Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 375 Gains and Losses【Please subscribe】

"Hahaha, it is indeed God's blessing that this thing fell into our hands!"

Inside the gate of Jiangjiashan, Zhou Mingde held a jade book in his hand and laughed loudly, his face full of joy.

The jade book in his hand is one of the seven treasures Qingjiao brought out from the Jiang family's secret vault. This object is actually an alchemy book, which contains dozens of elixir recipes owned by the Jiang family, as well as several exquisite alchemy methods. occult.

With this thing in hand, the Jiang family's alchemy inheritance will belong to the Zhou family from now on.

At this time, several people were checking the seven treasures brought out from the secret vault.

In addition to the precious alchemy book in Zhou Mingde's hand, several other treasures brought out of the secret vault are also extraordinary.

Needless to say, the two third-level magic weapons are not particularly powerful treasures, but the level is there, and the value is not much lower.

The two Dao-carrying weapons record a top-level skill and a fighting skill, which will give the new foundation-building monks of the Zhou family two more choices in the choice of skills.

Another jade box contained an animal skin scroll. It seemed to be a treasure map, but there was only half of the scroll. Another treasure map was needed to compare with it to find the location of the treasure.

This kind of treasure map is not a rare thing in the world of cultivators. It can even be said to be very common. Many people sell it in the free trading area of ​​​​the market, but they are usually fake maps or treasure traps deliberately created by bandit cultivators. .

However, since the Jiang family will store the treasure map in the secret vault, and the carrier of this treasure map is the skin of a third-level monster beast, its authenticity should be trustworthy.

But since the Jiang family holds the treasure map in their hands and has not found the other part for who knows how many years, it has already shown that the other part is difficult to find. Once this thing is in the hands of the Zhou family, it is estimated that it can only be shelved and left to be deciphered by future generations.

The last jade bottle of the seven treasures contained an elixir, only one. After comparing the elixir recipes in the elixir book, it was determined that it should be a precious healing elixir called [Rebirth Pill].

According to the records on the pill recipe, to refine this [Rebirth Pill], not only five thousand-year-old elixirs and more than a dozen precious elixirs must be used, but also several very rare and special monster blood essences must be used as the medicine. .

Moreover, the refining time of this elixir alone will take 7,749 days, not even one minute more or less.

And the elixir that is so troublesome to refine naturally has extraordinary effects.

According to the prescription, as long as you have this [Rebirth and Rebirth Pill] in your hands, no matter whether you have a broken arm or leg, a punctured intestine, a broken nose, or a blind eye, you can recover as before.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is not a fatal injury such as decapitation or broken purple palace in the Dantian, you can recover after taking the [Rebirth Pill] in time.

The Jiang family also successfully refined a batch of this elixir many years ago, and then kept one in the family secret vault for emergencies.

Unexpectedly, now the Zhou family is getting an advantage.

At this time, after inspecting the seven treasures rescued from the Jiang family's secret storehouse, Zhou Mingde also suppressed the smile on his face and said seriously: "Okay, the Jiang family's treasures are almost gone. What's next? Let’s talk about how to bring all these things back to the family, Masazumi, do you have any ideas?”

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun just pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Junior thinks that we should make a choice and try to take away what we can, and we don't have to force what we can't take away!"

There are many treasures inside the Jiang family's mountain gate, but there are only eight people in the Zhou family, so it is impossible to take away all the things at once.

And if it is divided into several times, it is likely to be ambushed due to small losses.

But after hearing his answer, Zhou Mingde did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhou Daoyi and others and asked, "What are your opinions?"

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake. I hope this harvest has been big enough. There is no need to make a big mistake just because of greed. I agree with Zhengchun."

Zhou Daoyi thought for a moment and then quickly agreed with Zhou Chun's view.

This made Zhou Jiarui, who was about to speak, suddenly change his expression slightly, and swallowed back the words he wanted to say.

He was the one who was a little greedy and wanted to say that it would be okay to make one more trip.

But after Zhou Daoyi made his statement, it would be short-sighted and stupid for him to say such things again.

The other Zhou family foundation-building monks present saw that the two heavyweights Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi had reached an agreement, so they all chose to remain silent.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately said: "Since no one else has any objections, let's do what Zhengchun said!"

So the group of people immediately took action, transplanted the spiritual fruit trees and spiritual tea trees planted in the Jiang family mountain gate, and placed them on the bodies of green dragons, fire god jackals, golden-winged tigers and other monsters, and these monsters carried them back to the family. plant.

Those things that couldn't be taken away were not destroyed and were simply left in place to wait for the destined person.

After working like this for several hours, seeing that there was no place to place the spiritual objects on the monster beasts, the Zhou family no longer stayed any longer and immediately escorted the things they got from the Jiang family on their way home.

Maybe it was the Qinglian Temple's secret protection, or maybe it was the Zhou family's determination to leave. They didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and smoothly returned to Lanzhou, and met up with Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Jiapeng who stayed at the border to support them. .

On the other hand, although Yu Jinghua was trapped inside the Tianjing Gate and was not allowed to go out, his connection with the outside world was not completely severed.

Shortly after the Jiang family was destroyed, he learned about it through the hands of the monks from the Zifu of the He family who escaped.

He was also quite surprised when he learned what happened from the cultivator of the He family's Zifu.

"What a great Zhou Mingde, I didn't expect that only a hundred years have passed, and the Zhou family has already gained such power. I really underestimated them before!"

He murmured in his mouth, his expression quite ugly.

It is obvious that the more prosperous the Zhou family becomes under the leadership of Zhou Mingde, the more short-sighted he becomes.

He knew even more clearly that if given the chance, the Zhou family would definitely retaliate against him at all costs.

So now that he knew that the Zhou family easily destroyed the Jiang family and the people he sent to rescue them, how could he feel better?

"Hmph, so what if the Zhou family's strength has improved? If you don't become a golden elixir, you will always be an ant. Why should I worry about the revenge of these ants!"

He cheered himself up, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

As a monk in the golden elixir stage, his mental state is naturally not bad.

He has nothing to regret about what he has done.

It is true that the Zhou family is getting more and more prosperous, but it is still far from being a threat to him.

If the Zhou family really dares to retaliate against him, he will definitely not show any mercy!

"The Zhou family has nothing to fear, the only one to worry about is Qinglian Guan!"

"Let's see what other methods they have next!"

Yu Jinghua muttered to himself, and couldn't help but look in the direction of the two Qinglian Guanjindan monks outside the mountain gate.

He knew very well that the Zhou family's massacre of the Jiang family this time was just a test by Qinglian Temple.

Qinglianguan will definitely use more methods next.

His real opponent will only be Qinglianguan, not the small Zhou family.

Not to mention how Yu Jinghua reacted after learning the news that the Jiang family was destroyed, let's say that after everyone in the Zhou family returned to the family, they began to happily count their harvests.

First, all the spiritual fruit trees and spiritual tea trees transplanted from the Jiang family were planted, and then the colorful pheasants and other monsters they brought were put into the animal enclosure.

Then Zhou Chun summoned more than a dozen tribesmen to come over and count the storage bags looted from the corpses of the Jiang family monks, as well as the various spiritual objects looted from the Jiang family's treasury.

Under the counting of more than 20 Zhou family monks one by one, the harvest brought back from the Jiang family was quickly compiled into a list and handed to Zhou Chun.

And when Zhou Chun read the information recorded on the list in his hand, even with his experience, he couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart.

Make a lot of money!

This is the truest feeling in Zhou Chun's heart at this moment.

The Jiang family is truly a family that has been cultivating immortals for thousands of years. The wealth of their family is far beyond that of other families.

According to statistics, during this Western Expedition, more than 127,000 actual spiritual coins were harvested!

In addition, more than 800 magical artifacts of various types were harvested, including more than 20 second-level magical artifacts and six third-order magical artifacts.

In addition, the Jiang family has passed down elixirs to their family, and the Zhou family has harvested a very large number of elixirs this time, with as many as 27 types and a total of more than 6,500 elixirs.

Other talismans, formations and other objects also have some gains.

At the same time, the number of various elixirs found in Jiang's family reached thousands, including more than 50 elixirs that were over 500 years old, and more than 300 elixirs that were over a hundred years old.

In the end, all the thousands of books in the Jiang family's library were moved to the Zhou family. Among them were not only many secret arts and techniques, but also the experiences and insights of many senior Jiang family monks in alchemy and talisman making. , and various essay notes.

Such an astonishing harvest is the first time since the Zhou family took root in Jiufeng Ridge.

The key is that this time the Jiang family was destroyed, no one from the Zhou family died, and all the gains were pure gains.

This is very amazing!

At the minimum cost, the maximum gain was obtained.

In this battle of genocide, the Zhou family really made a lot of money.

"The Jiang family is worthy of being a great family that has cultivated immortality for thousands of years, but its heritage is unmatched by other families. It's a pity that they are taking advantage of us now!"

Zhou Chun gently flicked the folder filled with words in his hand and said with a smile on his face.

When he was reading the information on the brochure just now, others also read it.

Hearing his words at this time, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but smile heartily and said: "Isn't it like this? With this harvest, the family will not have to worry about not having enough money in the next ten or eight years."

Then Zhou Daoyi also said with a smile: "Now I hope nothing happens to Zhengbai. As long as he can come back safely, our Zhou family will have a great victory this time!"

"Yes, I hope that my thirty-first brother will be able to bring good fortune to people and heaven!"

The smile on Zhou Chun's face faded slightly, and he was also concerned about the safety of his clan brother.

Although they were able to destroy the Jiang family this time because of their great efforts, Zhou Zhengbai's contribution should not be forgotten.

However, what they didn't expect was that Zhou Zhengqing, who soon went to investigate Zhou Zhengbai's situation, received bad news through Eagle News.

Zhou Zhengbai has fallen!

According to Zhou Zhengqing's investigation, not long after Zhou Zhengbai fled into Fang City, he was found by Jiang Chuanxiong, the Jiang family's foundation-building monk.

Then the other party colluded with the Fang City Law Enforcement Team and attempted to arrest Zhou Zhengbai on the charge of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

During the fight between the two sides, Zhou Zhengbai lost to the opponent and was beheaded by the opponent on the spot.

All this was witnessed by the monks at the Zhou family’s intelligence site!

"Shu Zi deserves to be killed!!"

Zhou Mingde stared with anger, slammed the table and shouted.

He was indeed very angry because this was the first time since the Zhou family took root in Jiufeng Ridge that a monk in the foundation-building stage was killed outside.

As a result, even if the Jiang family has been destroyed, it is not enough to calm his anger.

"He does deserve to die!"

Zhou Chun wore a frosty mask and said in a cold tone: "In broad daylight, my Zhou family was killed in Fangshi. Not only Jiang Chuanxiong deserves to die, but the Tianjing Sect should also give my Zhou family an explanation and explanation!"

After saying that, he made a decision on the spot: "This junior will go to see Master Qingweizi now. This matter must not be left alone!"

"I and Masazumi, you go together!"

Zhou Mingde said as he and Zhou Chun rushed to the Qinglian Mountain Gate.

They are not making a fuss, they have to do it.

If Zhou Zhengbai was simply killed by the Jiang family monks outside, then their elimination of the Jiang family would indeed be regarded as revenge for him and give a satisfactory explanation to the clan members.

But the place where Zhou Zhengbai died was in Fang City!

Fangshi has always been one of the safest places in the world of cultivating immortals.

Normally speaking, as long as the monk is not wanted by the city management, as long as he does not violate the ban of the city, even if he has a personal vendetta against a senior executive of the city, his personal safety in the city should be guaranteed.

But Zhou Zhengbai was killed after entering Fangshi!

This makes things serious.

If the Zhou family didn't do something about this matter, Zhou Zhengbai's death would truly be in vain.

So after learning about this, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were shocked and angry, but they also quickly thought of how to make a fuss.

They are all people with sharp minds, and they all know very well that Qinglian Temple is currently trying every means to cause trouble for the Tianjing Sect, and they want to attack the Tianjing Sect from a moral high ground.

The murder of Zhou Zhengbai in Fang City was undoubtedly a good breakthrough point.

Of course, the Zhou family cannot get Tianjing Sect to give an explanation and explanation, but Qinglian Temple has that strength.

Sure enough, when Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde arrived at the Qinglian Temple Gate, they met Qing Weizi.

Facing the excellent excuse they handed over, Qingweizi said with a serious face: "Don't worry, two fellow Taoists. Since the Zhou family considers me, Qinglian Temple, as the sect master, I, Qinglian Temple, will take this matter." Since it is my duty to stand up for the Zhou family, I will write a letter to Yu Daoyou, asking him to hand over the murderer and accomplices, and give justice to the Zhou family!"

After the Zhou family destroyed the Jiang family, the Tianjing Sect has been standing still. He is worried that he has no better excuse to continue to expand.

Now that he had this perfect excuse, he didn't care whether the Zhou family wanted to use Qinglian Temple to avenge themselves, he just wanted to further damage the prestige and power of Tianjing Sect.

I didn’t have a chance to touch the computer all day today. It’s too difficult to code on my mobile phone and it’s very painful to write!

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