Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 356 Mu Mei surrenders and heads to the snowfield [Please subscribe]

Ruby Peak stronghold.

Although Zhou Chun discovered the problem in time, he also took measures to retain him.

But the temptation of the Foundation Establishment Pill is too great.

Many young casual cultivators who still had some thoughts did not want to miss this rare opportunity, so they set out on the road to the snowfield regardless of their attempts to stay.

The departure of these people undoubtedly had a great impact on the stronghold.

Because of their departure, the remaining monks will have to take on more arduous tasks and will never return to their original relaxed life.

Therefore, it is very necessary for Zhou Chun to provide monthly spirit coin subsidies to everyone.

Without this "overtime pay", these casual cultivators would definitely not be willing to spend a lot of time guarding the "Jingling Pavilion" every day.

"Pay attention to the news and see why Xuepoku Palace suddenly issued such a reward, and then increase the salary for recruiting people. As long as new people join the stronghold, they will be subsidized from the first month, and an additional ten spirit coins will be subsidized after half a year. currency!"

In the meeting hall, Zhou Chun frowned and gave orders to Fu Changqing and the others.

After the three people retreated, he began to search for information about the snow crystal insects.

Han Yuan of Qianling Sect has been cultivating in Yangguo for many years, and has research records on snow crystal insects that exist in the snowfields of Yangguo.

Zhou Chun quickly found this kind of monster information from the monster illustration he left behind.

According to the explanation in the illustrated book, snow crystal insects are a special kind of monster insect unique to the snowfield environment. They look like earthworms and are white in color. They like to move in snow and ice. They can only be found when a blizzard falls. May appear on snow.

This kind of monster has no fighting ability, but its ability to escape is very powerful.

They can easily burrow their bodies into thick snow or ice just like wood charms blend into trees. Moreover, when they are hidden in the snow and do not move, even the spiritual consciousness of the Zifu period monks cannot detect the abnormality. .

Therefore, it is very difficult to catch this kind of monster insect. Basically, you can only try your luck in blizzard days.

This is also the reason why the mountain gate of Xue Po Palace is obviously in the snowy field, and it has tens of thousands of inner and outer disciples, why is it necessary to issue a reward order to purchase this kind of monster insect.

But even Han Yuan, who is very knowledgeable about demon insects, does not know what precious and unknown uses snow crystal insects have.

After all, Han Yuan's main ambition is to cultivate a monster insect with powerful combat capabilities, and the snow crystal bug can only survive and move on the snowfields and ice fields, which is destined to be difficult to attract him to conduct in-depth research on this monster insect.

"I hope this matter can be over as soon as possible!"

With a slight sigh in his heart, Zhou Chun put away the classics and stopped caring about this matter.

Within two months, Lin Wan'er safely returned to the Hongyu Peak stronghold and brought back a letter from home to Zhou Chun.

The family letter was written by Zhou Jiarui. It mainly tells about the various things that happened to Jingguo and his family during the more than a year since he left the family.

There are only three things here that deserve Zhou Chun's attention.

One is that the Zhou family monks in Longxing Valley have moved to the new stronghold "Caiyu Mountain", and the mining of Lingyu veins has been put on the agenda.

The second is that Zhou Zhengbai, a foundation-building monk of the Zhou family, married a female cultivator of the Dan Yao Li family. This was the first marriage between the two families after they moved to Jingguo.

This matter was also approved by Zhou Mingde.

The third is that Qinglian Temple suddenly issued a "tax collection order", requiring all the immortal cultivating families in the three states under its command to pay a tax to Qinglian Temple based on the number of monks in the family.

The amount of this tax is not very high. Each monk in the Qi Refining Stage needs to pay ten spiritual coins. Each monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage only needs to pay a hundred spiritual coins. The monks in the Purple Mansion Stage are exempt from tax.

Based on this calculation, given the size of the Zhou family, they would probably have to hand over more than 4,000 spiritual coins.

To be honest, this kind of "recruitment order" is nothing new. Many sects sometimes collect contributions from the immortal cultivating families under their command.

But Qinglian Temple has not done this for hundreds of years, and now that it is suddenly recruiting people, it is hard not to think too much.

Zhou Chun still has no idea what Qinglian Temple wants to do, but as Zhou Mingde said at the time, no matter what happens, the Zhou family can only go with the flow and cannot change.

So after reading the letter home, he didn't think too much.

Lin Wan'er's return allowed him to return to his previous life, and he no longer had to worry about too many things at the stronghold.

Time passed slowly like this, and more than five months later, the patient battle between Zhou Chun and Mu Mei finally came to fruition.

After more than two years of torture, Mu Mei finally couldn't bear the torture and chose to surrender.

Zhou Chun was able to conclude a contract with it and made it his fourth spiritual pet.

As Mu Mei was successfully subdued, Zhou Chun finally settled his worries and gained freedom in action.

He couldn't wait to take Mu Mei to the deep mountains and forests of Dayun Country to test Mu Mei's medicine-finding ability and magical powers.

After returning to the forest, Mu Mei was also very excited.

After being tortured by Zhou Chun for more than two years, it suffered a serious loss of vitality. After returning to the forest, it immediately restored its vitality by absorbing the vitality of those ancient trees.

The older the ancient trees in the forest are, the more vigorous and powerful they will be as long as they are not infested by diseases or insect pests.

Mu Mei is born with the ability to absorb the vitality of ancient trees to heal her wounds.

For it, this pure vegetation is more useful in healing than any panacea.

In less than half a day, most of the energy it had lost due to Zhou Chun's damage was restored. This speed of recovery also shocked Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun then began to order Mu Mei to use his talent to find elixirs for himself.

Perhaps because he had suffered enough in the past, or perhaps because of this hard-won freedom, Mu Mei did not have much resistance to Zhou Chun's orders, and quickly acted according to his orders.

As a result, in just half a day, it found for Zhou Chun a 300-year-old ginseng plant, five 200-year-old Polygonatum ginseng, ginseng and other miraculous plants, and ten other 100-year-old miraculous plants. Five plants.

These elixirs are almost all high-grade elixirs that can be found within a hundred miles.

This result also made Zhou Chun very satisfied.

Because he knew very well that the forest he chose was not a blessed land, and it must have been visited by many casual cultivators over the years.

Under such circumstances, Mu Mei was able to find so many elixirs in half a day, which fully demonstrated her powerful ability in finding elixirs.

"It's really good, it's really good. It's not in vain that I spent so much effort to conquer you. Lu'er, you are indeed a treasure-hunting deer!"

After patting Qinglu's head with satisfaction, Zhou Chun smiled and put all the elixirs into his storage bag.

He is just testing Mu Mei's ability to find elixirs now, and it will be time to show off his talents after he returns to the Zhou family.

With the existence of Mu Mei, those elixirs in the wilderness that are difficult for ordinary people to find will be invisible to him in the future!

Next, Zhou Chun asked Mu Mei to demonstrate various magical powers and spells he knew.

The magical spells that Mu Mei knows are all wood-related spells, covering many fields such as attack, defense, trapping enemies, transformation, concealment, evasion, and treatment.

But being able to do everything means there is no specialization.

In terms of attack, Mu Mei's lethal spells are not too powerful, especially those that directly attack the air.

Defense and trapping enemies are much stronger than attacking, especially in a forest environment, where you can get great home support.

In terms of transformation and treatment, Mu Mei can only be said to have related spells, but in fact they don't use them much.

Escape and Stealth are its two strongest talents, and Zhou Chun has long seen how powerful these two talents are.

In addition, Mu Mei also has a special magical power, which is the kind of magical power that Zhou Chun has seen before that can greatly improve its cultivation.

That magical power is called "Gift of Life", and it is a magical power that can only be used under special circumstances.

As a child of the forest, Mu Mei is favored and blessed by the forest, and she also has the responsibility to protect the forest.

When the forest is threatened by destruction, or the wood charm itself is in danger of death, the spiritual consciousness of the vegetation in the forest will transfer its original vitality to the wood charm at the expense of itself, improving the cultivation strength of the wood charm. , giving it the power to protect the forest and itself.

Judging from the description and actual effects, the "Gift of Life" magical power is undoubtedly extremely powerful. It will not even cause the strengthened monsters to suffer from weak sequelae like "Ancestral Resurrection", and the duration is also comparable. long.

Unfortunately, the prerequisites for activating this magical power are a bit too difficult.

First of all, if Mu Mei or Zhou Chun actively creates a disaster that destroys the forest, it will definitely not be able to trigger the conditions. Instead, it will make the spiritual consciousness of the plants and trees abandon Mu Mei, making it unable to even use the wood escape technique.

Letting Mu Mei fight head-on with the enemy and put them in danger of death is also a dance on the tip of a knife. If you are not careful, Mu Mei may really die.

Therefore, although the magical power "Gift of Life" is powerful, it cannot really be used as a regular combat force.

To sum up, in view of Mu Mei's special ability, Zhou Chun positions it as an auxiliary spiritual pet. It can be used to control the field and strengthen defense during battles. It can also be used to treat other injured spiritual pets after the war, and it can be directly used to fight head-on. There is no need.

After staying in the deep mountains and old forests of Dayun Country for a few days to fully recover Mu Mei's energy, Zhou Chun took it back to the Red Jade Peak stronghold.

As soon as he returned to the Hongyu Peak stronghold, Zhou Chun learned a piece of news that surprised him.

"What are you talking about? Xue Po Palace is now even willing to give out the elixirs to help open the Purple Mansion as rewards?"

Inside the stronghold, Zhou Chun looked at Lin Wan'er with a surprised look on his face, shocked by what he just said.

It turned out that during the few days he went to Dayun Country, the bounty in Xue Po Palace changed again.

This time, Xue Po Palace offered another kind of bounty, saying that if anyone can pay the Snow Crystal Insect King, one can be exchanged for a [Snow Soul Pill] that will help open up the Purple Mansion.

As soon as the reward was announced, Fu Changqing from Hongyu Peak Stronghold immediately reported to Lin Wan'er that he had left for the snowfield.

Lin Wan'er also knew that she couldn't stop the other party, so she reluctantly agreed to the matter.

"What kind of use does this snow crystal insect have that can allow Xue Po Palace to spend so much money!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and his eyes couldn't help but show excitement.

Assisting in the development of Zifu's elixir, this is exactly what he can't get at the moment!

"Clan leader, if you want to go, then go ahead. I can handle this alone at the stronghold."

Seemingly sensing Zhou Chun's inner thoughts, Lin Wan'er immediately spoke softly and supported him.

After hearing this, Zhou Chun's eyes flickered, then nodded and said: "Then there is Elder Laulin."

Now that he had made a decision, Zhou Chun did not delay and set out on the road after resting for half a day.

Among the previous "Thousand Jue Ant Disasters", the snowfield in the northwest of Yang Kingdom was the only place that was not harmed by the "Thousand Jue Ants". It can be said to be the last piece of pure land in Yang Kingdom.

The Xue Po Palace, which anchored the mountain gate on the snowfield, was able to preserve the sect's power and became the best-preserved sect in the Yang Kingdom after the war.

Zhou Chun also met many fellow travelers on his way from the Red Jade Peak stronghold to the snowfield. They included Qi Refining Stage monks, Foundation Establishment Stage monks, and even Purple Mansion Stage monks.

The latest reward order issued by Xue Po Palace is extremely attractive to monks with cultivation levels below the Golden Core stage.

Even for a monk in the Zifu stage, if he catches a Snow Crystal Insect King, he can make a net profit of at least 100,000 spiritual coins.

In order to facilitate the acquisition of snow crystal insects, it is said that Xue Po Palace has now sent hundreds of inner disciples who have cultivated in the foundation period to set up acquisition points throughout the snowfield.

As long as someone catches the Snow Crystal Insect, they can go to the nearest acquisition point to find a Snow Po Palace disciple to redeem the reward.

Xue Po Palace has even thoughtfully prepared relevant information on the living habits of snow crystal insects, which anyone can get for free.

These practices all show their current desire for snow crystal insects.

It took Zhou Chun almost three days to reach the snowfield. This was mainly because there were too many people on the road, and he did not dare to change trains continuously and rush on the road too openly.

After all, Yangguo is not Jingguo. If he is too arrogant, he will be in big trouble if he attracts the attention of a Zifu period monk.

This is not Zhou Chun's first time on a snow-covered mountain in this world, but it is indeed his first time on a snowfield.

The snowfield area of ​​Yangguo is very large, much larger than the previous four states under the jurisdiction of Qinglian Temple, and the altitude is also very high, with an average height of more than 1,800 feet.

On this snowfield, most of the area is covered with snow, and there are eternal glaciers everywhere.

Only in certain lower valleys can vegetation grow, birds and animals become active, and humans settle.

Such valleys with growing vegetation are dotted across the snowy plains like lakes on the earth, and there are countless of them.

The larger ones can support hundreds of thousands of mortals, while the smaller ones are only as big as a hundred acres of land.

The disciples sent by Xue Po Palace to purchase snow crystal insects were stationed in various snow valleys.

After Zhou Chun arrived on the snowfield, the first thing he did was to find these people to get information about the snow crystal insects.

The first update is here!

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