Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 353: Putting things right out of chaos [Please subscribe]

With his own strength, he broke into the Hongyu Peak stronghold guarded by seven Foundation-Establishing monks, successfully rescued Lin Waner, who was detained and restricted her personal freedom, and killed four Foundation-Establishing monks, forcing the remaining three Foundation-Establishing monks to surrender.

Zhou Chun's achievements are also very explosive when looking at the world of immortality.

In the realm of foundation building, few people can be as fierce as him.

What's even more frightening is that this is not all his strength!

At this moment, looking at Fu Changqing and the others who came to Zhou Chun to surrender and plead guilty, Lin Waner, who had slightly recovered some of her sanity under the effect of the "Ice Dew Pill" on Zhou Chun's back, was also shocked in her heart.

Although she had heard of some of Zhou Chun's achievements before, she had never seen Zhou Chun fight with others.

At this time, after being carried by Zhou Chun and participating in the whole battle, and seeing Zhou Chun's powerful strength with her own eyes, she knew how strong Zhou Chun was.

Only then did we understand why Zhou Mingde only sent Zhou Chun to calm down the situation even though he knew that the situation in Yangguo was critical.

"Fu and others misunderstood the slander and almost killed fellow Taoist Lin. I ask fellow Taoist Lin and this fellow to forgive me and give me a chance to make amends!"

Opposite Zhou Chun, Fu Changqing and the other three appeared. They first glanced at Lin Waner, who had a beautiful face on Zhou Chun's back, and then saluted respectfully together, expressing their willingness to surrender.

They can be considered a conditional surrender.

However, Zhou Chun was not eager to accept the surrender of the three men. Instead, he asked softly to Lin Wan'er on his back: "Elder Lin, what do you think? Do you want to accept their surrender?"

His attitude not only made Fu Changqing and the other three panic, but it was also beyond the expectation of Lin Wan'er who was behind him.

After all, in terms of status and cultivation strength, Zhou Chun was higher than her, Lin Wan'er.

But Zhou Chun's current attitude is obviously focused on her and he respects her very much.

This attitude indeed made her extremely heartwarming and touching.

At that moment, she looked at Zhou Chun's handsome and fair face, and had the urge to kiss him.

But as soon as the impulse emerged, she instantly realized that the effect of the [Liolnv Pill] was starting to counterattack, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

So while she was still conscious, she hurriedly said in Zhou Chun's ear: "They can accept their surrender, but Fu Changqing must be detained first!"

Although the voice was low, Fu Changqing and the other three people who had been paying attention to this side could hear it clearly.

Immediately, the expression of the old man in yellow, Fu Changqing, changed slightly.

Zhou Chun quickly looked at the three of them and said, "You have also heard what Elder Lin said. I think you won't object, right?"

After hearing this, before Fu Changqing could say anything, the old man in green agreed: "Yes, yes, Yang completely agrees with Fellow Daoist Lin's arrangement."

"I don't have any objections."

The white-haired old woman followed closely and spoke.

This answer of the two fully demonstrated the meaning of the word "casual cultivator".

Under the current circumstances, the two of them had no intention of advancing or retreating together with the old man in yellow, Fu Changqing, and just wanted to protect themselves.

Seeing the two of them acting like this, although Fu Changqing was angry at their behavior, he also knew that he could not refuse Lin Wan'er's decision.

At the moment, all he could do was sigh and say: "It doesn't matter, as long as Fu is willing to listen to fellow Taoist disciples!"

After accepting the surrender of the three men, Zhou Chun ordered the old man in green and the old woman with white hair to stabilize people's hearts and secure the stronghold.

Then he escorted Changqing to his residence.

As soon as they arrived at Fu Changqing's residence, Lin Wan'er, who was sitting on Zhou Chun's back, fell into consciousness again. She suddenly hugged his neck with both hands and started kissing and nibbling him.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly put her down and regained his balance.

Then he looked at Fu Changqing with an ugly expression and asked, "Did you place the seal on Elder Lin's body?"

"It was indeed Fu's fault. At that time..."

Fu Changqing's complexion changed slightly, and he was about to defend himself and tell how he had no choice.

But he was immediately interrupted by Zhou Chun, "You don't need to explain so much to me, just tell me how long it will take to unlock this seal?"

"A quarter of an hour is enough!"

Fu Changqing's eyes moved slightly, as if he understood what Zhou Chun meant, and he hurriedly gave an answer.

"Then you can unlock the seal for Elder Lin now!"

Zhou Chun said, taking out another "Ice Dew Pill" from the storage bag and feeding it to Lin Wan'er.

In fact, with Lin Wan'er's current cultivation base being sealed, continuous consumption of elixirs such as "Ice Dew Pill" will cause considerable damage to the body's vitality.

But it was the lesser of two powers. In order to suppress the restless desire in her body and save her face, Zhou Chun could only do this.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

With Ren Changqing's full efforts, the seal in Lin Wan'er's body was finally successfully lifted and her magic power was restored.

And as her magic power recovered, her consciousness quickly recovered a lot, and she was able to use her magic power to suppress the power of the [Fierce Girl Pill] in her body.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately said: "Elder Lin, please meditate here to eliminate poison first, and Zhou will go outside to protect you."

After saying that, he took Ren Changqing outside.

After the two of them arrived outside, Zhou Chun's face turned cold. He looked at Fu Changqing coldly and said, "Tell me, who gave you the courage to treat Elder Lin like this!"

Lin Wan'er had said before when she arrived at the Zhou family that because Lin Hongyu had never returned, people like Fu Changqing were tempted to seize power under the temptation of external forces.

Now that the seizure of power has happened, Zhou Chun must of course interrogate the truth of the matter.

However, facing Zhou Chun's interrogation, Fu Changqing did not answer directly, but replied in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Mingjian, although Fu participated in the seizure of power and sealed Daoist Lin, Tian Fengyi harmed Daoist Lin. Fu Xou didn’t know about this matter in advance, otherwise he would have been stopped!”

"Don't give Zhou a sloppy look, Zhou didn't ask you this!"

Zhou Chun's eyes turned cold and he said in a cold tone: "I'll give you another chance to tell who is the instigator behind this!"

These words containing murderous intent made Fu Changqing's eyelids jump.

In the end, he could not withstand the pressure, and sighed in a low voice: "It's Huoyang Sanren! It was Tian Fengyi who colluded with him, coerced and lured us, and we were forced to do something that was sorry to Senior Lin and Fellow Daoist Lin. matter!"

"What kind of cultivation is Huoyang Sanren?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed and he asked again.

Now that Fu Changqing had confessed, he no longer had anything to hide, and immediately replied: "Huoyang Sanren is also a late-stage cultivator of Zifu. He once fought against Senior Lin, and seemed to be slightly inferior to Senior Lin. Therefore, for Lin Senior has always been a little unconvinced!"

"Is that so? Then tell me clearly how you hooked up with Huoyang Sanren and how you plotted against Elder Lin!"

Zhou Chun nodded thoughtfully and asked Fu Changqing to explain everything.

From Fu Changqing's own perspective, the reason why he, the old man in green, and the old woman with white hair seized power was mostly out of helplessness.

Because Lin Hongyu had not appeared for several years, even though Lin Wan'er swore that she was in seclusion in the Great Zhou Kingdom to form elixirs, no one could prove it.

And even if the matter is true, everyone knows that it is difficult to see results within ten or eight years of forming pills, and the success rate is very low, and there is even a high risk of failure and death.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly difficult for people to accept that Fu Changqing and others have still obeyed Lin Wan'er's orders honestly over the years and handed over a large portion of the stronghold's income to Lin Wan'er.

After all, Fu Changqing and others are actually quite old. In ten or eight years, they will be very close to the end of their lifespan.

Another situation is that after learning that Lin Hongyu has been away from the Hongyu Peak stronghold for a long time, the Huoyang Sanren who have always been grudged against their defeat at the hands of Lin Hongyu also want to take advantage of it.

Although Huoyang Sanren himself did not dare to go out personally because he was worried that Lin Hongyu would really return successfully after forming a pill, he hooked up with Tian Fengyi and other daring people, and threatened and forced Changqing and others from the inside.

If Fu Changqing and others did not cooperate in seizing power and taking down Lin Waner, their lives would be in danger.

Due to these internal and external pressures, coupled with some benefits promised by Huoyang Sanren, Fu Changqing and others could only launch a power-seizing operation together and imprisoned Lin Wan'er's seal cultivation.

But compared to radicals like Tian Fengyi, elderly monks such as Fu Changqing are relatively stable.

They didn't really dare to send Lin Wan'er to Huoyang Sanren. They just detained her first and wanted to see the situation before making a decision.

At the same time, after seizing power, they also saw the scruples of Huoyang Sanren, and were no longer afraid that Huoyang Sanren would come to occupy Ruby Peak in person.

However, Fu Changqing and the others did not expect that Tian Fengyi would be so bold and take advantage of the opportunity to guard Lin Waner to kill Lin Waner.

He didn't expect that there was such a powerful force as the Zhou family behind Lin Wan'er.

Now because of Zhou Chun's appearance, their attempt to seize power has become a joke, and several radicals were all killed on the spot.

The development of this matter has made Fu Changqing full of emotions and regrets.

After Zhou Chun understood what happened, he also had an understanding of the situation at Hongyu Peak, and he finally knew what he was going to do in the future.

After thinking for a while, he said to Chang Qing: "You will stay here from now on, and you are not allowed to leave even a step, otherwise don't blame Zhou for being ruthless!"

After saying that, he asked Golden Winged Tiger to guard Fu Changqing in the courtyard, while he entered the room to check on Lin Wan'er's condition.

After a period of meditation, Lin Wan'er had suppressed most of the restless desire in her body. After Zhou Chun came in, she was temporarily able to stand up and have a conversation with him.

After she stood up, she first tidied up her somewhat scattered clothes, then bowed to Zhou Chun and said, "Thanks to the clan leader tonight. If the clan leader hadn't arrived in time, I would have been unable to escape the murderous hands of the thief. This kindness and love will never be forgotten by me!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun hurriedly stepped forward and put his hand on her wrist, helped her up and said, "Elder Lin said something serious. Elder went to a foreign country to expand the territory for our Zhou family and made great contributions to our Zhou family. As the clan leader, how could he do that?" Seeing an elder in trouble and refusing to save him!"

After saying that, he let go of his hands and showed good control.

When Lin Wan'er heard this, she still said: "Anyway, I can't say thank you for the great kindness. I will remember the patriarch's kindness in my heart and mind. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will sacrifice my life to repay him."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "I estimate that I will need to stay in seclusion for a few days to recover my strength. Patriarch Lao has been helping to stabilize the situation in the past few days. After I come out of seclusion, I will discuss the situation here with the leader in detail!"

"No problem. Elder Lin can rest assured that he will be in seclusion. With Zhou here, nothing will be messed up!"

Zhou Chun agreed without hesitation, confident that he could stabilize the situation.

However, before Lin Wan'er retreated, Zhou Chun left the stronghold first to bring back the Golden Armored Rock Turtle and Mu Mei.

Afterwards, he sent Lin Wan'er to Lin Hongyu's cave for retreat, and then he began to take over the stronghold.

I saw him calling the three remaining foundation-building monks in the stronghold in front of him and began to lecture directly.

"Listen up, all three of you. Don't say that Senior Lin just went to the Great Zhou Kingdom to retreat to practice elixirs. Even if she is really gone, this Hongyu Peak stronghold is still the territory of my Zhou family, and it is not your turn. Come and seize power!”

"If you and the other three perform well and serve the stronghold as before, then you will receive all kinds of benefits and benefits."

"If anyone dares to play some scheming trick in front of me and let me find out, then don't blame me for not warning you now!"

At the end, Zhou Chun's tone revealed Senhan's murderous intention.

He knew that when dealing with these old cunning cultivators, they would be more honest only if they were truly afraid.

Otherwise, as long as they think they can fool people, these guys will try their best to fool them.

At this time, he still had the power of killing four people in a row, and they heard that there was a powerful family behind him. Fu Changqing and the other three were shocked and scared, but they didn't dare to have any small thoughts, and they quickly said Everyone patted their chests and promised that they would do as they were told.

After such a lecture, Zhou Chun asked the three of them to bring over all the personnel and property information of the stronghold for his inspection.

Although the real purpose of establishing the Hongyu Peak stronghold is just to provide cover and facilitate the mining of [Earth Yuan Jade], it does not mean that there is no longer money to be made here.

As a base for casual cultivators, it is extremely attractive to casual cultivators, and the reputation of Lin Hongyu, a late cultivator from the Purple Mansion, is enough to make this place famous.

Those casual cultivators who come here to practice have to pay spiritual coins, set up stalls and shop there, which will also bring income to the stronghold.

A large part of these incomes are net income, and there is no need to share profits with the Qi Refining Stage monks below. They all belong to the Foundation Establishment monks and Lin Hongyu above.

When the situation is at its best, the stronghold's annual income can be tens of thousands of spirit coins, of which 50% will be taken away by Lin Hongyu, and only 30% to 40% will be distributed to Chang Qing and others.

It is precisely because the profits are so huge that Fu Changqing and others will want to seize power after Lin Hongyu has been away from the stronghold for a long time.

After all, if they take Lin Hongyu's share of income, each of them can earn more than a thousand spiritual coins every year, which is more comfortable than the foundation-building elders of the Zhou family.

Most of the income in the previous few years was taken away by Lin Waner on behalf of Lin Hongyu. With Lin Waner being detained, the wealth was divided up by Fu Changqing and others, and a lot of it was dedicated to Huoyang Sanren.

But fortunately, the relevant account books are still there, and Lin Waner herself can testify.

At this time, Zhou Chun compared the account books and first asked Fu Changqing and others to return the things they had taken away from Lin Waner, and then began to count the belongings of Tian Fengyi and others who were killed by him.

Chapter 2 is here!

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