Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 372 Wind and Thunder Dragons【Please subscribe】

How can we explain which day is better?

Hearing Zhou Mingde's question, Zhou Daoyi seemed to have understood the answer without Zhou Chun's need to answer, and answered on his behalf.

Zhou Daoyi looked thoughtful and said softly: "What Zhengchun means is that he wants to use this matter to cause more trouble and get more people involved?"

"Yes, this is exactly what I meant, junior!"

Zhou Chun nodded and admitted on the spot.

When the two said this, Zhou Mingde also came back to his senses and couldn't help but said: "I understand, since Qinglian Temple has taken action, one Jiang family may not be able to satisfy their appetite. If we can destroy the Jiang family, At that time, by killing some other Lingzhou forces, Qinglian will definitely pay more attention to it and be willing to help us deal with the aftermath!"

"Yes, Qinglian Temple just sat back and watched various families take refuge in the Tianjing Sect. No matter what the reason was, it caused a great loss to their prestige. If we want to restore these lost prestige, let other families continue to follow them with peace of mind. , these betrayers must be punished."

"This time our Zhou family plans to conquer the Jiang family westward. They obviously took this as an opportunity to use our Zhou family as pawns to deal with those traitors."

"Now that we understand their plan, as long as conditions permit, our Zhou family will of course make this matter as big as possible!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and expressed his opinion calmly.

It is easy to see from his calm face and words that he has no problem with being used as a pawn by Qinglian Temple.

Again, in many cases, being taken advantage of is not the saddest thing. The saddest thing is that you have no use value.

A person who is of no use value means that this person must be living a poor life, and the same is true for a family.

And smart people will know how to take advantage of others to get something beneficial to themselves.

At this time, Zhou Chun explained the truth behind this, and Zhou Mingde and others were no longer so anxious. They just maintained the offensive steadily and no longer had the mentality of eagerness to break the formation.

At the same time, just when Jiangjiashan Gate was surrounded and faced a severe test.

Inside the Tianjing Gate, Yu Jinghua also received the "Thousand Miles Communication Talisman" from the Jiang family.

After taking refuge in Tianjing Sect, Yu Jinghua could be said to be feeling proud again.

Tianjing Zhenren not only helped him cure the old illness he contracted during the Southern Expedition, but also helped him recover the origin of his split soul from the Zhou family, so that he would no longer be controlled by the Zhou family.

And because Tianjing Sect currently only has one Golden Core monk, Tianjing Zhenren is a newly promoted Nascent Soul monk, and it is impossible for him to focus on managing the affairs of the sect. He can almost be said to have monopoly power, and he is very unhappy. .

At this time, he received a message from the Jiang family and learned that the Zhou family had mobilized a large number of troops to enter Lingzhou to attack the Jiang family. Yu Jinghua couldn't help but show surprise.

"What's going on? What kind of medicine did Zhou Mingde and the others take? Why did they suddenly do such an unwise thing? What did the Jiang family do to make them so angry?"

He frowned slightly and muttered to himself, sensing something was wrong.

According to his understanding of Zhou Mingde, the other party should not be so reckless, and should not not know the impact of going deep into Lingzhou to attack the Jiang Family Mountain Gate at this time.

"Is it possible that because the Zhou family now has four Zifu monks, Zhou Mingde began to swell, thinking that the Zhou family has returned to the ranks of the Jindan family and can act without any scruples?"

"Or does he think that I will be lenient to them because of my past friendship?"

Yu Jinghua's expression turned cold when he thought of this, and he was about to leave for the Jiang family in person to find out.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he walked out of the Tianjing Gate, he suddenly felt two golden elixir level auras.

This discovery shocked him, and he hurriedly looked at the source of the breath.

But above the clouds, two Taoists in green were standing high in the clouds, sitting cross-legged on the white clouds facing each other, playing the game of black and white.

At this time, he seemed to notice his gaze, and a slow voice sounded in his ears: "The dispute between the Jiang family and the Zhou family is a private grudge between the two families. Why should Fellow Daoist Yu be so troubled? Aren't you afraid of meeting Zhou?" Are you in an awkward situation after everyone in your family?"

Although the tone of these words was calm, the sarcasm inside and outside the words was not concealed at all.

After hearing this, Yu Jinghua's face darkened, and he couldn't help but angrily said: "It's not your turn to tell me how Yu behaves!"

He would have never dared to say this before.

But now that he has the support of Tianjing Zhenren, a Yuan Ying stage monk, at least verbally, he is no longer afraid of any Qinglian Jindan monk.

But after he spoke, the Taoist in Qingyi who spoke had a cold look in his eyes, and said coldly: "I have no interest in giving advice to those ungrateful people who forget their ancestors. I am just following orders and have no choice but to come!"

Hearing these sarcastic words, Yu Jinghua became angry again and immediately glared at him.

"What? Do you want to fight with Pindao? Then let Pindao see how much you have!"

The Taoist in Qingyi said and stood up.

Seeing this, Yu Jinghua's anger subsided a lot, and then he turned around and returned to the mountain gate.

He would not fight against the Jindan monks of Qinglian Temple, as that would probably bring humiliation to himself.

However, since Qinglian Temple specially sent two golden elixir monks to block him, I am afraid that the Zhou family's attack on the Jiang family this time will not be as simple as ordinary revenge.

Therefore, after Yu Jinghua returned to Tianjingmen Mountain Gate, he immediately went to the place where Tianjing Master was retreating to ask for an audience.

But what made him feel bad was that Master Tianjing did not meet him and only replied with the words "everything happens in its own place".

"Everything happens on its own. Do you want me to decide what to do with it?"

"Then if I make a mistake, who is responsible?"

Yu Jinghua frowned and looked out at the mountain, feeling very uneasy inside.

He has realized that this time things may lead to catastrophe if something goes wrong.

And he didn't want to bear this heavy responsibility alone.

"Maybe it's time to call them all over to discuss this matter together, so that if something goes wrong, it won't be my responsibility alone!"

Thinking like this, Yu Jinghua immediately sent a summons order to all the Tianjing Sect's Zifu period monks inside the mountain gate, summoning everyone to come over to discuss the Jiang family's request for help.

However, some of those who can reach the Zifu stage will be fools.

Yu Jinghua usually wields great power and makes decisions with a single word, but now he calls all the Zifu period monks over for discussion and asks them to give their opinions. Who among them would be so stupid as to really believe that he asked him to come over and give his opinions.

Therefore, no matter what Yu Jinghua said, everyone else either kept silent or said they would follow his orders, but no one really raised their opinions.

This situation made Yu Jinghua feel ashamed and helpless.

Finally, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Well, since you don't want to support the Jiang family, then don't send anyone and let them fend for themselves!"

His forceful words finally made those people sit down quietly.

Only one person quickly spoke up and said: "Since the deputy head can't get out of the mountain gate, he might as well send someone to ask those families who have good relations with the Jiang family to support them. As long as two or three families take action, I think it will be enough to oust the Zhou family." !”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Jinghua suddenly clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Wonderful, Fellow Daoist Lin's plan is brilliant. Then I leave it to you to pass on the message. Whether hundreds of people in the Jiang family can survive will depend on it." It’s up to you, Fellow Daoist Lin!”

Upon hearing this, the monk who made the comment suddenly turned pale and almost died of anger.

He never expected that Yu Jinghua would be so shameless.

If he had known this would happen, he wouldn't have said anything even if he was beaten to death.

At this time, he could only grit his teeth and say: "My subordinates are of low cultivation, so I am afraid that it will be difficult for them to take on this important task. It would be better for the deputy master to choose another Taoist friend with a higher cultivation level to go there."

"Then which one of you is willing to take over from fellow Taoist Lin to do this?"

Yu Jinghua glanced at the other Zifu monks and asked softly.

Naturally, no one responded, and everyone pretended to be dumbfounded.

When Yu Jinghua saw this, he was not surprised at all, he showed his hands to the monk named Lin Zifu and said: "Fellow Daoist Lin, you see, it's not that I don't want to help you, you are the only one who is most suitable!"

Seeing this, the monk surnamed Lin had no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He accepted the matter with a depressed face.

After seeing the monk surnamed Lin leaving the mountain gate smoothly without being intercepted, Yu Jinghua couldn't help but become more sure of his guess.

Qinglian Temple is indeed preparing to cause trouble!

Time passed slowly, and soon half a day had passed since the Zhou family besieged the Jiang family's mountain gate.

At this time, after a half-day attack, the Jiang family's mountain gate guarding formation was already in danger. The green clouds guarding the mountain gate began to fade a lot visible to the naked eye.

On the other hand, everyone in the Zhou family, although they had been attacking for half a day, was still taking Yuan Hui Dan to restore their mana, so no one showed much fatigue.

However, because those monsters could not recover their mana by taking the Yuan Hui Dan, their mana consumption was a bit too much at this time, and several second-level monsters had temporarily withdrawn from the battle to rest.

But even so, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is only a matter of time before the Jiang family's mountain gate array is broken.

As the controller of the Shoushan Formation, Jiang Shicheng knows better than anyone else what the current situation of the Shoushan Formation is.

He looked at the Zhou family members outside who were constantly attacking their mountain gate, and couldn't help but murmur in a low voice: "Why? Why haven't the reinforcements from Tianjing Sect come yet? Do they really not even have any face?"

This is not the first time he has said such words.

But every time he talked about it, the despair in his heart became deeper.

He knew very well that if there were no reinforcements, the Jiang family would definitely not be spared today.

Then he couldn't help but think of the reason why things had come to this point, and he couldn't help but secretly gritted his teeth and said: "If we can survive this time, we must severely clean up the family tradition, and we must let those idiots who are still immersed in the glory of the past , take off a layer of skin for me!"

I wonder if God really heard what he said and was willing to give a glimmer of hope to the Jiang family.

Just when Jiang Shicheng was getting more and more desperate, he suddenly saw several escaping lights flying from the horizon in the distance, and soon arrived outside the Jiang Family Mountain Gate.

When those escaping lights stopped, the situation of the visitor was also exposed to the sight of the Zhou family and Jiang family monks.

The sudden escaping light suddenly contained two Zifu-level monks and five Foundation-building monks.

"Fellow Daoist He and Daoist Guo brought people to support us!"

Inside the gate of Jiangjiashan, after Jiang Shicheng saw clearly the face of the person outside, he shouted out the person's feet with great joy.

Outside the Jiang Family Mountain Gate, the arriving reinforcements from the He family and the Guo family appeared and immediately shouted at the Zhou family: "What do you want to do, people from the Zhou family? This is Lingzhou. In this land, the Jiang family is a family protected by the Tianjing Sect. If you attack the Jiang family's mountain gate like this, aren't you afraid that the senior Tianjing master of the Tianjing Sect will destroy your entire family in anger? "

After hearing this, Zhou Mingde immediately replied in a deep voice: "So what about the land of Lingzhou? The Jiang family has repeatedly harmed important members of my Zhou family without any reason, and treats our Zhou family as if it is nothing. If my Zhou family does not repay blood with blood, wouldn't it? What a joke!"

After saying that, he continued to shout in a strong tone: "Today, the top leaders of my Zhou family are gathered here, vowing to destroy the entire Jiang family. If you dare to stop me, don't blame my Zhou family for being rude!"

These tough words also instantly angered the reinforcements from the two opposing tribes.

Then one of the bearded men opened his mouth and shouted angrily: "What a loud tone! Then let Guo see how you are so rude!"

Before he finished speaking, he already took out his magic weapon and attacked Zhou Mingde.

Seeing this situation, several other people also launched an offensive against the Zhou family with their backs against the Jiang family's mountain gate.

As for the Zhou family, seeing these Jiang family reinforcements attacking their own side first, Zhou Mingde immediately shouted in a low voice, unwilling to be outdone: "That's it, let's attack with all our strength!"

He said "strike with all your strength", and all the Zhou family monks immediately exploded.

On Zhou Chun's side, he used both hands to make secrets and used the "Ancestral Resurrection" secret technique directly on the silver lightning python in vain, turning it into a thunder dragon.

At the same time, he then raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing all the "Black Armor Golden Feather" and "Flying Fire Scorpion" he had cultivated.

Previously, because of fear of the Corpse Demon Cult, the Zhou family had not dared to reveal the family's insect-repelling skills too much.

But now that the Corpse Demon Sect has too much to take care of itself, and the Zhou family also has Lin Hongyu, a golden elixir-level monk, as their trump card, there is no need for Zhou Chun to tie himself up any more.

The revelation of these two methods instantly made Zhou Chun the most eye-catching presence in the audience, even overshadowing Zhou Daoyi who possessed the green dragon.

In the sky, two dragons, one blue and one silver, let out bursts of dragon roars. One controlled the wind and clouds, and the other controlled the thunder and lightning. The sound was so powerful that it was daunting.

"What a pair of wind and thunder dragons!"

Dozens of miles away from the battlefield, in the sky, a spectator hiding in the dark looked at the twin dragons of wind and thunder in the sky, with surprise and admiration in his eyes.

Then he narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "It's a good thing that the Zhou family doesn't have a golden elixir cultivator this time, otherwise it might be a potential threat to the sect in the future. It seems that I need to remind the leader when I return. Senior brother, just give it a try, don’t let what happened to Master Tianjing happen again!”

I recommend a friend's new book "Oh My God!" "The first royal beast is a jellyfish", if you are interested, you can check it out

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