Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 360 Target Zifu【Please subscribe】

"Phew, it's finally out!"

On the white snowfield under the blue sky, Zhou Chun, who had just climbed out of the thick ice below, looked up at the sky and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

It was already the third month since he encountered a cave-in and fell to the bottom of the lake.

After capturing the Snow Crystal Insect King, he began his quest to reach the surface.

But this process was not smooth.

It took him almost a month to dig out this passage to the ground. In order to do so, he damaged a second-level magic weapon. Even his commonly used [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] showed considerable wear and tear. .

But that's all in the past now.

In any case, now that he is out, the road ahead is smooth.

After that, Zhou Chun rested for half a day on the snowfield. After recovering his mana, he left the snowfield on the golden-winged tiger.

That's right, Zhou Chun didn't intend to bring the Snow Crystal Insect King directly to his door to redeem the [Snow Soul Pill] like he did when he exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill.

As a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk, he exchanged a Foundation Establishment Pill for himself, and few people would be stupid enough to attack him for this.

But if you bring the Snow Crystal Insect King to your door to exchange for a [Snow Soul Pill], then everything will be difficult to predict.

This is not Zhou Chun's judgment of a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, but something that must be guarded against.

It was as if Lin Hongyu didn't dare to leave Xiandufang City with these treasures even though she had bought them with money.

Zhou Chun was not a local monk in Yang Kingdom, nor did he have any background in Yang Kingdom. The monks from Xue Po Palace sold him without any psychological burden.

Therefore, Zhou Chun could only leave Xueyuan and Yang Kingdom first, and find another place to trade with Xue Po Palace.

A few days later, Zhou Chun returned to the Hongyu Peak stronghold he had left for more than a year.

At this time, most of the casual cultivators who had gone to the snowfield to redeem the Foundation Establishment Pills had returned to the stronghold as long as they had survived.

But when many of them returned, they found that they no longer had their place in the stronghold.

This is the reality. Many times a wrong choice will cause you to suffer irreparable losses.

Everyone has to pay for their own choices.

Of course, as long as a capable late-stage foundation-building monk like Fu Changqing is willing to come back, Lin Wan'er will definitely continue to accept him.

Zhou Chun returned to the stronghold at this time. After communicating with Lin Wan'er, he left her a letter and left alone.

After leaving this time, Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family directly with the [Earth Yuan Jade] ore accumulated in the stronghold.

Twenty days after Zhou Chun left, someone arranged by Lin Waner also sent the letter left by Zhou Chun to Xue Po Palace.

Not to mention what Xue Po Palace will do after they get the letter left by Zhou Chun.

Let's say that Zhou Chun's journey back to Jingguo from Yangguo was very smooth. It only took more than ten days to successfully return to the family mountain gate.

Zhou Mingde was also a little surprised by Zhou Chun's return.

But after knowing Zhou Chun's intention of coming back this time, he suddenly became happy.

Especially when he learned that Zhou Chun actually caught a wooden charm in Shen Kingdom and tamed it and made it a spiritual pet, he was even more happy.

"Wonderful, wonderful, Zhengchun, you really gave me a big surprise this time!"

Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun with a smile on his face, and immediately asked him to call Mu Mei out for him to see.

When he saw Qinglu, the incarnation of Mu Mei, with his own eyes, and witnessed Qinglu's miraculous wood escape technique, Zhou Mingde was also surprised and opened his mouth wide, and was speechless for a long time.

"You are truly worthy of being a spirit conceived by heaven and earth!"

"How can ordinary monsters and monsters have such magical powers?"

"It's better to have such a spirit as your pet than to have a dragon!"

He praised Qinglu with admiration, and couldn't help but feel envious of Zhou Chun's opportunity.

Each monk may have a different opinion on which one is better, dragon or spirit.

But in terms of rarity, spirits are undoubtedly much rarer than dragons.

From this aspect, it is not wrong to say that a spirit is better than a dragon.

After all, rare things are more valuable!

But if Zhou Chun had to choose, of course he would want both.

Flood dragons are powerful in combat, can reproduce offspring, and breed dragon-blooded spiritual creatures, which have many uses.

The spirits have mysterious magical powers, their ability to find medicines and minerals is unparalleled, their growth has almost no upper limit, and their uses are infinite.

"Junior has one more thing to tell you. It's about the jade bead in junior's Dantian. Junior may know its use!"

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Mingde, who was full of envy, and told him about the magical weapon that automatically protected him after he was attacked by the newt monster.

Sure enough, after hearing this incident, Zhou Mingde was immediately shocked as he expected, and quickly asked him for specific details.

Zhou Chun didn't hide anything and told all his relevant conjectures.

"Zhengchun, you guessed it right. As you said, since that jade bead can automatically protect you when you encounter a life-and-death crisis, it must not be an ordinary magic weapon, but a spiritual treasure with extremely high spirituality!"

"So, the white toad we saw at the beginning must be the spirit of this spiritual treasure!"

When Zhou Mingde said this, his eyes couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun's lower abdomen.

Then he said in a deep voice with an extremely solemn expression: "This matter must be kept strictly confidential. Before you can control this spiritual treasure, you must not let a third person besides you and me know of its existence!"

"This junior understands and will strictly keep the secret."

Zhou Chun nodded, indicating that he knew what was going on.

A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. How could he not understand this truth?

Lingbao is such a precious thing, even the Yuanying Stage monks cannot have it for everyone.

If people knew that Zhou Chun, a late-stage foundation-building monk, had such a treasure, not only would he die, but the entire family might also be implicated.

So whether it's for his own good or the good of his family, the fewer people know about this, the better.

Next, Zhou Chun waited inside the family mountain gate for more than ten days before the person he was waiting for arrived.

On this day, a powerful aura of a Golden Core monk suddenly appeared outside the Zhou family's mountain gate.

On the pagoda peak, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde immediately jumped into the air and left the mountain gate after sensing the undisguised aura of the Golden Core Stage monks.

When they exited the mountain gate formation, they saw a man in blue with a cold temperament floating in the sky. The source of that powerful aura came from this man.

Seeing this situation, the two people quickly bowed to the man in blue and saluted: "Juniors Zhou Mingde and Zhou Zhengchun, pay your respects to seniors."

Facing the two people's salutes, the man in blue didn't mean to be polite at all, and said directly in a cold tone: "You know where I come from, so there is no need to say any more nonsense. King, take it out!"

His attitude doesn't sound like he's here to make a deal, but rather like he's here to rob.

But his cultivation strength was there. Even though Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were uncomfortable with his tone, they did not dare to neglect him.

Zhou Chun immediately replied respectfully: "The Snow Crystal Insect King was raised by the junior in the family treasure house. The junior will go and get it for the senior."

After saying that, he saluted the man in blue again, then turned around and flew back to the family mountain gate.

Not long after, Zhou Chun returned outside carrying the box containing the Snow Crystal Insect King.

"Senior, please look, what is inside is the Snow Crystal Insect King."

In front of the man in blue, Zhou Chun opened the three-layer box, revealing the Snow Crystal Insect King contained in the cold jade box.

I don't know if he has been away from the comfortable environment for a long time. At this time, the Snow Crystal Insect King seemed quite listless and half-dead.

But after seeing it, the cold-looking man in blue across from him suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he immediately raised his hand to take the Snow Crystal Insect King in the box in front of him.

Then he raised his hand and patted the storage bag, took out a white jade bottle magic weapon, directly sucked the Snow Crystal Insect King into the jade bottle and stored it.

Then he waved his sleeves and threw out a white light that fell in front of Zhou Chun, revealing a white pill bottle.

"This is our secret [Snow Soul Pill], keep it yourself!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and grabbed the elixir bottle in his hand, and saluted the man in blue to thank him, "Thank you, senior."

I thought that when we got here, the man in blue would leave.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked at him at this time and said: "Wherever the Snow Crystal Insect King is, there are usually exotic treasures accompanying it. Fellow Taoist, can you tell me where that place is?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun quickly explained: "Senior Mingjian, this junior fell to the bottom of Sunrise Lake due to a collapse accident when exploring the ice cave, and then entered the ice cave where the Snow Crystal Insect King was. , but although the cold air in that place is extremely rich and pure, this junior has indeed never found any strange treasures."

After speaking, he continued: "Senior, please wait a moment. I will draw a map for my senior."

After a while, Zhou Chun marked the location of the ice cave he dug for his escape on the snowfield map, and handed the map to the man in blue.

At the same time, he did not forget to say: "There were many snow crystal insects there at that time, but I was only focused on catching the snow crystal insect king, but I didn't have the energy to catch them again."

Hearing his words, the man in blue seemed to understand what he meant. He immediately glanced at him and said lightly: "If you still have snow crystal insects, you can take them out. I will give you one thousand spiritual coins." You settle!"

One thousand spiritual coins for a snow crystal insect, which was much lower than the reward offered by Xue Po Palace at that time.

But Zhou Chun knew in his heart that it was a special situation and special treatment at that time, so he did not dislike the low price at this time. He quickly took out 40 snow crystal insects he had captured and handed them over to the other party in exchange for 40,000 spiritual coins.

As for the remaining ten snow crystal insects, Zhou Chun planned to put them in the ice cave in the wilderness to see if they could thrive there.

If successful, this will be another stable source of income in the future.

After completing the two transactions, the man in blue who came from Xue Po Palace didn't even leave his name and left directly.

After Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde returned to the mountain gate, they also started a discussion around the [Snow Soul Pill] they had obtained.

Zhou Mingde was the first to say: "Although this [Snow Soul Pill] is a spiritual elixir that can help open up the Purple Mansion, it is difficult to tell how effective it is. In my opinion, Zhengchun, you should wait a few more years. It will be more secure to find another spiritual object to use with it."

This was a safe strategy for him, and it was also for Zhou Chun's sake.

But Zhou Chun had his own opinions.

I saw Zhou Chun slowly speaking: "[Snow Soul Pill] is an auxiliary elixir used by the disciples of Xue Po Palace to open up the Zi Mansion. It can be determined by a sect like Xue Po Palace as a pill that must be used by disciples to open up the Zi Mansion." Medicine, it can be seen that its effect must be excellent, no worse than the [Xuanxin Zihuan Dan] refined by the three sects."

"So this junior thought that we could try it first and maybe it would work!"

Just like a monk in the Qi refining stage who has a foundation-building pill in his hand and cannot bear the temptation not to take it.

Now that Zhou Chun has obtained a treasure like [Snow Soul Pill], and his own cultivation level is enough to impact the Zi Mansion, of course he wants to give it a try.

In fact, Zhou Chun himself has his own unique confidence in opening up the Zi Mansion.

After all, he is different from ordinary people. His soul comes from another world.

When monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage open up the Purple Mansion and manifest their souls, they actually awaken the human soul and make it move to the Purple Mansion and become the central existence that governs everything.

After Zhou Chun understood the process of opening the Zi Mansion, he had a feeling that it might be easier than others to open the Zi Mansion himself.

Because his soul itself should have been awakened, and all that is missing is to break through the Niwan Palace in the Upper Dantian and open the Zifu.

However, these most fundamental secrets related to him cannot be disclosed to outsiders. At this time, he can only persuade the elder Zhou Mingde with arguments and firm words.

In the end Zhou Mingde was convinced by him.

"That's all! Since you insist on doing this, can I still forcefully stop you? I just hope you can act with caution and don't force yourself to succeed in one go!"

Zhou Mingde shook his head with a wry smile and could only agree with Zhou Chun's decision.

Although he is an elder, he cannot forcibly prevent the younger generations from reaching a higher realm. He can only try his best to persuade them.

If persuasion fails, then you can only agree.

In order to reassure him, Zhou Chun nodded with a serious face and said: "Don't worry, I am not a reckless person. If it is really beyond my power, I will stop in time!"

It's just that opening up the Zi Mansion is not something that happens overnight. Even if it is successful, it will take a year and a half to consolidate your cultivation.

And for Zhou Chun, opening the Purple Mansion is not actually the most dangerous thing. The most dangerous thing is the recasting of the broken cauldron that he will face after practicing the second chapter of the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" after opening the Purple Mansion.

If this level fails, the cauldron will be destroyed and everyone will die. There will be no luck.

Therefore, he still had a lot of preparation work to do before he actually started to retreat and open up the Purple Mansion.

There was also a safety guarantee for Lin Wan'er from the Yangguo Hongyu Peak stronghold to prevent the previous incident from happening again.

The first update is here!

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