Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 376: On the verge of breaking out【Please subscribe】


The sound of something being thrown suddenly sounded.

In the main hall, Yu Jinghua angrily smashed the jade slips written by Qing Weizi, the master of Qinglian Temple, and shouted angrily: "It's too much to bully others, it's simply too much to bully others!!"

No wonder he was so angry, it was Qingweizi's request that was too bullying.

Not only did they, the Tianjing Sect, have to hand over all those involved in the murder of Zhou Zhengbai to the Qinglian Temple, they also required him, the deputy head of the Tianjing Sect, to stand up and publicly apologize to the Zhou family.

Such a request is not bullying.

It is absolutely impossible for him, Yu Jinghua, to bow his head to the Zhou family!

"Damn Niubi Lao Taoist, do you really think you've got Ding Yu? Do you really think your Qinglian Temple is still the same Qinglian Temple as before?"

Yu Jinghua let out a series of low roars, his eyes flashed fiercely, he was completely irritated.

He was previously trapped inside the mountain gate by the golden elixir monks from Qinglian Temple, which made him suffocate.

After the Jiang family was destroyed, many immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou were in panic and used various methods to put pressure on him, hoping that he would give a reassuring explanation. This also annoyed him. Very angry inside.

Now Qingweizi actually wanted him to apologize to the Zhou family in public. She simply wanted to rub his face on the ground.

How can he not be angry?

The relationship between Yu Jinghua and the Zhou family in Lanzhou is not known to everyone in Jingguo. At least the immortal cultivating families in several states under the rule of Qinglian Temple are all aware of it.

Asking him to apologize to the Zhou family in public would be more uncomfortable for him than killing him!

At this moment, Yu Jinghua, in anger, went to Tianjing Zhenren's cave again.

"Old Ancestor Mingjian, the Qinglian Temple is really too deceptive. Now the families below are agitated, and they are all harmed by the destruction of the Jiang family. If this junior apologizes in public again as he said, my Tianjing Sect has worked hard to accumulate His reputation will be gone and he will become a laughing stock in the world of immortality!"

Outside the retreat cave of Master Tianjing, Yu Jinghua complained eloquently about the current situation without hiding his anger.

He knew that Master Tianjing had his own concerns, but he cared more about his own feelings.

If he had to live such a miserable life in Tianjing Sect, then why did he join Tianjing Sect in the first place?

At that time, the reason why he also joined the Tianjing Sect was because Master Tianjing told him that as long as he joined the Tianjing Sect, he could talk to Qingweizi and other big sects of the Golden Core Stage on an equal footing?

Now facing Qingweizi's aggressiveness, if he could only swallow his anger as before, then why would he join the Tianjing Sect?

At this time, perhaps he heard Yu Jinghua's inner thoughts.

Master Tianjing, who had never invited him into the cave, also sighed softly and said: "Forget it, since it's hard to get rid of your feelings, let's do our own thing!"

Hearing this, Yu Jinghua's face suddenly flashed with joy, and he immediately bowed and thanked: "Thank you, ancestor, for your understanding!"

Then I went to make arrangements ambitiously.

Soon a jade slip of a letter written by Yu Jinghua was also delivered to Qingweizi.

In the letter, Yu Jinghua also sternly denounced the Zhou family's massacre of the Jiang family, accused Qinglian Temple of shielding and protecting the Zhou family, and asked Qingweizi to personally tie everyone in the Zhou family to the Tianjingmen Mountain Gate to apologize.

Such arrogant words also made Qingweizi laugh.

"What an arrogant person!"

"Do you really think that with Heavenly Mirror's support behind him, he can compete with our sect?"

Qingweizi murmured to herself with a sneer on her face, and immediately gave the order: "When you come, please immediately send an order to all the immortal cultivating families in Yunzhou, Lanzhou, and Lianzhou. All the immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou are acting against the law and are out of control. They should immediately form a line." Those who are on the list of outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the three states. All the properties of their family in the three states will be confiscated and they will be killed on sight!"

Kill him on sight!

Just these four simple words conveyed the true meaning of Qingweizi's order.

According to his order, from now on the monks in the three states under the rule of Qinglian Temple can kill the members of various immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou at will!

As soon as this order was issued, it was almost like a complete break with the Tianjing Sect.

With the efforts of the disciples of Qinglian Temple, Qingweizi's order quickly spread throughout the three states and to all the immortal cultivating families in the three states.

At this time, the Zhou family's westward expedition against the Jiang family had just spread and aroused heated discussion in the four states.

Suddenly such an order came from Qinglian Temple, which immediately caused a huge earthquake in the world of immortality.

The first to suffer were the monks from the Lingzhou Xiuxian family who stayed in the Three States.

Following Qingweizi's order, these people directly became evil heretics in the three states, and they can be killed by everyone!

In just a few days, hundreds of monks from the Lingzhou Immortal Cultivation Family died in the three states.

For a time, no one in the three states dared to say that they came from Lingzhou!

On the other side, after Yu Jinghua learned about the order issued by Qinglian Temple, he was shocked and angry, and immediately took reciprocal measures without hesitation.

It is a pity that the Immortal Cultivating Families in Lingzhou Land are not as efficient in executing the orders of Tianjing Sect as the families in Sanzhou Land are in executing the orders of Qinglian Temple.

Very few of them dared to kill the monks from the Three States after receiving the order, and most of them took a wait-and-see approach.

It wasn't until he learned that his clansmen were killed in the Three States that he regretted it and wanted to kill for revenge.

But at this time there was no one left for them to kill.

This has to be said to be sad.

Although these people have taken refuge in the Tianjing Sect for various reasons, they do not completely trust the Tianjing Sect in their hearts, and they still have a sense of fluke.

And as the two sides completely cut off all contact and killed each other's vassal monks, the southern states of Yasukuni, which had been relatively peaceful, suddenly began to become turbulent.

There was no need for the top leaders of the two major forces to add fuel to the flames. The subordinate vassal families of the two major forces, who had already been stained with each other's blood, each took the initiative to fight with the other.

Especially here in the Three States, after the Zhou family in Lanzhou suddenly announced various harvests from the Jiang family's confiscation, many powerful immortal cultivating families were eager to follow suit.

Anyway, Qinglian Temple has already revealed to them that neither Master Tianjing of Tianjing Sect nor Yu Jinghua, the Golden Core monk, can ever leave the mountain gate of Tianjing Sect.

Even if they enter Lingzhou to cut down the mountains and exterminate the clan, the enemies with the highest level of cultivation they will encounter are at most in the Zifu stage.

In this way, imitating the Zhou family and destroying the Jiang family is definitely a promising thing for some big immortal cultivating families.

But just when the various immortal cultivating clans in the Three States were sharpening their swords and preparing to go to Lingzhou to make a fortune, the Zhou family, which was the trigger for the confrontation between the two major forces, made no further moves.

At this time, the Zhou family's memorial ceremony for Zhou Zhengbai has ended, and the tomb has been erected.

Because Zhou Zhengbai himself had a daughter with a Taoist companion, and she died in the line of duty, the Zhou family specially approved a foundation-building pill for his daughter. She can receive it after her cultivation reaches the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage. .

At the same time, a pension of 10,000 spiritual coins was distributed to his Taoist companion to be used for the future cultivation expenses of the mother and daughter.

This pension is not ungenerous.

This kind of pension has also become the Zhou family's pension standard for those foundation-building monks who died fighting for the family.

In the future, as long as the Zhou family's foundation-building monks die in the line of duty like Zhou Zhengbai, the family will use this standard as the basis and increase the pension according to their merits.

With this kind of pension standard, I dare not say that all the Zhou family's foundation-building monks will be willing to die for the family in the future. At least when they face a life-and-death battle, they don't have to worry about having no one to take care of their relatives after their death.

"Now that Qinglian Temple and Tianjingmen are completely at odds, there will be a war between the two sides sooner or later, and our Zhou family will definitely not be able to stay out of it."

"So the next period of time may be our last preparation time!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun and other senior officials of the Zhou family were sitting across from each other, discussing the changes in the situation in southern Jingguo.

The benefits of the Zhou family's first shot are obvious. Under the protection of Qinglian Temple, it can be said that Quanxu Quanwei has made a lot of money back.

And because the Zhou family has fired the first shot and sent out the certificate of surrender, even if the Zhou family does not participate in the battle between the two sides' vassal forces at this stage, they will not be criticized by anyone.

So at least the Zhou family can prepare well for a period of time before the battle between Qinglian Temple and Tianjing Sect takes place in person.

The main thing that Zhou Chun and others discussed today was how to make good use of this last period of preparation time to maximize the strength of the Zhou family to deal with the fierce battle that would break out later.

Zhou Mingde said slowly: "There is only one real Tianjing and Yu Jinghua in Tianjing Sect. Once a full-scale war breaks out, these two people will definitely be restrained by Qinglian Temple, leaving them no time to escape."

"In this case, even if our Zhou family participates in the war, we will only be able to deal with the monks of the Zifu period at most."

"If we are just dealing with the Zifu period monks, we will only need to practice spells diligently to improve our combat power."

The current strength of the Zhou family is not very strong. On the surface, there is not even a single golden elixir stage monk.

But if you want to say it's weak, it's definitely not weak.

The Jiang family in Lingzhou, a large family that has been cultivating immortals for thousands of years, was destroyed at the earliest opportunity.

To put it bluntly, under the golden elixir, the Zhou family has no power at all.

Even if it gets involved in a war between big forces, it can still be used as a backbone force.

So now when talking about the war that may break out between Tianjingmen and Qinglian Temple at any time, Zhou Mingde is no longer as trembling as he was when he participated in the Southern Expedition.

The confidence is obviously much stronger than before.

After listening to his words, Zhou Chun also nodded in agreement and said: "What the Supreme Elder said is absolutely true. No matter when the war breaks out, it is the best way for us to concentrate on improving our combat power."

After speaking, he said confidently: "Today is different from the past. With Senior Lin here, no matter what happens, we will have a stable escape route, so there is no need to worry too much."

A family with a Golden Core monk is really different from a family without a Golden Core monk.

As long as the Golden Core Stage monks are still there, even if a family is forced to travel far away, it will not be difficult to find a place to start over.

So now that Lin Hongyu is backing them, Zhou Chun and other senior officials of the Zhou family are no longer as frightened by the changes in Jingguo's situation as they used to be at the slightest sign of trouble.

The worst possible outcome would be to let Lin Hongyu expose her existence and then move her entire family away from Jingguo.

"Then it's decided, Zhengchun, you will go to the Great Zhou Kingdom later to deal with the harvest we got from the Jiang family, and by the way, see if you can buy the spiritual materials needed to refine the natal magic weapon for Fellow Daoist Lin! "

Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun and immediately made arrangements for him.

Regarding this arrangement, Zhou Chun still did not refuse after pondering for a while.

However, before setting off for the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun first went to Longyuan Ze to look for the alien tribe of scaled frogs for trade.

The Great Zhou Kingdom is located deep inland. Although it is vast and rich in resources and has various spiritual resources, it is still not easy to see the rare treasures produced in the waters of Longyuan Ze.

Since Zhou Chun discovered that water treasures sell better in the Great Zhou Kingdom, he has consciously and secretly kept some precious water treasures in recent years, without giving them to Qinglian Temple for selection.

In fact, the Zhou family had done this kind of thing before, but because they were afraid of offending Qinglian Temple, they didn't dare to do it too obviously.

At most, they are secretly hiding some really precious water treasures, and they dare not sell these secret treasures to avoid being accused by Qinglian Temple after learning the news.

But things are different now. Now the Zhou family has not only reached a new agreement with the Scaled Frogs in private, but the trade volume will increase greatly in the future, and they also have the sales channel of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Due to the long distance between the Great Zhou Kingdom and the Jing Kingdom, it would be difficult for Qinglian Temple to learn about this matter as long as the Zhou family did not go too far.

Originally, the best candidate to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to sell the rare treasures from the waters was Lin Hongyu, a monk in the golden elixir stage.

Not only will the price be easier to sell, but even if the news is known to Qinglian Temple, it will be difficult to suspect the Zhou family because of Lin Hongyu's cultivation in the golden elixir stage.

But now a war will break out in Jingguo at any time, and Lin Hongyu cannot leave easily.

This time, Zhou Chun brought a lot of elixirs that he had confiscated from the Jiang family. He used elixirs and magic weapons, two rare treasures of the scaled frogs, and successfully exchanged them for many of their precious water treasures.

After returning from Long Yuanze, Zhou Chun did not return to his family, but quietly went north to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Because the silver lightning python was still in the weak stage after "The Ancestral Resurrection", Zhou Chun could only ride the golden-winged tiger and use his own magic power to travel.

Even so, his speed is much faster than Zhou Daoyi.

After all, he doesn't have to go around to find places where immortal cultivators gather to meditate to restore his mana, which can save a lot of time in this regard.

Twenty-one days after setting off from Lanzhou, he arrived at the Great Zhou Kingdom smoothly.

After entering the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun did not go to the Xiandufang City that he had visited before. Instead, he took the direction and went to another city in the Great Zhou Kingdom that was even more prosperous than the Xiandufang City. .

It's not accurate to say it's a city. To be more precise, it should be called Immortal City, a city dedicated to immortal cultivators!

That is the "Tianyuan Immortal City" located in the northwest of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

It’s still a mobile phone code. It’s really uncomfortable. I can’t sleep well these days and I can’t eat well. It’s so difficult! And I have to leave the hospital on the 24th and 5th!

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