Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 378 Millennium Thunder Grass, Tracking【Please subscribe】

"A rare phantom spirit orb from the waters of a distant land of heavenly spirits. These spirit beads are spiritual objects that have been nurtured by second-order spirit clams for hundreds of years. They have generated illusions on their own. They are very rare and precious. The starting price is three thousand spirit coins. Each price increase must not be less than one hundred spirit coins!"

"It is also a rare water elf jade from the distant land of heaven and spirit. It contains rich water spiritual power and can be used for alchemy and weapon refining. The starting price is two thousand spiritual coins, and each increase in price must not be less than one hundred spiritual coins! "

In the Tianyuan Pavilion auction house, Zhou Chun was sitting in the VIP room, smiling as he watched the auctioneer take out the treasures he had sent for auction one by one and sell them at high prices.

Today is the low-level auction held every seven days in Tianyuan Pavilion. Most of Zhou Chun's water treasures will be released at this auction.

And everything was just as he expected. After the Tianyuan Pavilion's publicity in the past few days, these water treasures from Long Yuanze all fetched a good price, and there were basically no unsold cases.

He waited in the private room for almost half a day until the auction ended.

Shortly after the auction ended, a white-haired old man knocked on the door of Zhou Chun's private room.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Han. All the treasures sent by Fellow Daoist were sold in this auction. After deducting the commission, the total is 53,700 spirit coins. Fellow Daoist, please count them."

"Hahaha, it's time for Xu to take care of things."

Not long after, Zhou Chun walked out of the Tianyuan Pavilion auction house with a smile on his face.

Counting the income from selling magical artifacts and elixirs at the previous stall, he has earned more than 100,000 spiritual coins in Tianyuan Immortal City this time.

At the next intermediate auction, some of the treasures he sent will be sold, which is expected to bring in tens of thousands of spiritual coins.

With these spiritual coins in hand, he will be able to make a difference at the high-level auction held every six months.

A month passed quickly.

On this day, Tianyuan Pavilion's semi-annual high-level auction was held, attracting many Zifu stage monks and some Golden Core stage monks to attend.

Zhou Chun also spent 500 spirit coins to buy a private room for himself.

In the past, the private room he participated in low-level auctions was given by the auction house, but now he can only pay for the private room in this high-level auction.

Not long after he entered the private room, the auction officially began.

"Fellow Taoists, I'm here, Wei Yiqing, has been commissioned to host this auction. I also ask all fellow Taoists to support me. I also wish all fellow Taoists to be able to capture what they like."

On the auction stage, a thin-faced man in white clothes bowed his hands in all directions. After saying a few polite words, he went straight to the topic.

"Today's first auction treasure is the earth dragon stone, a magic weapon and spiritual material. This product is produced from the depths of the mountains, rivers and the earth. It is made of heaven and earth. It is an excellent material for refining earth magic weapons. The starting price is 150,000 spiritual coins. Each The price increase shall not be less than one thousand spirit coins."

But when the man in white slapped his hand on the storage bag on his waist, a five-foot-tall khaki boulder fell to the ground.

The boulder seemed to weigh ten thousand kilograms, and when it fell to the ground, it pressed cracks into the diamond rock ground. There was a faint flash of spiritual light on it, which was very extraordinary.

"I offer 160,000 spiritual coins!"

Soon, the first voice of the offer appeared.

"One hundred and sixty-five thousand spiritual coins!"

"One hundred and sixty-six thousand spiritual coins!"

Quotes appeared one after another, as if everyone was a golden elixir monk who was not short of money.

Of course Zhou Chun did not participate in the quotation, but he was also very concerned about the transaction price of this piece of earth dragon stone.

Because if there was a chance, he would also buy spiritual materials for refining the natal magic weapon for Lin Hongyu.

But what put Zhou Chun slightly under pressure was that the price quoted for the Earth Dragon Stone soon exceeded 200,000 spirit coins, and was eventually bought by the first bidder for 225,000 spirit coins.

It's not that Zhou Chun couldn't afford the price, but if he spent so many spiritual coins to buy a spiritual material, he would basically be unable to buy other things.

"Sure enough, golden elixir-level monks are the real money-burners. It is really difficult for a family without any wealth to support a golden elixir-level monk!"

Zhou Chun sighed lightly, it was indeed a lot of pressure.

The Zhou family's wealth is already very rich, but it is still a bit difficult to support a Golden Core monk.

And just when Zhou Chun lamented that it was not easy to support a family, the auction gradually became lively after the treasure of the Earth Dragon Stone was warmed up.

Treasures suitable for the use of the monks in the Zifu period were taken out for auction in turn, and there were even pills that could improve the mana cultivation of the monks in the Zifu period.

It's just that the price of this type of pill is really expensive. One pill is worth seven or eight thousand spiritual coins, which is no worse than the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Zhou Chun could only look at it with greed.

It's not that he can't afford these elixirs, it's just that Jingguo is in troubled times now, and the family's spiritual coins need to be used for other purposes.

Only when the situation in Jingguo is completely stabilized can he use the spiritual coins to purchase this kind of treasure. At that time, with the financial resources of the Zhou family, there should be no problem in providing him with a pill every year.

"A thousand-year-old thunder grass. This spiritual grass is born after being bathed in the sky thunder. It contains the pure spiritual power of the sky thunder. It is a must-have for refining some special elixirs. It can also be used to practice some special secret techniques. The starting price is 30,000 spirit coins, and each bid increase must not be less than 1,000 spirit coins!"

On the auction stage, the auctioneer took out a jade box and placed it in front of him. Inside was a purple-green spiritual grass that looked like a sugarcane seedling.

The auctioneer raised his hand and fired a stream of spiritual energy towards the spiritual grass. The silver-white spiritual patterns on the stems of the spiritual grass suddenly burst out with silver light, and a small silver lightning was automatically released to scatter the spiritual energy. Yes, it's very magical.

When Zhou Chun saw this scene, he also became energetic.

"Thirty-five thousand spiritual coins!"

I saw that he was the first to export and directly bid the price.

This is Zhou Chun's first bid since the auction began.

His heart was filled with determination to win this thousand-year-old thunder grass.

There is no other reason. This thing is of great benefit to the growth and evolution of the Silver Lightning Python Baibai.

Although Baibai, the silver lightning python, has been promoted to a second-level high-grade monster for some time, it has not yet reached its growth limit.

Zhou Chun was planning to wait until it had tapped into the potential of its own bloodline to the point where it could no longer be tapped, and then planned to turn it into a dragon.

This is different from when the Azure Cloud Python transformed into a dragon.

The Azure Cloud Python has the same origin as the Green Dragon Inner Elixir and can be swallowed. As long as it can digest the power of the Jiaolong Inner Elixir, there is basically no problem in successfully turning it into a dragon.

But Zhou Chun couldn't find a third-level thunder dragon's inner elixir for the Silver Lightning Python in vain, so he could only start with the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass.

In comparison, the effect of Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass is obviously not as great as that of Jiaolong Neidan.

Therefore, the deeper the Silver Lightning Python can explore and develop the potential of its own bloodline, the higher the success rate of transforming into a dragon will be when the time comes to take the Millennium Transformation Dragon Grass.

The Millennium Thunder Grass in front of him is undoubtedly the perfect spiritual object to help the Silver Lightning Python tap into the potential of its bloodline.

The Silver Lightning Thunder Python Baibai, who is a thunder-attributed monster in his own right, can definitely tap into the full potential of his Thunder Dragon bloodline if he can swallow this Thousand-Year-Old Thunder Grass, tempered by the heavenly thunder spiritual power contained in the spiritual grass. .

I don’t know how many years of hard work this can save!

But for a rare thousand-year-old spiritual grass like the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass, there are naturally many people fighting for it.

Zhou Chun really had to spend a lot of money to win it.

"Seventy-five thousand spiritual coins!"

Zhou Chun called out the price again, and the price was already twice the starting price.

But even with such a high price, there are still two people who are unwilling to give up.

"I offer you 78,000 spiritual coins!"

"Eighty thousand spiritual coins!"

Two voices, one old and one young, sounded one after another, and the price was very high.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun secretly complained in his heart.

He knew that the monk who was bidding probably wanted the Millennium Thunder Grass to be of great use just like him.

When bidding, I am most afraid of this situation happening.

Because once they come for something, many immortal cultivators will be willing to risk all their wealth in order to obtain this thing.

Otherwise, once you miss something like the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass, you won’t know how long it will take to encounter it next time.

"One hundred thousand spiritual coins!"

Zhou Chun was unwilling to give up and shouted out a sky-high price.

One hundred thousand spiritual coins can be used to purchase a spiritual item to help open up the Zi Mansion.

As for the ordinary thousand-year elixir, 10,000 spiritual coins are enough to win it.

Back then, also in the Great Zhou Kingdom, in Xiandufang City, an egg of a high-level monster, a poisonous dragon lizard, was auctioned for a sky-high price of less than 200,000 spirit coins.

It can only be said that Zhou Chun really fought hard for this thousand-year-old thunder grass and for the silver lightning python to be able to turn into a dragon in vain.

And when he shouted out the sky-high price, the two people who had been bidding with him fell silent.

It wasn't until a while later that the old voice said calmly: "One hundred thousand spiritual coins can be purchased for a thousand-year-old elixir. Your Excellency is really brave. I am willing to give in!"

After the words fell, another young man said in a faint voice: "Forget it, since you are so sure to win, I will become a great person!"

Both of them gave up the bidding at the same time.

"These two guys must be entrusted by Tianyuan Pavilion!"

Zhou Chun muttered to himself with a look of pain on his face, without much joy in successfully photographing the treasure.

Spending 100,000 spiritual coins to buy a thousand-year-old spiritual grass. If ordinary Zhou family monks knew about this, they would probably accuse him of being a prodigal.

After all, those are ten foundation-building pills!

But this is a different height and a different perspective on things.

For Zhou Chun and other senior leaders of the Zhou family, the fact that the Zhou family now has five or six more foundation-building monks is not particularly useful. Instead, it will increase the family's expenses.

But if there is an extra third-level thunder dragon, it will be of great use.

Not only will the third-level thunder dragon not receive benefits from the family, but it can also produce dragon blood spiritual objects and sell them for money. The dragon blood dragon spirit blood it produces is also a very rare thing.

Not to mention the powerful combat power that the third-level thunder dragon can provide.

After taking the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass, the spiritual coins in Zhou Chun's hands had shrunk by almost half. At the following auction, he was almost reduced to a bystander.

The reason why I say almost is because during this period, he still made a move, using 45,000 spiritual coins to purchase five third-level high-quality talismans.

This is also one of the things Zhou Mingde asked him to do when he came to the Great Zhou Kingdom this time.

The war was about to begin. Although the Zhou family said that their strength was not inferior to others, they naturally had to prepare some things like third-level high-grade magic talismans that could be used as trump cards.

What made Zhou Chun secretly relieved was that there was no magic material suitable for Lin Hongyu to use in refining the natal magic weapon at the auction.

In this way, his decision to purchase the Millennium Thunder Grass can be considered a relatively correct decision.

After the auction ended, the two treasures Zhou Chun had bid for were delivered to his private room.

After paying 145,000 spiritual coins, Zhou Chun left the auction house directly with the treasure.

This mission to the Great Zhou Kingdom has basically been completed, and he has no intention of staying here any longer. He just wants to return to his family as soon as possible.

However, after Zhou Chun left Tianyuan Immortal City for some distance, he suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling, as if someone was watching him.

Are you being followed?

His expression darkened, and he immediately raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, calling out the Golden Winged Tiger.

Then Zhou Chun let the golden-winged tiger carry him to fly with all his strength, while he silently used mystical skills, poured mana into his eyes, and looked at the sky behind him.

Zhou Chun has never practiced any spiritual eye secret technique, but after his cultivation reached the Zifu stage, the effect of mana infusing his eyes was no worse than the spiritual eye secret technique used by ordinary monks in the foundation building stage.

But no matter how he observed, he didn't find anything abnormal.

But the feeling of being watched never dissipated.

Zhou Chun had never encountered such a thing since he opened the Zi Mansion. He did not believe that this was his illusion.

“I didn’t expect that such a thing would happen in a store as big as Tianyuan Pavilion!”

Zhou Chun rode the golden-winged tiger with a gloomy expression, all kinds of thoughts flashing in his mind, thinking of ways to escape.

He is now less than three hundred miles away from Tianyuan Immortal City, which is not too far.

The people who want to follow him are also afraid of running into other troubles and have no plans to take action now.

So returning to Tianyuan Immortal City now is actually a good choice.

But Zhou Chun also knew that since the other party was staring at him, if he returned to Tianyuan Immortal City now, even if the other party didn't show up to intercept him, he would definitely continue to stare at him.

But now he doesn't have that much time to spend time with the other party, competing for patience.

"It seems like this is the only way!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhou Chun immediately put the golden-winged tiger back into the spirit beast bag, and then golden light emerged from his body, instantly turning into a golden rainbow light and speeding away.

Zhou Chun, who used the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret technique, could fly faster than the normal flying of the monks in the late Zifu period.

As soon as his extreme speed was displayed, the person who was secretly following him suddenly couldn't hide himself.

I saw a flash of silver light in the sky, and soon a young man wearing a silver robe was revealed.

After the man appeared, he glanced at the golden rainbow in front of him in amazement, then sneered, and immediately made a hand seal. Silver-white lightning arcs jumped from his body, and instantly turned into a silver thunderbolt and chased after the golden rainbow. Judging from its speed, it is obviously faster than the golden rainbow light.

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