Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 382: Catch them all in one fell swoop, the treasure of the hive [Please subscribe]

In the snow valley.

After all the one hundred and fifty-six demon bees suspected of being "Sky Frost Bees" were put away, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, everything was as he expected. When the deadly cold air attacked him, the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, would automatically protect its owner.

Judging from the behavior of this spiritual treasure, it seems that it also likes to suck in and swallow all kinds of cold air.

In this way, both parties get what they need, and everyone is happy.

At this time, he took a look inside at the white orb that had returned to the Dantian Qi Sea. Zhou Chun stacked the jade boxes on the ground in large wooden boxes and carried them to the depths of the snow valley himself.

Most of the strange insects on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" are very picky about their habitat.

Some exotic insects even become extinct because they can no longer find a suitable habitat.

Without a suitable habitat, the monster insects will not die, but they will no longer be able to reproduce, because the eggs of these monster insects must be in certain special environments if they want to hatch and grow normally.

Although the "Sky Frost Bee" is not as picky about habitat requirements as those extinct species of strange insects, it is not just any place with ice and snow that can allow them to build nests and inhabit.

According to the records in the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth", the hives of this strange insect are usually located in places where extreme cold air gathers. The "frozen air" in their bodies needs to absorb the extreme cold air to condense and enhance their power. able.

Therefore, wherever the "Sky Frost Bees" build their nests, it must be a treasure.

Zhou Chun is now going to search for this treasure land to see if there is anything else to gain.

Because when the demon bees appeared before, they were accompanied by the sound of flapping wings. Zhou Chun followed the direction in which they came and searched for them, and soon found out.

I saw an excavated cave on a cliff deep in the snow valley, and the area near the cave entrance was covered with ice.

The cave was not particularly large, just a little larger than a dog cave, and Zhou Chun could not enter.

However, he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness and knew the situation inside.

I saw that after following the cave for about a hundred feet into the mountain, there was a cave hall dug out by the demon bee. The cave hall was two or three feet high and nearly two feet wide. Inside was the demon bee's nest.

The demon bee's nest has almost the same structure as an ordinary hornet's nest. It is white as a whole and looks like it is carved from fine jade, like a beautiful work of art.

Above the honeycomb is a large piece of white jade, and the entire honeycomb is attached upside down to the white jade stone.

At this moment, there are still some thumb-sized white larvae inside the hive, and there is also a large queen bee and several drones sitting in the hive.

"There are even baby bees!"

With a happy expression on his face, Zhou Chun looked at the cave and pondered for a moment before making a decision quickly.

But when he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, he released nearly half of the remaining "Black Armor Golden Feather" on his body.

In the previous battle with the silver-robed young man Wang Jun in the Great Zhou Kingdom, 80% to 90% of his "black armor and golden feathers" were lost in the battle. Only some of the monster insects that turned into insect armor to protect him survived.

These monster insects are all mature monster insects, and they are the foundation for Zhou Chun to re-cultivate such monster insects in the future.

But now there are monster bees that are suspected of being "Sky Frost Bees". To be honest, these monster insects are already difficult for him to see.

And the performance of these monster insects after they came out at this moment strengthened his determination to replace them.

After these demonic insects came out of his spirit beast bag, they suddenly flew around like headless flies without his instructions, and they all moved away from the cave where the demonic bee nest was located, as if there were some savage beasts inside.

Such an unbearable performance really made Zhou Chun frown.

This situation has been recorded in the classics. It is said that some wild and strange insects have survived from ancient times. The wild aura in their blood has a deterrent effect on many low-level monsters, just like the dragon's dragon. The aura of authority is the same as the dominant pressure on ordinary monsters.

Because the monster insects themselves rely on pheromones to touch the outside world, the deterrent of this kind of breath is very deadly.

Generally speaking, in places where wild and strange insects live, there will be no room for other monsters to live around, and they will actively hunt and kill all monsters that come close to their nests.

It was precisely because Zhou Chun knew this that he suddenly released demonic insects such as the "Black Armor Golden Feather", intending to send a signal to the demonic bees in the nest and lure them to come out on their own initiative.

I just knew it was one thing, but now that I have seen the miserable performance of "Black Armor Golden Feather" with my own eyes, I can't help but feel disappointed.

After all, he had put some effort into cultivating this kind of monster insect over the years and spent a lot of resources. He originally had high hopes for them.

At this moment, Zhou Chun suddenly understood why Han Yuan, the insect cultivator, had been pursuing the strange insects on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth".

Presumably the other party knows better than him the difference in nature between ordinary monster insects and those strange insects of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Zhou Chun could only rely on his identity as the master and the help of insect repellent techniques to forcibly calm these demonic insects and let them release their own pheromones to mark the outside.

This kind of marking is like a wild animal urinating in the territory and is a very serious provocation.

Sure enough, Zhou Chun's strategy worked quickly.

Stimulated by the aura of "Black Armor and Golden Feathers", the remaining drones in the hive immediately came out in full force, intending to hunt down those monster insects that dared to trespass into their territory.

But as soon as they left the cave, they were blocked by Zhou Chun.

These drones were also very irritable. When they found someone blocking the road, they immediately spit out cold arrows at Zhou Chun. As a result, they quickly touched the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, and followed in the footsteps of the previous swarm.

After easily capturing a few drones, Zhou Chun looked at the hive with only the queen bee left, and finally used his magic weapon to dig holes without any hesitation.

He knew very well that when there were young bees in the hive, the queen bee could not leave the hive. Now he had to personally open a passage directly to the hive and catch them all.

The rock on the mountain wall is extremely hard, but Zhou Chun is now a monk at the Zifu stage after all, and has already begun to possess the power to crack mountains and crack the earth.

Under his all-out attack, it took less than two hours to open a cave passage directly to the hive.

Then Zhou Chun raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, released the golden-armored rock turtle and golden-winged tiger, and ordered them to protect the law outside, while he strode into the cave he opened.

The queen bee in the honeycomb deep in the cave had naturally noticed the big movement like the opening of the mountain and the expansion of the cave earlier, and knew that all the demon bees that had gone out before had been killed.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun arrived at the cave hall where the hive was located, the queen bee, who had been anxious in the hive, immediately appeared and took the initiative to attack him.

Generally speaking, as the leader of the bee colony, the queen bee will not easily leave the hive to fight the enemy.

But this does not mean that its combat capabilities are low.

On the contrary, as the king of a clan, its strength must be the first in the clan.

For example, the queen bee that Zhou Chun was facing now was as thick as a human waist, and the white cold air it exhaled was no longer just an arrow, but a column of air.

At that moment, Zhou Chun's consciousness seemed to be frozen and he lost his reaction.

And the [Moon Toad Orb] seemed to be stimulated by something, or attracted by some delicious food. Before the white pillar of air fell on him, it flew out of his mouth and faced him. That pillar of air.

The cold air that could freeze even the consciousness was like a mouse meeting a cat in front of the white orb, and it became a dish.

In just a few breaths of time, the cold energy accumulated in the queen bee's body was sucked away by the white orb, and she fell to the ground whining as if she had lost all her strength.

In this way, Zhou Chun easily captured this terrifying queen bee.

He quickly took out the jade box and the sealing talisman, suppressed the queen bee on the ground who was unable to resist, and put it in. Then he looked at the honeycomb hanging above his head like a work of art.

This hive is more than one foot in diameter at its largest point, with five floors, and the distance between each floor is two or three feet wide.

Zhou Chun's eyes mainly fell on the piece of white jade on the honeycomb. If he saw it correctly, this object should be a thousand-year-old cold jade ore.

As we all know, wherever there is cold jade for thousands of years, there must be cold jade veins.

"According to the formation theory, the location of the Millennium Cold Jade is usually the formation eye of the entire Cold Jade vein, which gathers the essence of the entire Cold Jade vein. These demon bees set their nests here and absorb the entire Cold Jade vein. You need to find a place to nourish yourself with the essence of mineral veins!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flickered. After looking at the honeycomb and the piece of cold jade, he quickly made a plan.

The cold jade veins are extremely precious, and mining is not easy. He definitely can't take them away, nor can he mine them secretly like the [Earth Crystal Jade] veins.

It would be better to trade this mineral vein to Xue Po Palace, which has a huge demand for this item.

Of course, with his Zhou Chunzi Mansion level cultivation, he was definitely not qualified to make this deal with Xue Po Palace. This matter had to be left to Lin Hongyu, a Golden Core level monk.

With Lin Hongyu's cultivation at the golden elixir stage, she was barely qualified enough for Xue Po Palace to take a look at it and be willing to pay a certain price in exchange.

However, although Zhou Chun could not take away this mineral vein, he still had no problem taking away the large piece of thousand-year-old cold jade in front of him.

If he wants to raise those demon bees in the future and grow their population, he will need the help of this thing. He will even have to dig out more ordinary cold jade ore and take it away in the future so that it can be used as daily food for the demon bees.

After formulating the plan in his mind, Zhou Cundang immediately started taking action.

He first carefully collected the young bees in the hive and packed them in jade boxes. He also thoughtfully placed some pieces of meat for them to prevent them from killing each other due to hunger.

Then he took out his magic weapon and dug upwards, digging out the entire piece of Millennium Cold Jade and the honeycomb hanging on it.

"What a big piece of Millennium Cold Jade!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun couldn't help but marvel when he looked at the thousand-year-old cold jade he had dug out.

I saw that the entire piece of thousand-year cold jade was more than three feet long, and the thickest part was almost four feet, exuding a strong cold air.

Such a large piece of Millennium Cold Jade, if put at an auction in the Great Zhou Kingdom, would fetch one to two million spiritual coins, or even more!

But for Zhou Chun, no matter how precious this millennium cold jade is, he will definitely not sell it. After all, spiritual coins can be earned at any time, but such treasures are difficult to buy easily even if you have money.

Fortunately, his storage bag has more than three feet of storage space, which can barely accommodate this object and the honeycomb below. Otherwise, he would have to cut off part of it to take it away.

And he always carries more than two storage bags with him.

At this time, after emptying the commonly used storage bag, Zhou Chun put the Millennium Cold Jade and the honeycomb inside, and then put the things in another spare storage bag.

After doing this, he dug again in the cave hall, and sure enough he found some century-old cold jade and ordinary cold jade, which confirmed that there was indeed a cold jade vein here.

In this way, Zhou Chun hurriedly dug up some cold jade as the demon bee's future food, sealed the cave, and left the place first.

When he got outside, Zhou Chun put away all the jade boxes containing the demon bees, threw the big wooden box on the back of the golden-winged tiger, and then flew out of the snow valley on the tiger.

Just out of caution, when Zhou Chun left the snow valley, he used his spiritual consciousness to carefully examine the surroundings of the snow valley.

This led him to a quick discovery.

There was a cold flash in his eyes, and he suddenly looked at a snowy field outside the snow valley and said, "What are you doing, fellow Daoist Fu, hiding there? Are you waiting for Zhou?"

After the words fell, a moment later, a figure suddenly flew out of the snow, splashing large snowflakes, revealing Fu Changqing's figure.

After he flew into the air, he looked at Zhou Chun with a flattering look and saluted, saying: "Senior Zhou, I apologize, I stayed here to wait because of my curiosity. I have absolutely no disrespect to my senior!"

"Oh, is it really just curiosity?"

Zhou Chun looked at him with a half-smile and asked, his eyes showing no emotion or anger.

This made Fu Changqing's complexion change instantly, and he hurriedly swore: "I swear, I really only stayed here because of my curiosity. If there is any lie, I will be cut into pieces without a burial place!" "

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately nodded and said, "Since fellow Taoist Fu has said so, there is no reason why Zhou should not believe you."

After saying that, he smiled faintly and said: "In fact, you might as well tell Fellow Daoist Fu that Zhou has indeed captured all the demonic insects, and also discovered a cold jade vein in the demonic insect's lair!"

Hearing his words, Fu Changqing's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

I don't know whether he was shocked by Zhou Chun's strength and amazing gains, or whether he was surprised that he would tell him this.

But soon he realized something. After his expression changed, he quickly squeezed out a smile and saluted Zhou Chun and said congratulations: "Congratulations to senior. Senior has great magical powers and deep blessings, which is really admired by this junior."

Facing his congratulations, Zhou Chun just nodded slightly and said, "Well, now Fellow Daoist Fu's curiosity should be satisfied, then let's go back to the stronghold."

"Wate...Junior, please obey!"

Fu Changqing opened his mouth. There was no joy at having his curiosity satisfied, only uneasiness on his face.

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