Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 365 Millennium Dragon Grass News [Please subscribe]

Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

When Zhou Daoquan met Zhou Chun, who had cultivated in the Zifu period, he was also extremely happy and overjoyed.

In his mouth, he repeatedly uttered exclamations like "the blue is better than the blue".

In comparison, after hearing the news about Lin Hongyu's success in forming pills from Zhou Chun, although he was relieved and happy, he was not so emotional. At most, he was glad that his family's investment had not been in vain.

After all, he and Lin Hongyu were not familiar with each other, and his surname was not Zhou.

Even if he would protect the Zhou family after successfully forming the elixir, it was just a deal in Zhou Daoquan's eyes.

So it’s okay to be happy, but the meaning of happiness is completely different.

Zhou Chun then also talked about the family's plan to let Lin Hongyu come to the wilderness to establish a stronghold.

After listening to what he relayed, Zhou Daoquan thought in silence for a while, and then said: "I have no objection to the family's plan, but has the family considered how to let those people get along with Xu Fu and others? "

"Although Xu Fu and others have been trained and raised in the family since they were young, and they are also bound by the "Secret of Dragon Transformation", if they are allowed to get along with those captured bandit cultivators, there is no guarantee that they will not leak anything, which will affect the family's plan. But it’s not pretty.”

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately said: "This should not be a big problem. Even Xu Fu and others will not know the family's true intention of expanding the stronghold. Instead, they can be confused through their mouths and the family's relevant rewards. Those bandit cultivators."

"And Xu Fu and others must be involved in this matter. Otherwise, without their supervision, those bandit cultivators might appear to deliberately cause sabotage during the execution of their mission!"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Daoquan thought it made sense and said no more.

He just nodded and said: "The concentration of spiritual energy here in Caiyu Valley is higher than that of the family mountain gate, and there is no need to support so many monks and monsters. It is completely enough for Taoist friend Lin's practice. It just needs to slightly replace the spirit-purifying array." For a moment, replace it with a magic circle that covers a larger area."

"That is indeed the case, and with Senior Lin in charge, there is no need to change the guardian formation. Now it is completely feasible to slightly expand the range of this formation."

Zhou Chun also mentioned another convenience.

After discussing this with Zhou Daoquan, Zhou Chun also specially reviewed Xu Fu and others.

More than twenty years later, of the forty-seven Zhou family dead soldiers who came here, only twenty-three are still alive. The number of casualties is not low.

However, these surviving monks are now at the lowest level of the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, which shows that their gains are not small.

During the years when Zhou Chun went to Yang Country and retreated to open up the Zi Mansion, the Zhou family also sent more than twenty clan members to join the stronghold to supplement their strength.

In addition, among the second batch of family warriors trained, there are also some outstanding ones who can come out and follow suit.

Such increases and decreases finally managed to barely maintain the operation of the two strongholds.

But Zhou Chun already knew from Zhou Zhengyong that in order to maintain the operation of the two strongholds and plan to mine the spirit jade mine, Xu Fu and others basically no longer go out to search for any spiritual objects. They are all in the two strongholds and the spirit jade veins. It's busy there.

At this time, the people Zhou Chun inspected were also people from the Caiyu Valley stronghold, only a dozen of them.

After reviewing these people accompanied by Xu Fu, he told Xu Fu: "In the future, the family may move some people to expand their stronghold. Xu Fu, you and your people must be mentally prepared to be able to suppress those people by then. Help people, don’t let them cause damage.”

At this point, after pondering for a while, he said again: "Well, when those people come over, the family will take out a Yuan-Building Fruit to reward you again!"

He made this decision because Xu Fu and others had made great contributions to the Zhou family over the years, and also because they wanted to set an example for those bandit cultivators who would come in the future.

When Xu Fu heard what he said, he was also surprised and happy.

Immediately, I thanked you profusely: "Thank you very much, Patriarch, for your love. My brothers, I would like to thank you for your great love, Patriarch!"

"You all deserve this. I have said that as long as you all serve our Zhou family well, our Zhou family will not treat you badly."

Zhou Chun said, and patted Xu Fu's shoulder gently to show his closeness.

At this time, a surprise monkey cry sounded from the side. It turned out to be the Vajra Monkey who greeted Zhou Chun in surprise after seeing him.

Zhou Chun heard the reputation and couldn't help but said with slightly surprised eyes: "Oh, Dali, have you also been promoted to the second-level mid-level monster?"

"It's like this. A few years ago, Dali helped the family win a tree of spirit fruits in the wilderness, so after asking the third elder for instructions, I rewarded it with three spirit fruits. Unexpectedly, it happened to help it advance to Second level mid-grade.”

Zhou Zhengyong, who was behind Zhou Chun, heard what he said and immediately took the initiative to explain the reason.

"That's really its destiny!"

Zhou Chun nodded, and immediately reached out to shake hands with the golden-haired giant monkey who came over, patted its lowered head, and chatted with it in monkey language.

Next, Zhou Chun went to visit the spiritual jade mine in person.

This Ling Jade Mine has now begun to dig holes, and the miners who are digging are the descendants of the wild people who were sheltered and sheltered by Zhou Zhengyong many years ago.

Now, under the protection of the monks of the Zhou family, those wild people have returned to civilization, learned how to weave, cast, and cultivate, and their number has grown to tens of thousands.

Even many outstanding wild people among them were able to enter the two strongholds of the Zhou family to do chores for the immortal cultivators of the Zhou family.

But Zhou Chun specifically warned Zhou Zhengyong this time not to let the number of wild people continue to explode like this, otherwise it will definitely cause trouble.

This is actually for the benefit of the wild people themselves.

Because if it really attracts the attention of high-level monsters or even people from the Hualong Sect, it will only be these wild people who will suffer.

After viewing the Ling Jade Mine, Zhou Chun officially left the Jade Cai Valley stronghold.

However, he did not return directly to his family, but took a detour to the location of the Scaled Frog alien tribe.

Speaking of which, in recent years, because the power of Hualong Cult has completely withdrawn from the Longyuan Ze coast, without their harm, and they have received many weapons, medicines and other supplies from the Zhou family, the scaled frog alien race has also developed rapidly and has the potential to rise. .

As far as Zhou Chun knew, Lu Ran had already conquered a third-level scaled frog alien warlock, and trained a third-level scaled frog alien warlock himself.

The number of second-level scaled frog alien warlocks he can command and mobilize has reached more than twenty.

Although this force is not as powerful as the Zhou family, it is still a great improvement compared to before.

It was also through the service of these subordinates that he was able to exchange treasures from the waters for various supplies from the Zhou family.

Zhou Chun came to visit Lu Ran this time because he wanted to get information about the Dragon Transformation Grass from him.

After all, the Scaled Frog aliens are also natives of Longyuanze. Even if they are not in the eyes of the Jiaolong clan because of their weak strength, their understanding of the situation inside and outside Longyuanze is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Zhou Chun wanted to inquire from Lu Ran to see if he could get information about the Millennium Dragon Grass.

"It's really amazing. I don't think I have seen you for more than ten years. Fellow Daoist Zhou has already successfully opened up the Zifu. It's really awesome to be born in the future!"

In Lu Ran's luxurious water mansion, when he saw Zhou Chun, a monk from the Purple Mansion Stage standing in front of him, he was also amazed by Zhou Chun's astonishing speed of progress in cultivation.

Speaking of which, he is also Zhou Chun's old friend.

When the two first met, Zhou Chun was only in the early stages of foundation building, and he had just completed his cultivation transfer.

Over the years, although they didn't meet many times, it seemed that every time they met, he could clearly notice the improvement in Zhou Chun's cultivation.

But even though he had tried his best to overestimate Zhou Chun's cultivation speed before, he never expected that Zhou Chun could break through the Zifu level so easily.

And he was just a monk in the Zifu Stage at the beginning.

Comparing the various stumbling blocks and difficulties and obstacles on his original cultivation journey, Lu Ran couldn't help but feel sincere envy of Zhou Chun.

It's just that Zhou Chun has heard too many amazing words like Lu Ran's in the past few days, and hearing them again at this time can no longer stir up any waves in his heart.

He just replied very politely and humbly: "It's just a matter of good luck. I succeeded just once. I don't deserve such praise from Senior Lu."

After saying that, he straightened up his face, raised his hands to Lu Ran and said with a stern face: "To be honest, senior, I took the liberty to visit you this time because I have something to ask of senior!"

"Oh, what on earth is worthy of Fellow Daoist Zhou being like this?"

Lu Ran's expression changed, his two frog eyes widened, and he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun in surprise.

So Zhou Chun told him about his desire to find the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass.

After hearing what he said, Lu Ran nodded to him with a clear face and said, "Young Daoist Zhou wants to find the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass because he wants to help that silver lightning python transform into a dragon, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly what Zhou meant."

Zhou Chun did not hide his intentions and admitted it generously.

Seeing that he was so open and unconcealed, Lu Ran was quite satisfied. He immediately nodded slightly and said, "Actually, Fellow Daoist Zhou is the right person to ask about this matter. Lu really happens to know where this thing is!"

At this point, his tone condensed slightly, "It's just that Fellow Daoist Zhou knows where a place like the Millennium Dragon Grass will grow. It's probably very difficult to get such a spiritual object!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun also said with a solemn face: "Of course Zhou knows what's going on. It's just a matter of turning a spiritual pet into a dragon. Even if it's a very difficult matter, Zhou should try his best."

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhou is determined, Lu will not persuade you any more. Lu can tell Fellow Daoist Zhou the location of the dragon's lair, but Lu also has one thing that he would like to ask Fellow Daoist Zhou to agree to."

Lu Ran nodded first and agreed to help, then mentioned the conditions.

He and Zhou Chun only have a cooperative relationship, so of course his help will not be in vain.

Zhou Chun didn't mind this, and immediately replied in a deep voice: "Senior Lu, please tell me. As long as Zhou can do it, I will not refuse."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou also knows that Lu's time is running out, and he will die in more than ten years at most. What Lu wants is to ask Fellow Daoist Zhou to continue to deal with the black people after Lu's death. The Spear Tribe takes care of it and maintains trade between the two tribes.”

Lu Ran stared at Zhou Chun and spoke in a low voice what he wanted.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately frowned.

All this time, the Zhou family has been doing business with Lu Ran rather than with the scaled frog aliens.

If Lu Ran continues to trade with the scaled frog aliens after his death, it may not be as convenient and safe as it is now.

I saw thoughts swirling in Zhou Chun's mind. After thinking for a while, he looked at Lu Ran and asked, "Senior Lu shouldn't have leaked the information about that waterway, right?"

Hearing his question, Lu Randang replied with a solemn expression: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, Lu can still distinguish the importance of this. Even if Lu passes away, he will never leak this matter." Get out!"

This answer made Zhou Chun also relaxed, and he immediately said: "It's not that I don't believe Senior Lu, but what Senior Lu said is of great importance. I can't give Senior a positive answer now."

"This junior will have to discuss this matter with several elders after returning to the family before he can give a definite answer to the seniors."

At this point, Zhou Chun also knew that he might not be able to do what he wanted today, so he took the opportunity to say goodbye to Lu Ran.

Before he left, Lu Ran looked at him sincerely and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou might as well give a message to fellow Taoist Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi. The trade between the two tribes is always a matter of mutual benefit. The strength of the clan cannot pose any threat to the human race at all!"

"Junior will take the senior's words to heart."

Zhou Chun responded and immediately started on his way home.

As soon as he returned to the family gate, Zhou Chun went to see Zhou Mingde and told him how he went to see Lu Ran and what Lu Ran asked him to do for him.

Then when Zhou Mingde was thinking, he also expressed his own point of view: "In fact, maintaining trade between the two races is indeed beneficial to both sides. The terrible thing is that Lu Ran, the frog body and human soul, will not be able to restrain him. , those scaled frog aliens will be short-sighted and make endless explorations, and even leak our existence to the dragon clan!"

"Well, what you said, Masazumi, hits the nail on the head. We really have to guard against these!"

Zhou Mingde couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with the two points Zhou Chun said.

After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Let's talk to Lu Ran and see if he has any way to make some guarantees about this. If he doesn't have a good way, let's pretend to agree first. After he passes away, he will completely cut off all contact with those alien species of scaled frogs!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhou Chun and consoled him: "You don't have to be too anxious. Even if you can't get the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass, there are still two Thunder Dragon Lizards on the Thunder Lizard Island as alternatives. They also contain a lot of energy." If the blood of the thunder dragon is weak, if you use their inner elixir to give it to the silver lightning thunder python, you will still have a chance of turning it into a dragon successfully!"

But Zhou Chun didn't take these words of comfort at all.

It contains the blood of thunder dragon, but it is not a real thunder dragon.

If it is truly a third-level thunder dragon inner elixir, it is naturally better than anything else.

But how much effect can the third-level Thunder Dragon Lizard inner elixir containing the blood of the Thunder Dragon have on the Silver Lightning Thunder Python?

Breaking through the third level from the second level is the best opportunity to transform into a dragon. If you miss this time, you will have to wait until the third level breaks through the fourth level.

Zhou Chun would rather the Silver Lightning Python wait for a few years to break through to the third level in vain, and would never let it waste this opportunity to transform into a dragon.

Chapter 2 is here!

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