Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 350 Successful escape, Wan'er is in danger [Please subscribe]

Huang Boxiong would discover that he had captured Mu Mei, and Zhou Chun had already been mentally prepared for this.

However, the intensity of Mu Mei's resistance was somewhat beyond his expectation, which resulted in the time it took to capture Mu Mei being somewhat longer than expected.

Now the time for Huang Boxiong's arrival has exceeded his previous estimate.

This made him, who originally wanted to do something, have no choice but to take the first step.

But seeing him quickly put away the three-headed spiritual pets, he also put most of the easily retractable "Black Armor Golden Feathers" into the spirit beast bag.

There were some remaining demonic insects that got into the ancient tree of Mu Mei. Before Zhou Chun had time to take them back, he gave them an order to chew up the tree trunk.

Then he took the silver net that trapped Mu Mei into his arms, transformed into a golden rainbow and fled quickly.

At this time, Zhou Chun, who was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, used all his strength to escape with the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique. Although his speed was slightly slower than that of Huang Boxiong, who was in the middle stage of Zifu, it was only a small difference.

In a short period of time, as long as his condensed golden rainbow light is not exhausted, and he has the distance advantage, he doesn't have to worry about being caught up by Huang Boxiong.

"Damn it! Someone actually got there first!"

In the sky dozens of miles away, Huang Boxiong's eyes flashed with light. He had already seen a touch of green in the golden rainbow, and recognized it to be the Mu Mei he was chasing so hard.

This made him shocked, angry, and furious.

"No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you can't escape today!"

He angrily chased after the golden rainbow.

The two of them chased and then escaped, and soon they chased for hundreds of miles.

After escaping for hundreds of miles, most of the golden rainbow light that Zhou Chun had condensed in the Qi Sea was consumed, and it could no longer be maintained for much longer.

But he still didn't panic at all, because it was all within his calculations.

At this time, he had already fled with Mu Mei to a large river that meandered through the Chiba Forest.

This big river meanders through the forest. The river is two to three hundred feet wide and the current is huge.

After Zhou Chun flew over the river, he immediately dived into the river.

When he was about to touch the river water, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag, and a third-level talisman fell into his hand.

The third-level high-grade magic talisman "leaves thousands of miles", a special talisman that Zhou Chun had only seen in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

This is a kind of escape spell that can only be cast in rivers, and it is best to be cast in large rivers.

After this talisman is used, it can carry the monks down the river and travel thousands of miles. The escape speed is comparable to the full speed flight of the monks in the later period of Zifu.

According to the shopkeeper who sells this talisman, after the "Escape for Thousands of Miles" talisman is cast, it can only flow down the river, and the larger the water flow, the faster the river flows, the faster it can escape.

This talisman was not purchased by Zhou Chun, but by Zhou Daoyi when he was visiting the market during the Great Zhou Kingdom.

After sending Zhou Chun back to Zhou's home, he left this talisman to Zhou Chun for self-defense and life-saving.

It can be said that it was with this magic talisman in hand that Zhou Chun dared to do what he did now.

At this time, after he activated the magic talisman, a blue water dragon instantly swallowed him and the silver net in his hand into his body. Then the water dragon got into the river and flowed down the river for thousands of miles.

"Huh? Do you want to borrow water to escape?"

In the sky, when Huang Boxiong saw Zhou Chun entering the water, his heart sank and he felt something was not good.

He looked towards the river with flashing eyes, and could see a streak of blue water flowing down the river.

But the speed was so fast that his expression changed drastically.

"How is it possible! How could he escape so fast in the water!"

An incredible exclamation came from Huang Boxiong's mouth, and he hurriedly followed the blue water light all the way down.

But what made him despair was that the further he chased, the further away he got from the blue water light.

This situation is completely opposite to when he chased Zhou Chun before, the closer he chased the two, the closer he got.

After less than a quarter of an hour of chasing like this, he completely lost sight of Zhou Chun.

Not mentioning how angry Huang Boxiong was after losing his target, he said that Zhou Chun traveled down the river and escaped for seven to eight hundred miles in less than half an hour.

At this time, the power of the talisman has not been exhausted, and he can still continue to escape.

But knowing that he had successfully escaped, he did not continue to swim down the river and actively terminated his escape technique.

After returning to the shore, Zhou Chun found that he was now on a plain, and he could even see mortal villages in the distance.

He randomly found a hilltop to drop down on, and looked at the green deer in the big net in his hand.

At this time, Qing Lu had shrunk in size to the size of a yellow dog, which was all forced by him using a large silver wire net.

However, using a large silver net to catch it was only a temporary solution. Zhou Chun could not carry it on the road like this, let alone expose it to other immortal cultivators.

"Lu'er, do you want to come out of the net?"

Zhou Chun shook the big net in his hand, making the eyes of the green deer inside look into his own, looking at it with a smile on his face and said.

Yo yo yo!

An angry roar came from Qinglu's mouth, and Zhou Chun answered with angry eyes and voice.

It understood what Zhou Chun meant, but it would never be willing to be coerced by Zhou Chun.

"Calm down, you need to calm down!"

As Zhou Chun spoke, he raised his hand and waved at the green deer in the net, and a golden light swept towards it.

When this pure golden power fell on Qinglu, the pain it caused was tantamount to being cut into pieces with a thousand cuts, and it indeed calmed it down instantly.

Then Zhou Chun raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a branch.

This branch was cut from the ancient tree of Mu Mei. It was specially cut before he left.

At this time, he shook the branch and said slowly: "Good deer, I know you can parasitize in the grass and trees. If you don't want to stay in the net all the time, then you can parasitize in this branch. In this way, I I won’t give you any more pain!”

After the words fell, another sound of "yoyo" came from the net, and Qinglu once again rejected his suggestion.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's face turned slightly cold, and he couldn't help but said: "It seems that you have suffered a lot and haven't eaten enough yet!"

After saying that, he opened his big hand, and golden light emerged from his hand, and he pressed the silver wire net and started to move it back and forth.

When he stroked it, the green deer inside immediately screamed and cried non-stop.

It has never suffered such terrible torture since it was conceived as a spirit, how could it bear such pain.

Not even half a quarter of an hour passed before he meekly begged for mercy in a low voice.

So Zhou Chun threw the branch into the net, and it immediately became parasitic.

After Zhou Chun waited for it to parasitize into the branch, he quickly took out a dozen sealing talismans and pasted them on the branch, then put them into a ten-foot-long iron box made of black iron, and pasted them on the iron box again. Added some sealing talismans.

Speaking of which, both the iron box and the sealing talismans were found by Zhou Chun from the storage bag of the dead Huang family monk. They were things prepared by the Huang family to capture Mu Mei.

After being sealed in the iron box like this, Mu Mei can no longer establish communication with the outside vegetation, and cannot directly escape through the wood escape technique.

And if it wants to break free from the seal, it will definitely alarm Zhou Chun, giving him enough time to prepare in advance.

After sealing the wooden charm in this way, Zhou Chun wrapped the black iron box with cloth, hung it on the back of the golden-winged tiger, and then rode the tiger to Yang Kingdom.

This time, Zhou Chun didn't dare to stay any longer. The three spiritual pets flew in relay along the way, directly flying out of the Shen Kingdom in one breath and entering the Dayun Kingdom where they had stayed.

After resting for a day in Dayun Kingdom, Zhou Chun started on his way again.

Rushing day and night, Zhou Chun successfully arrived in Yang Country almost half a month after leaving his family.

When he arrived outside the stronghold opened by Lin Hongyu, he did not rush into the stronghold to find Lin Wan'er. Instead, he found a place to release the signaling fireworks used by the Zhou family to send messages for help, and then quickly left the place where the fireworks exploded.

Not long after this, Zhou Chun used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to see the foundation-building monks who came out of the stronghold to investigate the situation.

But what made his heart sink was that although three foundation-building monks came to the stronghold to investigate the situation, there was no figure of Lin Wan'er inside.

Of course Lin Wan'er would not fail to recognize the Zhou family's summons fireworks!

And the fact that she hasn't appeared now undoubtedly means one thing. Either she is not in the stronghold now, or she has died, or she has been detained and restricted her personal freedom!

Zhou Chun immediately ruled out the first reason, because it was impossible for Lin Wan'er to leave the stronghold at this time.

Regardless of whether Lin Wan'er has died or has been detained and restricted her personal freedom, it is a very bad signal for him.

“It’s really whatever you’re worried about that comes to you!”

Zhou Chun sighed softly, knowing that he could only take the long term now.

The top priority was to determine whether Lin Wan'er was dead or alive.

If Lin Wan'er had already died, then he would have nothing to say. He would just go on a killing spree and kill all the participants, then turn around and return to his family.

If Lin Wan'er was only detained and restricted her personal freedom, he would have to find a way to get in touch with her and listen to her thoughts.

After all, he himself could not even recognize the names of several foundation-building monks in this stronghold. Without Lin Wan'er's assistance, it would have been impossible to quell this matter at the minimum cost.

Immediately, Zhou Chun turned around and left the stronghold, heading to another nearby casual cultivator stronghold.

As the saying goes, don’t forget what Lin Wan’er did before joining the Zhou family!

After Lin Hongyu went to the Great Zhou Kingdom for retreat and found that something was wrong with the situation at the stronghold, she made some arrangements in advance.

And this arrangement was truthfully told to Zhou Chun and others when she went to the Zhou family to ask for help.

Now Zhou Chun has to find the person she arranged to understand the situation first.

After Zhou Chun arrived near another stronghold more than 400 miles away, he first placed the sealed wooden charm outside and let the silver lightning python guard it for nothing, and then went to the stronghold with confidence.

Outside the stronghold, Zhou Chun was able to enter successfully after some questioning and registration.

After he entered it, he first pretended to go to the training area to meditate and recover his mana. After a few hours, when it was almost dark, he walked out of the training area and went to the place where people set up stalls and trade inside the stronghold.

Then he glanced at the faces of the monks setting up stalls, and soon walked to the stall of an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, and said directly to him: "Red jade was born in the South."

But he said: "I want all these daylilies."

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly changed and he looked at him with joy.

Then he quickly said: "Okay, junior, I will wrap it up for senior, a total of fifteen spiritual coins."

After saying that, he wrapped all the "lily grass" materials for making talismans on the stall and handed them to Zhou Chun, and accepted the spiritual coins given by Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun also quickly left the stronghold.

More than an hour later, in a forest more than 30 miles away from the stronghold, Zhou Chun and the middle-aged man selling "sage grass" met again.

"Tell me, what happened at the stronghold? Why didn't fellow Taoist Lin Waner go to see me after seeing my signal?"

In the woods, Zhou Chun looked at the middle-aged man who came to see him as promised, and went straight to the point and asked about Lin Wan'er's situation.

Hearing his question, the middle-aged man quickly bowed and replied: "Senior Mingjian, just five days ago, Miss Lin suddenly left a letter and a jade box to this junior. In the letter, I told this junior to lurk well. Protect the jade box and wait for the senior who comes to meet you, and hand the jade box to him."

"And since then, this junior has not received any news from Miss Lin!"

After saying that, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box and handed it to Zhou Chun.

This jade box has special legal restrictions. Only people like Zhou Chun who know how to unlock the magic can open and read it.

At this time, Zhou Chun unlocked the magic ban above and saw a jade slip and a token magic weapon inside.

He first held the jade slip in his hand, put his consciousness into it, and soon had a rough understanding of Lin Wan'er's current situation.

It turned out that according to Lin Wan'er's explanation in the letter, she had noticed something strange about the other foundation-building monks in the stronghold a few days ago, and she was convinced that she would never leave the stronghold alone again.

So she cleverly sent out the two left letters to prepare Zhou Chun who would come later.

According to Lin Wan'er's own guess, those foundation-building monks would not dare to kill Lin Hongyu before they were sure whether she would return. The most they could do was to ground her, isolate her from the outside world, and control the management of the stronghold.

And she also made plans to hand over the stronghold guard formation control flag in exchange for her own safety.

At the same time, she also told Zhou Chun in the letter that there was no need to worry about the exposure of the [Tu Yuan Jade] veins, because she suspended mining after returning from Zhou's house and properly resettled those who mined.

The foundation-building monks in those strongholds will definitely not be able to discover the existence of the [Earth Crystal Jade] veins in a short period of time.

Finally, she also made backup arrangements on how to contact and rescue herself.

The token magic weapon in the jade box is a token of the formation in the foggy area in the stronghold. With this object in hand, Zhou Chun can easily enter and exit it without being affected by the formation.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Zhou Chun nodded gently to the middle-aged man and said: "Okay, Zhou already knows the situation. You can go back and lurk first, and then let her talk to you after Fellow Daoist Lin comes out." connect."

Then he left this place.

There is only one update today!

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