Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 371 Riding a dragon to conquer the west【Please subscribe】

After coming out of the Qinglian Mountain Gate, Zhou Chun's face was filled with joy.

The result of this trip to Qinglian Temple was much better than he expected before coming.

After learning about his purpose, Qingweizi just thought for a moment and quickly agreed to the Zhou family's plan to seek revenge from the Jiang family.

He even encouraged the Zhou family to do this with confidence and boldness, without worrying about any pressure from the Tianjing Sect.

Although no definite guarantee has been given, as Qingweizi, since she can say such words, it can be seen that if Tianjing Sect intervenes, Qinglian Temple will probably not stand aside and watch.

And since Qingweizi said so, Zhou Chun and the Zhou family would certainly not be polite.

After Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family, he directly informed Zhou Mingde and others of Qingweizi's attitude.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Mingde also had a look on his face, and suddenly said with profound meaning: "It seems that Qinglian Temple also hates these traitors of the Jiang family, this time we have sent them to the door to be used as swords. !”

"It's okay to be a swordsman for others. Being able to be a swordsman for Qinglian Temple means that our Zhou family's strength has been recognized by Qinglian Temple. This is also a good thing for our Zhou family."

Zhou Daoyi said calmly, showing no resistance to being used as a swordsman by Qinglian Temple.

Zhou Daoquan on the side also nodded repeatedly and said: "That's right, since Qinglian Visualization wants our Zhou family to be sword wielders, then we must show the sharpness of this knife and let Qinglian Visualization see the value of our Zhou family!"

"Then what should we do now? How many people should be sent to Lingzhou?"

Zhou Chun looked at the three elders and asked about sending troops.

In fact, he already had an idea in his mind, but because he was a junior, he couldn't say it directly. He could only ask these elders what their plans were.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingde and others understood him.

After listening to his words, Zhou Daoyi immediately said: "Zhengchun, you are the clan leader. It is up to you to decide what to do."

Zhou Mingde also nodded and said: "What Dao Yi said is absolutely true. Zhengchun, you can make the arrangements. We will all follow your arrangements."

Both of them said so, and Zhou Daoquan naturally would not sing the opposite.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun lost his modesty and said: "Since the three elders have said so, then the junior will be bold enough to speak out."

"This junior believes that since Qinglian Temple is willing to block the pressure from the Tianjing Sect for the family, then the family does not need to be timid."

"So this junior suggested that all four Zifu monks in the family be dispatched. Except for one who stayed at the border of Lanzhou and Lingzhou as a support, the other three led the family's six foundation-building monks and went straight to the Jiang family's mountain gate to directly try to cut down the mountain and destroy the family! "

Just cut down the mountain and wipe out the family!

Hearing Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Mingde and the others couldn't help but look at each other.

Then Zhou Mingde suddenly clapped his hands and cheered: "Okay, this is what I should do to cut down the mountain and destroy the family. This is what I should do to show off my Zhou family's ability and promote my Zhou family's reputation!"

"The Jiang family has repeatedly offended my Zhou family. If there is an opportunity to cut down the mountain and destroy the family, it would be the best!"

Zhou Daoyi nodded slightly, agreeing very much.

In this way, everyone reached a consensus, and Zhou Chun quickly mobilized his troops and called the six foundation-building monks over.

These six people are Zhou Jiarui, Zhou Jiahe, Zhou Zhengyong, Zhou Zhengqing, Zhou Xinlan, and Zhou Xindie.

In the entire Jiufeng Ridge Mountain Gate, only Zhou Zhengyuan, who was not good at fighting, and Zhou Xintie, who had just successfully built the foundation, were left.

At the same time, when Zhou Chun set out, he also asked the Intelligence Hall to send an eagle message to Zhou Jiapeng, who was stationed in the pioneer stronghold, and asked him to immediately go to the border of Lanzhou and Lingzhou after receiving the eagle message.

After arranging everything in this way, Zhou Daoyi called out his spiritual pet Qingqing, and a group of ten people rode directly on the dragon and rushed towards Lingzhou at an extremely fast speed.

Lingzhou and Lanzhou are adjacent, and it is more than a thousand miles from Zhoujiashan Gate to the border of Lingzhou.

Once the third-level green dragon releases its speed and flies, it can fly thousands of miles in an hour.

Therefore, ten people from the Zhou family had already arrived at the border between the two states after leaving the family gate for more than an hour.

Before the Tianjing Sect was established, Lingzhou and Lanzhou were both under the jurisdiction of Qinglian Temple. There was no actual boundary between the two states, and there was no obstacle to the exchanges between monks from the two states.

However, with the establishment of Tianjing Sect and the exclusive control of Lingzhou, the border areas between Lingzhou and Lanzhou began to have more observation points set up by the forces of both sides.

These observation points are equivalent to reconnaissance posts. They are mainly used to observe whether the opposing force has signs of a large number of monks crossing the border, and serve as a reconnaissance warning.

Of course, if a high-level monk is discovered entering the country, these observation points will immediately report the relevant information.

At this time, a group of people from the Zhou family arrived on a dragon. The majestic and majestic appearance of the green dragon was quickly spotted by some border observation points.

Because they were heading from Lanzhou to Lingzhou, the observation point at Tianjingmen hurriedly reported the dragon's westward journey.

However, the speed at which the observation point reports news cannot match Qingjiao's speed.

After asking Zhou Daoquan, who was in charge of the response, to wait at the border area, Qingjiao went straight to the Jiangjia Mountain Gate under Zhou Daoyi's command.

The Jiang family was once a family that the Zhou family did not dare to offend easily. Although the top leaders of the Zhou family had never been to the Jiang family's mountain gate, both Zhou Daoyi, the former patriarch, and Zhou Chun, the current patriarch, knew that How to go.

I saw the green dragon flying across the sky, and the mountains and rivers below were passing by quickly.

Not long after, a mountain range with numerous peaks appeared on the back of the dragon.

"Here we are, this is the Qingxia Mountains where the Jiang Family Gate is located. The Jiang Family Gate should be over there!"

In the sky, Zhou Daoyi ordered Qingjiao to slow down and pointed to somewhere in the mountains below.

"Then kill them and catch them off guard before they receive the news!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes turned cold and he responded with murderous intent.

This statement was immediately unanimously agreed by Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun.

As Zhou Daoyi thought, the green dragon under his feet swung its tail and accelerated instantly.

A quarter of an hour later, Qingjiao, carrying nine members of the Zhou family on its back, swooped down from the sky and landed directly above a forest sea.

Then the nine people on the dragon's back dispersed, clapped their hands to the storage bags and spirit beast bags at their waists, took out their magic weapons, and released their main battle pets.

The third-level mid-level monster Vulcan Jackal!

The second-level high-grade monster silver lightning python!

The second-level middle-grade monster golden-armored rock turtle!

The second-order low-grade monster, the Golden-winged Tiger!

The second-order low-grade monster Blue Feather Fire Kite!

One after another, huge monsters were released by everyone in the Zhou family. The sound of howling wolves and tigers could not be heard without stopping, and the sound was very loud.

"Do it!"

Following Zhou Mingde's loud shout, the Zhou family monks and their spiritual pets in the sky launched attacks on Lin Hai below.

But I saw all kinds of magical auras shining, wind blades whistling, thunder and lightning roaring, flames raging, sword energy piercing the air...

Under the attack of many magical weapons and spells, Lin Hai was instantly shattered like a dream, revealing a sea of ​​turquoise clouds.

It turned out that Lin Hai, who was visible to the naked eye just now, was actually just an illusion created by the formation.

At this time, it was suddenly attacked by a powerful external force, and the illusion of the formation could not be sustained and dispersed in an instant. The sea of ​​turquoise clouds inside, which was responsible for the main defense, also surged violently during the attack, looking shaky.

It seems that the Zhou family only has three Zifu stage monks and six Foundation Establishment stage monks, but in fact, including their spiritual pets, there are five third-level combatants and ten second-level combatants!

This kind of lineup is fully capable of shaking the mountain gate formation of a wealthy family such as the Jiang family.

The mountain gate guard formation suddenly suffered such a violent attack, and the Jiang family monks inside the mountain gate were also alarmed and came out one after another.

When they saw the people and monsters attacking their mountain gate through the formation clouds, they immediately understood who the enemy was.

"The third-order dragon and the third-order fire god jackal are the enemies of the Zhou family in Lanzhou!"

A Jiang family foundation-building monk told the origin of the enemy outside with an ugly expression, and then hurried to a nearby formation base.

At the same time, the loud shouts of Jiang Shicheng, a monk from the Jiang Family's Purple Mansion, instantly resounded through the Jiang Family's mountain gate.

"All members of the Jiang family listen to the order. The crisis of destroying the family and annihilating the family is just around the corner. Except for the necessary personnel, everyone immediately goes to various formations to protect the mountain gate!"

Before the shouts ended, Jiang Shicheng himself appeared at the most important position of the mountain gate guard formation. He took over the central control formation flag from a Jiang family foundation-building monk and personally controlled the formation.

I saw him controlling the formation to resist the offensive of the Zhou family monks outside, while ordering to the auxiliary Foundation Establishment monks beside him: "Immediately send out the Thousand Miles Communication Talisman, ask for help from the Tianjing Sect, and then ask the Guo and He families to send troops to support !”

After giving the order, he shouted angrily at the Zhou family who were attacking outside: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist friends of the Zhou family? Our Jiang family has never provoked the Zhou family in these years, why are we going to such a big move to destroy our clan?"

After hearing his words, Zhou Mingde, who was attacking the mountain defense formation with all his strength, immediately sneered and said: "Jiang Shicheng, you are also a monk of the Zifu, and you are considered a figure. How come you don't even have the courage to take the lead?" ?”

"Your Jiang family has repeatedly attacked important members of my Zhou family, but do you still have the slightest trace of my Zhou family's existence in your eyes?"

"What happened today is all your fault. Don't blame me, the Zhou family, for being ruthless!"

After Jiang Shicheng heard these words, his expression suddenly changed.

He seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his consciousness swept across the Jiang family monks inside the mountain gate, and then he shouted to a nearby Jiang family foundation-building monk: "Where is Chuanxiong? Why is he not in the family!"

Hearing this, the Jiang family monk quickly replied: "Replying to the Supreme Elder, Chuanxiong has gone to Fangshi, three days ago!"

This answer immediately made Jiang Shicheng feel even more uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but ask again: "Then there hasn't been any news about him in the past few days?"

"No, I haven't heard any news."

The tribesman's answer immediately made Jiang Shicheng understand the reason why the Zhou family suddenly came to kill him.

He was so angry that he cursed angrily: "Shuzi misled my Jiang family, and our Jiang family will be destroyed in the hands of idiots like you!"

Then he stopped trying to explain anything to the Zhou family outside.

But he knew in his heart that since the Zhou family would choose to go to war like this to destroy the Jiang family, it must be Jiang Chuanxiong who was not in the family and did something that made the Zhou family extremely angry.

And now that the matter has been decided, and the Zhou family has also made the decision to expedition to the Jiang family, it is obviously impossible for him to resolve it with just a few words.

If you lower your stance and defend yourself at this time, it will only further reduce your own morale.

After he took a deep breath, he shouted in a deep voice to all the Jiang family monks: "My Jiang family, today is a crisis that our Jiang family has not seen in hundreds of years. The enemy is aiming to destroy the entire Jiang family." Come, they want to kill all our monks named Jiang, cut off the inheritance of our Jiang family, and plunder the wealth of our Jiang family!"

"As a member of the Jiang family, can you just watch this happen? Are you willing to kill someone at your own risk? Are you willing to give up the wealth that your family has accumulated over thousands of years?"

The deep voice seemed to have a strange power.

All Jiang family monks who heard his words couldn't help but follow his words and think of those scenes.

Inside the mountain gate, the ancestral temple is burning...

The clan members fell into a pool of blood one by one, and some were burned directly to ashes...

The enemy broke through the treasure house that normally could not be entered even by members of the Jiang family and plundered it...

After going through these scenes in his mind, a strong anger instantly filled the chests of all the Jiang family monks.

"We will defend our family to the death and fight to the death!"

A Jiang family foundation-building monk suddenly roared angrily.

Immediately, the roars of Jiang family monks could be heard from everywhere inside the mountain gate.

At this moment, no one was thinking about why the Zhou family wanted to destroy the Jiang family. They only thought about how to defend the Jiang family and risk death without regrets.

This is always the case for families and individuals. They both prosper and lose.

"I saw the flames of the Qianli Communication Talisman just now. It should be that the Jiang family has asked for help from the Tianjing Sect."

In the sky outside, Zhou Daoyi revealed his findings in time while urging the magic weapon to attack the Jiang family's protective formation.

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde replied without changing his expression: "This has been expected for a long time. Now it depends on the actions of Qinglian Temple."

After speaking, he frowned slightly and said, "The Jiang family's mountain-protecting formation looks no worse than our family's Five Directions Miluo Formation. If we want to defeat it, I'm afraid it will take at least half a day!"

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Chun heard what he said, he suddenly said: "Junior thinks that half a day is just right. If possible, one day is better!"

"Oh, what do you mean by Masazumi's words?"

The eyes of Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi were immediately attracted by Zhou Chun's words, and even their offensive slowed down.

But he saw Zhou Chun talking calmly: "Half a day is enough for Tianjing Sect to respond. If Qinglian Temple cannot suppress them, then either Yu Jinghua will come in person or send several Zifu period monks to rush them. Come to the rescue, no matter what the situation is, we can only retreat.”

"If the above two situations are the case, we have not broken the Jiang family's formation and have not massacred the entire Jiang family. At most, they can only help the Jiang family to relieve the siege. It is impossible for them to attack us with all their strength."

This strange angle immediately made Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi look surprised. Apparently they had not thought about this.

Then Zhou Mingde couldn't help but ask: "What does it mean that one day is better?"

My brother will have surgery tomorrow and I will go to his place to take care of him. It is initially estimated that it will take seven or eight days. There will be only one update during these days. Please bear with me!

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