Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 359 The Snow Crystal Insect King is obtained [Please subscribe]

Inside the ice cave.

Looking at the direction in which the newt monster disappeared, Zhou Chun couldn't help but raise his hand and touch the dantian on his lower abdomen.

Then his mind sank into his dantian, and he quickly turned his spiritual consciousness into his dantian and touched the jade bead.

To his disappointment, just like before, his spiritual consciousness was bounced back before it touched the jade bead, and could not touch the jade bead at all.

This treasure that had saved his life just now had no intention of establishing a connection with him.

But at this time, Zhou Chun's curiosity about this jade bead exploded again.

The magic weapon automatically protects the Lord!

This kind of legendary story that he had only seen in classics in his past life and this life actually happened to him today.

Such a strange thing happened to him and was witnessed by himself. How could Zhou Chun not be filled with surprise and curiosity about it.

"It is said that the natal magic weapon of a Golden Core monk will indeed have the magical power to automatically protect the Lord after a long period of sacrifice and cultivation. However, none of the Golden Core ancestors in the history of my Zhou family seems to be able to do this!"

"Furthermore, this kind of magical power that automatically protects the master is generally limited to natal magic weapons. Magic weapons like Qianyuan Golden Aura that are refined by masters of weapon refining, no matter how powerful they are, it is difficult to possess this magical power!"

"It is said that the legendary spiritual treasure is a higher level than the magic weapon. It is said to be miraculous. It may have the magical power to automatically protect the Lord."

"So, this jade bead is probably a spiritual treasure?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flickered, and various speculations about Yuzhu kept popping up in his mind, and he felt excited and happy.

I don't know how much time passed, but his eyes finally calmed down and he no longer thought about Yuzhu.

He has figured out that whether the jade beads are legendary spiritual treasures or not, it actually has little to do with him now.

Because even if he opens the Zi Mansion, he won't even be able to activate the magic weapon, let alone the spiritual treasure.

The only thing he was happy about at the moment was that he knew that Yuzhu had the magical ability to automatically protect the Lord, which gave him a powerful trump card when facing the newt monster.

Of course, Zhou Chun also seriously doubted that Yuzhu's automatic protective power was not useful in all situations, but only when he was attacked by ice spells.

Or it's only useful when you encounter powerful monsters!

After all, although that weird roar has a coercive effect on both human monks and monster beasts, the effect on monster beasts is obviously much greater than that on human monks.

Even so, for Zhou Chun now, this jade bead has become a key weapon for him to protect himself and his life in this ice cave.

He stood there and hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and headed deeper into the ice cave again.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

Danger often comes with opportunity!

Since so many snow crystal insects have been discovered before, it means that there is a high probability that there are insect swarms in this ice cave, and there is a high probability that there is a snow crystal insect king.

And now he has jade beads that can intimidate the newt monster.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhou Chun give up and move forward.

I just don't know if he was frightened by the newt monster, but Zhou Chun was walking in the ice cave and didn't even find the snow crystal insect again.

The newt monster was never seen again.

As he walked like this, Zhou Chun found that there was no way forward.

At the end of the ice cave is an unknown thick blue ice wall.

He used his magic weapon and hit it on the ice wall. It only sank less than two feet into it and was unable to move forward.

Then he stood in front of the ice wall and meditated for a long time, then suddenly sat down cross-legged and started meditating directly.

Although the cold air breathed out by the newt monster failed to kill him, it still caused damage to some of the meridians and flesh in his body.

Since there is no way forward now, he might as well meditate here to recover from his injuries.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Chun was meditating and recuperating in the ice cave for seven days.

After seven days of recuperation, with the help of the power of the elixir and Mu Mei's treatment, Zhou Chun's internal injuries had healed by 70% to 80%, and it no longer affected his ability to perform.

The ice cave has been extremely quiet these days, and the newt monster seems to have left this place.

Zhou Chun slowly stood up and walked back.

Not long after this, he spotted a snow crystal insect.

Just because of the thrilling experience before, Zhou Chun did not easily step forward to capture the snow crystal insects this time. Instead, he repeatedly scanned the ice cave with his consciousness, not missing any place.

After a long time passed like this, he dared to step forward to catch insects.

I saw a flash of golden light, and a snow crystal insect squirming on the ice at the top of the ice cave was immediately restrained by the golden light, and then flew into the hands of Zhou Chun who was coming.

But when he saw the snow crystal insect he had obtained, Zhou Chun showed no joy on his face.

Although Snow Crystal Insect can now exchange spiritual coins and other items from Xue Po Palace, he is not lacking in those.

His real target is the Snow Crystal Insect King, which is the [Snow Soul Pill] that Xue Po Palace promised to redeem.

Although the number of snow crystal insects in this ice cave was far greater than what Zhou Chun had encountered in other places, there was no trace of the legendary Snow Crystal Insect King.

No one knows whether there is a Snow Crystal Insect King here.

Now Zhou Chun could only take one step at a time, and first catch all the snow crystal bugs he could.

For the next half month, Zhou Chun stayed in the ice cave, going back and forth to the end and entrance of the ice cave many times to catch the snow crystals that appeared.

When he could no longer find any snow crystals, the number of snow crystals he caught in the ice cave reached an astonishing seventeen!

If there were so many snow crystal insects half a year ago, they would be enough to exchange for five or six Foundation Establishment Pills from Xue Po Palace.

Zhou Chun couldn't say he was dissatisfied with this harvest.

On this day, he came to the ice wall at the end of the ice cave again.

"Let's limit it to one month. If we can't find anything within a month, it can only be said to be God's will!"

While muttering to himself, Zhou Cundang took out a flying sword weapon and attacked the ice wall.

When attacking this kind of hard ice, the damage to the magic weapon itself is not small. Zhou Chun didn't want his commonly used [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] to be damaged here, so during this period, he specially refined several previously captured pieces. The magic weapon is specially used as a path-opening tool.

And Zhou Chun didn't just dig by himself. After he exhausted his mana, he would release the Golden Winged Tiger to help dig.

After digging like this day after day, on the 28th day, Zhou Chun threw the sunstone into the dug ice cave for lighting as usual.

Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that through the unexcavated ice in front, he could vaguely see the dark cave opposite.

This discovery came as a great surprise to him, and his originally tired spirit was suddenly cheered up.

After spending another five days, Zhou Chun successfully dug through the ice wall and reached the cave opposite the ice wall.

At this time, there were already two magical weapons that he had dug out and scrapped, and the third magical weapon in his hand was also badly worn.

Compared with the ice cave Zhou Chun had walked through before, the cave on the other side of the ice wall was much wider.

He rested for several hours on the opposite side of the ice wall and set out to explore the place. After walking for less than two quarters of an hour, he discovered as many as three snow crystal insects.

As he moved forward, Zhou Chun felt as if he had arrived at the nest of snow crystal insects. Every time he walked a certain distance, he could find snow crystal insects.

In just half a day, he caught as many as twenty-one snow crystal insects!

What a rich harvest this is!

Zhou Chun already realized in his heart that he might have actually found the snow crystal insect nest.

And the legendary Snow Crystal Insect King may really be seen this time.

Like a happy squirrel, Zhou Chun went all the way deep, catching snow crystal insects along the way.

When the number of snow crystal worms in his hand reached fifty, he was scanning forward with his spiritual consciousness when he suddenly discovered a scene that made him stop breathing.

Right in front of him, in the ice cave a few miles in front of him, there were hundreds of snow crystals gathered on the ice.

And in the center of those snow crystal insects, a huge snow crystal insect with a body length of nearly seven feet stood out like a chicken.

Snow Crystal Insect King!

When Zhou Chun discovered the giant snow crystal insect, he was immediately sure that it was the legendary Snow Crystal Insect King.

At this moment, his breathing stopped, as if he was afraid that his breathing would disturb the Snow Crystal Insect King.

But he was extremely excited inside.

The target is just ahead, as long as you grab it, you will get a [Snow Soul Pill].

Zhou Chun stood motionless on the spot. After nearly a quarter of an hour passed, he completely calmed down and returned to his most calm state.

It's not the time to be happy yet. Only when you really catch the Snow Crystal Insect King can you celebrate.

Although Zhou Chun didn't know what the Snow Crystal Insect King was capable of, given the current situation, it was not easy to catch the Snow Crystal Insect King.

Because there were seven or eight ordinary snow crystal insects in the cave separated from him and the Snow Crystal Insect King.

If he hadn't captured these snow crystal insects and made noise to alert the king of snow crystal insects, the other party would definitely escape immediately.

By then, only God knows whether the Snow Crystal Insect King will appear again.

So now I really can’t be careless at all.

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Chun suddenly patted the storage bag on his waist, and a third-level talisman appeared in his hand.

The talisman in his hand is a third-level low-grade talisman called "Xuanguang Immobilization Talisman". It is an auxiliary talisman that can make the target immobilized and unable to move.

However, the premise for this talisman to be effective is that the body-fixing mysterious light that blooms after being activated by the talisman can touch the target's body.

Unless a cultivator is caught off guard, it is impossible for an attack from unknown sources to come into direct contact with the body.

Therefore, this talisman is not very useful in battles with immortal cultivators. It can only be used to deal with monsters that like to attack at close range.

Speaking of which, this talisman has been with Zhou Chun for at least decades, because it was something that the Zhou family captured during the Southern Expedition.

The Snow Crystal Insect King is too important, and I may only have one chance.

Therefore, Zhou Chun thought about it and decided to use the safest way to capture the Snow Crystal Insect King and use good steel on the blade.

At this time, he was holding the talisman in his hand, and after holding his breath and preparing for it, he slowly moved forward in the air.

When he was less than ten feet away from the first snow crystal insect, Zhou Chun suddenly activated the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique, and his body instantly flew towards the depths of the ice cave at extremely fast speeds.

This is a very risky approach, because the height of the ice cave is limited, and the passage is not straight. At the flying speed of the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique, Zhou Chun will easily hit the wall.

He may not be in big trouble by then, but he will definitely alarm the Snow Crystal Insect King.

But Zhou Chun did so based on his confidence in his flying skills.

If there were anyone else here at that moment, they would have seen a golden rainbow light flashing very fast in the ice cave that was less than two feet high, drawing a graceful arc and quickly turning several big turns.

That kind of wonderful arc is even more gorgeous and beautiful than the arc balls kicked by superstars on the football field.

In this way, at the ultimate flying speed, Zhou Chun flew hundreds of feet in just a few breaths, and appeared near the Snow Crystal Insect King at the fastest speed in his life.

Then before the Snow Crystal Insect King and other Snow Crystal Insects could react, a dazzling white light flew out of Zhou Chun's hand and fell on the Snow Crystal Insect King instantly.

At that time, the body of the Snow Crystal Insect King had actually integrated into the ice below.

But because the ice layer did not have much blocking effect on the body-fixing mysterious light, it was still hit by the body-fixing mysterious light and was directly fixed in the ice layer.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun didn't care whether the other snow crystal insects escaped, and directly activated the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique to shoot out all the golden aura condensed in the body, turning it into a sharp golden sword rainbow and hitting the ice. .

Under such a reckless attack, the hard ice surface was quickly shattered and cracks opened.

Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and used [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] to slash, and soon dug out the Snow Crystal Insect King that was unable to move in the ice.

"What a Snow Crystal Insect King! Zhou is having a hard time looking for you!"

Looking at the snow-white worm in front of him, Zhou Chun finally couldn't help but smile with joy.

He quickly reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out several talismans with sealing effects and pasted them on the Snow Crystal Insect King, and then put them into a magic bag with flaming sun wood, black iron, and cold jade. Inside a large box with three layers of shell.

This big box was specially made by Zhou Chun in order to capture the Snow Crystal Insect King. Each layer of the box has sealing charms affixed to it.

At this time, after putting the Snow Crystal Insect King into a ball and stuffing it into the box, Zhou Chun closed the three-layer box lid and uneasily took out the silver-white embroidered handkerchief and turned it into a large silver silk instrument. The net catches the box and carries it directly in the hand.

Under such multiple protections, if the Snow Crystal Insect King could still escape, Zhou Chun would have no choice but to accept his fate!

Then he held up the net bag and looked at the ice below.

The ice surface below is certainly extraordinary for the Snow Crystal Insect King and numerous Snow Crystal Insects to gather here.

Zhou Chun could feel that the cold air here was very pure and powerful, no worse than the cold spring where he got the mysterious jade bead.

He even guessed that this place was originally a cold spring!

However, he was not a monk who practiced the Ice Walking Technique. Even if he knew that this might be a training ground for Ice Walking Technique monks, he didn't pay much attention to it.

At this time, he was no longer even interested in the escaped Snow Crystal Insects. Now he just wanted to take the Snow Crystal Insect King out of here quickly and find the Snow Soul Palace in exchange for the [Snow Soul Pill].

Therefore, after searching around and confirming that there were no other treasures to obtain, Zhou Chun did not stay any longer and returned directly to the passage from which he came.

Next, he has to return to the ground, and needs to return to the place where he first collapsed and landed.

Second update!

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