Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 354 Make a fortune【Please subscribe】

Inside the Hongyu Peak stronghold.

In the room, Zhou Chun saw seven or eight storage bags lined up in front of him, and he was counting the treasures in them one by one.

The reason why there are so many storage bags is of course because the relics of several Huang family foundation-building monks he killed in Shen Kingdom are also here.

He was busy on the road before, so he didn't have the time to take stock of the contents. At this time, he just happened to take a look at them all.

To be honest, Zhou Chun had never experienced this kind of counting of seven or eight Foundation Establishment Monk storage bags at once for several years.

The last time he participated in the war against the Hualong Cult.

However, this happy experience is quite unforgettable.

After taking stock at this time, Zhou Chun's face was also beaming with smiles.

After returning from the Great Zhou Kingdom, he and the Zhou family became poor.

Especially him, who went from a rich man with a fortune of 200,000 spirit coins to a poor man with less than 10,000 spirit coins in his entire private property.

He urgently needs to earn a large amount of spiritual coins to enrich his wallet to support his purchase of treasures to assist in opening up the Zi Mansion.

But in the past few years, he had been busy working within the family and had no chance to earn any extra money.

Unexpectedly, this time I was ordered to come to Yangguo to stabilize the situation, but I made a lot of money in one fell swoop!

Even without mentioning the priceless wooden charm, the number of spiritual coins in these seven or eight storage bags alone totaled more than 76,000!

There are as many as ten other second-level magic weapons in total.

There are also various talismans, elixirs, elixirs, and spiritual materials in large quantities.

With such a harvest, how could Zhou Chun not smile and be extremely happy?

With these gains in hand, it seems that in less than three to five years, he will be able to plan to find spiritual objects to help open up the Zi Mansion.

After happily collecting all the harvest materials, Zhou Chun began to think about what to do next.

Now that the chaos inside the stronghold has been suppressed and calmed down by his violent methods, Fu Changqing and the other three have been frightened by him and should not dare to cause trouble under his nose anymore.

But external pressure cannot be ignored.

If the Huoyang Loose Cultivator learns that all the people close to him in the Red Jade Peak stronghold have been killed, there's no guarantee that he won't be tempted to come and visit him personally.

Facing a late-stage cultivator from Zifu, Zhou Chun had no power to resist.

In addition, the mining of the [Tu Yuan Jade] mineral veins also needs to be resumed urgently. After all, Shanyangzi is waiting for the Zhou family to deliver the goods on time. If it is delayed for too long, it will definitely make him feel annoyed.

The last thing is to tame the wooden spirit. If this spirit is not tamed, it may escape, and it is easy for Zhou Chun to be killed because of its exposure.

These things should be the main things he needs to do next.

And things have to be done one by one and prioritized.

The most urgent thing now should be to resolve the pressure that may be faced from the outside.

After Zhou Chun thought for a long time, he felt that he could not passively accept the attack on this matter, but had to take the initiative.

So he took the initiative to write a letter to Huoyang Sanren. The letter clarified the relationship between Lin Hongyu and the Zhou family, and wrote in it that the Zhou family had a three-purple mansion and two third-level monsters.

Obviously, Zhou Chun's intention in writing this letter was to scare the Huoyang San people and let them know that even if Lin Hongyu was not at the Hongyu Peak stronghold, this place was not something he could arbitrarily touch.

After the letter was written, Zhou Chun asked the old man in green, Yang Jincai, to personally deliver it to Huoyang Sanren.

There is no doubt that this is a hard job, but Yang Jincai, the old man in green, also knows that he has no choice but to go to the stronghold opened by Huoyang Sanren in person with a sad face.

It is said that this Huoyang Sanren originally had a conflict with Lin Hongyu because he was interested in Hongyu Peak and wanted to rob it.

Unfortunately, in the end, his skills were inferior to others, and he was injured by Lin Hongyu and ran away.

After that, he could only open up a stronghold in another place more than 700 miles away from the Hongyu Peak stronghold, and roped in a group of casual cultivators to establish his own Huoyang stronghold.

The time when Yang Jincai took Zhou Chun's letter to the Huoyang stronghold was the third day after Zhou Chun set things right. The Huoyang Sanren in the Huoyang stronghold had just learned about this from the informants at the Hongyu Peak stronghold. .

Just when he was about to go to the Hongyu Peak stronghold to check the situation in person, he received news that Yang Jincai had come to pay a visit.

"I recently heard that there was another internal conflict in the Hongyu Peak stronghold. Tian Fengyi and other fellow Taoists even died in the conflict. Since Fellow Daoist Yang came from the Hongyu Peak stronghold, do you know the details of this matter?"

In the room, Huoyang Sanren, who was wearing a red robe and even his hair was red, looked calmly at Yang Jincai who was standing below, and his tone was also calm, as if he had never intervened in the affairs of the Hongyu Peak stronghold.

But Yang Jincai didn't dare to really think that his mood was as calm as his tone.

After hearing this, he replied very respectfully: "Senior, I understand that this is the reason why I was ordered to come to see my senior today."

As he spoke, he took out the letter written by Zhou Chun to Huoyang Sanren from his sleeve, held it in both hands and handed it forward: "This is the letter written by Zhou Zhengchun, the newly arrived Taoist friend of Hongyu Peak Stronghold, to senior Huoyang. Come deliver.”

"Fellow Taoist Zhou Zhengchun?"

After listening to Yang Jincai's words, Huoyang Sanren seemed to have grasped something. He immediately stared at Yang Jincai and shouted: "Are you saying that the death of Tian Fengyi and other fellow Taoists was not caused by the Zifuqi monks?"

It is not difficult to tell from his words that he actually does not know the details of what happened in the Hongyu Peak stronghold.

And Yang Jincai also knew why he had such a big reaction. After hearing this, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, fellow Taoist Zhou Zhengchun who killed Tian Fengyi and other fellow Taoists was indeed only in the late stage of foundation building!"

"He's only one person?"

Huoyang Sanren asked in disbelief.

"It's the same person, but he is a beast cultivator who has tamed several second-level monsters!"

When Yang Jincai said this, he couldn't help but think of what he saw that day.

The majestic figure of the thunder dragon and the ferocious image of the golden-winged tiger that swallowed a Foundation-Building monk alive are still heart-warming when I recall them.

After hearing his words and seeing his trembling expression, Huoyang Sanren became even more curious about Zhou Chun.

Immediately, he waved his hand and said: "I am not busy reading this letter for now. Fellow Daoist Yang, please tell me in detail what happened that day. Don't miss anything!"

He said this as if Yang Jincai was his subordinate.

But although Yang Jincai was not his subordinate, he did not dare to disobey his orders at this moment. He could only honestly tell what he knew about the situation that day.

After saying that, he took the initiative to excuse himself and said: "Senior Huoyang clearly knows that this is what I saw that day. As for what happened before, I don't know."

Huoyang Sanren didn't express any reaction to his words, because they were still shocked by the situation he told.

To be honest, if he didn't know that Yang Jincai had no need to deceive him and would not dare to deceive him, Huoyang Sanren would definitely think that he was talking nonsense.

One person broke into a stronghold guarded by seven foundation-building monks to save people, and killed four foundation-building monks in a row, forcing the remaining three who controlled the guardian formation to surrender. Is this something that a foundation-building monk can do?

Not to mention that it is hard for Huoyang Sanren to believe it, but it would also be hard for any Zifu period monk who hears this for the first time.

However, what Yang Jincai said seems to make people believe it. After all, if a foundation-building monk really has Zhou Chun's configuration, he does seem to have the ability to defeat many with one.

This made Huoyang Sanren extremely curious about Zhou Chun's origin.

So he, who was originally not interested in the letter in Yang Jincai's hand, raised his hand and took the letter directly into his hand to look at it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. At first glance, he was shocked and angry.

What is surprising is that Lin Hongyu is not a casual cultivator at all, but there is a big cultivator family behind him.

What made him angry was that Zhou Chun, a late-stage foundation-building monk, dared to threaten himself with such a letter!

I saw him throwing the letter in his hand to the ground with a "bang", and yelling angrily with an angry look on his face: "You are so bold, junior!"

This sudden move made Yang Jincai's legs tremble in fright, and he immediately fell to his knees and shouted: "Senior, please forgive me, I don't know anything, I just came here to deliver a message!"

An old man like him has no psychological barriers to kneeling down to beg for mercy. It can be said that he has long been used to it.

When Huoyang Sanren saw this situation, they glared at him and shouted: "Go back and tell that junior that he will come in person to apologize to me within half a month, otherwise I will personally go to Hongyu Peak to help Lin Hongyu, teach him a lesson for this junior who doesn’t understand respect and inferiority!”

"Yes, yes, this junior must bring the words to you and tell fellow Taoist Zhou truthfully!"

Yang Jincai nodded in agreement, then hurriedly got up and left the Huoyang stronghold as if running for his life.

After he returned to the Red Jade Peak stronghold, he vividly told Zhou Chun about the various reactions of Huoyang San people after seeing him.

After he finished speaking, he saw that Zhou Chun was just thinking silently, so he said cautiously: "In Yang's opinion, it is true that Huoyang Sanren is angry, but I'm afraid he doesn't really want to come and occupy the Red Jade Peak stronghold. , those words are probably to find a way out for himself, and take the opportunity to blackmail him!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he couldn't help but glance at him, knowing exactly what he meant.

Yang Jincai's intention was undoubtedly that Zhou Chun, as Huoyang Sanren said, would prepare generous gifts and go to Huoyang Stronghold to apologize in person, so as to give Huoyang Sanren enough face and dignity to stop him from thinking about Hongyu Peak Stronghold.

To be honest, it is not impossible to do this. If the matter can really be settled, Zhou Chun will not be reluctant to give up his face and dignity.

But Zhou Chun was even more worried that this kind of show of weakness would further fuel the arrogance of the Huoyang Sanren, making them think that the Zhou family was unable to send a stronger force to the Ruby Peak stronghold, and then breed a stronger greed.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not give Yang Jincai any response, but simply said: "Zhou knows it, and Zhou will consider it. Fellow Daoist Yang, please go back and do your part first!"

Seeing that he didn't respond, although Yang Jincai was a little disappointed and worried, his face showed no trace of it and he quickly responded: "Yes, yes, then Yang will leave first."

In the next few days, Zhou Chun had no intention of going to the Huoyang stronghold to apologize. He just meditated and practiced in his residence with peace of mind.

His calm attitude made Yang Jincai and Fu Changqing murmur, wondering what he was thinking.

But Huoyang Sanren only targeted Zhou Chun. Even if they really came to kill them, as long as the three of them surrendered quickly, their lives would not be in danger, so they didn't worry too much.

After five days of this, Lin Wan'er finally came out of seclusion.

Her lost energy has not yet fully recovered, but it no longer affects her pure thinking and activities.

When he saw her coming out of seclusion, Zhou Chun told her Huoyang Sanren's reply.

Then he said: "Zhou doesn't know much about this Huoyang Sanren, and he doesn't know whether he is just trying to give himself a step down, or whether he is deliberately testing him. What do Elder Lin think about this?"

Hearing his words, Lin Wan'er pondered for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Actually, I don't know much about Huoyang Sanren's temperament, so I can't tell what he means."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said, "But if it's up to me to decide, I think it's not necessary for the patriarch to apologize to him. That will only make him look down on the patriarch and the Zhou family!"

"Oh, why did Elder Lin say that?"

Zhou Chun raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Wan'er as if he was willing to hear the details.

Lin Wan'er didn't show off, and immediately explained: "Because Huoyang Sanren are real casual cultivators, and based on my years of experience in dealing with these casual cultivators, most casual cultivators face the power of those sects and families. They are all in awe.”

"If a certain sect family gives in in front of them, they are likely to go even harder to ask for more benefits!"

She might not even understand why, but after Zhou Chun listened to her words, it made sense.

Because Zhou Chun had seen similar people in his previous life.

A low-level person who was bullied everywhere will one day stand up and gain the power to bully others, and he will bully even more harshly.

Many times, only those who have been bullied and exploited will know how to bully and exploit others better.

This is ironic, but it is a reality.

Even in this world of cultivating immortals, those who exploit ordinary casual cultivators the most are not the various sects and families like the Zhou family, but the high-level casual cultivators who have grown up from the bottom.

It seems that the low-level casual cultivators in the Hongyu Peak stronghold are clearly tasked with guarding the "Jingling Pavilion", but not much of the rent collected in the stronghold can be distributed to them.

The real benefits they can get are probably that outside of the mission, they can give themselves or their family the right to practice for free for an unlimited time, and they can occasionally ask those casual practitioners in the foundation-building period for help with questions about their practice.

"I understand what you mean, Elder Lin. Then we will ignore his answer and see if he dares to actually knock on the door!"

Zhou Chun nodded, pretending to have made a decision.

First update!

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