Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 368 The Way of Relaxation【Please subscribe】

The Golden Sword Bamboo is indeed very hard. With Zhou Chunzi's initial cultivation level and the third-level mid-level magical weapon in his hand, it took seven consecutive slashes to chop it down.

This thing is naturally nourished by the earth, and once it is removed from the soil, it will lose its vitality and will no longer be able to be transplanted.

This is why Zhou Chun chose to chop it down roughly after discovering it.

At this time, after cutting down the entire spiritual bamboo plant by the roots, Zhou Chun did not prune the branches and just put it into the storage bag.

After doing this, he immediately put his feet on the ground, sat cross-legged, and practiced the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" for a while.

Soon he shook his head, stood up, and quickly left the place.

It turned out that he thought that the Golden Sword Bamboo grew here, and there might be some spiritual gold veins hidden underground.

But when he was practicing just now, he did not draw too rich and pure gold energy from this place, which is enough to show that there are no spiritual gold veins underground.

Speaking of which, Zhou Chun now misses the days when he was an undercover member of Hualong Sect and practiced in the Golden Dragon Fentan Mountain Gate.

The "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" he practices requires absorbing gold energy to promote practice, but there is no place rich in gold energy in the Jiufeng Ridge Mountain Gate of the Zhou family.

Therefore, Zhou Chun has always relied on purchasing gold energy to assist his practice.

However, now that his cultivation has reached the Zifu stage, the amount of gold energy he consumes during daily practice has increased a lot compared to before. Calculating, he spends thousands of spiritual coins just to purchase gold energy every year.

Such an extra expense makes Zhou Chun feel heartache every time he thinks about it.

Maybe he just felt that the Zhou family's mountain gate was a bit too small in other aspects before, but after opening the Zifu, he discovered that the Zhou family's mountain gate Jiufengling was really too small, too small to satisfy the cultivation needs of high-level monks like them. Needed.

Not to mention behemoths like Qinglian Temple, the Sujia Mountain Gate in Jiangzhou, which Zhou Chun is most familiar with besides the Zhou family, is several notches better than Jiufengling.

The internal area of ​​the Su Family Mountain Gate is two and a half times larger than the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, and there are several places that are particularly suitable for monks who practice corresponding techniques.

Just like where his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen's cave is, there is a natural spiritual spring. The spiritual energy overflowing from the spiritual spring has a considerable effect on Su Yuzhen's practice.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Yuzhen spends most of his time practicing at the Su family.

These are the foundations of a Jindan family, and the Zhou family, which has fallen from the Jindan family, is now really lacking in these aspects.

The next step for the Zhou family should be to train a Golden Core monk for the family while also working hard to recover these lost heritage.

After getting a Golden Sword Bamboo, Zhou Chun was not greedy and immediately took Mu Mei to the forest that promised it.

There is no shortage of primitive ancient forests like Qianye Forest in the wilderness. The place Zhou Chun took Mu Mei to at this time was a primitive ancient forest he had discovered while undercover in the Dragon Transformation Sect.

There are many towering ancient trees growing in this primitive ancient forest, which is like the tropical rain forest in Zhou Chun's previous life.

Yo yo yo!

The clear and ethereal sound of deer calls echoed through the forest. As Zhou Chun expected, Mu Mei fell in love with this environment as soon as she arrived here.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun told Qinglu who was about to go to the forest to have fun: "You can stay here for two months. I will come to visit you in two months. Remember not to just play, but also help me pay attention to those things." Where elixirs grow.”

Now he has reached the Zifu stage, while Mu Mei is still only at the second level of strength.

Such a difference in realm was enough for him to not have to worry about Mu Mei breaking away from the constraints of the contract and running away from him.

As for Mu Mei's life-saving ability in the forest, he had seen it with his own eyes, and he didn't think there were any monsters in the forest that could hurt it.

In this case, giving Mu Mei a space to live freely and let him have fun for a period of time will also help to enhance the relationship between master and servant, making Mu Mei feel that being his spiritual pet is not a bad thing at all.

Of course, this kind of thing must have a certain degree of control. Zhou Chun will strictly control the degree and will not let Mu Mei live alone in the wilderness for a long time.

In short, after leaving Mu Mei to act alone in the forest at this time, Zhou Chun returned to the family with the harvest.

Returning to his family, Zhou Chun first told Zhou Mingde about his first interview with the scaled frog alien warlock Ukuru, as well as his thoughts on cooperation and suppression of the scaled frog aliens.

Zhou Mingde also strongly agreed with his views and thoughts.

After all, Zhou Chun is absolutely inferior to Zhou Mingde when it comes to being cruel and ruthless.

After that, Zhou Chun also took out the golden sword bamboo that he had chopped down, just like offering a treasure.

"What a good thing. This thousand-year-old golden sword and bamboo is a rare treasure. Whether it is auctioned or kept to be exchanged for rare spiritual objects of the same level in the future, it will be of great use!"

Zhou Mingde looked at the entire Golden Sword Bamboo in front of him with bright eyes, and couldn't help nodding his head repeatedly: "It seems that Zhengchun, you will have to go to the wilderness more often in the future. I wonder if the opportunity to form a pill in the future will fall here." Looking for Lingmu Mei!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun responded with a smile: "Junior thinks so too. In the future, when the family situation is completely stable, we must travel around more, and we must not waste Mu Mei's talent for searching for spirits! "

After coming out of Zhou Mingde's cave, Zhou Chun summoned Zhou Xintie, the current leader of the Zhou family's Baiyi Hall. He was also the Zhou family's best weapon refiner at the moment and was able to refine first-level high-grade magic weapons.

"This junior is paying homage to the clan leader. I wonder what the clan leader's instructions were for calling this junior here."

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Xintie was summoned to salute Zhou Chun, and then curiously asked about the purpose of calling him here.

He also knew that after Zhou Chun opened the Zifu, there were very few directors. He didn't know why he was suddenly called to Zhongping Hall again.

Zhou Chun looked at the younger generation in front of him who was older than him. After a moment of silence, he spoke out: "Xin Tie, the customer expressed satisfaction with the cold iron trident you refined before. Stop other weapon refining tasks first and concentrate on refining this type of magic weapon. Let’s refine fifty similar weapons such as spears, spears and forks first.”

Hearing his words, Zhou Xintie's slightly dark and rough face was slightly startled, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Of course Zhou Xintie remembered the cold iron trident. At that time, he couldn't understand why Zhou Chun asked him to refine this magical weapon, which wasted good materials.

You must know that in order to make the freezing effect of the Cold Iron Trident meet Zhou Chun's requirements, the entire magical weapon is made of refined cold iron.

The cost of materials alone amounts to nearly two hundred spirit coins.

But the cold iron trident couldn't even be refined, let alone controlled with divine consciousness.

If Zhou Chun hadn't specifically requested a magical weapon like this, not to mention Zhou Xintie wouldn't have made it. Even an apprentice who had just learned the art of refining wouldn't have messed up the materials to make it.

At this time, he suddenly heard that Zhou Chun said that he wanted him to refine fifty such magical weapons. How could he not be extremely surprised.

His lips moved slightly, as if he had something to say.

But remembering what an elder had taught him, he suppressed the words he was about to say and whispered: "Junior understands, but I wonder if the patriarch has any requirements on delivery time?"

"Twenty pieces in half a year, just deliver the goods at this rate."

Zhou Chun paused for a moment before giving the answer.

After hearing his answer, Zhou Xintie immediately responded: "If this is the case, I promise to complete the task."

"Do your best. After you complete this task, I will give you a big gift!"

Zhou Chun said and waved away the opponent.

After that, he summoned Zhou Xinlan, the master of Baiyao Hall, and asked him to open more furnaces to refine some elixirs with positive and moderate effects.

Although the scaly frog alien warlocks cannot practice human skills, they also have their own unique method of breathing in and refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Some of the elixirs refined by immortal cultivators can also be used to improve their magic power.

In the past, the Zhou family had more scruples and did not dare to refine too many such elixirs for trade. In addition, the pleasure items used by Lu Ran accounted for half of the trade at that time, so there was no need to use such elixirs. Attract scaly frog aliens.

But now that Lu Ran is about to pass away, once he dies, scaled frog alien warlocks like Ukuru will definitely have a greatly reduced demand for those pleasures.

At that time, if you want to exchange for those rare water treasures from Ukuru, you will have to rely on this kind of refined mana elixir and special magic weapon.

After arranging two things that were crucial to trade in this way, Zhou Chun called Zhou Zhengqing, who was currently in charge of the Intelligence Hall.

Although Zhou Zhengqing and Zhou Chun were of the same generation, in fact, when Zhou Chun came to this world, he was not yet born, and he was ranked twenty-ninth among his peers.

Because the Intelligence Hall is an important portal of the Zhou family, it must be in charge of someone with a high enough status.

After Zhou Chun inspected several family foundation-building monks at that time, he finally chose this clan brother to take charge.

Seeing Zhou Zhengqing come in at this time, he immediately asked: "Twenty-ninth brother, how is the information about bandit cultivators that you were asked to collect before? How is it going?"

After hearing his words, Zhou Zhengqing thought for a moment and then replied respectfully: "Hui Clan Chief, after receiving the task assigned by you, the Intelligence Hall arranged for the clan members to go to various cities and towns in Jingguo, Shenguo, and Fengguo to inquire about relevant matters. According to the intelligence, eleven places where bandit cultivators are more active have been identified."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "Well, it was done well."

Then he suddenly asked: "How many family intelligence sites have been established so far?"

"Seven have been established, six in the Yasukuni prefectures and one in Toyo."

Zhou Zhengqing replied without thinking.

Then Zhou Chun asked again: "If I want to contact Fengguo's intelligence station, how many days can it be done at the earliest?"

"If the Eagle News is sent as quickly as possible, the Eagle News can be sent to the Fengguo Intelligence Station within ten hours through the Yunzhou Intelligence Station relay."

Zhou Zhengqing calculated with his fingers and quickly gave a detailed answer.

There are twelve hours in a day, and the distance from Jiufengling to the intelligence station in Fengguo is at least three thousand miles.

The transmission speed of this message is already faster than that of monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage rushing to send messages.

After all, monks in the foundation-building stage cannot fly three thousand miles in one breath. They must stop to rest and restore their mana.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was very satisfied with the result, and immediately nodded and said: "Very good, the number of intelligence stations can continue to increase, and the funds and personnel needed can be applied for by themselves or selected from within the clan. The clan will definitely Full support for this.”

"Yes, my subordinates will definitely live up to the patriarch's high expectations!"

Zhou Zhengqing responded respectfully, with joy on his face.

After handling some important family affairs in this way, Zhou Chun returned to his residence to meditate.

Two months flew by.

When Zhou Chun went back to the primitive ancient forest in the wilderness to look for Mu Mei, he obtained several high-year elixirs under Mu Mei's leadership.

Mu Mei herself also seemed to have gained a lot, and her aura had obviously increased.

Spirits like Mu Mei grow in cultivation in a completely different way than ordinary monsters.

The way they grow in cultivation is to absorb the power of the wood spirits condensed from the ancient trees, spiritual trees, and elixirs in the refining forest.

This kind of absorption must be based on the premise that the life of ancient trees and spiritual trees cannot be harmed. Ancient trees and spiritual trees that have absorbed the power of wood spirits will be very slow to restore the power of the wood spirits. It usually takes tens of seconds. Hundreds of years.

Therefore, when the wooden charm stays in a forest, its cultivation level will increase very slowly after a period of rapid growth.

But if you can continue to practice in other forests by migrating, Mu Mei's cultivation will grow very fast.

But just like every time Zhou Chun breaks through a great realm, the quality of gold energy required for recasting the Broken Cauldron must be improved.

The higher the level of the wood spirit, the worse the power of the lower level wood spirit will be to their cultivation growth.

At the same time, if they want to break through to a higher realm, they also need to absorb the power of higher-level wood spirits to promote their own evolution.

Like the wood charm that Zhou Chun domesticated, if it targets ordinary trees, it must be the power of the wood spirit condensed by the thousand-year-old tree in order to have an effect on it.

And if you want it to break through to the third level, the quality of the wood spirit power condensed by ordinary ancient trees is simply not enough. It needs to be the kind of spirit wood that can absorb spiritual energy to strengthen itself, and it must be of good quality. Wood.

In fact, Zhou Chun now has a way to help Mu Mei break through to the third level.

But he didn't do that.

After all, it didn't take long for him to conquer Mu Mei, and he did so by force.

If Mu Mei is allowed to break through to the third level so quickly, there is no guarantee that she will develop a counterattack.

Furthermore, he also had to take care of the emotions of the other three spiritual pets.

Cats and dogs raised by ordinary people are jealous, let alone monsters with higher intelligence.

Zhou Chun's other three spiritual pets, except for the golden-armored rock turtle, which has a Buddhist-like personality and does not compete for favors very much, whether it is the silver lightning python Baibai or the golden-winged tiger, they are all guys who like to compete for favors.

If he allowed Mu Mei, the later spiritual pet, to break through to the third level so quickly and ride on the three of them at once, those two guys who love to compete for favor might make a fuss.

Even now, even though he knew that Mu Mei could still grow in cultivation if he continued to stay in this primitive ancient forest, Zhou Chun still took it away regardless of its protests.

This kind of spiritual pet that is forcibly subdued cannot be used like the kind of spiritual pet that has been raised since childhood. It must be relaxed and relaxed so that it can always remember who its owner is.

This time Zhou Chun forcibly took Mu Mei away, and it would indeed be unhappy.

But if Zhou Chun asks him to do something next time and promises that he can go out and play for a while after it is completed, he will definitely perform his best.

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