Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 379 Zhou Chun’s Nemesis【Please subscribe】

In the sky outside Tianyuan Immortal City, two rays of light, one gold and one silver, were chasing after him, attracting the attention of many immortal cultivators on the way.

However, these two rays of light were so fast that many cultivators could not even see clearly the figures in them.

Only some people with higher cultivation level could vaguely see the figures of two young men after using their eyesight.

At this moment, in the golden rainbow escaping in front of him, Zhou Chun's face was solemn, and his heart was filled with shock.

He did not expect that the enemy following him turned out to be a very rare cultivator of the Thunder Movement Technique in the middle stage of Zifu.

And judging from the slightly younger appearance of the other party, he is not very old and is probably from a powerful sect.

This is definitely a very tough enemy!

"It seems that he is here for the Millennium Thunder Grass. Could it be that the voice of the young man who bid with me earlier is his?"

"But how did he know my whereabouts? Did Tianyuan Pavilion sell my information to him after the auction?"

Zhou Chun was filled with uncertainty and doubts.

He didn't know how the silver-robed young man knew that the Millennium Thunder Light Grass was on him, but he knew that a fierce battle today was inevitable.

His "Flowing Golden Rainbow" secret escape speed is indeed very fast, but it can't be faster than the speed of the silver-robed young man behind him.

The opponent's thunder escape technique is really powerful, and his cultivation level is superior. He has no advantage at all in terms of speed.

Sure enough, soon the silver escaping light chased Zhou Chun more than ten miles away and launched an attack on him.


There was only a thunderclap in the sky, and a silvery-white lightning suddenly appeared, hitting the golden rainbow in front of them.

After receiving this blow, the golden rainbow light instantly stopped, revealing Zhou Chun's figure with straight hair inside.

As a cultivator in the early stages of the Zi Mansion, Zhou Chun was not yet unable to catch the opponent's blow.

But the power of thunder and lightning spells is indeed sharp, and even restrains him somewhat.

This blow not only interrupted his escape technique, but also caused his body to become slightly paralyzed.

In the past, he often let his spiritual pet release thunder and lightning to strike people, but today he also had a taste of being struck by lightning!

After stopping his escape, golden light emerged from Zhou Chun's body, instantly dispelling the weak paralysis in his body. Then he raised his hand and used the "Indestructible as Gold Mountain" technique to protect himself first.

Then he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and the khaki inkstone instrument flew out and circled above his head, blooming with khaki clouds to form a second layer of protection.

Just when he was taking these two precautions, the young man in silver robe had already caught up with him and attacked him without saying a word.

But when he rubbed his hands together, a silver-white thunderbolt as thick as a baby's arm jumped out and flew towards Zhou Chun like a silver-white thunder dragon.

Under the bombardment of this silver-white thunder and lightning, a large hole was instantly blasted out of the cloud mask that Zhou Chungang had laid, and the golden mountain inside was also shaken by the blast.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun's face suddenly trembled, and he secretly complained in his heart.

His guess might have come true!

The opponent's thunder and lightning spells are so powerful, and the skills they practice are probably also top-notch skills.

The value of this top-notch Thunder Movement Technique is much more precious than the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" he practiced.

Unless you are very lucky, you are not a sect with a deep foundation and it is impossible to have such a powerful technique.

But after the silver-robed young man struck, he did not rush to continue his attack. Instead, he looked at him with disdain and said coldly: "With this little strength, you still dare to use one hundred thousand spirit coins to compete with me for a thousand years of lightning." Damn it, you are so brave!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately frowned and said, "Looking at my fellow Taoist's magical powers, he probably didn't come from a small family. If he really wanted the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass, why wouldn't he even want to pay one hundred thousand spiritual coins? You have to resort to such cruel methods!"

Disciples of the sect may not all be upright people, but it is rare to see people like this who, after reaching the Zifu stage, still work as bandit cultivators for one hundred thousand spiritual coins.

After all, after reaching the Zifu stage of cultivation, they are also the core true disciples in the sect, and can already represent the sect to a certain extent.

Such a person comes out to be a bandit cultivator. Once the news is leaked, unless he has the protection of a very powerful elder of the master, he will definitely be severely punished.

That's why Zhou Chun had this question.

However, after hearing what he said, the silver-robed young man's face suddenly darkened, and he couldn't help but snorted: "Humph, I want the Millennium Thunder Grass, but I'm not stupid enough to spend 100,000 spiritual coins to buy one. A thousand-year-old spiritual grass!"

What he said sounded like there was nothing wrong with him, and he seemed to have self-control.

But Zhou Chun suddenly understood the whole story.

It must be that for some reason, the other party could not afford so many spiritual coins at the same time, and he really needed the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass as much as he did, so he had the intention to kill and seize the treasure after he took the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass.

At that moment, he looked at the silver-robed young man with a solemn expression and said, "If fellow Taoist really wants the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass, it's not that Han can't give it to fellow Taoist, but can Fellow Daoist tell Han how you know about the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass?" Was it on Han?"

Unexpectedly, when the young man in silver robe heard what he said, he smiled coldly and said, "What a joke, I can take what I like, just for myself, why do I need you to give it to me?"

After saying this, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag, holding out a silver-white spear.


But when the silver-robed young man shouted low, silver-white electric arcs suddenly appeared on the silver-white spear, shooting towards Zhou Chun like a silver-white lightning.

But Zhou Chun is not easy to get along with, and has been paying attention to his actions.

The moment the silver-white spear appeared, the golden sword weapon was also sacrificed by Zhou Chun.

The two magic weapons collided dozens of feet in front of Zhou Chun. However, Zhou Chun's golden sword was blown away in one go. He was no match for them at all.

"Third-level high-quality magic weapon!"

His face changed, and Zhou Chun hurriedly activated his magic power to inject into the earthy yellow inkstone magic weapon, releasing a richer yellow cloud to protect himself.

After the silver spear knocked away the golden knife, the silver-white electric light surged from it, and instantly accelerated the hole again and shot towards Zhou Chun.

In an instant, Zhou Chun felt his soul shake, as if struck by lightning, and the two layers of protection on his body were broken by the silver spear.

Fortunately, he activated the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang" at the last moment to lay down a third layer of protection, and then the silver spear that was exhausted in one blow was knocked away.

"Oh, he's not dead?"

The silver-robed young man's face flashed with surprise, and then he smiled coldly. He immediately made a seal with his hands, and he poured mana into the silver spear and shot it towards Zhou Chundong again.

If one hit fails, just attack a few more times.

He didn't believe that Zhou Chun could be so lucky every time!

After Zhou Chun experienced the power of that silver spear, how could he dare to let the opponent do it again?

While he hurriedly urged the golden sword weapon that had been blown away to strike at the spear, he decisively raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box, and smashed it without hesitation.

Inside the shattered jade box, Zhou Chun grabbed a talisman glowing with yellow light and injected it with magic power on the spot to activate it.

Following the activation of the magic talisman, a piece of aura armor formed by earth-yellow aura was quickly put on Zhou Chun, protecting his entire body.

At this time, the silver spear knocked away the golden sword again, penetrated the khaki glow shield, and landed on Zhou Chun.

But this time, the aura armor firmly blocked the attack of the silver spear.

Taking advantage of the silver spear being blocked, Zhou Chun immediately launched a counterattack.

He first made a seal with his hands, and then a dragon roar rang out from within his body. His hands immediately turned into dragon claws, green-gold dragon scales appeared on his skin, and a single dragon horn grew out of his head.

After opening the Zi Mansion, Zhou Chun had already reached the pinnacle of the second-level "Secret of Dragon Transformation" and easily broke through to the third level and entered the top realm.

At this time, as soon as he displayed this secret technique, his physical body instantly strengthened to the point where it was comparable to a third-level monster, and the defensive power of the dragon scales on his body was no worse than a third-level low-grade defensive armor.

Even without using magic power, he can control the air flow to fly, and even cast some first- and second-level popular spells that he has never learned before.

It can be said that after reaching the third level, "The Secret of Dragon Transformation" really begins to show the power of its top secret techniques.

Then Zhou Chun took off the spirit beast bag from his waist and swung it, and two streams of insects, one gold and one red, surged out from the bag, and soon two clouds of gold and red insects formed above his head.

Then he quickly made a seal with his claws and fired a ball of golden aura towards the golden insect cloud.

Immediately, the golden insect cloud quickly decomposed in the air, and part of it quickly fell down and rushed towards him. Inside the spiritual light armor, the green-gold dragon scales turned into a golden insect armor to protect him, and the rest It was divided into five golden insect spears.


Zhou Chun raised his hand and pointed at the young man in silver robe, and five golden insect spears shot towards him.

At the same time, Zhou Chun thought, and thousands of needles shot out from the red insect cloud. The red scorpion needles formed a rain of needles and shot toward the silver-robed young man.

These changes also made the silver-robed young man's complexion change, and he hastily suspended his offensive and focused on defending.

But when he pinched the magic with both hands, silver lightning burst out from his body and disappeared in a flash.

When it reappeared, it was already in another place in mid-air hundreds of feet away.

This time all the five insect spears and thousands of flying needles failed.

However, the insect spear is easy to talk about. With just a thought from Zhou Chun, he can quickly change direction and re-lock the target.

Only those scorpion needles could no longer be controlled after being shot, and they all fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

After the silver-robed young man regained the distance and gained the space to cast spells, he immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and presented a silver-white war drum instrument.

He rubbed his hands together, and a silver-white thunderbolt shot out instantly and landed on the silver-white war drum instrument.

Then the war drum roared with a "boom" and exploded in the air.

The sound of the drum was as shocking as thunder, containing a terrifying thunder attack.

Even Zhou Chun, who had used the "Secret of Dragon Transformation", was shocked when he heard the sound of the drum. He was momentarily absent-minded, and his heart beat heavily with the sound of the drum, which made people feel upset and depressed.

And because of this moment of distraction, the two magic weapons controlled by Zhou Chun lost contact for a moment. The golden sword magic weapon was hit hard by the silver spear and flew away. Cracks appeared on the blade, and it was already seriously damaged. .

But the worst thing is the two kinds of monster insects!

The "Black Armor Golden Feathers" were better. After Zhou Chun used the secret technique of "Insect Spear Technique", their resistance was greatly increased. Under the thunder, only the insect spears were shaken away and turned into one again. It's just a monster insect, with little casualties.

But those "Flying Fire Scorpions" are in trouble!

The "Flying Fire Scorpions" themselves are much worse physically than the "Xuanjia Golden Feather". At this moment, when the thunder sounds, the "Flying Fire Scorpions" that have not entered the mature state suddenly crackle like fried beans. , exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot.

"Damn it! Could this guy be my nemesis?"

Zhou Chun woke up from his trance and saw the miserable state of his two monster insects, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Since his debut, he has never encountered such a difficult opponent of the same level.

The fight has only taken a few moves so far, and almost all of his methods have been restrained by the opponent.

The opponent's escape technique was completely defeated, the insect-repelling technique was also severely restrained, and the magic weapon could not defeat the opponent.

The means that used to be invincible during the foundation building period are now useless and completely useless.

But at this time, the young man in silver robe regained his confident attitude of winning, and looked at Zhou Chun with a proud face and said with a smile: "Hahaha, I will show you all the tricks you can use." , don’t say that this young master didn’t give you a chance!”

The yawning look made Zhou Chun feel angry.

He couldn't even remember how many years he had not felt so deflated in front of a monk of the same realm.

The young man in silver robe looks to be not much older than him. Although his cultivation level is a small level higher than his, it can be seen that his aura must have just broken through.

Normally, even if he is invincible, he shouldn't be this bad.

However, today his methods were either restrained by the other party, or the magic weapon was not as good as the other party's, and he was really eaten to death!

In fact, from here we can see the shortcomings of Zhou Chun and even the Zhou family.

When Zhou Chun was building his foundation, the Zhou family could provide him with the best magical weapons and help him quickly cultivate his spiritual pets to the second level.

But after he opened the Zi Mansion, with the Zhou family's background, it was no longer possible to provide him with the most suitable third-level high-grade magic weapon to help him cultivate his spiritual pets to the third level.

Without the advantages of magical weapons and spiritual pets, the enemies he faced were practicing top-notch skills just like him, and they also restrained himself in terms of attributes. Zhou Chun, who could be said to be invincible in the foundation stage, was now fighting against his former opponents. Feeling equally powerless.

"I just regret that I haven't mastered my secret skill yet, otherwise I will make this guy suffer today!"

Zhou Chun secretly resented it and pretended to want to quit.

Not long after he opened the Zi Mansion, he had not yet been able to keep up with his cultivation, whether it was the practice of secret arts or the purchase of magical weapons.

If you meet an ordinary early-stage Zifu cultivator or a middle-stage Zifu cultivator, you can still fight with them by relying on their advantages in martial arts and insect-repelling skills, but people like the silver-robed young man can tell at a glance that they are from a big sect. , that is not what he can compare with now.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhou Chun's eyes became fierce, and he immediately ordered the surviving "Black Armor and Golden Feather" monster insects to surge towards the silver-robed young man.

Then he raised his paw and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a third-level high-grade attack talisman and struck it towards the silver-robed young man.

I recommend an author friend's new book "Ji Ming". The year is 1628 AD, the first year of Chongzhen, Yizong of the Ming Dynasty.

This year, Emperor Chongzhen recruited Yuan Chonghuan on his platform, and Yuan Chonghuan boldly proposed a five-year plan to restore Liao Dynasty.

This year, the great pirate Zheng Zhilong successfully landed ashore and was awarded the title of guerrilla general.

This year, Li Zicheng was still working as a postman, and Zhang Xianzhong was living in the countryside.

This year, Zhu Cunji, who traveled through time from later generations, demanded to live, and he wanted to use the knife in his hand to cut a bloody path.

He didn’t want to have the Yangzhou Ten Days, he didn’t want to have the Jiading Three Massacres, and he didn’t want to have Guangzhou Xie Enli.

He thinks this world belongs to the Han family, he thinks this world belongs to the Ming Dynasty, and he thinks this world belongs to himself.

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