Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 374 Home confiscation! 【Please subscribe】

The Jiang family is gone!

A great clan of immortal cultivators that has been passed down for thousands of years has just disappeared!

The cause of its demise can be traced back decades ago to Jiang Shixian, the alchemist of the Jiang family, who plotted to assassinate Zhou Chun due to his own greed. At the bottom, it can be attributed to Jiang Chuanxiong, a foundation-building monk of the Jiang family, pursuing Zhou Zhengbai, a foundation-building monk of the Zhou family.

Both times, the Jiang family monks were blinded by greed and hatred and did things that were detrimental to the family, which ultimately led to the family's demise.

But the real reason obviously comes from the real leaders of the Jiang family.

Jiang Shicheng and the middle-term monk of the Jiang family's Zifu who had been assassinated by Lin Hongyu decades ago.

They are a clansman who clearly knows that his clan has done something against the moral principles of the immortal world, committed evil deeds and was killed, but still refuses to argue between good and bad, refuses to accept the reconciliation of the Zhou family, and must die for what he deserves. Revenge.

A clan member knew clearly that the family was in decline, but he still did not want to discipline the clan members and clean up the family tradition. This caused the clan members to make a big mistake regardless of the consequences and brought the disaster of annihilation to the family.

"The Jiang family's demise is entirely their own fault, but we should also take a warning!"

"As the family leaders, we must manage the family well in the future and establish a good family tradition. Don't let this happen to our Zhou family, and let our Zhou family make the same mistakes as the Jiang family!"

Inside the gate of Jiangjiashan, Zhou Mingde looked at the unburned flames and the bleeding corpses on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh.

He was not sighing at the demise of the Jiang family, but at the cruelty of the world of immortality.

Many monks from the Jiang family actually did nothing wrong and had not offended the Zhou family.

But their mistake was that their surname was Jiang, and they had the same blood as Jiang Shicheng, Jiang Chuanxiong and others.

This same bloodline usually brought them many conveniences and benefits, but now it became the direct cause of their downfall.

Since the Zhou family has decided to destroy the Jiang family and kill those who are in power in the Jiang family, they must not let go of these monks who also have the same surname Jiang.

Otherwise, if you are soft-hearted today, it is very likely to bring destruction to the Zhou family in the future.

Taking a detailed look at the history of the world of immortality, this kind of thing can be said to be everywhere, and people have to be on guard against it.

Therefore, if you want to survive in this cruel world of immortality and protect your relatives and friends from harm, you often have to do this.

"What the Supreme Elder said is very true. We can use history as a mirror to know the rise and fall. Although the Jiang family is destroyed today, we don't need to be happy, because the Jiang family today is likely to be the Zhou family tomorrow. We should lead As a warning, I restrain my clansmen and don’t let this happen again to my Zhou family!”

Zhou Chun echoed Zhou Mingde's words with a look of approval, without any smile on his face.

After saying that, he frowned slightly and said: "Although the Jiang family has been destroyed, Zhengbai still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Maybe you can send someone to Fangshi to find out the news."

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengqing on the side immediately said: "If the clan leader trusts me, let the younger brother do this."

"That's good, you are now the head of my Zhou Family Intelligence Hall, and there is no one more suitable than you for this matter."

Zhou Chun nodded and agreed immediately.

Then he taught earnestly: "Remember to be more careful. If you encounter something, don't fight the enemy head-on. Run away if you can. If you can't escape, you must save your own life first and wait for family rescue!"

"Yes, I will definitely follow the instructions of the patriarch."

Zhou Zhengqing responded and immediately left the Jiang Family Mountain Gate.

After he left, Zhou Chun and others started cleaning up the battlefield together.

In this battle, except for Zhou Jiarui and Zhou Xinlan, no one else in the Zhou family was injured, but everyone's spiritual pets were more or less seriously injured.

The number of enemies killed by them was as many as hundreds.

As for the Jiang family, Jiang Shicheng, the Zifu period monk, and the four foundation-building monks were all killed, and no one was spared.

The Guo family and the He family who came to the rescue also suffered heavy losses. The Guo family's Zifu monk and two foundation-building monks all died, and the He family only escaped with one Zifu monk and one late-stage foundation-building monk.

At the same time, there were as many as 276 corpses of monks in the Qi Refining Stage found inside the Jiang Family Mountain Gate. Some of the corpses had been completely destroyed by magical powers, or had been swallowed by monsters. It is difficult to know what the corpses were. How many.

In short, according to Zhou Chun's observations at the time, there should be no more than ten Jiang family monks who could escape alive.

At this time, eight members of the Zhou family worked together to move all the corpses scattered around.

Then, at Zhou Chun's suggestion, after all the valuable relics of the fallen monks of the Jiang family were confiscated, their bodies were gathered at the family tomb inside the Jiang family's mountain gate and cremated, which was considered a sign of respect for them.

After doing this, everyone began to search everywhere for the treasures inside the Jiang Family Mountain Gate.

As a local clan that has cultivated immortality for thousands of years, the Jiang Family's Mountain Gate is superior to the Zhou Family's Jiufeng Ridge in terms of spiritual energy concentration and area.

There are also many valuable treasures inside the mountain gate.

The first point is elixirs. Because the Jiang family has a good inheritance of alchemy skills, there are many medicinal fields opened in the mountain gate, and a large number of various elixirs are grown.

Although many elixirs were deliberately destroyed by the Jiang family monks before their deaths in the previous battles, the Zhou family monks still gained a lot during the search.

For example, Zhou Chun found three well-preserved spiritual fruit trees on the main peak of the Jiang family.

These three spiritual fruit trees are a spiritual pear tree, a spiritual apricot tree, and a spiritual jujube tree.

The spiritual fruits produced on the three fruit trees are not only delicious and sweet, but also contain pure spiritual power, which can be directly refined to improve cultivation.

In addition, there is a tea garden on the mountain behind the main peak of Jiangjia, where more than 20 different varieties of spiritual tea trees are planted.

Although these spiritual tea trees are not particularly precious varieties, they are the heritage accumulated by the Jiang family one by one over thousands of years.

In addition to the magical medicine, spiritual fruit and spiritual tea, the Jiang family, as a clan that has been cultivating immortals for thousands of years, naturally also has a special spiritual beast garden.

The Jiang Family's Spiritual Beast Garden is not as big as the Zhou Family Beast Garden, but it also houses more than a dozen common monsters, including a rare low-level monster called the Colorful Pheasant.

It is said that the colorful pheasant has a meager phoenix bloodline and is the nemesis of hundreds of poisons. It is born to eat all kinds of poisonous insects, snakes and ants. Its blood is full of spiritual power and is an excellent auxiliary material for refining many elixirs. It is also an excellent ink for making talismans. , eggs are even more delicious.

There are exactly eight colorful pheasants in Jiangjialing Zoo, one male and seven females.

In addition, a place for breeding poisonous insects was found in a remote corner of Jiangjiashan Gate. There were more than ten kinds of poisonous insects including centipedes, scorpions, spiders, poisonous snakes, etc., many of which were powerful poisons that could harm monks in the foundation building stage.

These things add up to a lot, so much that eight people from the Zhou family cannot take them away.

And they are just things that can be seen from the outside.

The most precious things in the Jiang family are those hidden in the treasure house.

Such as the classics in the library, the magic weapons, elixirs and other items stored in the treasure house, and the precious inheritance of skills and secrets stored in the secret warehouse.

"Everything else is easy to say. We must find the Jiang family's alchemy inheritance. This is what our Zhou family is in urgent need of right now!"

Zhou Chun's eyes sparkled, and his goal was very clear.

The Zhou family now has two foundation-building monks with good alchemy skills, but the Zhou family's own alchemy inheritance is not very good.

Zhou Zhengyuan and Zhou Xinlan can now refine no more than five kinds of elixirs that are useful for monks in the foundation-building stage, and most of them are healing and detoxifying elixirs.

This simply cannot meet the needs of the more than ten foundation-building monks in the Zhou family today.

But the Jiang family's alchemy inheritance is very extraordinary. In the market in Lingzhou, the elixirs in the Jiang family's shop are all gold-lettered, and they are very trusted by Lingzhou monks.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was determined to gain the Jiang family's alchemy inheritance.

He took matters into his own hands, first breaking the Jiang family's treasure house with Zhou Daoyi.

As expected, the treasure house contains a large number of refined elixirs, many of which can increase the cultivation level of monks during the Qi refining period.

This is the characteristic of a family.

In addition to elixirs, there are also a lot of magic weapons, magic talismans, elixirs, etc. in the treasure house. Zhou Chun and the others even found several large boxes filled with spiritual coins. There were as many as 1,000 spiritual coins stored in them. More than 50,000 pieces.

Zhou Chun and others were naturally not polite to the contents of these treasure houses, and took everything that could be put into the storage bag.

Just when they plundered all the treasure trove, Zhou Mingde also found the Jiang family's secret treasury.

After learning the news, Zhou Chun hurried to the location of the secret warehouse.

Unlike the Zhou family who hid their secret vault inside a mountain wall, the Jiang family's secret vault was located at the bottom of a pool. It would have been difficult to discover its existence unless Zhou Mingde searched carefully.

When Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi arrived at the scene, Zhou Mingde was casting a spell to drain the pond water.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Daoyi immediately asked Qingjiao to take action, and soon drained a pool of clear water, revealing the dark mud at the bottom of the pool.

Then Qingjiao created another tornado, which swept all the mud into the forest outside.

After the several feet thick mud was cleared away, blue-black rocks appeared at the bottom of the pool. Mysterious spiritual patterns were engraved on the stone walls, emitting a hazy black light, and the existence of a stone door could be vaguely seen among them.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but whisper: "The Jiang family's core alchemy inheritance was not found in the library or Jiang Shicheng's cave. That thing must be in this secret vault."

After saying that, he looked at a female cultivator in blue behind him and asked: "How about it, Xindie, are you sure you can use normal means to crack the formation of this secret vault?"

Most of the secret vaults have self-destruction arrangements. Once an external force forcibly destroys the secret vault's protective array, the self-destruction arrangement inside will be triggered, destroying the things stored in it.

So now Zhou Chun can only place his hopes on Zhou Xindie, the best formation master in the Zhou family, hoping that she can use the formation master's methods to break the guarding formation outside the secret vault without touching the self-destruction arrangement inside. Enter the secret vault.

Hearing his question at this time, Zhou Xindie stared at the stone wall for a while, and then said softly: "The formation on it doesn't look particularly complicated. If I give this junior ten days and a half, I will have 50% success." Be sure to crack it."

"No, we don't have that much time. We have to leave here tomorrow at most!"

Zhou Chun immediately shook his head and rejected this method.

This is Lingzhou after all. Even if the Jiang family has been destroyed, even if the Tianjing Gate is blocked by Qinglian Temple and cannot take direct action, the Zhou family cannot stay in the Jiang Family Mountain Gate for more than ten days. It would be too dangerous.

Zhou Mingde also spoke at this time: "Let's break the formation by force. As soon as the formation is broken, let the Vulcan Jackal and Green Dragon rush into it. If you can get something, it's worth it!"

Hearing what the two of them said, although Zhou Xindie felt pity in her heart, she still dutifully suggested: "If you want to forcefully break the formation, you may focus on attacking the stone door."

"Okay, then just listen to Xindie, I'll take action together!"

As Zhou Chun spoke, he took out the golden long sword.

I saw him raising his hand and wiping it on the long knife. Golden light suddenly flashed on the long knife, and a few inches thick golden light suddenly appeared.

This can be regarded as a special effect in the second chapter of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong". It can improve the sharpness of swords and other magic weapons like enchantment. The disadvantage is that it consumes more mana.

At this time, with Zhou Chun's low shout, the magical weapons of the three Zifu monks of the Zhou family fell at the stone gate on the stone wall at the bottom of the pool.


Accompanied by a loud roar, the stone door instantly shattered and exploded under the attack of the three magic weapons.

It's now!

At the moment when the stone door shattered, the much smaller Vulcan jackal and green dragon instantly transformed into two phantoms, one red and one green, and got through the gap.

At the same time, blazing firelight came into Zhou Chun and others' eyes through the gap, but it was that the self-destruction circle in the secret vault had been passively triggered and began to burn the treasures inside.

At this moment, everyone can only hope that the Vulcan Jackal and Qingjiao will have good luck and successfully bring out the Jiang family's alchemy inheritance.


After a while, the Vulcan Jackal and the Green Dragon rushed out of the secret vault that turned into a sea of ​​fire, and fell in front of their respective masters.

Then they opened their mouths and spit out the treasures they had swallowed from the secret vault.

In their haste, they didn't bring out many treasures. The Vulcan Jackal brought three items and the Blue Dragon brought four items.

Among these seven treasures, two are Taoist objects, namely a stone tablet and a jade bell.

Among the other five treasures, two are third-level magic weapons, as well as a jade book, a jade box, and a jade bottle.

Zhou Chun glanced at these treasures and then focused on the secret vault.

I saw that the flames in the secret vault had not been extinguished. The power of the flames was no worse than the earth fire. Even the third-level magic weapon could not be preserved intact in such fierce flames without anyone urging it.

"This seems to be the flame triggered by the Heavenly Fire and Earth Fire Array. This array needs to be arranged with the Earth Fire Source Crystal as a material. It can fully stimulate the power of the Earth Fire Source Crystal at once. The Earth Fire Source Crystal used when setting up the array is more powerful. The more, the more powerful the flame will be after it is activated!"

Zhou Xindie's eyes also fell on the secret vault, and with her own understanding of the formation, she could probably see the details of the self-destruction formation inside.

"Let's see if there is anything we want in these things first!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, then looked back at the seven treasures.

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