Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 358 Jade beads show their power [Please subscribe]

Thanks to the reminder from the female cultivator of Xue Po Palace, Zhou Chun ran to a nearby market directly belonging to Xue Po Palace in time and obtained a Foundation Establishment Pill from a Zifu period monk from Xue Po Palace.

Although Xue Po Palace sent many people to buy snow crystal insects all over the snowfield, in fact, those people did not have foundation-building pills at all. They were just buying snow crystal insects with spirit coins or other treasures.

If you want to exchange for a strategic treasure like the Foundation Establishment Pill, you can only collect three snow crystal insects at one time and come to the market to exchange them.

In fact, Zhou Chun also knew that there would be a conflict between the Snow Soul Palace female cultivator and the Ice-armored Bear in the Snow Valley. There must be some strange treasure in the Snow Valley.

But now he only wants to catch the Snow Crystal Insect King in exchange for the [Snow Soul Pill], and does not want to cause more trouble.

After all, this snowfield is the territory of Xue Po Palace. The female cultivator of Xue Po Palace knows at a glance that she also has a background in Xue Po Palace. Zhou Chun doesn't want to cause trouble for himself because of a small gain.

After he exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill, he immediately left Fangshi and went to the snowfield to look for the ice cave.

A few days later, the news about the cancellation of the bounty offered by Snow Crystal Insects in exchange for Foundation Establishment Pills quickly spread across the snowfield.

After hearing the news, many monks who came here for this opportunity were so angry that they stamped their feet, sighed, and even more cursed Xue Po Palace for deliberately playing tricks on others.

In fact, Xue Po Palace's move was indeed deliberately trying to trick people.

Deliberately using the Foundation Establishment Pill to lure a large number of monks to help them catch snow crystal insects, and then when the number acquired was large enough, they unilaterally canceled the reward as if they were crossing a river and burning bridges.

But what can be done!

Xue Po Palace is huge, and they have the capital to trick people.

As for the scolding of the lower-level casual cultivators, who would care?

In a few decades, these low-level casual cultivators will all die of old age. How many of the subsequent casual cultivators will know about this?

People are all forgetful!

So the scolding continued. After knowing that it was impossible to change the decision of Xue Po Palace, more than 80% of the monks who came to catch the snow crystal insects in the snow field quickly left.

Only some monks who still want to capture snow crystal insects in exchange for spiritual coins, or monks like Zhou Chun who want to capture the snow crystal insect king, are still drilling ice caves and exploring peaks in the snow fields, and continue to run towards their goals.

Without the interference of monks looking for snow crystal insects everywhere, Zhou Chun's caving efficiency has also improved.

And he probably gained some experience in the process of going down the hole again and again.

According to his observations, there is a high probability that snow crystals cannot exist in ice caves that are not stable enough, because they will collapse and disappear at any time.

However, there may be traces of snow crystal insects in some semi-permanent ice caves.

By following this point in his search, his caving efficiency increased again.

In the next four short months, Zhou Chun found four more snow crystal bugs in the ice cave and caught two of them based on his own experience.

This result made him very excited and knew that he had found the right target.

So he became more confident and followed this method to find the Snow Crystal Insect King.

On this day, while exploring an ice cave, Zhou Chun encountered another collapse.

But unlike the many collapses he had encountered before, this time the ice beneath his feet fell first and collapsed, resulting in a series of collapses.

In this collapse, Zhou Chun was forced to fall with the ground. He didn't know how deep he fell before he was buried by countless solid ice.

Speaking of which, in fact, the risk of ice collapse is not as great as that of mountain collapse.

Because ice cubes are very hard, and the older and older the ice cubes are, the harder they are.

In this way, during the collapse process, immortal cultivators like Zhou Chun, who have strong spiritual consciousness and agile skills, can completely find some angles with room to hide, just like those survivors who encountered earthquake collapse.

Monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage are already capable of fasting, and they always have pills such as fasting pills in their storage bags. Even if they are buried under a glacier, they don't have to worry about death due to hunger.

Zhou Chun survived many ice cave collapses in the past in this way.

Although the collapse this time was also unexpected, he survived the collapse without incident after taking the correct response.

After the collapse was over, Zhou Chun used all his strength to scan the surroundings with all his spiritual consciousness.

There will still be many gaps due to the collapse of the ice layer, which will increase the depth of his spiritual scanning detection.

And he can also use this scanning detection to find a suitable digging point and dig upwards to dig a passage to the ground.

But this time, after Zhou Chun released his spiritual consciousness to scan, his face moved slightly, and he made a surprised sound "Eh".

It turned out that during Zhou Chun's scanning and detection, he discovered the existence of the stone.

"Is it because of the series of collapses that it fell deep into the valley?"

Zhou Chun thought to himself, but felt a little happy in his heart.

Because for him, it is obviously easier to dig a channel from the mud and rock ground than to dig a channel on the hard but fragile collapsed ice layer.

So he immediately used his magical weapon to attack forward, and soon opened up a forward passage for himself.

Not long after, Zhou Chun's figure appeared in an underground ice cave passage.

Yes, a brand new underground ice cave passage.

He originally wanted to dig an escape passage through the mud and stone ground, but unexpectedly discovered that the mud and stone ground should actually be an abyss cliff, and there was a natural ice cave passage not far from the collapse.

This discovery made Zhou Chun immediately give up the idea of ​​​​escape, and instead began to explore this new underground ice cave.

This underground ice cave passage was probably created by melting ice water. Below it is frozen soil condensed with mud and rocks, and above it is hard blue ice. The heights above and below are not the same, but the difference is not too big.

The temperature inside is still very low, but because there is no new water vapor coming in, more ice cannot condense here to block the passage.

Zhou Chun walked along the passage. After walking for about two or three hours, the road ahead suddenly cut off.

At this time, his location should be on the edge of a cliff, and in front of him was an unknown depth of thick ice.

If the underground ice cave passage was created by melting ice water, then the original ice water should have rushed under the cliff when it flowed here, and then condensed into ice.

This result made Zhou Chun a little disappointed. He originally thought that he might find a natural permanent ice cave in the ground beneath his feet.

"But by digging upward from here, it should be easier to dig out an escape passage!"

Zhou Chun looked up at the hard ice above his head and thought with comfort.

The ice layer that has solidified into blocks will definitely not collapse easily, no matter how deep it is.

But when Zhou Chun took out the magic weapon and started digging, his expression quickly changed.

So hard!

When he dug the passage upwards for about ten feet, the ice surface suddenly became extremely hard, and even the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] could not easily cut through the ice there.

This discovery made Zhou Chun feel very heavy.

He already had a very bad guess.

If his prediction was correct, the thickness of the ice above his head might be over a thousand feet!

Generally speaking, only with such a deep ice thickness can the ice be as hard as it is now.

And even if you look at the entire snowfield, there are very few places where the thickness of the ice can reach a thousand feet.

"Could it be that I am at the bottom of Chenri Lake now?"

Zhou Chun recalled the location of the entrance to the ice cave that he first explored, and found that the place was indeed not too far from the famous Chenri Lake in the snowfield.

And he had been walking in the ice cave for a long time. After it collapsed and was buried, he walked along the current ice cave for more than two hours.

According to the distance, it is indeed possible to enter Sunrise Lake.

Speaking of Sunrise Lake, there is also a legend.

Legend has it that Chenri Lake used to be the largest non-frozen lake in the snowfield. The lake was a thousand feet deep and inhabited by many fish and shrimps. The shores of the lake were even more lush with vegetation. It was the largest human habitat in the snowfield and was also a sacred place among the people in the snowfield. lake.

At that time, standing on the mountains to the east of Chenri Lake, you could clearly see the sun sinking into the lake at dusk, hence the name "Chenri Lake".

But later, for some unknown reason, Chenri Lake, an ice-free lake, was also frozen. From then on, only the legend of "Chenri Lake" existed on the snowfield, and the legendary holy lake in the snowfield was no longer visible.

After realizing that he was probably at the bottom of Sunrise Lake, Zhou Chun couldn't help but feel worried.

There is no doubt that if you want to get from the bottom of the lake to the surface, you will have to dig a passage through the thousands of feet of ice above. It will be a very large project and it will probably not be completed in a few months.

It seems like a good idea to go back to the previously collapsed place and excavate a passage upwards. However, the ice layer in the collapsed place is unstable, and it is likely to collapse again during excavation.

"No, if this is the bottom of Sunrise Lake, what's going on here in front?"

Suddenly, Zhou Chun seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but look at the ice that was blocking the dead end in front of him.

After he thought for a moment, he used his magical weapon to attack the ice surface.

Sure enough, the ice surface was easily cut by the magic weapon, just like cutting through the underground ice on the snow field.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately started digging forward.

He dug wherever he felt weak, and when his mana was gone, he meditated on the spot to recover. With this tenacity, Zhou Chun reappeared in another ice cave after digging for three days and three nights.

The ice cave under your feet is still similar to the one in front, and it looks like it was washed out by water.

Zhou Chun walked forward along the ice cave. After walking for almost half a day, a narrow hole suddenly appeared in front of him.

He used his magic weapon to bombard the ice near the entrance of the cave, easily breaking all the ice blocks, and then a stone cave more than ten feet high and several feet wide appeared in front of him.

This cave is exactly the permanent ice cave that Zhou Chun has been looking for!

Looking at the ice cave in front of him, Zhou Chun did not rush to enter, but first projected his consciousness into it to detect it.

The detection results were as he expected. The ice cave was very deep and there was thick frost inside, but no signs of life activity were found.

So he rested outside the cave for half a day, adjusted his condition to the best, and then stepped into the ice cave to explore.

After walking like this for who knows how long, Zhou Chun's face suddenly changed, and there was obvious joy in his eyes.

Then his feet quickly lifted off the ground, gliding forward silently.

Not long after, Zhou Chun raised his hand and shot out a golden light, and he captured a snow crystal insect and brought it to him.

The appearance of this snow crystal insect is just a wonderful beginning.

In less than an hour, Zhou Chun caught three snow crystal insects in the ice cave.

This unprecedented harvest made him excited.

He felt that what he had been searching for might be possible this time.

Not long after, Zhou Chun discovered a snow crystal insect again. After he quietly arrived nearby, he planned to capture it in the same manner.

But just as he was doing it, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from a few feet away from him, and before he could see clearly who the owner of that aura was, a torrent of white cold energy fell on him, His whole body froze in an instant.

At that time, the unusually cold air froze Zhou Chun in the ice, and the cold air went straight to his heart.

If his heart is frozen, even if Zhou Chun is already a late-stage foundation-building monk, he will definitely die!

But at this time, Zhou Chun himself was at his wits' end. His magic power was vulnerable to the cold air, and he could not withstand the cold air at all.

An unprecedented feeling of despair appeared in his heart, and he thought he was certain to die this time.

However, just when he was desperate and ready to die, a strong suction force suddenly appeared from his Dantian, and then the cold air from everywhere in his body was sucked into his Dantian as if being summoned by some kind. in.

In just a blink of an eye, the ice condensed on Zhou Chun's body shattered, and others regained their ability to move in an instant.

At this time, he also discovered the thing that sneaked up on him. He saw that it was a white monster like a newt. The aura emanating from it had reached the third level. It was probably even a third-level high-grade monster!

Such a powerful monster actually used this method to attack him secretly. Zhou Chun was really impressed by this old man.

Fortunately, the mysterious jade bead in his body that he got from the wilderness suddenly showed its power and saved his life.

Otherwise, Zhou Chun would really have to confess here today and become food for monsters.

But the danger has not passed yet.

After the axolotl monster froze Zhou Chun, it opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth and bit Zhou Chun.

It originally wanted to swallow Zhou Chun, who was frozen by its own cold air, but it didn't expect that Zhou Chun could survive the cold air he breathed out without being hurt.

So when the frost on Zhou Chun's body broke, it was also very surprised, and even paused slightly to bite the big mouth.

It was this pause that gave Zhou Chun the opportunity to escape.

He moved and quickly moved a few feet to the side to avoid the bite of the big mouth, and then he wanted to raise his hand to pat the storage bag to use the magic weapon.

But at this moment, a strange roar suddenly sounded from his body.

After hearing the roar, Zhou Chun and the newt beast paused slightly, and their consciousness was lost for a moment.

Then, just like the Vulcan Jackal and the Golden-winged Tiger who heard the strange roar, the Salamander Monster was instantly frightened, and before Zhou Chun could react, he transformed into a white phantom and disappeared into the ice. Inside the cave, the speed is incredibly fast.

The first update is here!

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