Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 363 God bless the Zhou family, ruby ​​jade pills【Please subscribe】

Zhou Chun successfully opened up the Zi Mansion, which was a happy event even for the Su family.

After all, he is also the son-in-law of the Su family.

Therefore, after learning that he had successfully opened the Zi Mansion, the ancestor of the Su family specially called him over to talk.

Inside the cave, the ancestor of the Su family looked at Zhou Chun who had been summoned to pay homage to him. After looking at him up and down for a while, he nodded slightly and said, "It seems that Yuzhen girl didn't make a mistake after all. You're like this." Although the boy has an unpleasant personality, he still has some abilities."

"If you have any doubts about cultivation in the future, you can come to Su's house to find me, ancestor, and remember to come over often to accompany girl Yuzhen!"

Listening to his words, from now on, he undoubtedly regards Zhou Chun as a true junior.

Before that, he had directly warned Zhou Chun, telling Zhou Chun not to come over and trouble him if nothing happened.

These changes in attitude before and after also profoundly explain what is meant by this moment and that moment.

Regarding this change, Zhou Chun was naturally happy and felt proud.

He had always known that the ancestor of the Su family had never seen him in his eyes, but only regarded him as a cauldron to assist Su Yuzhen in his cultivation.

And this had always particularly disgusted him.

But now, at the age of more than a hundred years old, he has successfully opened up the Zi Mansion, truly showing his talent for the golden elixir.

Under this situation, even an arrogant Su family ancestor must take the initiative to put aside his arrogance and win over him.

How could he not feel happy and proud of the respect he had earned through his own strength?

Of course, I was happy in my heart, but I also knew that even if I opened the Purple Mansion, I would not have the capital to talk to the Su family ancestors on an equal footing.

Therefore, after a period of ups and downs in his mind, he still responded with a respectful expression: "My ancestor is so kind to me, I am deeply grateful to you. I will definitely remember my ancestor's instructions."

"Well, practice well when you go back. Ancestor, I look forward to your future performance."

The ancestor of the Su family glanced at him and seemed to read his inner thoughts, and immediately waved his hand to make him retreat.

"Yes, junior, please resign!"

Zhou Chun responded, immediately exited the cave, and then quickly set off back to his family.

One day later, Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family, and the news that he had successfully opened up the Zi Mansion spread, immediately causing a sensation in the entire Zhou family.

Over the years, Zhou Chun has not shown up for a long time, and various speculations and discussions about him in the family have never stopped.

Now that he has returned as a monk in the Zifu period, all those speculations can be put to rest.

Everything has the best answer!

At this time, no one will care about where he has been or what he has done over the years.

All the Zhou family monks who knew about his success in opening the Zifu only knew that the Zhou family had another Zifu-level monk, and he was a genius who opened the Zifu at the age of more than a hundred years old!

With such a talented patriarch leading the way, why should the Zhou family be unhappy!

"God bless our Zhou family. Our ancestors are blessing our descendants and bestowing such a wise, capable and talented patriarch on our family, allowing him to lead the family to rebuild its glory and return to the ranks of the Jindan family!"

On Baozhi Peak, an old man from the Zhou family, who had gray hair and wrinkles on his face, cried with joy and shed tears of joy.

This person is not an elder of Zhou Chun, but his clan brother Zhou Zhengxun who is of the same generation.

Because he is more than ten years older than him and has never succeeded in building a foundation, his clan brother is now dying and his time is running out.

As the elder of the Zhou family, Zhou Zhengxun was fully involved in the entire rebuilding process of the Zhou family's migration from Feng country to Jing country. As a person who witnessed Zhou Chun's growth, of course he knew how important Zhou Chun was to the Zhou family.

Now that he was able to see the fourth Zifu period monk appear in the Zhou family before he passed away, and to see Zhou Chun, the younger brother and clan leader, successfully open up the Zifu, he was truly happy from the bottom of his heart.

Happy for the family, happy for Zhou Chun, happy for the descendants...

And Zhou Zhengxun is not the only person who has this idea.

When Zhou Chun arrived at Pagoda Peak and met Zhou Mingde.

Seeing Zhou Chun appearing in front of him as a monk in the Zifu period, Zhou Mingde also cheered with surprise and was extremely happy.

"Okay, okay, that's great!"

"Zhengchunyou actually succeeded in opening up Zifu. This is really great!"

"God bless my Zhou family, God bless my Zhou family!"

Although he had never cried with joy like Zhou Zhengxun, the joy in Zhou Mingde's heart at this moment was as intense as his, or even more overwhelming.

Because Zhou Mingde knew deeply that only by truly crossing the barrier of Zi Mansion and overcoming the difficulties of recasting the Broken Cauldron could Zhou Chun truly be said to have the qualifications for the Golden Elixir and truly have the foundation to aspire to the Golden Elixir.

From now on, the most important thing for the Zhou family will be to fully support Zhou Chun's cultivation and provide him with the best cultivation conditions so that he can practice well without any distractions and practice smoothly.

Whether the Zhou family can regain its glory in the future and return to the Jindan family, all hopes will be pinned on Zhou Chun!

"Junior, I'm glad you have lived up to your mission and kept you waiting for a long time."

Looking at Zhou Mingde's joyful smile, Zhou Chun just replied with a faint smile.

He had already been happy, now it was his turn to bring happiness to others.

After Zhou Mingde heard what he said, he couldn't help but grab his shoulders and cheered again and again: "Okay, okay, Zhengchun, you have successfully opened up the Zifu. This is a great event. This is a great event for my Zhou family. It should be The whole family celebrates together, the whole family congratulates together!”

After saying that, he shouted happily: "I will pass on the order now. All the monks of my Zhou family, whether they are members of the same clan or their Taoist companions and spouses, will be rewarded with a hundred spiritual coins as a celebration!"

He has not been so happy for a long time. Even when Zhou Daoquan opened the Zifu, or Zhou Daoyi opened the Zifu, he had never been so happy.

Zhou Chun's success in opening the Zi Mansion allowed him to truly see the hope of the Zhou family to regain its glory, which was unmatched by others.

Taking out tens of thousands of spiritual coins as a reward for this is nothing at all.

Anyway, this is a way of keeping the money from outsiders, and those who benefit are the monks of the Zhou family.

And Zhou Chun had no reason to stop Zhou Mingde's decision.

After having no need to raise money to purchase spiritual objects for him to help open up the Purple Mansion, it was not difficult for the Zhou family to come up with such a sum of spiritual coins.

This was something that benefited the whole clan of monks, and it could win people's hearts and accumulate prestige for him, so what reason did he have to object.

So when this incident spread, the Zhou family monks who were originally happy that there was an additional Zifu monk in the family were even more happy and shouted slogans such as "The patriarch is holy" and "The supreme elder is holy". .

The entire Jiufengling Zhou family was in a state of revelry because of Zhou Chun's success in opening the Zi Mansion.

As for the news about Zhou Chun's success in opening the Zi Mansion, under this circumstance, it quickly spread to all the major immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou, as well as to the immortal cultivating families in other nearby states.

After those cultivating families learned about this, they felt envious, jealous, and hateful. Many cultivating families spontaneously sent people to the Zhou family in Jiufeng Ridge to congratulate him without the need for an invitation from the Zhou family.

This is the current influence of the Zhou family. Every move can cause shock in the region!

At the same time, while Zhou Chun was busy receiving envoys from various families to express their congratulations, something he had been worrying about in the distant Great Zhou Kingdom finally came to fruition.

Great Zhou Kingdom, Xiandufang City.

On this day, over a certain cave in the rental area of ​​​​the cave in the west of Xiandufang City, dark clouds suddenly gathered, forming a dark cloud covering an area of ​​dozens of acres, with faint electric lights wandering in it.

At the same time, an oppressive aura filled the surrounding area, forcing many monks practicing in other nearby caves to terminate their practice. Some even vomited blood and suffered internal injuries.

Such a situation, of course, made these people angry. They walked out of the cave one after another, wanting to see which bold guy dared to do such an offending thing in Xiandufang City.

But when these people came out of the cave and saw the huge dark cloud, a knowledgeable person immediately blurted out its origin.

"A sign of elixir formation, someone in Fangshi successfully formed an elixir!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of those monks who were still full of anger suddenly changed, and their anger disappeared instantly.

"It does look like the celestial sign of pill formation recorded in the classics, but why did you choose to form pills in this city?"

"I heard that at that big auction more than ten years ago, someone spent a huge amount of money to buy a set of three spiritual objects that assist in forming pills. Could it be that this senior who successfully formed pills was the mysterious buyer? ?”

"The golden elixir of Taoism! This is the dream of many monks in my generation, but today I have to see others realize it with my own eyes!"

"When I swallowed a golden elixir, I couldn't control my fate. I really hope I can have such a day!"

Around the cave rented by Lin Hongyu, the monks who were attracted by the celestial sign of forming an elixir were all talking about this matter. Many people were also speculating on the identity of the person who formed the elixir, which was very lively.

But just as these people were sighing and discussing, a majestic and majestic voice suddenly sounded in the surrounding area.

"No noise is allowed in this important place!"

Then there was a flash of green light, and a round-faced man wearing a green robe appeared outside the cave where dark clouds gathered.

Dare to fly like this in Fang City, the round-faced man is obviously from the management of Fang City.

And the unfathomable cultivation level on his body even made some monks in the Zifu period change their expressions, and their eyes were full of awe.

When Zhou Daoyi, who was hiding in the cave, saw this person appear, his smile that was overjoyed because of Lin Hongyu's success in forming the elixir suddenly faded. He quickly flew out of the cave, saluted the round-faced man and said, "Junior Zhou Daoyi, I have met my senior. .”

"What is the relationship between the Taoist friend who formed the elixir in the cave and you? Why did he form the elixir here without reporting it in advance?"

The round-faced man looked at Zhou Daoyi with a gloomy expression and said in a harsh tone.

This made Zhou Daoyi even more nervous, and he hurriedly responded respectfully: "Replying to the senior, the person who formed the elixir in the cave is the junior Taoist couple. As for why they didn't report it in advance, it's because the junior couple didn't know that there was such a thing in the city. I don’t intend to hide it by following the rules, I hope seniors will be aware of it and be considerate!”

Hearing his answer, the round-faced man suddenly had a strange look in his eyes, and couldn't help but look at him twice.

Then he said calmly: "Since you didn't know about it beforehand, you can be given a lighter punishment. I'll fine you two 10,000 spiritual coins."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and said, "You can pay the fine at the Immortal Capital Palace. I will visit you again after the fellow Taoists inside have left the customs."

Then just as suddenly as it appeared, the figure disappeared again.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Daoyi could only hold his fists in front of the sky and salute: "Junior, I obey, and send my senior off respectfully."

After saying that, he looked at the monks who were attracted by the heavenly signs of pill formation, and immediately retreated into the cave.

Soon after, the dark clouds gathering over Xiandufang City dispersed out of thin air, and the depressing atmosphere also disappeared.

But Zhou Daoyi was not able to see the Taoist companion.

Because Lin Hongyu had just successfully formed the elixir at this time, she was unable to leave the seclusion at all and needed to practice quietly for a period of time to consolidate her cultivation.

However, as she successfully formed the elixir, Zhou Daoyi's protection for her could come to an end.

Knowing that there is a newly promoted Jindan monk practicing in the cave, there must be no non-sighted monk coming to disturb him.

So after Zhou Daoyi communicated with Lin Hongyu through the air, he left the cave first and went to the Xiandu Palace deep in Fang City to pay a fine of 10,000 spirit coins, and at the same time paid the rent for the cave for another two years.

After doing all this, he left Xiandufang City, where he had stayed for more than ten years, and embarked on his way back to his family.

Zhou Daoyi was in a hurry to go home at this time, so he naturally wanted to go back first to announce the good news.

Although he has not returned home for more than ten years, he also knows that Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun in the family must have been eagerly waiting for this good news.

Moreover, after Lin Hongyu successfully formed the elixir, how to arrange her arrangements will also be something that the Zhou family needs to pay attention to.

It is necessary for Zhou Daoyi to go back and discuss with Zhou Mingde and others first.

On the way back, Zhou Daoyi also made a short detour to Yangguo, told Lin Wan'er the good news of Lin Hongyu's success in forming pills, and took Lin Wan'er with him to the Zhou family.

That is, two months after Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family, Zhou Daoyi and Lin Wan'er also returned to the Zhou family mountain gate in Jiufeng Ridge.

After Zhou Daoyi came back, he learned the good news about Zhou Chun's success in opening the Purple Mansion before he had time to share the good news about Lin Hongyu's success in forming the elixir to Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun.

After hearing the news, he suddenly beamed with joy and was ecstatic. He was even happier than when he witnessed Lin Hongyu's success in forming pills.

In his heart, he had always regarded Zhou Chun as his nephew and descendant. Now that he knew that Zhou Chun had caught up with him in terms of cultivation, how could he not be extremely happy and relieved.

In comparison, although Lin Hongyu was his Taoist companion, his actual feelings for this Taoist companion were not as deep as his feelings for Zhou Chun, a junior.

"This is really a double happiness, a double happiness!"

On the Pagoda Peak, when Zhou Mingde saw the returning Zhou Daoyi and learned from him the news that Lin Hongyu had successfully formed the elixir, he once again shouted "God bless the Zhou family" with great joy.

The second update is here!

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