Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 377 Tianyuan Immortal City【Please subscribe】

Tianyuan Fairy City is a magical place.

The establishment period of this fairy city can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, Tianyuan Immortal City was a frontline stronghold with tens of thousands of human monks stationed there, always on guard against the aliens on the Duolan Grassland.

Because at that time, a large number of immortal cultivators had gathered here for a long time and had a very high demand for various cultivation resources. At the same time, there were also many gains from the battlefield that needed to be processed, so this place naturally became a large trade market.

After several wars between the human race and alien races, Tianyuan Immortal City became the center of the human race, where troops were stationed and the number of people increased.

At that time, in order for so many human race immortal cultivators to be stationed here safely and to make this place a strategic place to resist the invasion of alien races, the major human race forces spent a lot of manpower and material resources on the construction of Tianyuan Immortal City.

The power of the formations arranged in the Tianyuan Mountains is stronger than those of the big forces' own mountain gate guarding formations, and their defense strength can be said to be the best in the Great Zhou Dynasty!

And this Tianyuan Immortal City, which was built with a lot of manpower and material resources, has indeed acted as the mainstay, causing the alien armies to return defeated time and time again, unable to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Later, the human forces became more and more powerful, and the alien forces declined more and more. The alien forces began to shrink back significantly to the Duolan Grassland, and Tianyuan Immortal City gradually changed from a frontline station to a stable rear area.

Without the threat of alien races, Tianyuan Immortal City would no longer have that transcendent status.

But after all, this fairy city took countless manpower and material resources to build, and no one knows whether the aliens will come back from the Duolan Grassland.

Therefore, Tianyuan Immortal City was not abandoned, but slowly transformed into a trading city, becoming the largest trading center in the northwest of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Today, Tianyuan Immortal City has developed into the number one trading city in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Because of this unique origin, Tianyuan Immortal City does not belong to any one force alone, but is shared by the forces that participated in the establishment of the city. Everyone will receive corresponding shares according to their investment and contribution at that time.

Up to now, because many of the forces that established the Immortal City at that time have declined or perished, there are now less than ten forces that still hold shares in Tianyuan Immortal City, and they are all famous and powerful forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The reason why Tianyuan Immortal City is a magical place is not just because of its origin, but also because of its operating mode.

The operation mode of Tianyuan Immortal City is very special, because the Immortal City covers a very large area, and there are many people who need to maintain the formation inside. It has a vast living space.

But when the war ceases to exist, the monks from various sects and families who have gathered from various places will certainly not stay here anymore.

Therefore, at the beginning, this place was almost forced to be abandoned because there were not enough monks to maintain the formation.

In order to save this fairy city with special significance, the senior officials of various factions at that time thought of a special method, which was the "immortal book".

Tianyuan Immortal City is open to all monks to register their immortal status. All monks who have registered their immortal status in Tianyuan Immortal City will be given a three-acre piece of land in the non-commercial area of ​​the city. Live here and inherit his immortal status.

And monks who have immortal status are obliged to participate in the tasks of maintaining the operation of various formations in the immortal city.

There is no doubt that this point was very attractive to many casual cultivators and small family cultivators at that time.

So not long after, Tianyuan Immortal City registered tens of thousands of immortals. Through these monks who settled in the Immortal City, the difficulty of maintaining the operation of the Immortal City's formation was solved.

The sun and the moon rotate, time passes, and now, those monks who had immortal status are no longer there, but many of their descendants, thanks to their dedication at that time, are living a very comfortable life now.

Nowadays, Tianyuan Immortal City is basically no longer open to registering new immortal books. However, those monks who have immortal books are very close to them, but because of the existence of immortal books, they have become the envy of many casual cultivators and small family monks.

Not only can they practice free of charge in Tianyuan Immortal City, a fairy city with rich spiritual energy, but with the land passed down from their ancestors, they can also develop various side businesses to earn spiritual coins. There is no need to go out and risk life and death, and there is no need to worry about what day He provoked powerful enemies outside, causing the family to be wiped out.

It can be said that as long as you are reincarnated in Tianyuan Immortal City, you will already be ahead of most casual cultivators on the path of cultivation. Even if you cannot join the sect in the future, you can still live a happy life without worrying about food and clothing.

This special advantage gives the monks in Tianyuan Immortal City a natural sense of superiority over monks from outside. Even in front of ordinary disciples from a large sect, they can proudly say that they are Tianyuan Immortal people do not envy the status of disciples of the other sect.

After all, even if the disciples of the sect are not successful in building the foundation, they will not be able to live a prosperous life and benefit future generations like them, the "immortal citizens of Tianyuan".

Having reached Zhou Chun's level of cultivation, of course he doesn't envy the monks in Tianyuan Immortal City who call themselves "Tianyuan Immortal Citizens".

However, after he heard about the situation in Tianyuan Immortal City, he was indeed full of curiosity about this Immortal City where hundreds of thousands of immortal cultivators now lived, and wanted to go and see it.

This time he came to the Kingdom of Zhou alone to sell rare treasures from the waters. He had complete freedom of movement. Before coming, he decided to go to Tianyuan Fairy City to see it.

At this time, after a long journey, he finally arrived at this legendary fairy city.

I saw that Tianyuan Immortal City is located in the middle of the vast and continuous Tianyuan Mountains, spanning hundreds of miles.

It uses mountains as its walls and is surrounded by rolling mountains on all sides. There are also numerous peaks and intertwined water networks inside.

Because the internal area is so large, immortal cultivators are not prohibited from flying like other cities.

However, although flying is not prohibited in the city, it is not possible to fly anywhere. It can only fly over the opened roads, and relevant height restrictions are set according to different cultivation levels.

For example, monks in the Qi Refining Stage can only fly at an altitude less than thirty feet above the ground, monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage cannot fly higher than a hundred feet, monks in the Purple Mansion Stage cannot fly higher than three hundred feet, and monks in the Golden Core Stage have no restrictions.

If you do not fly at an altitude corresponding to your own cultivation level, you will be fined if you are caught.

In addition, foreign monks are not allowed to invite leaders, and it is strictly forbidden to trespass into the place where local immortals live.

At the same time, if you stay in a local fairy home, you must also make relevant reports, and the maximum stay must not exceed one month.

It is worth mentioning that local immortals often take advantage of this rule to make profits.

They will use low prices to attract some monks who need accommodation in the city to stay in their homes.

After Zhou Chun entered the fairy city through relevant registration, he took off along the avenue designated below and flew to an altitude of more than 200 feet. While flying slowly on his way, he overlooked the entire fairy city.

He looked around and saw exquisite mansions built all over the city. Many of the mansions were covered by illusory formations, making it difficult to see the details inside.

However, there are spiritual fields opened around many houses, where spiritual herbs and elixirs are planted. There are even spiritual fruit trees planted outside some houses, with numerous fruits hanging on them.

Men and women of all ages come and go in those houses, and every one of them is a cultivator with magical power.

Looking at the avenues in the city, monks in the Qi Refining Stage are either riding monster beasts and galloping on horses, or using wind control techniques to float along.

Above the avenue, the immortal cultivators who can fly are flying fast or slowly at a flying height corresponding to their own cultivation level.

Judging from the difference in flight altitude, one can easily determine the level of cultivation of those people.

Zhou Chun saw an interesting scene at this time.

Because the altitude that monks can fly in the Qi Refining Stage is very low, and they have the largest number of people, sometimes the flying altitude is not enough, and there may even be situations where they are overlapping Arhats.

Therefore, in order not to make a fool of themselves, or to show off their abilities, some monks in the Qi Refining Stage will deliberately increase their flying speed to the maximum to throw off other monks in the same industry.

But sometimes because the speed is too fast, a "crash" may occur.

Once this happens, the two people who hit and were hit will have all kinds of quarrels, which is very interesting!

Such interesting things can only be seen in Tianyuan Immortal City.

"It's a pity that the family is too far away from the Great Zhou Kingdom. Otherwise, the younger generations of the family would have to come to Tianyuan Immortal City to experience it. This different experience of looking down and looking up at the sky is more motivating than any words!"

Zhou Chun looked down at the monks flying by his feet, and then looked up at the empty sky above. He smiled faintly, and felt a great sense of satisfaction in his heart.

If he was still in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he might be stepped on by other Zifu Stage cultivators on their way, and he could only silently watch others fly over his head and look up at their backs.

But in the rare situation where Jindan stage monks are rarely seen, he who has cultivated in Zifu stage has become the highest level monk. He can leisurely fly around the city on those low level monks and watch them as if they are watching a show. The low-level monks below were making all kinds of jokes, enjoying the awe and envy of the low-level monks below.

Zhou Chunde admitted that the monks who originally formulated this flying system understood people's hearts.

Under this system, as long as the monks frequently travel to Tianyuan Immortal City, they will be easily motivated at least in the beginning.

And when a cultivator experiences this kind of thing after entering the city and is inspired, when they arrive in the commercial district and see the magic weapons and elixirs inside, their desire to buy them will obviously be much stronger.

If the store clerk knows how to sell, the chances of successfully selling the items will be very high.

After looking at the scenery along the way, Zhou Chun finally arrived at the commercial area of ​​Tianyuan Fairy City.

Flying is prohibited in commercial areas, and Golden Core Stage monks are no exception.

After Zhou Chun landed outside, he started walking around the business district.

He once stayed in Xiandufang City for a while. Comparing the two, Tianyuan Immortal City is indeed stronger in terms of the number of shops and the flow of monks.

However, both of them are the top markets in the Great Zhou Kingdom. In terms of prices, there is actually not much difference. At most, Tianyuan Fairy City is closer to Duolan Grassland, so you can see and buy the special products of Duolan Grassland. Just more.

After going in and out of some shops like this, Zhou Chun felt confident.

He quickly headed to the center of the business district and arrived outside a store called "Tianyuan Pavilion".

This "Tianyuan Pavilion" is the official property of Tianyuan Immortal City and an auction house.

Every seven days, Tianyuan Pavilion will hold a low-level auction, mainly auctioning various precious items used by monks in the foundation building period.

Every other month, Tianyuan Pavilion will hold an intermediate auction, and many precious items useful to the monks of the Zifu period will appear.

Every six months, Tianyuan Pavilion will hold a high-end auction, and even things that can be used by Golden Core Stage monks will appear.

Many of the water treasures Zhou Chun brought this time can be sold at low-level auctions, and some can even be sold at mid-level auctions.

So he had already calculated that he would sell these precious water treasures through auctions to maximize profits.

What makes Zhou Chun happy is that Tianyuan Pavilion's semi-annual high-end auction will be held in a month and a half, which means that he can wait and see if he can buy the magic weapons and spiritual materials Lin Hongyu needs at the auction. .

"Fellow Daoist Han, walk slowly."

"Manager Xu, stay here."

Outside Tianyuan Pavilion, Zhou Chun, whose pseudonym was "Han Yuan", was personally sent out by a steward inside.

He sent a lot of things for auction this time, and he immediately became a distinguished guest worth wooing in the eyes of the steward.

After sending the items for auction, Zhou Chun did not wait for the auction to start and went directly to the free trading area.

The free trading area of ​​Tianyuan Fairy City is very large. Many local fairy people like to come here to hunt for treasures. Anyway, they can live in the fairy city for free and have plenty of time to stay here.

After Zhou Chun opened a stall inside, he first let out a little breath and attracted the attention of most of the monks here, and then put up the sign he had written long ago.

I saw the sign saying: "Selling all kinds of second-level magic weapons, first-level magic weapons, and elixirs at low prices, discounts for large quantities!"

Many of the magical artifacts and elixirs seized from the Jiang family were difficult to sell. In the prosperous Zhou Dynasty, it was difficult to sell those items at normal prices, and not many shops were even willing to accept them.

Therefore, Zhou Chun, a monk from the Zifu period, could only come to this free trade zone to set up a street stall.

At this time, seeing the eyes of many monks being attracted to him, Zhou Chun said in a deep voice without feeling any embarrassment: "Fellow Taoists, please take note, our family has recently acquired a large number of low-level magic weapons and elixirs, and we urgently need them now." These things are sold at a money sale, everything is sold at 40% off the market price, the more you buy, the more discounts you get!”

As he spoke, he laid out various sample instruments.

To be honest, this kind of thing where Zifu period monks set up stalls to sell low-level magic weapons and elixirs is rare even in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

After all, local monks would not be embarrassed to do this, and monks from other places generally would not travel all the way to do this kind of thing.

So the effect of Zhou Chun's sale was pretty good.

With the idea that a monk in the Zifu stage would not deceive himself into being a monk in the Qi refining stage, plus the price Zhou Chun sold for was indeed very low.

In just three or four days, he actually sold hundreds of magic weapons, thousands of spiritual pills, and earned tens of thousands of spiritual coins.

Fortunately, the market in Tianyuan Fairy City is large enough, and the transaction volume of the things Zhou Chun sells is not large. Otherwise, if he does it like this, those shops will definitely invite him to "drink tea".

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