Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 369 The dust has settled【Please subscribe】

The sun rises and the moon sets, and in the blink of an eye, three years have passed since Zhou Chun opened the Zi Mansion and left the customs.

After three years of practice, Lin Hongyu, who was in retreat in the Great Zhou Kingdom to consolidate her cultivation, finally returned to the Zhou family with Zhou Daoyi.

At this time, Lin Hongyu had stabilized her cultivation and was able to restrain her aura as a golden elixir monk and walk in the world of immortality disguised as an ordinary monk.

Therefore, under Zhou Chun's arrangement, she easily entered the Zhou family's mountain gate and met with the senior officials of the Zhou family in Zhou Mingde's cave on Pagoda Peak.

This time, in order to welcome Lin Hongyu, the newly promoted Golden Core monk, even Zhou Daoquan, who was far away in the wilderness, was rushed over by Zhou Chun and brought back to his family.

Including Zhou Daoyi, the four monks of the Zhou family who were in the Zifu period all gathered in the cave.

This is the first time since Zhou Daoquan went to Longxing Valley to take charge that all four monks from the Zhou family have sat together.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Lin (Senior Lin) for achieving the golden elixir and may you live a thousand years!"

Outside Zhou Mingde's cave, when Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu arrived, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoquan, and Zhou Chun all bowed to him with serious expressions and sent congratulations.

"Thank you to the three fellow Taoists for their congratulations. I hope that the three fellow Taoists will also achieve the Golden Elixir in the future."

Lin Hongyu smiled slightly, accepted the congratulations of the three people calmly, and returned the favor politely.

After being polite outside, the five of them entered the cave together.

When they arrived at the cave, the five of them sat down respectively. As a junior, Zhou Chun took the initiative to make tea for the four of them.

Then I saw Zhou Mingde taking a sip of the spiritual tea, suddenly looking at Lin Hongyu and asking: "Now that Lin Daoyou has achieved the golden elixir, you can reach the vastness of the world. What are your thoughts in the future?"

Hearing his question, Lin Hongyu immediately responded without hesitation: "I am able to successfully form the elixir this time, thanks to the great help of all the Taoist friends of the Zhou family. Now that I have succeeded, I should fulfill my original promise. I will do my best to help the Zhou family rise in the future!"

This answer immediately made Zhou Mingde smile, and he couldn't help but cheered: "Okay, okay, with the words of Fellow Daoist Lin, Zhou is completely at ease!"

Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoquan on the side also looked as if their hearts were in their stomachs, and couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Before that, what they were most worried about was undoubtedly that after Lin Hongyu successfully formed the elixir, she would directly cross the river and destroy the bridge, abandoning the Zhou family and fly away.

In that case, the Zhou family really had nothing to do with her, and the previous huge investment in spiritual coins would be in vain.

Now that they have Lin Hongyu's personal promise, they can finally put their hearts back in their stomachs.

After laughing for a while, Zhou Mingde looked at Lin Hongyu and asked again: "Dao Yi should have informed Fellow Daoist Lin about the plan we discussed before. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Lin has any opinions on this?"

"I don't have any big opinions. It's just that although I have successfully formed the elixir, there has not been any progress in refining the most important magic weapon after the elixir has been formed. In the future, I may have to search for a suitable place for refining the magic weapon. There is no way for spiritual materials to stay in the stronghold in the wilderness forever."

Lin Hongyu didn't hide anything, she directly told the truth what she thought.

She is now a golden elixir stage monk, so there is really no need to play tricks in front of Zhou Mingde and others, she can just do it as she pleases.

I believe that no one like Zhou Mingde would give her a hard time just because she told the truth.

This is the confidence and confidence brought by strength.

Sure enough, after Zhou Mingde listened to her words, he quickly said: "Refining the natal magic weapon is indeed the top priority for new Jindan monks, but if it is just to collect the magic weapon and spiritual materials, Taoist friend Lin does not need to do everything personally. Just tell us the relevant spiritual materials you need to use, and the family will naturally arrange monks to go everywhere to find out information for you, Fellow Daoist Lin."

"It would be a great thing if the family could help with the search, but it would be disrespectful for me to refuse."

Lin Hongyu nodded slightly and agreed without any hesitation.

At this time, Zhou Daoyi also intervened and said: "Before coming back, I went to Yangguo's stronghold. Hongyu had already shown her identity as a Golden Core monk there. No one should dare to attack that stronghold in the future. What’s the idea?”

"And Hongyu has decided to give all of her income from that stronghold, as well as the remaining output share of the [Earth Crystal Jade] mine, to Zhengchun in return for Zhengchun's previous generosity!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun hurriedly saluted Lin Hongyu and said, "Thank you, Senior Lin, for your love."

He did not refuse Lin Hongyu's reward.

Because he knew very well that since Lin Hongyu had become a monk in the Golden Core Stage, she would definitely not owe him any favors from a descendant of the Zifu Stage.

It was as if Zhou Chun, if he owed a favor to another foundation-building monk, could repay it, he would definitely repay it.

If he refused Lin Hongyu's repayment at this time, it would be a very stupid move, and it would be easy for people to misunderstand that he had other intentions.

Sure enough, seeing him accepting the reward so happily, Lin Hongyu also smiled, and immediately said to him with a smile: "I should be the one to thank you, Zhengchun. You have saved my life and Wan'er's life." Grace."

From what she said, it was obvious that she already knew about Zhou Chun's rescue from Lin Wan'er.

After a few people chatted about some things, Lin Hongyu went back to Zhou Daoyi's cave to rest.

After she left, the four Zhou family monks from the Zifu period started discussing another matter.

I saw Zhou Mingde glance at the faces of the three juniors, and whispered in his mouth: "You guys, do you want the family to hand over the magic weapon that I got from the Yang Kingdom to Daoist Lin for sacrifice?"

At first, he got two magic weapons from the storage bag of Jindan monk Han Yuan. One of them was given to Zhou Chun as a betrothal gift to the ancestor of the Su family in exchange for the ancestor of the Su family protecting the Zhou family and blocking the coming Zhou family. The golden elixir monk of Qi State takes revenge on his family.

The other magic weapon has been sealed in the Zhou family's secret vault and is kept secret from anyone. Only a few core monks of the Zhou family know of its existence.

At present, the few monks of the Zhou family's Zifu period are still very far away from forming pills, and they have no use for that magic weapon at all.

But Lin Hongyu, the newly promoted Golden Core monk, had no magic weapon to use.

No wonder Zhou Mingde would bring up this matter now.

When they heard him talking about this matter, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun were still thinking and pondering. Zhou Daoquan, who had always been less talkative, spoke first and said, "I thought that I wanted to give that magic weapon to Fellow Daoist Lin for sacrifice." It's not impossible, but at least we have to wait until she has actually been in charge of the family for decades or made great achievements for the family."

After saying this, Zhou Daoyi, who was still deep in thought, quickly nodded and said: "What brother Daoquan said is not unreasonable. There is no reward for no merit. Hongyu has received great favor from her family by forming pills before. Now, How can we get such treasures again if we haven't done anything yet?"

"What about you, Masazumi? What do you think of this matter?"

Zhou Mingde's eyes suddenly fell on Zhou Chun and asked his opinion.

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately said: "Junior feels that what the two elders said is reasonable. Even if the magic weapon is to be handed over to Senior Lin for sacrifice, we should wait until she has been in charge of the family for a period of time."

"Since the three of you think so, let's do it."

When Zhou Mingde said this, he ended the conversation between several people.

A few days later, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan accompanied Lin Hongyu to the wilderness through the underground waterway.

When Zhou Daoyi came back from the wilderness, he brought Zhou Zhengyong and Xu Fu back with him.

Zhou Zhengyong came back to visit relatives. His Taoist companion Sun Yujiao was running out of life, so Zhou Chun specially asked him to come back to accompany her Taoist companion on their last journey.

Xu Fu was transferred back because Zhou Chun wanted him to take charge of the work of arresting bandit cultivators.

With Lin Hongyu's return from forming a pill, the expansion of the Caiyu Mountain stronghold can no longer be postponed.

Now that the formation problem has been solved, what remains is a sufficient number of monks to maintain the operation of the stronghold.

Therefore, the arrest of the bandits must be carried out immediately.

In the Zhongping Hall, three foundation-building monks, Xu Fu, Zhou Zhengbai, and Zhou Xinlan, were called here together by Zhou Chun. Then he looked at the three of them and said, "I have called you here today for a very important task. Leave it to you to do it.”

After saying that, he informed the three of them of the mission to capture the bandits.

Among the three, only Xu Fu had received the blessing of Zhou Chun before, and knowing his identity, he did not express any doubts about the task assigned by Zhou Chun.

But Zhou Zhengbai and Zhou Xinlan, two Zhou family foundation-building monks, were surprised when they heard Zhou Chun's task arrangement, and expressed doubts on the spot.

Regarding the questions from the two fellow monks, Zhou Chun just nodded slightly and said: "It's normal for you to have doubts in your hearts, but I hope you can remember one thing. I don't let you know some things. It's not that I don't trust you, but that I don't trust you." To protect you."

At this point, he also emphasized his tone and said: "I assign this task to you today precisely because I trust you to keep the secret!"

"Yes, I'll wait until I figure out what to do."

Zhou Zhengbai and Zhou Xinlan looked at each other, acting respectfully and asked no more questions.

After that, the two of them left the Zhou Family Mountain Gate with Xu Fu, and took the relevant intelligence information provided by the Zhou Family Intelligence Hall to go to Jingguo and various places in neighboring countries to trap bandit cultivators.

Today is different from the past. In the past, the Zhou family was afraid of exposing their relationship with Lin Hongyu, the protector of the Hualong Cult. To arrest the bandit cultivator, they had to resort to the hands of the monster Aoki Ape.

Nowadays, the purpose of arresting bandit cultivators is for the development of the family. Even if they are discovered, it is not a big deal. At most, it will only make some rogue cultivators hostile to the Zhou family.

That's why Zhou Chun dared to appoint the Zhou family's foundation-building monks to handle this matter.

After arranging the task at this time, Zhou Chun thought for a while, but then set off to the residence of Zhou Family Baiyi Hall.

The Baiyi Hall of the Zhou family is located on the Formation Xuan Peak. Most of the monks of the Zhou family who practice the skills of weapon refining, talisman making, and array formation are practiced here.

After Zhou Chun arrived at Baiyi Hall at this time, he went directly to the "Pyrotechnics Institute", which is the weapon refining area.

Major sects like Qinglian Temple will open up the underground fire veins and lead the underground fire thousands of feet underground for the sect monks to refine elixirs and weapons.

But it is not easy to do this. Most Jindan families do not have this ability.

In order to build the Earth Fire Room, the Sanjue Sect had to work together with the Golden Dan cultivators from the Danyao Li family and the Formation Master from the You family to manage to open up only three Earth Fire chambers.

Without the power of the Earth Fire Chamber, if you want to refine elixirs and weapons, you can only do it through other methods.

Taking the monks of the Zhou family as an example, monks in the Qi refining stage of the Zhou family generally have three ways to make fire when refining weapons and elixirs.

The first way is to burn something called sunfire stone. This thing is like coal from Zhou Chun's previous life. It is brownish red in color and has a very high ignition point. It requires magic flame to ignite. After igniting, it can continuously release a flame comparable to magic flame. High temperature flames.

The second method is to use a magic weapon that can set fire. This kind of magic weapon can release high-temperature flames as long as mana is injected steadily.

The third method is to use the demonic fire of demonic beasts, such as the flames spewed by demonic beasts such as red flame wolves, flame pigs, and fire pheasants.

Among these three methods, the first and third are most commonly used by Zhou family monks.

Choosing these two methods means that they can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the process of refining the weapon and elixir, and no longer need to be distracted by activating the magic weapon to set fire.

After reaching the foundation building stage, because one's own mana can be transformed into foundation building true fire, a new choice becomes available.

After Zhou Chun entered the pyrotechnics courtyard at this time, he quickly found the person he was looking for.

Next to a well, Zhou Xintie, the current master of the Zhou Family Baiyi Hall, was washing the hair of a huge red-haired wild boar. This red-haired wild boar was a good helper for him in refining the weapon, a first-level high-grade demonic beast, the Flame Pig.

At this time, as if he sensed something, Zhou Xintie suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, and then he saw Zhou Chun looking at him.

"Ah, Patriarch, why are you here!"

He looked shocked, exclaimed, and hurriedly turned around to greet Zhou Chun.

"Did you just finish refining the weapon?"

Zhou Chun waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be polite, and asked a question.

Hearing his words, Zhou Xintie took advantage of the situation and complimented him: "The patriarch has a keen eye. This junior has indeed just completed a weapon refining not long ago."

After saying that, he smiled awkwardly and said: "Every time after refining the weapon, this beast has to come and take a cold bath to feel comfortable. Otherwise, it will not cooperate fully next time. This junior has nothing to do with it but to satisfy it!" "

"This shows that it is very smart. No wonder your success rate in refining weapons is much better than others."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and praised the junior.

Then he said his purpose of coming today, "Do you still want what I said to you before? After you complete the task of refining the weapon I gave you, I will give you a big gift."

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade bottle and handed it to Zhou Xintie, "This is the gift I give you, please keep it!"

Seeing this, Zhou Xintie couldn't help but reach out and take the jade bottle, then glanced at Zhou Chun, and unplugged the cork in his encouraging eyes.

"This is, this..."

Zhou Xintie glanced briefly at the contents of the jade bottle, then looked at Zhou Chun with shock on his face, his eyes full of excitement and disbelief.

Facing his shocked and excited eyes, Zhou Chun said calmly: "This Foundation Establishment Pill was obtained by me from outside. I have not used any family property or connections, so it should be controlled by me." .”

"Although your qualifications are average, Xintie, your talent in weapon refining is superior to others. The Zhou family now needs talents like you to help the family make up for its shortcomings. This is why I am willing to give you this foundation-building pill." .”

After hearing this, Zhou Xintie didn't know how to answer.

Dang Ji grasped the jade bottle in his hand and nodded heavily: "I understand, I will live up to the patriarch's high expectations and love!"

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