Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 361 Promotion to the Purple Mansion, the origin of the jade beads [Please subscribe]

Since he decided to attack the Zifu period, Zhou Chun naturally started all preparations immediately.

He first asked Zhou Mingde to go to the Yang Kingdom and make it clear to the Chariots and Horses that the casual cultivators of the Yang Kingdom, such as the Huoyang Sanren, were really guarding the Red Jade Peak stronghold.

And he himself went to Cangzhou in Jingguo in person, visited several immortal cultivating families that had cooperated with each other, and obtained high-quality gold energy from them.

Once the Zi Mansion is opened and the broken cauldron is recast, the quality of the gold energy required to recast the cauldron must be higher than what was used before.

So Zhou Chun didn't dare to be careless about this, he had to do it himself to feel at ease.

Fortunately, he has made two more small fortunes in the past few years, and now has plenty of money. At this time, he also has sufficient financial support to purchase high-quality gold gas.

After staying in Cangzhou for two months, Zhou Chun finally gathered the high-quality gold energy he needed, for which he spent more than 18,000 spiritual coins.

After collecting enough gold energy, Zhou Chun immediately returned to his family.

At this time, Su Yuzhen, who was notified, also came to Zhou's house. She wanted to personally take Zhou Chun to the Su family's mountain gate for retreat.

Although Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan both successfully opened Zifu inside Zhoujia Mountain Gate, Zhou Chun still agreed to go to Sujia Mountain Gate for retreat under Zhou Mingde's strong advice.

The reason why Zhou Mingde made such a suggestion is also very simple. The situation in Jingguo is now complicated and confusing, and chaos may break out at any time in Lanzhou, where the Zhou family is located.

If Zhou Chun was in retreat at the Zhou Family Mountain Gate and opened a Purple Mansion, if a big chaos suddenly happened and disturbed him while he was in retreat, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Therefore, for Zhou Chun's safety, Zhou Mingde strongly requested him to go to Su's house for retreat.

At this time, after Zhou Chun returned to the family, after communicating with Zhou Mingde who had returned from Yang Kingdom, he followed Taoist companion Su Yuzhen to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

After all, Zhou Chun is also the son-in-law of the Su family, and with Su Yuzhen's status in the Su family, the retreat cave arranged for him by the Su family this time is also very good. It is the same room where Su Yuzhen once retreated and opened the Purple Mansion.

Before Zhou Chun entered the cave for retreat, he also entrusted Su Yuzhen, the Taoist monk, to feed his three spiritual pets: the silver lightning python Baibai, the golden armored rock turtle, and the golden-winged tiger.

As for the wooden charm, because it was so rare, Zhou Chun did not even dare to let Su Yuzhen know about it. Even before coming to the Su family, he had let it sleep in an ancient tree inside the Zhou family's mountain gate.

After arranging everything in this way, Zhou Chun entered the retreat cave and directly sealed the cave door.

Inside the cave, Zhou Chun meditated slowly to adjust his condition while reading the experience of opening up the Zifu left by the senior monks of the Zhou family.

The Zhou family was once a golden elixir family, and there were dozens of Zifu period monks who came out over the past thousand years. Naturally, they left behind a lot of this kind of experience.

After Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoquan learned that Zhou Chun was going to open the Zifu, they told him their own experiences without reservation.

However, these experiences can only be used as a reference. Each cultivator has different spiritual roots, different cultivation methods, and different personal experiences, which makes their breakthrough process impossible.

Zhou Chun will not be overly superstitious about the experience of his predecessors.

After almost two months of this, Zhou Chun felt that his state had almost adjusted, and after reading various experiences and insights, he finally started to brew.

The process of opening the Purple Mansion is actually very simple, that is, first awaken the soul, and then the magic power rushes up to the Niwan Palace, opens the Purple Mansion, and moves the soul into it, transforming into a divine soul.

The soul is the soul, but the soul is not the soul.

The difference between the two lies in the literal difference.

The word "神" for the soul and the word "spirit" for the soul have their own interpretations.

Spirit generally refers to intelligence and spirituality. Human beings are born with intelligence and spirituality, so the human soul can be called the soul.

Although animals, plants and animals have spirituality, they cannot develop spiritual wisdom, so their souls are incomplete.

Only monsters with spiritual intelligence can complete their souls and form beast souls.

The word "god" refers to the god of the human body.

Once the soul of an immortal cultivator moves to Zi Mansion, it will transform into a divine soul, and from then on it will possess all kinds of magical abilities.

The soul is also the god of the human body, taking charge of all tissues and organs of the human body, including mana and other things.

The simplest example is the human nervous response system, which is not controlled by human will.

But the soul can control it.

In other words, the soul can command certain neural units that control itself to turn on or off.

When the soul orders the olfactory nerve unit to be closed, the cultivator will no longer smell any smell. This is essentially different from holding the breath to isolate the outside smell.

Therefore, when the transformation of the soul occurs, the immortal cultivator is already the god of his own body, and his control over the body is already to a god-like level.

It is precisely because the soul has this ability that the monks in the Zifu period can leave the body and seize another body.

It's just that everything is easier said than done.

Everyone knows the process of opening up the Purple Mansion, but there are only a handful of people who can do it.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many late-stage foundation-building monks have fallen before this level.

In the secret room of the cave, Zhou Chun was sitting cross-legged, his hands naturally placed on his knees, his eyes slightly closed, as if falling asleep.

Some mortals' souls are fragile, and even in their sleep, their souls may be awakened and contract "panic syndrome". Since then, their bodies have become weaker and their memory has become worse.

However, immortal cultivators meditate and practice all year round, and their souls are nourished by the blood and magic power of their bodies, making them often very strong and tough.

And it is not easy to awaken this overly strong soul.

Therefore, in order to awaken the soul, many immortal cultivators who open up the Zifu will use some spiritual objects that can help stimulate the awakening of the soul.

But Zhou Chun doesn't have that kind of convenience now.

He has also inquired about the efficacy of [Snow Soul Pill]. It should be used to replenish the soul after awakening it, and help the soul transform after it moves to Zi Mansion.

Therefore, the best time to take this elixir is after awakening the soul.

At this time, there were no spiritual objects to assist in awakening the soul, so Zhou Chun could only use the most traditional method to practice visualization.

Visualization is something that every cultivator must practice when he first starts practicing.

Because those who are cultivators are new to spiritual practice, it is difficult for them to calm down and meditate. Practicing visualization charts can help them calm down and adapt to practice.

But generally, after a cultivator is able to meditate and practice quietly, he no longer needs to practice visualization diagrams.

Now Zhou Chun needs to awaken his soul in a deep state of visualization through practicing visualization diagrams.

Whether he can do this or not, no one knows at this time.

I saw time passing slowly, one day, two days, three days...

In his first attempt, Zhou Chun persisted for twenty-seven days. In the end, he was so exhausted that he had no choice but to stop.

After three days of rest, Zhou Chun began to enter the visualization state again.

The second time Zhou Chun persisted for thirty-eight days, and then rested for five days before recovering.

By the third time, Zhou Chun persisted for forty-eight days, and this time he rested for seven days before recovering.

The fourth time, Zhou Chun persisted until the fifty-fifth day.

Just when he thought he was going to fail again this time, a special feeling of emptiness suddenly came to his heart, and then he "saw" his body sitting cross-legged.

This kind of seeing is not the kind of sight that is scanned by spiritual consciousness, but is really like seeing with the perspective of the eyes.

And Zhou Chun also instantly realized that he had succeeded.

At this moment, he should be looking down at his body from the perspective of his soul.

After understanding this, he did not dare to look further, but quickly returned his soul to his body.

Sure enough, when his soul returned to his body, a feeling of weakness suddenly surged into Zhou Chun's heart, as if he was fighting someone.

This is a normal thing, because his soul was in a semi-out-of-body state just now and was hit by the outside atmosphere.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you rest for a while, you can fully recover.

After resting for half a month, Zhou Chun's condition completely returned to normal.

At this time, the moment for him to open up the Zi Mansion was really coming.

After the soul has been awakened once, it will be very easy to awaken again.

But awakening the soul is not a skill. Opening the Purple Mansion and moving the soul into the Purple Mansion is a skill. Transforming the soul into a divine soul is a success.

I saw Zhou Chun sitting cross-legged, raising his hand to put the [Snow Soul Pill] into his mouth, and then his mind sank into his dantian. His consciousness wrapped around the golden soup in the dantian and the magic power surged up to the door, forming a long river. Go to Niwan Palace.


Suddenly, thunder exploded from Zhou Chun Ni Wan, and the Ni Wan Palace, which was originally closed, was forced open by a powerful force.

The golden torrent poured into the Niwan, like a long river rushing through the earth, creating a river channel in the land where there was no river channel.

Immediately afterwards, a pale golden figure stepped on the torrent and entered the Niwan Land.

He is like a god in mythology, who can change the course of a torrent with a wave of his hand, and build a temple with a single thought. He seems to be omnipotent.

In the secret room, the [Snow Soul Pill] in Zhou Chun's mouth had been bitten into pieces and swallowed at some point.

In his Niwan Palace, the god-like light golden figure had appeared in a magnificent palace, sitting high on the throne.

Wisps of golden clouds grew in the void and were absorbed into the body by the pale golden figure.

With each ray incorporated, his figure looks more solid.

I don't know how much time has passed, but when there are no more golden clouds growing in the void, the pale golden figure has condensed into a physical image.

There is no doubt that that is what Zhou Chun looks like, exactly the same as his physical appearance.

The difference is that this one is full of majesty and holiness, like a high-altitude god.

This is the soul, Zhou Chun’s soul!

The purple mansion opens and the soul appears.

Unknowingly, Zhou Chun completed the opening of the Zifu and successfully broke through to the Zifu stage.

At this moment, his upper and lower dantians are connected, and his soul is high in the Zi Mansion, controlling his whole body.

The mana that was originally unable to grow has regained growth and purification due to the breakthrough of the shackles of the realm.

"Is this the magical effect of the soul?"

In the secret room, Zhou Chun turned off all the neurons in his left hand as soon as he realized it. Then, with a flickering golden fingernail on his right hand, he scratched his left wrist, and a blood line appeared.

But he didn't feel any pain.

It wasn't until he reopened the neurons in his left hand that the pain was transmitted to his soul and received by him.

Of course, the magical functions of the soul are far more than these.

In terms of spiritual consciousness, Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness suddenly expanded to almost twenty-four miles, nearly four thousand feet!

Although this growth rate is not as large as the breakthrough from the Qi Refining Stage to the Foundation Building Stage, it has almost tripled.

The key is that the current spiritual consciousness is also stronger in scanning and detection accuracy.

In the past, spiritual consciousness scanning and detection could only detect things as thin as a hair, but now it is possible to see clearly even things that are one-tenth as thin as a hair.

Moreover, now that the soul has returned to the Zi Mansion, those low-level illusions, the camouflage talents of certain monsters, and the ordinary secret skills of hiding the aura and appearance of cultivation will be invisible to Zhou Chun, and he can distinguish the true from the false at a glance.

After Zhou Chun briefly experimented with the magical use of his spiritual consciousness, he suddenly turned his spiritual consciousness inward and focused on the jade bead in his dantian.

As before, after the spiritual consciousness rushed towards the jade bead, it encountered great resistance.

But this time it was not bounced away like before.

There's drama!

Zhou Chun was overjoyed, and immediately used all his strength to mobilize his consciousness to rush towards the jade bead.


Suddenly, a roar sounded deep in Zhou Chun's soul, and then a huge amount of information poured into his soul.

Fortunately, he is now at the Zifu stage and his soul has been condensed and manifested. Otherwise, if he were to be fed so much information at once, he would have passed out even if he was not turned into a fool.

At this time, he just felt a slight swell in his soul, and quickly returned to normal.

Then he began to sort out the information that poured into his soul consciousness.

After combing through it, Zhou Chun found that the information was divided into two parts. One part was a sacrificial refining recipe, which was specifically used to refining the spiritual treasure named [Moon Toad Orb].

The other part is a secret technique called "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter".

Let’s talk about the previous sacrificial refining formula first. There is no doubt that it is the sacrificial formula for refining the jade bead in Zhou Chun’s body.

Its appearance finally solved a question in Zhou Chun's mind, determined the grade of the jade bead, and learned its name.

Unfortunately, the method for refining the [Moon Toad Orb] in this article is very mysterious, and the minimum cultivation level required for immortal cultivators is the Golden Elixir stage.

So now Zhou Chun can just take a look, but he can't use it at all.

But the secret technique titled "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad" really shocked Zhou Chun.

Because this secret technique is very similar to the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" he practiced, it also requires the immortal cultivator to integrate the spiritual blood of a powerful monster, the Taiyin Moon Toad, into his body to practice this secret technique.

According to what is said above, as long as you successfully practice this secret technique and rely on the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], you can activate the secret technique to transform yourself into a Lunar Moon Toad and master the powerful magical powers possessed by this kind of monster. .

And after turning into a monster, it will not affect the cultivator's use of magic weapons.

Naturally, if you want to practice the secret technique of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad", you need to be at least at the Golden Elixir stage, and you must find the spiritual blood of the Taiyin Moon Toad, or a monster with the blood of the Taiyin Moon Toad. Spiritual blood.

The second update is here!

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