Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 352 Confusing right and wrong, using thunderous means [Please subscribe]

[Relief Girl Pill] does not take effect for even a quarter of an hour.

Although Lin Wan'er is a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, how can she withstand the charm potion specially used to deal with female cultivators with her own physical fitness when her cultivation is sealed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, her pretty face turned red, and she sang softly with a peach-like face.

Looking at her like that, if her body hadn't been immobilized, she might have pounced on the white-faced middle-aged man Tian Fengyi.

Tian Fengyi, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, waited for almost a quarter of an hour. When he saw that the heat was almost done, he stood up with a smile.

I saw him taking out a long bird feather from nowhere, holding the bird feather and gently swiping it on Lin Wan'er's ears, neck, etc., and said with a wanton smile: "Hehehehe, Miss Lin, do you really want it now?" Huh? If you want it, just beg me, and I’ll help you relieve the itch!"


Lin Wan'er looked at the person in front of her with blurred eyes and murmured in a low voice, as if she was really consumed by desire.

But in the end Tian Fengyi still couldn't hear the words he wanted.

This made him slightly angry and surprised, and then he smiled coldly and said: "I don't think you have a strong will, so this is better. The longer you persist, the more you will want later. It's a long night, and Tian has a lot. Time to play with you!”

After saying that, he continued to use the bird feather to tease Lin Wan'er everywhere on her body.

What he didn't notice was that an uninvited guest came outside Lin Wan'er's yard!

"Well, how could anyone put up a sound barrier?"

Outside the yard, Zhou Chun looked at the unguarded yard in front, with a trace of doubt on his face.

His journey along the way was extremely smooth, and he never saw a guarding monk on the road. This made him, who was still ready for battle, almost think that he had gone to the wrong place.

But the sound insulation barriers artificially installed in the yard have undoubtedly dispelled his doubts.

After he looked at the yard in front and pondered for a while, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "No! Lin Wan'er is in danger!"

But she has realized that the imprisoned Lin Wan'er will definitely not install such a sound barrier.

And since the person who arranged the sound barrier did this, it definitely meant that he didn't want people to hear what was going on inside.

If you don't want to do something shameful, why do you need to do this?

After understanding this, Zhou Chun immediately flew into the air decisively and directly used the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] to blast towards the courtyard below.

But seeing the golden light flashing, the small soundproof barrier was instantly broken, and then the golden round magic weapon followed the guidance of Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness and flew towards someone in the room without stopping.

In the room, Tian Fengyi, who originally focused all his attention on teasing Lin Wan'er, was instantly alarmed by the movement outside when Zhou Chun made his move.

He is also a man with rich combat experience. After being surprised by the strange changes outside, he immediately clapped his hands to the storage bag at his waist and used a silver-white shield weapon that looked like a bamboo hat to protect himself.

There was even some time to block Lin Wan'er behind him.

But he seemed to have underestimated the strength of the visitor.

With a flash of golden light, the golden round magic weapon penetrated the wall and struck on the silver-white shield. The huge force immediately knocked Tian Fengyi and Lin Wan'er away from behind.

Then before Tian Fengyi came to his senses, a silver-white embroidered handkerchief suddenly flew into the room from the breach in the wall, protecting Lin Wan'er who fell on the ground.

Seeing this situation, Tian Fengyi quickly broke into the house and prepared to escape without saying a word.

But as soon as he appeared in mid-air, a silver-white lightning struck in front of him.

In a hurry, he hurriedly condensed a silver shield to protect himself, but he didn't expect that although the shield blocked the lightning, he was electrocuted by the penetrating electric current, making his whole body numb and his hairs standing on end.

Immediately before he could get rid of the paralysis effect, a long sword of golden light crashed onto him, chopping him to pieces on the spot including his shield and his body.

After these few moves killed Tian Fengyi, who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, Zhou Chun left the silver lightning python on guard outside, and quickly entered the room to check on Lin Wan'er's condition.

"This is……"

Looking at Lin Wan'er who was full of love on the ground, Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment and quickly understood what had happened before.

Then he looked at Lin Wan'er's confused eyes, knowing that the other person's consciousness was probably already sinking at this moment.

So he didn't rush to unlock the immobilizing effect, but quickly sunk his mind into his own storage bag, looking for something to save him.

He always keeps various healing and detoxifying elixirs in his storage bag, so that he can use them in various situations.

Although he didn't know what kind of love medicine Lin Hongyu took, he also knew how to help her suppress the effects of the medicine.

He quickly raised his hand and patted the storage bag, taking out a blue and white jade bottle.

This jade bottle contains the "Ice Dew Pill", which is a magical elixir used to suppress some of the fierce poisons of Yang Fire. It also has the effect of calming the mind and relieving pain.

At this time, Zhou Chun quickly poured out a cold white elixir and stuffed it into Lin Wan'er's mouth, pinched her mouth and forced her to swallow it.

Then while waiting for the elixir to take effect, Zhou Chun checked the seal in Lin Wan'er's body.

This examination result made him frown.

Because the sealing technique in Lin Wan'er's body is extremely advanced, the person who sealed her cultivation should also be in the late stage of foundation establishment. This seal cannot be resolved by Zhou Chun in a short time.

The movement just now must have attracted the attention of other foundation-building monks in the stronghold. Other monks will rush over soon, leaving him no time to save people slowly.

"It seems like this is the only way to go!"

Looking at Lin Wan'er who had just taken the elixir but had yet to see any effects, Zhou Chun took out a large piece of clothing without hesitation, covered her, and tied it to his back.

Doing so would indeed make it somewhat inconvenient for him to move, but at least he wouldn't have to be too distracted by taking care of Lin Wan'er, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of him.

By the time Zhou Chun finished this matter, other foundation-building monks had already arrived.

Moreover, the protective formation was also mobilized. Apparently, the foundation-building monks in the stronghold had come to their senses at this moment and responded.

When Zhou Chun came out with Lin Wan'er on his back, a tall man in black clothes suspended in mid-air looked at him and shouted angrily: "Who are you? Why did you break into my Ruby Peak without permission and kill my fellow Taoist!"

Hearing the shout of the big man in black, Zhou Chun's eyes turned cold, and he immediately replied coldly: "You also know that this place is called Hongyu Peak?"

His cold gaze was glanced at the big man in black and the other two foundation-building monks, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Now that Senior Lin is going to the Great Zhou Dynasty to retreat and formulate elixirs, you will have nothing to do if you don't keep the foundation for her." Forget it, now you dare to rebel and detain the adopted daughter who murdered her, do you want to rebel?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all three people on the opposite side changed.

"What's going on? Where did this guy come from? How does he know about Lin Hongyu going to the Great Zhou Kingdom to retreat and form elixirs?"

"I don't know. Could it be that Lin Hongyu arranged it?"

"Then what should we do now? Can't we just let him take Lin Wan'er away like this?"

The eyes of several people flickered, and they secretly communicated their thoughts through voice messages.

Not long after, the big man in black was seen glaring at Zhou Chun and shouting: "Nonsense!"

He pointed at Zhou Chun and shouted loudly and passionately: "You were clearly the one who broke into this mountain without permission, secretly attacked and killed fellow Taoist Tian Fengyi, and then kidnapped fellow Taoist Lin Wan'er because of your sexual desire. I have witnessed this for all to see. How can you allow you to confuse right and wrong?" , full of sophistry!"

"You said Zhou confused right and wrong?"

Zhou Chun also laughed out of anger.

Although he didn't expect that they would let him take Lin Wan'er away easily, he didn't expect that they would say this.

He nodded with a sneer on his face and said: "Very good, you have given Zhou another reason to kill you!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing both the golden-winged tiger and the "Flying Fire Scorpion".

Then he quickly made a seal with his hands and directly used the "Ancestral Resurrection" secret technique on the silver lightning python Bai Bai.

hold head high--

Accompanied by a dragon's roar, the thunder dragon appeared in vain.

Such a scene immediately stunned the big men in black.

They had never seen such a fierce foundation-building monk. Not only did he tame two second-level monsters by himself, but he could also turn a python into a dragon. This simply overturned their understanding!

"No, the thieves are fierce. Let's retreat first and join Daoist Fu and the others!"

After a foundation-building monk came to his senses, he immediately yelled and turned around and ran away.

After hearing this, the other two people also hurriedly ran away as if they were just waking up from a dream.

At this time, the thunder dragon was white, with thunder and lightning surging all over his body, and silver snakes were flying in the air around him. Just looking at that momentum was not something that ordinary foundation-building monks could deal with.

But it was undoubtedly too late to escape at this time.

There were only a few "bangs" of thunder, and one after another silver-white lightning lit up the night sky, striking at the three foundation-building monks who were escaping.

Zhou Chun and Golden Winged Tiger didn't seem to want to let Lei Jiao monopolize the limelight, so they each quickly targeted one person and launched an attack.

Zhou Chun raised his hand and waved, and the silver-white embroidered handkerchief flew out, turning into silver threads and shooting towards the hole of the big man in black.

At the same time, with a thought in his mind, [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] also slashed towards the big man in black.

The golden-winged tiger's body surged with green light, and he instantly condensed a pair of wind-spirited light wings for himself based on the original pair of flesh wings.

Then it flapped its four wings, and its speed was so fast that it left countless afterimages in the air, and in the blink of an eye it caught up behind an early-stage foundation-building monk.

Then its tiger claws popped out, bursting out with claws that were several feet long, and struck hard at the foundation-building monk.

All this happened in a matter of seconds, and the time was short enough for the foundation-building monk to make the most hasty response, which was to use an iron umbrella to protect himself.

But what he never expected was that this second-level low-grade defensive magic weapon that he had spent thousands of spiritual coins to purchase would be directly pierced and torn by the tiger claws!

Then, before he could recover, a huge mouth of blood pounced and bit him down, instantly smashing the mana shield he had put up as a reflex, and biting his head.

With this one bite, most of the man's body was swallowed directly into the tiger's mouth, with only half of his two legs left exposed.

But as the tiger's mouth closed, with a bite and a flick, the two stumps of the legs were dragged into the mouth and swallowed whole!

Not to mention the enemy, even the master Zhou Chun felt a little uncomfortable when he saw this scene of devouring a living person.

But that kind of discomfort only occurs once. As a beast control monk, Zhou Chun has seen many such scenes, and now he doesn't object to this behavior of pets.

After all, this fighting mode is originally the most effective fighting mode for tiger monsters.

As the Golden Winged Tiger took the first kill, Lei Jiao Baibai and Zhou Chun also quickly eliminated their opponents.

In front of the three masters and servants who were at full combat power, the three foundation-building monks who were not in the late stage of foundation-building could basically defeat them with just a few moves.

To this day, not to mention these unskilled casual cultivators, even among the famous sects, there are probably not many people who can survive ten moves under Zhou Chun at full combat power based on their own abilities. Come.

This efficient killing speed also greatly shocked several other foundation-building monks in the stronghold.

If it weren't for the fact that the aura on Zhou Chun's body was indeed in the late stage of foundation building, they would all have thought that Zhou Chun was a cultivator in the Zifu stage who had hidden his cultivation.

The people who were originally planning to mobilize the stronghold guarding formation to trap and kill Zhou Chun actually fell into hesitation at this time.

They were unsure whether the power of the protective formation could help them defeat Zhou Chun.

But Zhou Chun knew this very well. After all, the protective formation here was provided to Lin Hongyu by the Zhou family.

The answer is obviously no!

This defensive formation itself is mainly based on defensive ability, and its external defensive ability can prevent the attacks of Zifu period monks.

However, the attack ability is relatively poor, and it is not enough to pose a fatal threat to Zhou Chun now, otherwise he would not dare to sneak in alone to save people like this.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, do we still want to take action?"

On a certain mountain peak, an old man in green swallowed secretly and couldn't help asking another old man in yellow for instructions.

The old man in yellow is Fu Changqing, the monk with the highest cultivation level in the stronghold. With his cultivation in the late stage of foundation building, he is also the strongest being in the stronghold, so he naturally became the leader.

At this moment, Fu Changqing felt very shocked and frightened as he looked at the thunder dragon swimming around with thunder and lightning.

He withdrew his attention and fell on the two remaining foundation-building monks in the stronghold. He found that the old man in green and another old woman with white hair both had fearful expressions on their faces and no intention of fighting.

This made his heart sink, knowing that the two of them were probably hopeless.

So he quickly said in a deep voice: "Fu wants to return his power to fellow Taoist Lin. What do the two fellow Taoists think?"

Hearing what he said, the old man in green nodded quickly and said, "Yang has no objection. I think fellow Taoist Lin will also understand our approach. After all, we have never thought of harming her life!"

Seeing this, the white-haired old woman agreed: "I also agree with this matter. This stronghold was built by everyone together. Even if Fellow Daoist Lin regains power, he wants me to help maintain the operation of the stronghold!"

The three of them just chose to surrender!

New January, rise up! First update sent

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