Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 381: No. 98 on the

Because he was injured, and he was afraid that the forces behind the silver-robed young man Wang Jun would discover his whereabouts.

When Zhou Chun returned to his family, he did not dare to use the golden-winged tiger to travel at first, so he had to rely on himself to recover from his injuries.

He waited until he left the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom and flew through another country before he dared to release the golden-winged tiger to take his place.

It took more than two months before Zhou Chun arrived in Yangguo.

The reason for taking a detour to Yang Country was that Zhou Chun also wanted to stop by the Hongyu Peak stronghold to collect the [Earth Crystal Jade] ore and his own spiritual coins.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that when he arrived at the Hongyu Peak stronghold to collect these things, Lin Waner provided him with a piece of news that interested him very much.

It turns out that according to Lin Wan'er, Fu Changqing, a late-stage foundation-building monk in the stronghold, told about a thrilling experience he had on the snowfield after returning from the snowfield.

At that time, Fu Changqing went to the snowfield to look for the Snow Crystal Insect King. After several years of searching to no avail, he saw a very shocking scene in a snow valley.

According to what he said, he was chasing a second-level mid-level monster, the Frost Yak, and broke into the snow valley. As a result, he alerted a group of terrifying monster insects living in the snow valley.

In just a few seconds, the second-level mid-level monster Frost Yak was killed by the group of terrifying monster insects.

If Fu Changqing hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and escaped from the valley in time, he would have followed in the footsteps of the frost yak.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, tell our clan leader what you discovered on the snowfield again!"

Inside the cave, after Lin Wan'er confirmed that Zhou Chun was interested, she called Fu Changqing over and asked him to tell Zhou Chun what she had discovered.

At this time, Zhou Chun was already a monk in the Zifu Stage, and Fu Changqing did not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest in front of him.

After listening to Lin Wan'er's words, she immediately saluted Zhou Chun and said, "Junior Fu Changqing, pay your respects to Senior Zhou!"

In the world of immortality, those who are strong are respected, and those who are accomplished are the first.

If you are not a Taoist friend you have always made friends with, or are an elder of your clan, a person with a low level of cultivation must call him a senior when meeting someone with a high level of cultivation, otherwise it will be considered offensive.

Fu Changqing, a casual cultivator, would certainly not make mistakes in this kind of thing.

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Fu, let's talk about your discovery!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand, indicating that he should get down to business.

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Fu Changqing responded and talked about his own experience.

"At that time, there was a cold fog in the valley. The younger generation only saw a group of strange insects emerging from the cold fog. They looked like wasps, with blue and white patterns on their bodies, and blue-black eyes. The smallest ones were as big as an adult's fist, and the larger ones were as big as a human head. They could Breathing out white cold air."

"The frost yak that this junior is chasing is itself an ice-walking monster. Ordinary second-level ice-walking spells have little effect on it."

"But after it was hit by the white cold air spewed by those strange insects, it fell to the ground wailing in just a few breaths. Thick frost formed on its body, and it was actually frozen to death!"

"The junior was so scared that he didn't dare to look any further and fled the snow valley. Fortunately, those strange insects did not pursue him!"

Speaking of this, Fu Changqing's eyes were full of fear. It was obvious that this thrilling experience was very unforgettable for him.

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun's eyes moved, as if he had some realization.

He quickly nodded and said: "Zhou knows the situation. Fellow Taoist Fu should go back first. If there is another place to help fellow Taoist, Zhou will look for fellow Taoist again."

"Yes, junior, please take your leave."

Fu Changqing did not dare to say anything more, and immediately bowed respectfully and left.

After he retreated, Lin Wan'er looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "Does the patriarch know the origin of the monster insect that Fellow Daoist Fu saw?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's hard to say yet. Zhou needs to search the classics carefully first!"

After saying that, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" and other related demonic insect illustrations that he had rubbed from it, and began to look at them.

After searching like this for almost half an hour, Zhou Chun had an idea.

According to his search in the classics, the kind of monster Fu Changqing mentioned was most likely the "Sky Frost Cold Bee", the 98th-ranked monster on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth".

According to the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth", the "Sky Frost Bee" is a kind of strange insect that lives in the frost and snowy areas. They are ferocious in nature and feed on monsters on the snowfields. They also like to eat pure ice containing Psychic minerals or herbs.

The most powerful ability of the "Sky Frost Cold Bees" is the "Sky Frost Cold Qi" condensed in their bodies, which is the kind of white cold Qi mentioned by Fu Changqing.

The power of this "Sky Frost Cold Air" will increase with the growth of the "Sky Frost Cold Bee"'s own strength. In the mature state of the "Sky Frost Cold Bee", the "Sky Frost Cold Air" it exhales can even be used by the souls of monks in the Purple Mansion Stage. Freezing, accompanied by powerful cold poison.

Even if a monk at the Golden Core stage is contaminated, it will take a lot of mana to get rid of it.

If the group of demonic insects that Fu Changqing saw were really "Heavenly Frost Bees", then it would not be surprising that the second-order mid-level demonic beast, the Frost Yak, would be frozen to death by the cold air.

After all, the "Sky Frost Cold Air"'s characteristics of freezing the soul and the terrifying cold poison are not something that can be exempted simply by having a high cold resistance attribute.

However, considering that Fu Changqing was able to escape at that time, Zhou Chun still had to confirm whether those demonic insects were "Sky Frost Bees".

After all, even if it is only ranked ninety-eight, the "Sky Frost Bee" is still a strange insect on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" and has not appeared for many years.

Zhou Chun didn't dare to hold out too much hope that the demonic insects were genuine.

But no matter what, the poisonous bees and monsters Fu Changqing mentioned were worthy of his on-the-spot investigation.

If it was really the "Sky Frost Bee", then Zhou Chunshi would have to try his best to conquer it.

"It's a coincidence. If there are other strange insects in the world, I may not dare to appear in front of them with my current ability, but as for the Sky Frost Bee, I happen to not be afraid of them!"

When he thought about this, his attention couldn't help but fall on the white jade bead in the qi sea of ​​Dantian.

[Moon Toad Orb] The grade of this spiritual treasure is too high, and Zhou Chun cannot actively control it now.

But this thing actually saved his life when he was attacked by a third-level monster and helped him absorb the cold air that froze him.

Although the "Sky Frost Cold Qi" breathed out by the "Sky Frost Cold Bee" is very strong, it cannot be stronger than the power of the Ling Bao.

Therefore, with this spiritual treasure in his possession, Zhou Chun was not afraid of being in danger after encountering the real "Sky Frost Bee".

But even though Zhou Chun had made a decision in his heart, he didn't immediately call Fu Changqing to set off for the snowy field.

Because he has not yet recovered from the injury he suffered in the Great Zhou Kingdom, there is a possibility that the injury will be compounded by then. He will have to wait until the injury recovers before setting off.

In addition, if those demon bees were really "Sky Frost Bees", he would also need to prepare something to capture them.

For the next two months, Zhou Chun stayed in seclusion at the Hongyu Peak stronghold, concentrating on recuperating from his injuries.

After resting like this for more than two months, he felt that his injuries had fully recovered, and finally called Fu Changqing to go to the snowfield.

The two set off all the way, and under the leadership of Fu Changqing, they arrived outside a snowy valley filled with cold fog in less than five days.

Viewed from mid-air, the vast snow-capped mountains reach here and suddenly branch out, forming a "Y" shaped valley. Due to the high humidity and the difference in temperature, the mid-air inside the valley is often densely covered with white cold fog. .

If you don't look closely, just from a distance, it is easy to see the white mist and the snow-capped mountains as a whole.

"This is it. Those monster insects live in the snow valley here. I was chasing the frost yak from there."

In mid-air, Fu Changqing pointed to a place where the snowy mountains and snowy valleys intersected below, and whispered his experience at that time.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun nodded slightly and said, "I understand, Zhou. Fellow Daoist Fu, your mission has been completed. You can go back now!"

Hearing his words, Fu Changqing's face flashed with hesitation, and then he whispered: "Senior Zhou, can this junior please wait outside for senior?"

"Fellow Daoist Fu wants to stay outside, and it's not easy for Zhou to stop him, but if something happens, don't blame Zhou for not explaining it in advance!"

Zhou Chun glanced at him and gave a calm answer.

Hearing this, Fu Changqing's complexion suddenly changed slightly, and he quickly changed his words and said: "Senior, please forgive me, it was just this junior who was presumptuous. I will leave now!"

After saying that, he saluted Zhou Chun and hurriedly turned around and left.

After watching Fu Changqing go away, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he immediately plunged into the cold mist-filled snow valley below.

After falling from mid-air, Zhou Chun fell almost two thousand feet and was already at the bottom of the snow valley.

Compared with the snow-capped mountains above, the temperature at the bottom of the snow valley is much higher. Although there is snow and ice on the ground, you can see soil, rocks, and some cold-resistant plants.

The cold mist is only thicker in the air ten feet above the ground, and is relatively thin near the ground.

Zhou Chun glanced around and saw the remains of unknown animal bones at regular intervals on the ground, some of which were pitted with holes, like honeycombs.

Not far away, there was a large skeleton that was vaguely in the shape of a cow, and it was relatively well preserved.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately activated his magic power, pumped up his energy and blood, and sent a signal to the monster insects living in the snow valley.

This trick is indeed very effective.

Just a moment later, a "buzzing" sound sounded in the snow valley.

Zhou Chun's consciousness quickly captured the owner of the sound.

They were ferocious and ferocious demon bees. Their appearance was exactly the same as what Fu Changqing had described, and the aura exuding from their bodies had a wild and primitive temperament, which was different from most other demon bees.

After Zhou Chunyi sensed the special temperament of these monster bees that were different from ordinary monster bees, he immediately realized that his guess might have come true. These monster bees might really be the "Sky Frost Han Bees"!

This is because the demonic insects on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" are almost all wild and strange insects that existed in the ancient wilderness era. This primitive and primitive temperament can be said to be their identity.

This made him not surprised but happy, and his gaze when he looked at those monster bees was extremely intense, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

Seriously speaking, the "Sky Frost Cold Bee" ranked 98th in the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" is indeed a rare treasure that cannot be exchanged for anything, and even magic weapons cannot compare with it.

You must know that Han Yuan, a golden elixir stage insect cultivator, has been searching hard all his life, but he has never obtained any of the strange insects on the strange insect list.

If he was still in the world, or if the Qianling Sect was still there, as long as Zhou Chun could capture these "Sky Frost Cold Bees" and trade them with them, they would probably be willing to trade with them even for two or three pieces, let alone one magic weapon. Change!

A few breaths later, those demonic bees that looked like "Sky Frost Bees" flew hundreds of feet away from Zhou Chun, and then launched an attack on him without hesitation.

Their mouths full of sharp teeth opened and spit, and white cold arrows of varying thicknesses were shot towards Zhou Chun.

Because he wanted to test the strength of these monster bees, before they launched their attack, Zhou Chun had fully activated the protective weapons and protective spells. A layer of cyan light curtain and a huge mountain of golden light appeared outside him.

When the cold arrows hit the cyan light curtain, they immediately gathered together and merged together perfectly.

Then there was a crisp "bang" sound, and the cyan light curtain instantly shattered.

Then the cold air shrank inward and stuck to the golden mountain.

In just a few breaths of time, the giant mountain of golden light followed the footsteps of the cyan light curtain.

Then Zhou Chun inside was instantly wrapped into a ball by the cold air, and soon became an ice sculpture.

But just when those demon bees that were suspected of being "Skyfrost Cold Bees" thought that their prey would die from their own cold air like those prey in the past, and were about to pounce on the delicious food that was delivered to their door, an accident happened.

I saw Zhou Chun, who had turned into an ice sculpture, suddenly steamed up from his body, and returned to normal from the freezing state.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and a ray of white light spurted out from his mouth, fell into the air and turned into a white jade bead.

Seeing this situation, those demon bees that were suspected of being "Sky Frost Cold Bees" were immediately frightened and hurriedly spat out the cold energy they had worked so hard to condense towards Zhou Chun.

But this time, before those cold arrows got close to Zhou Chun, they were suddenly guided by a huge suction force and shot towards the white jade bead, and were all absorbed by it.

This time, the demon bees were completely frightened.

Even if they are not very intelligent, they still know that they are facing a natural enemy.

So under the leadership of a monster bee with a large head, the bee swarm immediately turned around and ran away.

But as soon as they ran less than a hundred feet away, a strange roar that sounded like a cow roaring and a frog croaking suddenly resounded throughout the snow valley.

Shocked by the roar, the monster bees immediately fell to the ground like dumplings, each one suffering serious injuries.

Then the white orb automatically flew over the demon bees, sucking out streaks of white cold air from the unconscious demon bees like a whale sucking water. These were the native cold air that they had worked hard to condense.

After a while, the cold air in the bodies of all the demon bees was sucked away and wiped away, and they completely lost their threat to Zhou Chun.

good chance!

Zhou Chun, who was the first to wake up from the roar, looked at the demon bees on the ground who were still dizzy and unable to take off, with a look of extreme joy on his face.

Then he rushed forward in a hurry, and with a wave of his hand, he pulled out a jade box made of century-old ice jade. He affixed sealing talismans to the demon bees one by one, and threw them individually into the jade box for sealing. .

In less than a cup of tea, a total of one hundred and fifty-six demonic bees suspected of being "Sky Frost Cold Bees" were all affixed with sealing talismans by Zhou Chun and put into individual jade boxes.

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