Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 351: Planning to save people, Lienuwan【Please subscribe】

Knowing that Lin Wan'er's life was not in danger for the time being, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Lin Wan'er is also the honorary elder of the Zhou family, and is a practical person with considerable management capabilities.

If such a talent is lost, it will be a big loss for the Zhou family.

Moreover, Lin Wan'er was Lin Hongyu's adopted daughter after all, and she also held a high position in Lin Hongyu's heart.

If Lin Hongyu succeeds in forming the elixir and learns that her adopted daughter died in Yang Country, even if she won't be angry with the Zhou family, she will definitely have some grudges in her heart.

Now that he knew that Lin Wan'er was still alive, of course Zhou Chun wanted to save people quickly.

It didn't take long for him to return to the stronghold opened by Lin Hongyu, and then found a place to dig a stone room deep into the mountain.

In the stone chamber, Zhou Chun patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released all the "Xuanjia Golden Feathers". Then he placed the black iron box with the wooden charms sealed on the ground and let the monster insects wrap it up.

Finally, he released the golden-armored rock turtle and told him to guard the place and not let Mu Mei escape.

With such double protection, Zhou Chun returned to the ground with peace of mind and planned to sneak into the stronghold to rescue Lin Wan'er.

For Zhou Chun, it is not difficult to enter the stronghold. The difficult thing is how to avoid attracting attention.

With his cultivation in the late stage of foundation building, as long as he enters the stronghold, he will definitely be strictly monitored by the monks inside. It is impossible to avoid the eyes and ears and enter the depths of the stronghold to find the place where Lin Wan'er is detained.

Therefore, he had to suppress his cultivation and not attract so much attention.

Zhou Chun knew the secret technique of condensing cultivation, but the secret technique he knew could not allow him to avoid the spiritual detection of monks in the same realm.

The kind of secret techniques that allow cultivators to hide their cultivation in front of monks of the same realm are very precious and rare secret techniques that even those sects may not possess.

So after much thought, Zhou Chun decided to seal his own cultivation to avoid being noticed.

He knows a secret sealing technique that can seal most of his own cultivation, so that he can only exert his magical power during the Qi refining period.

This kind of seal would be difficult for a monk in the foundation-building stage to detect unless he looked carefully in person.

However, the shortcomings of this technique are also obvious. After his cultivation is sealed to the Qi Refining Stage, it will take at least an hour to unlock the seal with his own cultivation level.

This means that if he is discovered, it will be too late to unblock the cultivation base and fight against the enemy.

Although there was a lot of risk, Zhou Chun still did it.

Using the secret technique of sealing, he sealed his cultivation to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage, and put the several spirit beast bags around his waist into the inner pockets of his sleeves.

Then on a sunny afternoon, we arrived at the entrance to the stronghold.

Outside the entrance of the stronghold, his cultivation during the Qi Refining Period did not arouse the suspicion of the monks guarding the entrance. They quickly collected his deposit and made relevant registrations in accordance with the rules.

However, when registering, the monk in charge of the registration looked at him carefully and suddenly said: "This fellow Taoist seems unfamiliar to me. It must be the first time he comes to our Ruby Peak, right?"

"Tao Youyou has a good eye. I have indeed just arrived from Dayun Kingdom not long ago. I passed by Guishan today and I just happened to come over to have a closer look."

Zhou Chun bowed his hands with a normal expression, his tone was calm and not at all panicked.

After hearing his answer, the man's eyes lit up, and he immediately spoke again: "Oh, according to that, fellow Taoist is also a casual cultivator?"

"It's not really a casual cultivator. There is still a foundation-building cultivator and some clan cultivators in my family."

Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, but still did not choose the identity of a casual cultivator, but casually made up the identity of a small family cultivator.

It can be clearly seen that after hearing his answer, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared in the man's eyes, and then he quickly nodded slightly and said: "I understand, then I wish fellow Taoist all the best."

After saying that, he quickly registered the information Zhou Chun said and gave him a temporary pass token.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for your blessing."

Zhou Chun responded and strode into the stronghold with the token token given by the other party.

After entering the stronghold, Zhou Chun first went to wander around the shops. After making sure that no one was secretly following and observing him, he went to the training area to practice.

After staying in the training area for several hours, Zhou Chun started to take action when he saw that the night was getting dark.

He took out a spirit beast bag, raised his hand, and dozens of "Blue Moon Butterflies" flew out of it, and quietly slipped out along the slightly opened door.

Not long after, Zhou Chun gently opened the door and walked out, quietly leaving the training area.

In the eyes of the monks guarding the training area, everything was normal, as if nothing had happened.

In this way, relying on "Blue Moon Butterfly"'s excellent illusion and confusion ability, Zhou Chun easily avoided some sentries in Fang City and sneaked outside the white mist area.

Then he activated the token magic weapon left by Lin Wan'er and plunged into the white mist area.

Although he had only accompanied Zhou Daoyi to the depths of this stronghold once before, Zhou Chun could roughly see the layout inside at that time, not to mention that Lin Wan'er also left a detailed map.

Like most gathering places for casual cultivators, this white mist area is the cave area for monks in the foundation building stage.

Generally, even the guarding monks in the stronghold are not allowed to enter.

Zhou Chun had the token magic weapon in his hand. After entering it, he completely ignored the influence of the formation and could easily see the scenery inside clearly.

After some observation, he rushed towards a certain mountain peak inside.

He went to the location of Lin Wan'er's cave, which was probably where she was detained.

However, after arriving at the bottom of the mountain, Zhou Chun did not rush up the mountain. Instead, he found a secluded place at the bottom of the mountain and first dissolved the seal in his body.

And while Zhou Chun was hiding under the mountain and quietly making final preparations for the rescue operation, Lin Wan'er in the cave on the mountain ran into trouble.

"Tian Fengyi, what do you want to do when you come here alone in the middle of the night?"

In the yard, Lin Wan'er looked at the white-faced middle-aged man who came to the door late at night, with a look of wariness on his pretty face.

She seemed to realize something.

Facing her question, the white-faced middle-aged man raised his hand and stroked his long beard under his chin, and said with a smile: "Miss Lin, you don't have to be nervous. If Tian wants to do something bad to you, he will be punished based on his current cultivation level." With the seal, can I still resist?"

Hearing what he said, although Lin Wan'er felt very uncomfortable, she had to admit that what he said was the truth.

In order to protect herself from harm, she had reached an agreement with these betrayers, voluntarily letting them seal their cultivation, take away their storage bags and personal magic weapons, and wait for the return of their godmother Lin Hongyu.

With her current situation where she couldn't mobilize any mana, not to mention Tian Fengyi, who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment right in front of her, even a monk in the Qi Refining Stage could easily subdue her.

So his face relaxed a little, and he said again: "Then what do you want to say when you come to see me late at night?"

"Tian came to see Miss Lin late at night. Naturally, he has important matters to discuss, but I'm afraid this is not the place to talk!"

When the white-faced middle-aged man said this, he glanced meaningfully at the room behind Lin Wan'er.

Hearing what he said, Lin Wan'er's expression also changed, and then she hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "In that case, Fellow Daoist Tian, ​​please come in with me to talk."

After saying that, he led the other party towards the living room where guests were entertained.

After entering the living room, Lin Wan'er wanted to pour a cup of tea to the white-faced middle-aged man.

But now that her cultivation was sealed, making tea was quite inconvenient, and she was stuck there for a while.

Fortunately, the white-faced middle-aged man saw her embarrassment and immediately said with a smile: "Miss Lin, you don't have to be polite, just make the tea yourself."

Then he saw himself taking out the tea set and spiritual water from the storage bag, and making tea in front of Lin Wan'er.

After a while, the tea was boiled. He poured a cup of tea for himself and Lin Wan'er, and then he took a sip first.

Seeing this, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but give face, so she took a sip.

Then he put down the tea, looked at the white-faced middle-aged man and said, "Now, Taoist Master Tian, ​​can you tell me why you came to see me tonight!"

"Actually, there is nothing new. I just want to know, Ms. Lin, how can you be so confident that Senior Lin will successfully form the elixir?"

The white-faced middle-aged man looked at Lin Wan'er calmly, and continued in a low tone: "If Senior Lin fails to form the elixir and unfortunately dies in the Great Zhou Kingdom, how should you deal with yourself, Miss Lin? Where should you go?"

"Is this why you came here late at night to ask?"

Lin Wan'er's face turned cold, and her eyes instantly turned cold.

The words she least wanted to hear right now were probably the words that Lin Hongyu had failed to form the pill.

As for where she should go, that's not a problem.

With her ability, even without Lin Hongyu's presence, the Zhou family would rely on her and not worry about having nowhere to go.

So in her eyes, the white-faced middle-aged man's questions were all nonsense, nonsense that annoyed her.

Even though the white-faced middle-aged man noticed the change in her expression and tone, he still said nonchalantly: "Why is Miss Lin so angry? Tian is just saying what if. You and I are both people who have experienced the foundation building level. Of course. We know that the road to immortality becomes more difficult the further we go, and every breakthrough to a great realm is likely to result in failure and life-threatening danger!"

Seeing this situation, Lin Wan'er didn't bother to argue with her anymore, and immediately stood up with a cold face and said: "The night is already dark, and I am ready to rest. Fellow Taoist Tian, ​​please come back!"

This gesture and words of seeing off the guests made the fair-faced middle-aged man look a little ugly.

He stood up immediately, walked to Lin Waner in a few steps, looked directly at Lin Waner with a gloomy face and said, "Tian Mou communicated with Miss Lin with good intentions, but why is Miss Lin so rude!"

"You are the rude one!"

Lin Wan'er stared at him with a sullen expression on her pretty face, and said in an angry tone: "Don't think that because my cultivation has been sealed, I can let you bully me. Fellow Daoist Fu and the others are still here!"

When the white-faced middle-aged man heard her words, his expression suddenly changed, and then he scolded with disdain: "Fu Changqing and the others are all idiots. They even did the thing of sealing your cultivation, and they still want to swing between the two." It’s ridiculous to place a bet!”

Having said this, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he quickly whispered: "Forget it, since you are so ignorant of praise, then Tian doesn't have to endure it anymore, I will deal with you here tonight. Got it!"

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Wan'er's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly opened her mouth and shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly!"

"Hahaha, call me, let me see who you can call!"

The white-faced middle-aged man laughed proudly, looked at Lin Wan'er with a proud face and laughed loudly: "Even if you scream and break your throat tonight, no one will come to save you!"

After saying that, he casually made some hand gestures to lock Lin Wan'er in place.

Then he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a small jade bottle, poured out a reddish-brown elixir with a strange fragrance, and forced it into Lin Wan'er's mouth, making her swallow it.

After doing this, he looked at Lin Wan'er who couldn't even speak, smiled sinisterly and said, "Do you really want to know what kind of pill I gave you?"

Hearing his words, Lin Wan'er's eyes suddenly showed panic.

With her intelligence, it was easy for her to think of something through what the white-faced middle-aged man just said.

Sure enough, the white-faced middle-aged man soon said with a lewd smile: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just a [Liengv Pill]. After taking this pill, the female cultivator will have the character of Sanzhen Jiulie. In just a moment, Zhong will also turn into a silver slut, taking the initiative to softly ask for sex from men!"

"Tian wants to see how long you, Lin Wan'er, can last under this [Fierce Girl Pill]!"

Having said this, he suddenly lifted the ban on Lin Wan'er, pulled up a chair and sat down in front of her, so that she could look at him and speak aloud.

After being able to speak, Lin Wan'er did not yell or curse, but looked at him with angry eyes and said coldly: "Tian Fengyi, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Hearing this, the white-faced middle-aged man suddenly smiled lightly and said: "Of course I know, so don't worry, after I get your Yuan Yin here, I will kill you, and then leave this place directly and let Fu Chang Those idiots will have a headache!"

This answer made Lin Wan'er stunned. She couldn't help but look at him in surprise and said, "So you betrayed your godmother just to get these?"

"Of course it was more than that, but those idiots Fu Changqing didn't listen to my words and refused to give you to Senior Huo Yang in exchange for Senior Huo Yang taking over here, so I can only take a handful and leave! "

When the white-faced middle-aged man said this, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and he was obviously not satisfied with the result.

Lin Wan'er was completely panicked at this time, not only because of the white-faced middle-aged man's words, but also because she had already felt the effect of the [Fierce Girl Pill].

She quickly opened her mouth and said: "Tian Fengyi, can we make a deal? You let me go once today, and I will tell you a treasure that my godmother has hidden outside. What do you think?"

"Treasure? What treasure? Are you lying to me?"

The white-faced middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and seemed not to believe it.

Lin Wan'er shouted anxiously: "It's already here, how can I still dare to lie to you? There is really a treasure, a treasure that can give you hope in the Zi Mansion!"

When the white-faced middle-aged man saw this, he couldn't help but show surprise in his eyes, and he seemed to see some true meaning in Lin Wan'er's expression and words.

He immediately stood up and said, "Really? Then first tell me what kind of treasure it is and what treasures are inside?"

Seeing that he was convinced that he was attracted, Lin Wan'er was overjoyed and immediately said, "You can help me get rid of the effects of [Lienv Pill] first!"

After the white-faced middle-aged man heard what he said, he shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, this [Lienv Pill] has no antidote, it is just a kind of elixir to help you in the process of dual cultivation! "

After saying that, he smiled softly at Lin Wan'er, whose eyes were filled with disappointment and despair, and said, "But if you really know what the treasure is, after Tian has finished enjoying it, I might consider sparing your life!"

"You're dreaming!"

Lin Wan'er gritted her teeth and cursed angrily, shouting angrily: "If you dare to ruin my practice, then you will never get that treasure again in this life!"

"It doesn't matter, I never thought about getting any treasure anyway, and I want to see if you will be so stubborn later!"

As the fair-faced middle-aged man spoke, he sat down again with a smile on his face, slowly waiting for the release of the [Lienv Pill] in Lin Wan'er's body.

I was a little lazy after getting perfect attendance at the end of the month. Hey, let's just treat myself as a two-day holiday. I guess there will be an update today!

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