Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 366 New Secret Technique, First Exploration into the Dragon’s Nest [Please subscribe]

Although they decided to talk to Lu Ran about cooperation between the two races, neither Zhou Mingde nor Zhou Chun were in a hurry to travel.

They had to give Lu Ran some time to show off and show a very cautious attitude, so that they could gain a dominant position in the subsequent conversation and obtain more benefits.

Zhou Chun also stopped by the Zhou family's library at this time, intending to look for records about the Dragon Transformation Grass and the dragon's lair.

At this time, the person guarding the library is still the Aoki Ape.

Many years have passed, and this Green Wood Spirit Ape has been promoted to a second-level high-grade monster, nourished by the abundant spiritual energy inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate.

It's just that the Zhou family is powerful now, and its strength is actually no longer ranked among the Zhou family.

When Zhou Chun went to read a book, he called Mu Mei out to play with her.

Speaking of which, among Zhou Chun's four spiritual pets, the silver lightning python, the golden armored rock turtle, and the golden-winged tiger can all be played well, and there is no barrier between them.

But Mu Mei doesn't know whether he still remembers the hatred of the three people who attacked him in the past, or he hates their smell and never wants to play with them.

There are many monsters in the Zhou Family Mountain Gate this week, but only the old ape Qingmu Spirit Ape can win its favor and is willing to play with it.

Zhou Chun had nothing to do about this situation, let alone force anything.

These monster pets are like teenagers, they are full of personality. Their owners can restrain them, but they cannot make them change their personalities.

Even if Zhou Chun forcibly locks them in a yard, they still can't play together. Most likely they will just lie down with their eyes closed and not see them.

Zhou Chun's requirement is that they don't have to play together in normal times, but they must cooperate with each other in wartime, help each other and take care of each other, and must not let themselves be compromised.

Otherwise, he will never be merciless in handling it.

After staying in the library for a few hours, Zhou Chun put the unfinished Mu Mei into the spirit beast bag and left the place.

When he returned to his residence, Zhou Chun began to think about the focus of his future practice.

With his success in opening the Zi Mansion, most of the Zhou family's family affairs were left to Zhou Jiarui, the "executive deputy patriarch". Only some more important matters would be sent to his residence for him to review and confirm.

This was also specifically requested by Zhou Mingde.

And Zhou Chun himself is not the kind of person who is greedy for power, and of course he will not refuse this.

In the past, he had to do everything by himself. That was because the Zhou family was really in a difficult situation at that time, with everything waiting to be done and no room for mistakes.

But now the Zhou family can be said to be strong and powerful.

Even if someone with less ability is replaced to manage the family, the foundation of the family will not be shaken.

What's more, after decades of governance by Zhou Chun and many reforms and consolidations, the Zhou family's management system is now very mature.

As long as this management system is maintained and Zhou Chun occasionally allocates some time for inspections, it will be enough to ensure that there will be no major problems.

This way, Zhou Chun would have a lot of time to devote to practicing secret arts and spells without having to devote a lot of energy to dealing with family affairs.

In terms of magic, Zhou Chun felt that he was not that talented and did not want to spend too much energy on it. He just wanted to be able to get started and master it.

As for the secret arts, he has tasted its benefits many times and is very enthusiastic about practicing in this area.

After reaching the Zifu stage, there are many more secret techniques for him to choose from.

At this time, Zhou Chun was thinking about which types of cultivation he should practice.

People's energy is always limited. Even if he no longer has to deal with family affairs, the extra energy he has after practicing is only enough for him to practice two or three secret techniques.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Chun made a decision in his heart.

He decided to practice the two secret techniques recorded in the other four chapters of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" first, two secret techniques that he had been coveting for a long time.

These two secret techniques are "Golden Gang Slash" and "Concentric Golden Lock".

"Golden Gang Slash" is a domineering and fierce attack secret technique, somewhat similar to the "Xinjin Sword Qi" that Zhou Chun had practiced before, but it is many times more powerful.

This secret technique only has the power of one blow, but it can be used as a killer move to press the bottom of the box.

"Tongxin Golden Lock" is a secret technique to trap the enemy. Once the enemy is locked by the chain, he will be in the dilemma of competing with Zhou Chun for his magic power, just like a martial arts master competing with his palms to compete for internal strength.

This move is very suitable for dealing with enemies whose cultivation level is equal to Zhou Chun's, or slightly higher than his.

When they were competing for mana, his spiritual pet could take advantage of the situation and take down the enemy.

Obviously, the two secret techniques Zhou Chun chose were focused on improving his own offensive capabilities.

And it was normal for him to make this choice.

After all, none of his spiritual pets have been promoted to the third level yet and cannot be of great help when he fights against opponents of the same realm, so he has no choice but to improve his own strength first.

In addition to these two secret techniques, Zhou Chun actually has another secret technique that needs to be practiced, which is the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique that he has been practicing hard before.

The "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique that Zhou Chun practiced before was only the first part, and the second part requires the Zifu stage to practice.

Only by completing the first and second chapters can the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique truly achieve the level of "a thousand-mile golden rainbow can be returned in an instant" as mentioned in the secret technique.

After making his choice at this time, Zhou Chun spent all his time outside of daily practice on these three secret techniques.

Half a year later, the Zhou family held a family celebration for Zhou Chun's opening of the Purple Mansion.

In fact, according to Zhou Mingde's original intention, he wanted to do something grand and make it more grand than Zhou Daoquan's time.

But Zhou Chun felt that opening the Zi Mansion at the age of more than 100 was already very publicity.

If we continue to make grand arrangements and celebrate grandly, it will be too much and not beautiful.

After he said this, Zhou Mingde stopped mentioning any big things and only held celebrations within the clan to let the clan members have fun together.

After the celebration, Zhou Chuncai and Zhou Mingde went to Longyuanze to negotiate with Lu Ran.

"The concerns of the two fellow Taoists, Mr. Lu thinks, are totally unnecessary."

"Although the warlocks of the Scaled Frog Clan are not as smart as the human monks, they also know the status of the Scaled Frog Clan in Longyuan Ze. Even if they betray the Zhou family, they cannot get into the eyes of the Jiaolong Clan."

"As for the two Taoist friends who are worried about their excessive demands, there is no need to worry about this. If they are really greedy and excessive in the future, it will be their own destruction. With the current strength of the Zhou family, they cannot match it at all! "

"Furthermore, Ukuru is an orthodox Black Spear tribe warlock trained by Lu. It knows very well how much benefit cooperation with the Zhou family can bring to the Scaled Frog tribe and the tribe. As long as it is the chief elder of the tribe, it will never do any damage. Let’s talk about cooperation!”

In the water mansion, Lu Ran was very dissatisfied with the concerns raised by Zhou Mingde and answered them on the spot without thinking.

But his answer was actually just one-sided.

The Zhou family has never dealt with those scaly frog alien warlocks, but they don't know what kind of personalities those guys have.

His guarantee is actually not binding at all.

However, despite the fact that this was the case, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun did not speak out on the spot, but secretly communicated through messages.

After discussing like this for a while, I heard Zhou Mingde say: "What Fellow Daoist Lu said is not unreasonable, but the reason why our Zhou family has been able to develop steadily over the years is because we act cautiously."

"If we follow what Fellow Daoist Lu said, there is no problem in continuing to cooperate after Fellow Daoist Lu's death. However, we can only have unilateral contact with the successor chosen by our Zhou family and Fellow Daoist Lu. Fellow Daoist Lu must not let them know where my Zhou family's stronghold is. place, so as not to bring annihilation to my Zhou family!"

Maintaining only one-sided contact means that the Zhou family can cut off contact at any time if they no longer want to contact them.

In doing so, the initiative rests with the Zhou family.

Of course Lu Ran knew all about this.

So he just pondered for a moment and quickly replied: "No problem, Lu can agree to this on their behalf."

"That's it. Next, I will ask fellow Daoist Lu to help us learn the language of the Scaled Frog Clan so that we can communicate normally with your chosen successor."

Zhou Mingde nodded and agreed.

"This is natural. Lu should also tell Fellow Daoist Zhou about the situation of the thousand-year-old dragon-changing grass!"

Lu Ran said and talked about the relevant situation.

According to Lu Ran, he once discovered a dragon nest in an underwater forest in the waters outside Longyuanze. It was certain that a fourth-order dragon lived there.

And just outside the dragon's lair, he saw a lot of dragon-changing grass that was hundreds of years old growing.

Therefore, he concluded that there must be Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass inside the lair.

But he couldn't determine the specific grade of the fourth-order black dragon. He didn't know whether it was a fourth-order low-grade dragon or a fourth-order high-grade dragon.

After Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately asked him to take him to the area and visit the place first.

Lu Ran did not refuse, and immediately took Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde to the location of the dragon's lair.

After following Lu Ran like this for nearly two days, Zhou Chun and the others dived into the water with him to a depth of six to seven hundred feet.

Under the deep water, giant kelp-like aquatic plants spread all over the water. They can grow up to a hundred feet tall, which is taller than many thousand-year-old trees on land.

The fourth-order dragon's lair is located deep in this underwater forest.

"About a hundred miles further from here, there is an open space with less lush water and grass, and the dragon's nest is there."

Above the underwater forest, Lu Ran pointed in a direction and explained to Zhou Chun and others the location of the dragon's lair.

They could only stop here, because if they got any closer, the fourth-order dragon might discover their presence, and no one would be able to escape by then.

Lu Ran was able to get out of it by luck in the first place because the scaled frogs were both members of the Longyuan Ze Aquatic Tribe, and his cultivation was not a threat to the fourth-level dragon, so he didn't bother to take action against him.

Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde are serious human monks. If they dare to appear in the sight of the Longyuanze Jiaolong clan, they will definitely not escape death.

So after listening to Lu Ran's words, the two of them just took a deep look at the direction he was pointing, and then returned to the land together.

After that, Lu Ran returned to Lanzhou with Zhou Chun and the others. He would stay there for a while and teach Zhou Chun and the others the language of the Scaled Frog clan.

It is not difficult for Zifuqi monks to learn a foreign language.

When it comes to learning ability, no matter how smart an ordinary person is, he is definitely not as good as a Zifu Stage monk.

Therefore, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde only learned from Lu Ran for about a month, and they were able to communicate in the language of the Scaled Frog tribe.

After Zhou Chun learned the language of the Scaled Frog tribe, he followed Lu Ran to the Black Spear Tribe to meet and communicate with his designated successor Ukulu for the first time.

This scaled frog alien who was valued by Lu Ran looked quite different from the ordinary scaled frog alien warlock.

Its body is much stronger than that of ordinary scaled frogs. It stands up to one foot tall, and its scales are dark blue, making it very beautiful and mysterious.

"Hello, Your Excellency Ukuru, it's our first time meeting you. A mere gift would be disrespectful."

Inside the Water Mansion, after Zhou Chun looked at the unusual Scale Frog Tribe Warlock in front of him, he immediately smiled, took the initiative to say hello, and presented a special trident weapon made of cold iron.

This magical weapon was specially made by Zhou Xintie, the younger member of his family who had the best weapon refining skills. Its simple structure allowed the alien warlock of the scaly frog to activate the additional freezing effect by simply injecting mana.

This kind of simple magic weapon has always been a hot commodity in the trade between the Zhou family and the scaled frogs.

After receiving the magic weapon, the Ukuru warlock on the opposite side immediately activated the magic weapon to test its power.

When it saw that the freezing effect released by the trident weapon instantly caused the surrounding water vapor to condense into frost, its eyes instantly showed a look of joy and satisfaction.

But when Lu Ran saw what he was doing, his face immediately darkened, and he said in a rather angry tone: "Wukuru must not be rude. Have you forgotten the etiquette I taught you?"

Hearing his words, the joy on Wukulu's face suddenly stopped, and his eyes immediately showed fear. He knelt down to Lu Ran and begged, "Great elder, forgive me, I know I was wrong."

When Lu Ran saw this, he immediately snorted: "Humph, why are you asking me for forgiveness? You should be apologizing to fellow Taoist Zhou!"

After hearing this, Na Ukuru stood up quickly, bowed to Zhou Chun, apologized and said, "Fellow Taoist Zhou, please forgive me. Ukulu was rude for a moment, please forgive me."

After thinking for a moment, he took off a fistful of sea blue pearls he wore around his neck and handed it to Zhou Chun: "Ukulu didn't have anything good to give to fellow Taoist Zhou, but this water drop is quite rare. Please be sure to accept it, Fellow Daoist Zhou."

This fist-sized sea-blue pearl is the orb nurtured by a second-level high-grade clam demon for thousands of years, and contains extremely pure and rich water-based spiritual power.

Even without any refining, this object can release a powerful spiritual shield, which is definitely a rare treasure.

In terms of value, the Cold Iron Trident sent by Zhou Chun can be said to be less than one-tenth of its value.

Zhou Chun is naturally a knowledgeable person. Seeing this situation, he didn't care what Lu Ran thought about the matter and just took the orb in his hand.

Then he quickly pulled up the scaled frog warlock Ukuru and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou likes this gift from Mr. Ukuru very much, and Zhou also likes to deal with such a straightforward person like you. You don't have to be so formal in the future."

When the scaled frog warlock Ukuru heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "Ukuru also likes the gift from fellow Taoist Zhou. I hope that the friendship between the two tribes in the future will be as indestructible and permanent as these two treasures!"

I'm not feeling well today and have a headache. There's only one update!

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