Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 370 Another foundation building, something unexpected happened [Please subscribe]

A wilderness place, the stronghold of Caiyu Mountain.

Ever since Lin Hongyu, a golden elixir-level monk, settled in the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, the Zhou family monks here have felt extremely at ease and no longer worry about the safety of the stronghold.

In this world of cultivating immortals, monks at the Nascent Soul stage are closed-door existences. Even if they go out occasionally, very few people can bump into them.

Therefore, the golden elixir stage monks have become the people with the highest cultivation level that ordinary monks can meet.

In non-war periods, a place where a Golden Core monk is stationed is basically impossible to be breached.

On this day, Xu Fu, the leader of the dead soldiers who had been away from the Caiyu Mountain stronghold for some time, suddenly returned.

Xu Fu naturally did not come back alone. He came to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold with him, and there were thirty-five bandit cultivators captured by him, Zhou Zhengbai, and Zhou Xinlan.

These thirty-five bandit cultivators are the first batch to be sent to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, and there will be a second batch and even a third batch in the future.

The person responsible for escorting these bandit cultivators was none other than Zhou Chun, the head of the Zhou family.

Just like when Xu Fu and others first arrived at Longxing Valley, the thirty-five bandit cultivators were not able to open their eyes and see clearly where they were until they entered the Caiyu Valley stronghold.

Before that, apart from knowing that they had been caught by the enemy's trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, they didn't even know who their captor was.

After being awakened at this time, I saw that I was thrown into a strange place with many unknown monks. Some of the more grumpy and reckless guys inside immediately started shouting loudly.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Which force are you from? What is this place?"

"There is a scar as big as a bowl on my head. Since I dare to engage in this decapitation business, I am not afraid of death. If you have the ability, kill me! Don't play such shameful tricks with me!"

"Where is this? Where did you come from?"

Shouts rang out from the crowd. These bandit cultivators did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

But they soon realized it.

Because a huge tiger roar suddenly exploded in their ears.

Roar! !

With a deafening tiger roar, a golden-haired giant tiger with a body several feet long and two wings suddenly appeared on the edge of the crowd, looking down at the bandit cultivators with its huge mouth open.

The ferocious aura that hit their faces instantly made these bandit cultivators, whose hands were stained with blood, tremble in their hearts. They closed their mouths tightly and did not dare to make any more sounds.

At this time, Zhou Chuncai jumped to the top of the Golden Winged Tiger, then looked down at the frightened cultivators and shouted: "You scumbags, listen up to me. From now on, this is where you will fight for yourselves." Where you have committed sins and atone for them, only when the sins on your body are washed away can you return to the world of immortality."

After the words fell, he said in a solemn tone: "Who just said that he was tired of living? Stand up and let me have a look. It happens that my spiritual pet has not eaten meat today, so I will give you a tooth first." Got it!"

In the crowd, a rough-looking man couldn't help but tremble all over, and hurriedly lowered his head for fear that Zhou Chun would see him.

After temporarily frightening the group of bandit cultivators, Zhou Chun motioned to Xu Fu to come forward and explain the situation to the group of bandit cultivators so that they could understand their situation and what to do next.

According to the plan, these bandit cultivators will be detained in the stronghold at first and are not allowed to go out.

After they behave better and are willing to cooperate, their storage bags and wealth will be returned to them, giving them the opportunity to go out and explore together.

As for whether they will take the opportunity to escape when they go out, there is no need to worry.

The Caiyu Mountain stronghold is in a remote location, and there are many monsters and beasts around it. Even people like Xu Fu and others who have lived in the wilderness for decades dare not say that they can escape the wilderness and reach Jingguo, let alone these bandit cultivators.

The result of escaping is either being eaten by a monster, or finding that there is no way to escape and then returning obediently.

As Zhou Chun expected, when they heard that he was now deep in the wilderness and unable to return to the world of immortal cultivation, the bandit cultivators became excited and showed their fierce looks.

But as the golden-winged tiger's ferocious gaze swept over them, they quickly calmed down.

When they later learned that there were still Golden Core monks stationed in the stronghold, they became even more decadent.

Zhou Chun didn't care what these people were thinking at the moment. After making sure that no one dared to make trouble at this time, he left some words and a Yuan-Building Spirit Fruit to Xu Fu and returned to his family first.

After returning to his family, Zhou Chun learned the good news.

It turned out that Zhou Xintie, who had received the foundation-building pill from him, successfully built the foundation.

Since then, the Zhou family has gained another Foundation Establishment monk, and the number of Foundation Establishment monks in the family has reached ten.

And Zhou Xintie's successful foundation building means that the Zhou family's shortcomings in weapon refining have also been filled.

With his weapon refining skills before the foundation was successfully established, it was only a matter of time before he could refine a second-level magic weapon after the foundation was successfully established.

In this way, whether it is refining elixirs and weapons, or setting up formations and making talismans, the Zhou family will have people who can do it.

In the future, the family will no longer need to purchase related items from outside. They can directly purchase raw materials and hand them over to these tribesmen for refining.

On the one hand, it can save purchase costs, on the other hand, it can also allow these tribesmen to improve their skill proficiency and increase their own income. It is simply killing three birds with one stone.

"Not bad, not bad, Xin Tie, you are very good, I'm worthy of cultivating you!"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun met Zhou Xintie who had just come out of seclusion. When they met, he praised him without concealing his smile.

Zhou Xintie, who received his praise, was also grateful and excited and saluted him and thanked him: "The kindness of the patriarch in nurturing me will be unforgettable to me. No matter what the patriarch orders in the future, with just one sentence, I will definitely work hard to repay him." The kindness of the patriarch’s cultivation!”

Unlike other monks of the Zhou family who succeeded in building a foundation by exchanging good deeds for foundation-building pills, Zhou Xintie's success in building a foundation was truly due to the cultivation of the patriarch Zhou Chun.

Therefore, compared to other Zhou family monks who had successfully built their foundation, his gratitude towards Zhou Chun was truly sincere.

Zhou Chun also saw this, and immediately smiled happily and said: "You have this kind of heart, which is better than anything else."

After saying that, he patted him on the shoulder with an encouraging look and said: "Next, think carefully about choosing the exercises. If you don't understand anything, you can always come to me for advice."

"Yes, this junior understands."

Zhou Xintie nodded heavily and immediately retreated.

A month later, Zhou Chun learned another good news.

It turned out that the black jade toad tadpoles that Zhou Mingde took care of finally began to metamorphose into adult toads.

It's just that this evolutionary process is actually a bit bloody.

Because originally hundreds of tadpoles fought and devoured each other during the process of metamorphosis, only two tadpoles, one male and one female, had the last laugh and evolved into real black jade toads.

All this was completed in just seven days!

The newly evolved Black Jade Toad is much smaller than the original pair of Black Jade Toads. It is obvious that it has not yet fully grown up.

As for when it will be able to produce toad venom, we can only find out if we wait.

But no matter what, this is a great thing for the Zhou family.

After all, there are now as many as four monks in the Zhou family's Zifu period, and the demand for toad sustenance is very high.

You must know that after reaching the Zifu stage, those pills that improve mana and power are very rare. Even in places like the Great Zhou Kingdom, they cannot be purchased from ordinary stores.

Even the elixir Li family, who has a very good relationship with the Zhou family, has the relevant elixir recipes, but because the materials are difficult to find, they may not be able to refine a furnace of elixir in a hundred years.

When Zhou Chun was in the foundation building stage, he never lacked for pills that could improve his magic power.

But after he reached the Zifu stage, he had never taken such elixirs once.

It is estimated that it will be very difficult to obtain such elixirs in the future, and it will definitely not be possible to take the elixirs continuously as before.

In this case, the secret spiritual incense made from black jade toad pod is almost the only spiritual item for spiritual advancement that the Zhou family's Zifu monks can reliably obtain.

On this day, Zhou Chun was practicing secret arts in his residence, and suddenly the warning formation was triggered, indicating that someone was visiting.

Seeing this situation, he hurriedly stopped his power and opened the formation, and put the people in the courtyard.

The person who came was clearly Zhou Jiarui, who was in charge of Zhou family affairs.

"Zhengchun is not good. Zhengbai was beaten and seriously injured outside. It was someone from the Jiang family in Lingzhou who did it!"

As soon as he entered the hospital, Zhou Jiarui expressed his intention with an anxious expression.


Zhou Chun looked stunned, also surprised by what he said.

Then his face quickly darkened, and he said immediately: "Let's go to Zhongping Hall first."

After returning to the Zhongping Hall, which represents the center of power of the Zhou family, Zhou Chuncai learned about the situation in detail from Zhou Jiarui.

It turned out that when Zhou Zhengbai was carrying out the task of arresting bandit cultivators arranged by Zhou Chun in Lingzhou, he happened to be discovered by the Jiang family's foundation-building monks, and was attacked by them.

During the battle, after Zhou Zhengbai discovered that he was no match for the Jiang family monk, he tried to use the Zhou family's reputation to scare him off.

Unexpectedly, after hearing him announcing his family status, the Jiang family monk became even more ruthless, intending to kill him.

In the end, Zhou Zhengbai had no choice but to use the secret technique to stimulate his potential, forcibly improving his own magic power, and used two second-level middle-grade magic talismans given by his family's supreme elder after he successfully established the foundation.

Despite this desperate effort, Zhou Zhengbai finally succeeded in escaping into Fangshi in Lingzhou and informed the monks at the Zhou family's intelligence site.

And when this information was transmitted back to the Zhou Family Mountain Gate in Jiufeng Ridge through Eagle News, Zhou Zhengqing, who received the information, also knew that the matter was of great importance and hurriedly reported it to Zhou Jiarui.

Then Zhou Jiarui hurried over to find Zhou Chun.

After explaining the situation in detail to Zhou Chun, Zhou Jiarui also whispered with a worried look: "Lingzhou is now the territory of Tianjing Sect, and the Jiang family has already taken refuge with Tianjing Sect. Even if Zhengbai and he escape, I’m afraid it may not be safe in Liaofang City!”

"I know everything about the situation. I'm going to see the Supreme Elder right now."

Zhou Chun nodded, and then immediately set off to the cave on the top of the mountain to meet Zhou Mingde.

After entering the cave, Zhou Chun repeated what Zhou Jiarui said, and then said: "The Jiang family must give them some color, otherwise outsiders will think that the Zhou family is just a paper tiger, and they are not interested in it." use!"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde, who had an angry look on his face, immediately nodded and shouted: "Zhengchun, you are right. The Jiang family has repeatedly provoked our Zhou family. If we don't give them some powerful looks, wouldn't we?" Does everyone dare to follow suit?"

At this point, he frowned slightly and said: "But the Jiang family has now taken refuge in the Tianjing Sect. If we go deep into the situation to deal with the Jiang family, I'm afraid the Tianjing Sect may not even watch!"

Of course Zhou Chun knew this, and he quickly replied after hearing this: "So I am going to go to Qinglian Temple to meet the master of Qingweizi Temple in person and get a feel for their attitude!"

"That's good. I just asked Dao Yi to go over and call Dao Quan. No matter what the attitude of Qinglian Temple is, we must rescue him!"

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly and expressed his opinion.

After the negotiation was completed, Zhou Chun immediately set off in person and rushed to the Qinglian Mountain Gate in Lianzhou.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Zhou Chun went to Qinglian Mountain Gate after opening the Zifu.

This time, when he arrived at the gate of Qinglian Temple as a monk of the Zifu period, he just stated that he wanted to meet Qingweizi, the master of Qinglian Temple. The disciple of Qinglian Temple who was responsible for the reception immediately arranged for someone to go and report.

While waiting, Zhou Chun looked at the continuous peaks in front of the Qinglian Temple Gate, and couldn't help but think of the old friend in the Qinglian Temple whom he had not seen for a long time.

Ever since he and his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen held a huge celebration of double cultivation, he had never seen his old friend Liu Shiyun again.

The two of them never even exchanged a letter.

It wasn't that Zhou Chun was so heartless, but there was no reply to the letters he had people send.

After doing this several times, he never asked anyone to deliver letters again.

"With her talents and qualifications, coupled with the care of Senior Mingxia, she should be at least in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment!"

Zhou Chun was thinking secretly, but after all, he still didn't want to see the other party.

It wasn't that he was afraid that Taoist companion Su Yuzhen would be jealous when he learned about this, but that he didn't want to cause trouble to Liu Shiyun again because of his presumption.

On the other side, Qing Weizi still gave Zhou Chun face, or he knew that Zhou Chun, the head of the Zhou family, would not come all the way to see him unless something important happened.

Therefore, Zhou Chun only waited less than three hours before he received the notice that he could go into the mountain to see him.

After receiving permission in this way, he quickly entered the mountain gate of Qinglian Temple, and under the guidance of a foundation-building monk, flew all the way to the location of the master's hall.

Not long after, Zhou Chun met Qingweizi, the leader of Qinglian Temple, again after many years.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he saw Qingweizi again, his appearance had not changed at all, but Zhou Chun felt that the other person seemed much older.

It seems that the leader of Qinglian Temple has been under a lot of pressure these years!

Zhou Chun sighed in his heart and immediately bowed and said: "Junior pays homage to the senior temple master. I take the liberty of coming to visit. Please forgive me, the senior temple master."

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