Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 364 The years are ruthless [Please subscribe]

First, Zhou Chun succeeded in opening the Zi Mansion, and then Lin Hongyu succeeded in forming an elixir.

This double moment of happiness is probably the happiest moment for Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi in a hundred years.

What they have been striving for, what they have been fighting for, they all have hope, real hope, because of these two happy events.

After being happy, the three of them gathered in Zhou Mingde's cave and discussed how to arrange Lin Hongyu's affairs.

"After all, Fellow Daoist Lin is from the Dragon Transformation Sect. She fought many times with monks from the three sects during the Southern Expedition, and many monks from the three sects died under her hands."

"If we directly announce her existence to the outside world, the three sects may not listen to our explanation, and the relatives, friends and Taoist monks who died under her will definitely regard my Zhou family as their enemies."

"More importantly, if the Hualong Sect knows that Fellow Daoist Lin betrayed them, they will definitely take action and cannot just sit idly by!"

"With all this in mind, I think it would be best for Fellow Daoist Lin not to appear in public."

Inside the cave, after listening to the words conveyed by Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Mingde thought for a while before expressing his own opinion.

Although Lin Hongyu joined the Zhou family in the first place, it was because of his efforts.

But he was just greedy for Lin Hongyu's abilities and didn't want Lin Hongyu to show up on behalf of the Zhou family.

And apart from his personal thoughts, the few things he said at this time are indeed things that need to be paid attention to.

"But if Senior Lin is not allowed to show her face, let alone whether she, as a dignified Golden Core monk, will be willing to continue to remain anonymous, even her cultivation place will not be easy for us to arrange!"

"Our Jiufeng Ridge can barely accommodate a Golden Core monk to practice. If Senior Lin is not allowed to sit in the family, where should she be arranged?"

When Zhou Chun said this, he frowned first.

And Zhou Mingde, like him, instantly frowned because of this matter.

You must know that the amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy required by the Golden Core Stage monks for daily inhalation is extremely large. It is impossible for a small gathering place like the Red Jade Peak Stronghold to support a Golden Core Stage monk to meditate and practice normally.

Even a spiritual land like the Zhou family's Jiufeng Ridge can only be said to be barely supplied. It is impossible to say that Zhou Chun and the other Zifu period monks will be separated from each other at some point to avoid competing for spiritual energy.

If the Zhou family did not allow Lin Hongyu to show up openly, then they would not be able to allow her to stay inside the Zhou family's mountain gate.

Because in that case, other Jindan stage monks suddenly come to the Zhou family, or some Zifu stage monks with keen perception come to the Zhou family.

It is easy to discover that there are golden elixir-level monks hidden in the Zhou family's mountain gate through Lin Hongyu's huge demand for spiritual energy in daily practice.

But except for Jiufengling Mountain Gate, the Zhou family currently has no spiritual place outside that can provide training for Golden Core monks.

And if they couldn't even provide a place to practice, how could the Zhou family have the dignity to let a Golden Core monk work for them incognito?

While Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were both frowning and thinking about this matter, Zhou Daoyi suddenly said: "How about the wilderness? Can the family choose a spiritual place in the wilderness to build a large stronghold and let Hongyu practice there. "

"Anyway, she has been practicing and growing up in the wilderness since she was a child. If she is allowed to go back there to practice again, she will definitely not refuse."

"And the family only allows her to go there to practice, and does not restrict her freedom. If she wants to travel to the world of immortality in various countries, she can still travel under a pseudonym!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun immediately frowned and said: "There is certainly no shortage of spiritual grounds for Senior Lin to practice in the wilderness. To establish a large stronghold and maintain the normal operation of the stronghold, it would take at least hundreds of Qi refining stages. The monks are here to maintain it, and it is impossible for the family to send so many clan members there at present."

"And even if the family can send people there, the existence of Senior Lin will not be hidden. We can't let those clan members never return to the family just to keep it secret!"

Zhou Chun only talked about the number of people.

In fact, to establish a large gathering place to accommodate the normal practice of Jindan monks, not only a large number of people are needed, but also supporting formations.

But after Zhou Mingde heard Zhou Chun's words, his expression quickly changed, and he suddenly said: "The family can't extract so many people, so what about kidnapping people from the outside world? Just like what we did before, capture some The extremely evil cultivators are sent to the wilderness to help them open up the wilderness so that they can rehabilitate themselves."

Zhou Chun didn't expect Zhou Mingde to say this, and was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

But he soon shook his head and said: "I'm afraid this won't work. People who can be bandit cultivators are not guys who are content with the status quo, and they are usually not very afraid of death. How can they be willing to spend their whole lives in pioneering strongholds? Inside, he will preside over the Spirit Purification Array until he dies of old age!"

After saying this, Zhou Mingde also opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

Indeed, most of the monks who can become bandit cultivators are the kind of people who are unsatisfied with the status quo and will use any means to achieve their goals.

It is already difficult for such people to control it, let alone to do things that sacrifice themselves and illuminate others.

"If you are not satisfied with the status quo, then give them a chance and hope for improvement!"

After a long silence, Zhou Daoyi suddenly spoke: "The family can use the name of secretly pioneering wasteland under the orders of the three sects to cover up the real purpose, let Hongyu sit in the stronghold as a golden elixir monk, give them a sense of security and shock, and then deal with them The spiritual objects found in the wilderness are purchased at low prices.”

"We can even let Wan'er, a family foundation-building monk who rarely shows up, pretend to be the captured person to confuse them."

"Then the family can pretend to give them the opportunity to buy auxiliary foundation-building spiritual items, but in fact, after they get the items and enter the secret room to retreat, they secretly have people sneak in and assassinate them, creating a scene where they die after failing to build the foundation."

"Even when the number of spiritual coins accumulated by some of them is about to reach the purchase standard, they are allowed to die in the wild at the hands of monsters."

"As a result, it will take too long to say. In seventy or eighty years, they should be a little suspicious at most, and they will definitely not be able to know the family's true intentions!"

"And by that time, whether the family cultivates more trustworthy family warriors or sends clan members there, it should be enough to maintain the operation of the stronghold."

He is worthy of being the head of the Zhou family of the previous generation. As soon as he said these words, Zhou Mingde's eyes lit up.

He immediately clapped his hands and shouted: "Wonderful, Dao Yi's plan is brilliant, I think it's done like this, this plan is totally worth a try!"

After hearing Zhou Daoyi's words, Zhou Chun could only lament that he was still too kind.

Zhou Daoyi's strategy is undoubtedly a poisonous trick that takes advantage of people's human nature to the extreme.

Once this plan is implemented, most of the captured bandit cultivators will be discarded after being drained of all remaining value.

There is a high probability that Zhou Chun would not be able to come up with such a vicious plan.

"We are fighting evil with evil. Those bandit cultivators usually do a lot of evil. They must not have imagined that the retribution waiting for them will be like this!"

Seeing that Zhou Chun had not spoken, Zhou Mingde seemed to understand what he was thinking, and went out of his way to comfort him.

Zhou Chun could only smile bitterly at this, and could only nod lightly and said: "If we just arrest those bandit cultivators to do this, of course this junior will not have any objections."

"Then let's finalize these things first. Dao Yi, when you go back to see Fellow Daoist Lin, talk to her about this matter and see what she thinks."

Zhou Mingde nodded and immediately decided on the matter.

Then he added: "If Fellow Daoist Lin has no objection to this, Dao Yi, you can also tell her by the way that from now on, the family will give her five thousand spiritual coins as a welfare offering every year. If she needs it, the family monks can help her collect it." Whatever it is, the family will definitely try its best to help her search for it."

"Junior understands, this junior will definitely bring these words to her."

Zhou Daoyi nodded slightly and wrote these down.

After completing the announcement of the good news, Zhou Daoyi quickly returned to the Kingdom of Zhou.

As for Zhou Chun, after getting the three Foundation-Building Pills he originally ordered from Zhou Daoyi, plus the one he got from Yangguo Xuepo Palace, he now has four more Foundation-Building Pills in his hand. Foundation Building Pill.

So he announced the good news to the family, giving reassurance to the ordinary people who had been worried about this matter.

After doing this, Zhou Chun went to the wilderness in person.

This was Zhou Chun's first trip to the wilderness after opening up Zifu.

He wanted to inform Zhou Daoquan, the supreme elder, of the good news that he had opened the Zi Mansion and Lin Hongyu's success in forming pills. He also wanted to discuss the establishment of a large gathering place in the wilderness.

And because the Zhou family's current main base in the wilderness has moved to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, after Zhou Chun arrived in the wilderness through the underground waterway this time, he did not go to Longxing Valley and went directly to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

"Sure enough, I knew from the beginning that with your talents, Thirteenth Brother, there is no way that the Zifu period could be your limit. I didn't expect you to succeed so quickly!"

In the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, Zhou Zhengyong was overjoyed after seeing Zhou Chun who had cultivated in the Zifu period, and felt happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

I saw him sighing loudly: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, a monk who is more than a hundred years old. My Zhou family has not seen such a young monk of the Zifu period for hundreds of years. Thirteenth brother, you are now He has completely surpassed the other Supreme Elders!"

"Brother Yong's words really offend my younger brother. My ability to open the Purple Mansion so quickly is the result of the hard work of all the elders, but I dare not say that!"

Zhou Chun waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that Zhou Zhengyong should not compare himself with his elders like this, lest others would hear him and say that he was arrogant based on his talent and despised his elders.

When Zhou Zhengyong heard what he said, he also realized that he had made a mistake. He immediately raised his hand and slapped his mouth lightly and said with a smile: "Look at me, I just can't control my mouth. I always say what I think of. I must control it carefully in the future." That’s it!”

The phrase "Say whatever comes to mind" fully demonstrated his emotional intelligence and made Zhou Chun also laugh.

The two of them were chatting and laughing, and immediately walked towards Zhou Daoquan's residence.

But when he was walking halfway, Zhou Chun suddenly thought of something. He couldn't help but look at Zhou Zhengyong and said, "By the way, why don't you see Sister-in-law Ten?"

After hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyong couldn't help but smile, and the smile gradually disappeared from his face.

Just when Zhou Chun's heart skipped a beat, thinking that something had happened to Sun Yujiao, Zhou Zhengyong sighed softly and said: "She is old and homesick, and she dislikes me for not having time to accompany her. She said she was planning to stay with her Let the Sun family spend the last few years!"

This sigh was full of helplessness and guilt, and the smile on Zhou Chun's face quickly disappeared.

Zhou Chun couldn't help but recall the gentle and beautiful Sun Jiamei in his mind.

Back then, in order to test Zhou Zhengyong who came to propose marriage, Sun Yujiao's parents specially arranged a test mission of hunting down the first-order high-grade monster Purple Flame Marten.

In order to marry his beloved woman, Zhou Zhengyong also came to ask Zhou Chun to help him complete the matter.

In the end, with the combined efforts of the two, they successfully killed the purple flame marten, allowing Zhou Zhengyong to successfully embrace the beauty.

Later, Sun Yujiao gave birth to a son for Zhou Zhengyong. Zhou Zhengyong specially invited Zhou Chun to check his spiritual root qualifications, and even asked Zhou Chun to name his son.

These past events were recalled one by one in Zhou Chun's mind at this moment, making him feel sad.

Then he remembered the last time he saw Sun Yujiao. It was before the retreat and the opening of Zi Mansion. He came specially to release snow crystal insects in the ice cave in the wilderness.

At that time, Sun Yujiao was already over 100 years old and became a white-haired old woman.

In fact, Sun Yujiao's qualifications are not inferior to Zhou Zhengyong's. If he has the same fate as Zhou Zhengyong, he may not be able to succeed in building a foundation.

But unfortunately, at the age when she could build a foundation, neither the Zhou family nor the Sun family, where she was born, could provide her with such precious spiritual objects as the foundation building pill.

So now she is very old and her days are numbered, but her Taoist couple and her son have both successfully built the foundation, and they have only gone through less than half of their lives.

This was not a torture for her.

No wonder she no longer wants to live with Zhou Zhengyong and just wants to return to the place of her birth to spend the rest of her life.

"Time flies so fast. There were so many familiar faces back then, but now there are only a few that I can still see. Time is really the most ruthless!"

Zhou Chunqing couldn't help but sigh, feeling extremely emotional inside.

In the past, when he pursued a higher realm of cultivation, he wanted more to gain stronger strength so that he could better stand on this dangerous world and see the scenery of this world from a higher place.

He was not very impressed by the increase in longevity after his cultivation breakthrough.

But now, seeing that all the relatives, friends and elders he had made friends with when he first came to this world have passed away or are about to pass away due to exhaustion of lifespan, he deeply feels the ruthlessness of time.

There is no doubt that compared to Sun Yujiao and other monks of his generation, he is lucky.

Since coming to this world, with his own efforts and the care of his elders, although he has experienced many hardships, the rewards he has reaped are also great, so that he never has to worry about not having enough longevity.

But the vast majority of monks in this world are undoubtedly like Sun Yujiao, or perhaps not as good as Sun Yujiao, who can live to the end of his life.

The road is ruthless, and there are many corpses on the road to eternal life.

Until the day comes when one truly has the endless lifespan of immortality, no one can be lazy, otherwise one day they will be like that mortal, helplessly watching their lifespan run out and have no choice but to do anything!

After Zhou Chun realized this in his heart, the complacency he felt because of his success in opening the Zi Mansion when he was over a hundred years old dissipated in an instant.

His future is still long!

The first update is here!

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