Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 355 Reindeer Snow Crystal Insect【Please subscribe】

The half-month period limited to Huoyang Sanren passed quickly.

After the time expired, his figure did not appear at the Ruby Peak stronghold.

This gave Zhou Chun some confidence, and he understood that this person should not dare to use any means against the Hongyu Peak stronghold for the time being.

As for saying this, it doesn't mean it's true, and does it harm your face?

High-level casual cultivators like Huoyang Sanren who grew up from low-level casual cultivators will certainly not care too much about this kind of face.

It's impossible to spread this matter anyway.

Now that the threat from the Huoyang Sanren was temporarily relieved, Zhou Chun immediately asked Lin Wan'er to restart the mining of the [Earth Yuan Jade] ore.

None of the casual cultivators in Hongyu Peak stronghold knew that there was a vein of [Earth Yuan Crystal Jade] in the back mountain outside the formation behind Lin Hongyu Cave.

Because this side is close to the residence of the high-ranking people at the Hongyu Peak stronghold, monks rarely come here, lest they be seen by a certain foundation-building casual cultivator, or even Lin Hongyu, who thinks they have ulterior motives.

At the same time, because it is close to where they live, the foundation-building monks at the Ruby Peak stronghold have also formed a "darkness under the lamp" consciousness in their hearts. No one would have thought that there is a spiritual mine so close to where they live.

And because the entrance and exit to the stronghold is on the other side, these foundation-building monks usually do not go to the mountains behind when entering and leaving the stronghold.

Therefore, for so long, no one has noticed the existence of the [Earth Yuan Jade] mineral vein.

That night, under the cover of Zhou Chun, who had gained absolute control over the stronghold's protective formation, Lin Wan'er quietly left the stronghold from the back mountain without alerting the guardian monks on the front mountain.

It wasn't until the next night that she returned under the cover of Zhou Chun.

"Okay, I have asked those people to start mining again. From now on, I just need to collect the accumulated ore every half month!"

Lin Waner, who returned to the stronghold, reported to Zhou Chun the progress of what she had gone out to do as soon as they met.

After hearing her words, Zhou Chun felt relieved.

Then he said to Lin Wan'er: "Next, Zhou will go to the city of Dayun Kingdom. It may take a few days. I will leave the stronghold to you, Elder Lin."

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will take good care of the family."

Lin Wan'er nodded lightly and agreed.

So Zhou Chun handed over the control formation flag guarding the formation to her and left the stronghold alone.

One day later, Zhou Chun's figure appeared in a city in Dayun Country.

Zhou Chun came to Dayun Country to buy a set of formations to help him train Mu Mei.

Mu Mei's escape ability is too strong. If there are no formation restrictions, even if Zhou Chun releases a few spiritual pets to guard her, it may not be safe.

Therefore, he must use the power of the formation to restrict it, making it difficult for it to use its wood escape technique.

If it were in the Zhou family, Zhou Chun could directly ask the family's formation master to set up this formation, but now he could only buy one by himself.

"This set of [Xiao Bamen Golden Light Array] may meet your requirements, fellow Taoist. Once this array is opened, those who enter the array will be restricted by heavy golden light. Not only will it be difficult to identify the direction, but their movements will also be greatly restricted. If you don't understand the array, If we don’t follow the law, even the late-stage foundation-building monks will have a hard time getting out of the trap in an instant!”

"Also, this set of [Three Talents Imprisonment Spirit Formation] also has a very strong enemy trapping effect. When activated, it can imprison and suppress the monks' magic power in the formation, making it difficult for them to exert their full strength. It can almost destroy the cultivation of monks in the later stage of foundation building. To suppress until the middle stage of foundation building.”

"However, the best confinement formation in our store is this [Chongxuan Magnetic Light Array]. Once this formation is turned on, it can trigger the gravity magnetic light to suppress the monks in the formation, making it difficult for their physical bodies to move. When dealing with monsters, Even more miraculous!”

In a store, after learning about Zhou Chun's purpose, the shopkeeper personally took out the best-quality goods in the store for him to choose from.

Among the four types of treasures including the alchemy and talisman array, the array is actually the hardest to sell product.

Ordinary monks can't afford this thing. Those who can afford it can usually buy it at a cheaper price from the forces behind them and other channels.

Therefore, unless it is a rare and exquisite work, it is difficult to sell it at a normal price.

Moreover, there is one biggest limitation of the formation that prevents its circulation, and that is the method of arranging the formation.

Even if you have a complete set of formation flags, formation disks and other formation equipment in hand, if you don't understand how to arrange it and you are not a person who is highly accomplished in formations, you will still be confused and find it difficult to arrange it.

As for the purchased formations, most monks will destroy them after they have memorized the arrangement of the formations.

It is also the existence of these restrictions that makes it difficult for an array mage to appear among casual cultivators, because even if a casual cultivator has the best talent, it is difficult for him to make money with this skill.

Under such circumstances, it was rare to meet such a big customer as Zhou Chun, so the shopkeeper would naturally treat him warmly.

Zhou Chun is also well aware of the market price of formations. He has obtained many formations over the years, but most of them can only be left in the family for study by the clan members because they do not know how to arrange them. Very few of them can be sold.

Therefore, although he urgently needed formations to help him tame the wood charm at this time, he was critical of the formations presented by the shopkeeper and pointed out some of their weaknesses without politeness.

Even if there are no shortcomings, we still have to use the most critical words to attack them, such as being too rigid and unable to adapt to changes.

Although the shopkeeper knew what he meant by doing this, he still had to take the initiative to make concessions in some aspects.

After all, the formation is really difficult to sell, and it is common for customers to criticize and suppress prices when doing business.

After bargaining like this for a long time, Zhou Chun finally bought the set of [Little Eight Gates Golden Light Array] for fifteen thousand spiritual coins.

The price is too expensive compared to the magic weapon, which is one of the reasons why the formation is difficult to sell!

Fortunately, Zhou Chun knew how to arrange this [Little Eight Gates Golden Light Array]. Even if it was no longer needed after taming the wooden charm, he could still put it up for sale at a discount, so he wouldn't lose much.

After buying the formation, Zhou Chun did not stay in Fangshi for long and quickly returned to the Hongyu Peak stronghold.

After that, Zhou Chun left all the affairs of the stronghold to Lin Wan'er, while he arranged the [Xiaobamen Golden Light Array] on an independent mountain peak and concentrated on taming the tough wood charm.

To tame an adult monster, the method is actually not much different from how ordinary people tame beasts. It is nothing more than various tortures and beatings.

After Zhou Chun activated the [Xiao Bamen Golden Light Array] to seal off an area, he released Mu Mei from the seal, and then tortured her physically and mentally every day with a big stick and a carrot.

To be honest, if Mu Mei's domestication value hadn't been too great, Zhou Chun wouldn't have tried to tame such a powerful adult monster through a contract.

Because monsters tamed in this way really need to be constantly on guard against their backlash against their masters.

If one day Zhou Chun is seriously injured and has no remaining strength to suppress Mu Mei, this thing will probably take the opportunity to bite him back.

Many monks in the Zhou family used to be greedy for the convenience of directly taming adult monsters, and chose to capture adult monsters and tame them as spiritual pets. As a result, in times of crisis, the spiritual pets not only failed to step forward to save their lives, but instead Became the one who killed himself.

After there were many such examples, the Zhou family began to strictly prohibit future generations of clan members from taking shortcuts and directly forcibly taming adult monsters.

As the clan leader, Zhou Chun forcibly tamed Mu Mei this time. Strictly speaking, this was against clan rules.

Time passed slowly, and the Hongyu Peak stronghold did not change much because of the loss of four foundation-building monks and the addition of Zhou Chun.

He usually lives in seclusion and rarely appears in front of others. It is not easy for even Fu Changqing and other three foundation-building monks to see him.

Although the low-level casual cultivators knew that the real person in the stronghold had changed, they didn't care much about it. On the contrary, they were even more happy.

Because Zhou Chun not only did not participate in the share of the stronghold's income, but also took the initiative to improve their treatment so that they could receive more spiritual coins every year.

And the Huoyang Sanren who was originally hostile to the Red Jade Peak stronghold never caused any trouble again.

Without realizing it, Zhou Chun stayed at the Hongyu Peak stronghold for a year.

On this day, after Zhou Chun opened the [Eight-Gate Golden Light Array], he released the wooden charm sealed in the branch.

After a year of torture and being unable to get replenishment from the forest, Mu Mei now looks weak.

It turned out that after it came out, it would fight Zhou Chun and try to escape.

But after countless failures, now as soon as it comes out and sees the glittering golden formation shields around it, it will just lie on the ground and smash it.

Anyway, it now realizes that no matter how Zhou Chun tortures himself, he will not kill himself.

"Lu'er, Lu'er, it's been more than a year, haven't you figured it out yet? Don't you think you've suffered enough?"

Looking at Qinglu lying on the ground, Zhou Chun also had a headache.

He still underestimated the difficulty of taming an adult monster, and even more underestimated the strength of Mu Mei's rejection of him.

In this year, he really used all kinds of methods, whether he used gold energy to massage and bathe Qinglu, or used the method of closing a small dark room to prevent him from coming out for a breath for a month, he couldn't let it go. The spirit lowered its head in surrender.

Although Mu Mei had given up her resistance and struggle, she still refused to express her surrender to him.

"If it doesn't work in one year, then it will be two years. If it doesn't work in two years, then it will be three years. I don't believe that you will not be punished!"

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Chun immediately raised his hand and took out the [Flame Bird Pot] magical weapon, giving Qinglu a "hot wash" first.

It was a blessing that this wooden charm had no body of flesh and blood, otherwise its body would have been unable to withstand Zhou Chun's torture.

This is also the most important reason why Zhou Chun has not been able to tame it so far.

In this way, after the fire burned and tortured the Qinglu for two hours, Zhou Chun then put it back into the branch and sealed it.

Then he released all the demonic insects and began to practice the art of expelling them.

During this year, because he did not have to spend a lot of time dealing with family affairs like he did in the family, Zhou Chun also had a lot of free time to do other things besides practicing daily meditation to consolidate his cultivation.

And he also devoted most of his free time outside of taming the wooden charms to practicing the art of repelling insects.

When capturing Mu Mei, the mature "Black Armor Golden Feather" undoubtedly played a great role, which made Zhou Chun even more enthusiastic about the practice of repelling insects.

He very much looked forward to the day when he could drive thousands of mature "Black Armor Golden Feathers" against the enemy. At that time, it was estimated that ordinary early-stage cultivators of the Zi Mansion would be able to encounter them.

Day after day, another hundred days soon passed.

On this day, Lin Wan'er came over to find Zhou Chun and said that the stock of [Earth Crystal Jade] ore was enough to be transported back to the Zhou family. She wanted to ask the two of them who should escort this batch of ore back to the Zhou family.

Of course Zhou Chun was the most suitable person for this kind of thing.

But now he is busy taming Mu Mei. If he takes Mu Mei on the road with him, he is afraid of something unexpected happening. If Mu Mei is left alone to go on the road, he is also worried about something happening.

So in the end, Lin Wan'er could only do this.

After Lin Wan'er took the ore and headed to Zhou's house, Zhou Chun could only take over the management of the stronghold himself and handle related matters.

Compared with the complicated affairs of a big family like the Zhou family, the affairs in the stronghold are much simpler.

Zhou Chun mainly pays attention to the daily income of the stronghold, and then participates in the rotation of the array. If new casual cultivators join or old casual cultivators leave, he must approve it.

In fact, in terms of personnel movement, it is very common in casual cultivators.

Most casual cultivators will choose to join a certain stronghold in exchange for a stable cultivation environment when their cultivation level is low, or when someone needs care.

When their cultivation level is high and they are no longer burdened, they will be dissatisfied with the meager income subsidy provided by the stronghold and want to leave the stronghold to take risks and hunt for treasures.

For these casual cultivators who want to leave, most strongholds will not have any difficulties.

Similarly, for casual cultivators who want to join a stronghold, there will not be a high entry threshold unless the stronghold itself is almost full.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that on the fifth day after Lin Wan'er left, he suddenly received a large number of applications from casual cultivators to withdraw from the stronghold.

At first he didn't notice anything unusual, but after five casual cultivators were approved to withdraw from the stronghold within one day, and more casual cultivators came to apply to withdraw, he realized something was wrong.

Then he hurriedly called Fu Changqing and others over and started investigating the cause.

It would be okay if he didn't check, but Zhou Chun frowned once he checked.

"So, the reason why these casual cultivators left the stronghold was because they wanted to try their luck in catching snow crystal insects in the snowfield?"

It turns out that according to the investigation, the real reason why the casual cultivators wanted to withdraw from the stronghold was because of a piece of news that came out recently.

It is said that the existing sect Xue Po Palace in Yang Kingdom suddenly issued a reward. Any monk who can offer three snow crystal insects can get a Foundation Building Pill in exchange.

After this news was confirmed, it has now caused a sensation in various city strongholds in Yang Kingdom. Therefore, many low-level monks were lured to the snowfields in the northwest of Yang Kingdom to look for snow crystal insects.

After hearing the news, many low-level casual cultivators in Hongyu Peak Stronghold could not sit still and had this idea.

Zhou Chun didn't understand why the Snow Po Palace suddenly wanted so many snow crystal insects, but what the other party did was obviously not a good thing for the Ruby Peak stronghold.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, he quickly dealt with the Changqing trio and ordered: "In this way, you tell those monks that although the snow crystal insects have no magical attack power, their ability to escape on the snowfield is incomparable to that of the foundation-building monks. Even if they were lucky enough to find this kind of monster insect, they wouldn't be able to catch it."

"Tell them again that if they are willing to stay at this time, the stronghold will provide them with an additional five spiritual coins as a subsidy every month!"

The second update is here!

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