects swarmed towards the ancient tree.

Seeing this scene, the green deer immediately neighed angrily, spitting out a stream of green glow from its mouth and swept towards the monster insects.

Sweeped away by the green glow, a large number of demonic insects suddenly flew down towards the ground like dumplings.

But most of the mature "Black Armor Golden Feathers" just staggered for a moment and then continued to fly towards the ancient tree.

This made the green deer's eyes even more angry. He immediately stepped on it with four hooves, and the tree trunk under its feet suddenly split into countless small holes, and then sprayed out small streams of emerald green juice and shot towards the attacking monster insects.

As soon as this emerald green juice touches the demonic insect, it will immediately condense into emerald green crystals to imprison the demonic insect, and then fall to the ground with the demonic insect.

But the mature "Black Armor Golden Feather" is not that easy to deal with.

As soon as those emerald green crystals fell to the ground, the demonic insects inside quickly bit through the crystals and got out from inside.

Then he continued to carry out his master's will and flew towards the ancient tree.

This indomitable vitality made the green deer look surprised in its eyes.

You must know that this kind of tree sap glue was specifically developed to deal with monster insects during its evolution. In the past, in this forest, there has never been any kind of monster insect that can continue to survive after being stuck by the glue.

However, two consecutive waves of attacks failed to capture the group of demonic insects. Some of the demonic insects had successfully flown to the ancient tree and began to gnaw at the trunk of the ancient tree.

Although it has been able to exist independently from the main body, the connection between Qinglu and the main body still exists.

Every time those demonic insects gnawed on the tree trunk, it was like gnawing on its body, making it feel the same pain.

It hates those bugs!

But seeing its body move, it suddenly turned into green light and merged into the ancient tree.

Then this ancient tree seemed to come alive. Emerald light appeared on the tree, and suddenly a sharp thorn appeared and pierced those pale golden monster insects.

But the results were almost the same as the previous two attacks on the demonic insects.

The mature "Black Armor Golden Feather" monster insects are not very afraid of the attacks of those spikes. They can even hug the spikes and bite them.

Only some adult "Black Armor Golden Feathers" are not strong enough and will be pierced by sharp thorns and strung on trees.

And just when Mu Mei tried every means to kill those pale golden monster insects, Zhou Chun no longer stood idly by and joined the battle.

But when he raised his hand and waved, the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] spun and slashed towards the ancient tree.

Then he raised his hand and flapped the spirit beast bag around his waist, releasing all three spirit pets.

That's not all. In order to end the battle as quickly as possible, Zhou Chun also used both hands to perform the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" that he had not used for a long time.

After using Qingjiao Qingqing's dragon spiritual blood to transform his foundation, Zhou Chun actually never gave up on practicing the secret technique "Secret of Dragon Transformation".

After all, it is obvious to all that this secret technique improves strength, and it would be a pity if it was wasted.

After years of practice, Zhou Chun has now mastered the second level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation" to the extreme.

Now that he has used this secret technique, the green-gold dragon scales on his body have almost turned into substance, and his claws are even more sharp, and he can tear the air with a casual swing.

At this moment, he felt stronger than ever.

With the dragon scale defense and a pair of dragon claws on his body at this moment, he can even fight hand-to-hand with monsters of the same level.

Of course, he would definitely not do this. After all, he is not Xu Fu and others. He often uses this secret technique to fight monsters, and has long since honed his powerful melee skills.

In fact, this was the first time he used this secret technique to fight with all his strength after practicing "The Secret of Dragon Transformation".

At that time, Zhou Chun and the three-headed spiritual pets activated at the same time, each launched a violent attack on the ancient tree of Mu Mei's body in different ways.

Thunder and lightning roared, golden light flashed, and various spells took turns bombarding the ancient trees.

During this period, there were also figures of Zhou Chun and Golden Winged Tiger charging and jumping.

Mu Mei also showed strong protective abilities at this time.

I saw thick tree roots suddenly emerging from the ground around the ancient tree, rising up into the sky like vines, and connecting with the crown of the tree, forming a huge tree barrier.

The barrier formed by those tree roots is very tough, and its recovery ability is extremely strong.

Even if a big hole is opened by Zhou Chun and his spiritual pets, it can be repaired within a few breaths of time.

And it was not only defensive, but also launched a counterattack against Zhou Chun while defending.

At this time, Mu Mei seemed to know that only by getting rid of Zhou Chun could he get rid of those damn bugs.

Seeing that Zhou Chun often came close to tear up the barrier, it suddenly used its cruel hands. Suddenly a tree root stretched out, turning into a root cage and trapping Zhou Chun in it.

Then he tried to gather his strength to kill Zhou Chun inside the cage.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the root cage it created trapped Zhou Chun, a golden rainbow spit out from Zhou Chun's mouth, instantly piercing and shattering the root cage it had deliberately reinforced.

Then he saw a flash of green shadow, and Zhou Chun's figure rushed out of the gap in the blink of an eye and flew to the edge of the huge tree root barrier.

Then Zhou Chun danced with his claws, and his sharp claws were like flying swords and easily tore a huge gap in the tree root barrier in front of him.

Boom boom boom!

On the other side, several explosions roared, and the raging thunder and lightning opened a gap of more than ten feet wide in the tree root barrier. Then the huge body of the golden-armored rock turtle stepped forward and blocked the gap, making it impossible to recover.

Then the golden-winged tiger rushed in from above the gap first, opened its mouth and spat out a ball of golden aura toward the ancient tree inside.


But after seeing the golden spiritual light falling on the ancient tree, a gap as big as a water tank was opened in the tree trunk on the spot. The sharp golden spiritual power destroyed all the wood spirits and killed them. With the ancient tree's powerful recovery ability , even the gap cannot be healed in a short time.

Zhou Chun and his three-headed spiritual pets all have attributes that can restrain Mu Mei. This is the greatest confidence he dares to come and fight Mu Mei alone.

Before Mu Mei rejected Zhou Chun's overtures, she obviously had no idea that Zhou Chun, who seemed to only have the late-stage cultivation of Foundation Establishment, would be so powerful.

Facing the siege of Zhou Chun, his spiritual pets, and the army of monster insects, Mu Mei, who was no longer as strong as before, quickly fell into an absolute disadvantage.

It tried to concentrate its efforts several times to take down Zhou Chun himself, but Zhou Chun saw through its intention every time and took precautions in advance to resist it.

The fierce attacks from Zhou Chun himself and the three-headed spiritual pets landed on the ancient tree of Mu Mei one after another, and soon the huge trunk of the ancient tree was devastated, with scars everywhere, and there was no time to recover.

But at this time, those "Black Armor and Golden Feather" monster insects were also driven by Zhou Chun, and penetrated into the ancient tree along the wounds one by one, gnawing at the ancient tree from the inside.

These thousands of monster insects gnawed at the ancient tree at the same time, causing more damage to the ancient tree than Zhou Chun and several spiritual pets.

Under their gnawing, the vitality of the ancient tree declined visibly to the naked eye, and the power that the wood charm could exert also rapidly weakened.


The mournful deer call suddenly sounded in the forest, and the wooden figure in the shape of a green deer reappeared on the top of the ancient tree.

It seems to have known that its own body cannot be maintained, and it is crying for the demise of its own body.

"Want to escape?"

Looking at the wailing green deer on the top of the tree, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he instantly understood the intention of the other party's appearance.

Obviously, after discovering that the original ancient tree was certain to die, Mu Mei no longer planned to fight him and wanted to run away.

With Mu Mei's proficiency in the wood escape technique, as long as she wanted to escape in this forest, she wouldn't be able to catch it without the Golden Core level of cultivation.

But Zhou Chun would not let his efforts go in vain after working so hard.

As soon as he had an idea in his mind, the golden armored rock turtle and the silver lightning python immediately launched a combination of killing moves.

The golden-armored rock turtle was the first to attack, and the invisible gravity cage instantly enveloped the ancient tree and the green deer.

Inside the gravity cage, the inductive connection between Mu Mei and the vegetation outside was instantly greatly suppressed, making it difficult for the wood escape technique to be almost instantaneous like before.

And at this moment, silver-white thunder and lightning fell from the sky, one after another, crashing down towards Mu Mei, giving it a triple lightning strike.

When lightning struck down, electric current surged through Qinglu's body, and half of his body was almost shattered.

At this time, its shortcomings of not having flesh and blood became apparent.

Thunder and lightning penetrated the spirit body, instantly causing the magic power in its body to become chaotic, just like it had been affected by Huang Boxiong's "Fire in the Wood" before.

The difference is that now it is no longer as powerful as before, and it cannot get rid of this negative state of the body in a short period of time.

But Zhou Chun's real killing move came right after him.

But with a flash of silver light, a large silver net suddenly lowered its hood, trapping the entire Qinglu like a fish in a net.

As soon as the large silver net caught the green deer, the silver light spread tighter and tighter. The green deer inside was cut and compressed by the pure power of gold, and an extremely miserable cry suddenly came out of its mouth, and its body shape was also visible to the naked eye. As the web shrinks, it becomes smaller and smaller.

"Hahaha, Lu'er, don't cry, Zhou is reluctant to kill you!"

Zhou Chun laughed loudly, and his figure instantly appeared next to the big silver net. Like a fisherman who had made a great harvest, he smiled and held the green deer caught in the net in his hands.

Falling into his Yinluo Sky Net, with Qinglu's ability, it is no longer possible to escape.

But he couldn't laugh more than a few times before he suddenly noticed something, his expression changed drastically and he suddenly looked in a certain direction.

In the sky dozens of miles away, he saw a ray of cyan light flying towards him at great speed.

It was Huang Boxiong who was coming here after seeing the fighting from a distance.

Second update

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