Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 383 Seeking Death【Please subscribe】

The Yellowstone Valley stronghold, like the Red Jade Peak stronghold, was established after the reconstruction of the Yang Kingdom, but the owner of this stronghold was a family that cultivated immortals.

The Xiuxian family named Huang was originally a family from the Qi Kingdom. Because the Shanmen residence in the Qi Kingdom was not available, they resolutely moved the family to the Yang Kingdom when the Yang Kingdom was rebuilt.

After Zhou Chun and Fu Changqing came down from the snowfield, the first place they stopped was the Huang Family in Huangshi Valley.

After registering and paying the spirit coins, the two of them entered a training room arranged by the Huang family to meditate and restore their mana.

However, in less than half an hour, Fu Changqing sneaked out of the training room and headed straight for the stronghold.

"You are seeking death yourself!"

In the training room, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed coldly, and he saw Fu Changqing's movements clearly.

But he didn't rush to chase the opponent immediately. Instead, he released several "Black Armor and Golden Feather" monster insects into the training room where the opponent was staying.

Sure enough, in the training room, Zhou Chun easily found a jade slip that Fu Changqing had deliberately left behind.

Seeing this, he smiled coldly and pretended to let the monster bite the jade slip and destroy it.

Afterwards, he collected the demonic insects and left the Yellowstone Mountain stronghold.

After Fu Changqing left the stronghold, he did not go far away. He just flew dozens of miles away, then suddenly restrained his aura and hid in a mountain forest.

His method of controlling his aura is quite clever. If Zhou Chun hadn't done some tricks on him, he might not have been able to detect him.

But at this time, through the tracking of "Blue Moon Butterfly", Zhou Chun quickly discovered his existence and went directly to the mountain forest where he was hiding.

Then he looked down at the place where he was and said in a faint voice: "If you don't meditate inside the gate of Huangjiashan to recover your magic power, Fellow Daoist Fu, why are you sneaking here? Is there some treasure here?"

In the forest, Fu Changqing, who originally thought he was well hidden, was suddenly stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

He looked at the heroic young man in the sky with a pale face, wondering how the other party found himself hiding here.

But he knew in his heart that he would most likely not be spared today.

"Did you ask me to leave the stronghold on purpose?"

He walked out of the forest and looked up at Zhou Chun in the sky, his eyes full of despair.

"If Zhou says it's not true, even fellow Taoist Fu would have a hard time believing it."

Zhou Chun shook his head, looked at him with an indifferent expression and said calmly: "Now that the matter is over, do you have any last words to say to fellow Taoist Fu?"


Fu Changqing opened his mouth, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand to pat the storage bag on his waist, green light flowing on his palm.

But as soon as his palm fell halfway, a golden blade of light suddenly fell from the sky.

Then he felt a light touch on his hand, and the palm of his right hand flew out together with his wrist.


A shrill scream rang out from Fu Changqing's mouth. The pain of having his palm cut off was unbearable.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun didn't like torturing people, so he quickly struck out a golden blade and chopped off his head, ending his pain.

"Why bother! If you don't escape, I won't necessarily kill you. At most, I'll let you go to the wilderness to retire!"

Looking at the two-quarter-length body on the ground, Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh. He immediately collected his belongings and fired a ball of flames to burn the body to ashes.

All in all, he had given Fu Changqing two chances before and after.

If she had listened to his words and left directly at the beginning, he would never have any ill intentions toward her.

But Fu Changqing was greedy and wanted to be an oriole.

That's all. Although Fu Changqing had a willful attitude at that time, he did not take any action after all, and his crime would not lead to death.

In order to keep it secret, Zhou Chun would at best take him back to Jingguo.

But Fu Changqing once again tried to escape out of his wits, trying to sell information about the cold jade mine to others.

This forced him to kill people and silence them.

After killing Fu Changqing at this time, Zhou Chun flew forward for a while, then found a random place in the barren mountains and fell down, and continued to meditate to restore his magic power.

After half a day passed like this, Zhou Chun had all his magic power restored, and then he took out Fu Changqing's storage bag and looked at the contents.

As soon as he put his consciousness into the storage bag, he looked happy, shook the storage bag, and shook out a large number of spiritual coins, which piled up a small mountain on the ground.

Looking at the pile of spirit coins in front of him, Zhou Chun quickly counted the number of them with his spiritual consciousness.

A total of more than 65,700 spirit coins!

No one would have thought that Fu Changqing, a casual cultivator, would have so many spiritual coins stored in his storage bag!

You must know that many Zifu period monks do not have so many spiritual coins in their storage bags.

"It seems that this guy has sold everything into spiritual coins. Maybe he wants to have a last ditch effort!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, having a guess about Fu Changqing carrying so many spirit coins with him.

Apart from these spiritual coins and a few magic weapons, he found no other valuable things in the opponent's storage bag, which was enough to prove the authenticity of his guess.

The reason why Fu Changqing did this was obviously to collect spiritual coins to buy assistance in developing spiritual objects in the Zi Mansion.

It's a pity that these spiritual coins now belong to Zhou Chun.

A few days later, Zhou Chun returned to the Hongyu Peak stronghold and told Lin Wan'er about Fu Changqing's death without concealing the truth.

"As the clan leader said, Fu Changqing deserves to die, well done!"

Lin Wan'er learned what happened from Zhou Chun's mouth, and immediately clapped her hands with joy on her face.

Naturally, she would not sympathize with Fu Changqing. After all, she almost died because of his betrayal back then.

The reason why Fu Changqing was not killed back then was because he was still useful.

Now that Fu Changqing was playing tricks in front of Zhou Chun again, in her opinion, he certainly deserved his death and was not worthy of any sympathy.

Zhou Chun also knew this, so he told her the truth without hesitation.

After everything was explained clearly, Zhou Chun looked at Lin Wan'er with a serious face and explained: "Zhou will rush back to his family to tame the demonic insects. I'll bother you at the Red Jade Peak Stronghold, Elder Lin. Please worry a lot. If you encounter anything, you can't do it." Regarding the matter of control, Elder Lin please put your own safety first and don’t force it!”

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I won't show off."

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly to express her understanding.

After this explanation, Zhou Chun went home without further delay.

More than half a month later, Zhou Chun finally returned to his family after rushing all the way.

What reassures him is that in the past few months since he left the family, although the fight between the immortal cultivating families under Tianjing Sect and the immortal cultivating families under Qinglian Guan has intensified, the Zhou family has not been involved and everything is still developing smoothly.

As for him being gone for such a long time, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi and others were also extremely curious and wanted to know what had delayed him.

Zhou Chun naturally would not hide anything, and immediately explained the circumstances of his trip to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

When they heard that he was hunted down by a middle-stage Zifu cultivator because of the Millennium Thunder Light Grass and was almost killed by his opponent, Zhou Mingde and others were shocked and quickly asked about his injuries.

After confirming that his injuries were not serious, Zhou Mingde shouted with an angry face: "This is really unreasonable! Zhengchun, do you know what kind of power is in Leiya Valley? How could they cultivate such a madman!"

"Leiya Valley is a big sect in the Great Zhou Kingdom. There is a Yuanying Stage monk in the sect. He calls himself Young Master, and he has such magical powers and magic weapons. He is probably the descendant of that Yuanying Stage monk. , no matter how bad he is, he is also a direct descendant valued by a certain golden elixir stage monk!"

Zhou Chun expressed his speculation in a low tone, and most of the anger on Zhou Mingde's face immediately disappeared.

The status of being a descendant of a Nascent Soul monk is indeed too high and out of reach for the Zhou family.

Even when the Zhou family was in its prime, people like this were always kept at a distance.

But he quickly remembered something, and couldn't help but whisper: "Zhengchun, could you have guessed wrong? If he is really a descendant of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, how come he can't get out a mere hundred thousand spiritual coins?"

"Well, maybe he was short of money at the time and didn't have that many spirit coins with him!"

Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment and whispered his guess.

"That makes sense. If he wasn't a descendant of a Nascent Soul cultivator, how could Yuan Pavilion tell him on that day about Zhengchun's purchase of the Millennium Thunder Light Grass?"

Zhou Mingde nodded and thought of the key point himself.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with a worried expression and whispered: "But if this is the case, Zhengchun, if you want to seek revenge from him in the future, your chances are slim!"

"Uncle, what you said is wrong. In my opinion, Zhengchun has a great chance of revenge in the future!"

Zhou Daoyi suddenly interjected, looking at Zhou Chun with piercing eyes and said: "As long as Zhengchun's silver lightning python succeeds in transforming into a dragon, with the power of the thunder dragon, that person's thunder spells will be tightly restrained. When Zhengchun wants to kill him, it will be difficult for him to escape even if he wants to!"

"This junior also thinks so. As long as Bai Bai succeeds in transforming into a dragon, he will definitely be able to live and feed him!"

Zhou Chun nodded, fully agreeing with Zhou Daoyi's statement.

Then he smiled softly and said: "And this junior also unexpectedly got a treasure in Yang Kingdom. If you use it well, it will be easier to deal with that guy!"

As he spoke, he told about his capture of a swarm of demonic bees suspected to be "Sky Frost Cold Bees" and his discovery of the cold jade veins.

Finally, he took out the giant Millennium Cold Jade and the honeycomb from his storage bag for the two of them to see.

"What a big piece of Millennium Cold Jade!"

Seeing the giant Millennium Cold Jade that suddenly appeared in the living room, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi both opened their mouths in surprise and marveled at it.

They are not ignorant people, but such a huge Millennium Cold Jade is indeed very shocking.

Under normal circumstances, a thousand-year-old cold jade the size of a human head is enough to be put on the auction block.

But the thousand-year-old cold jade that Zhou Chun took out was dozens of times larger.

"Such a large piece of Millennium Cold Jade, Zhengshun, do you really intend to use it only as a nest for a group of monster insects?"

Zhou Mingde stared at this unheard-of giant millennium cold jade with wide eyes, and couldn't help but doubt Zhou Chun's plan.

It's not that Zhou Mingde doesn't know how to take a long-term view, but in his opinion, the huge profit obtained from selling this giant thousand-year-old cold jade is enough to support Zhou Chun's cultivation to the point of elixir formation.

No matter how you look at it, this is better than going through all the trouble to cultivate a group of monster insects.

Therefore, without waiting for Zhou Chun's response, he said again: "I have also read the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth". Although the strange insects on it are said to be powerful, their growth and reproduction cycles are far beyond that of ordinary monsters. Zhengchun, if you invest too much energy in this area, I'm afraid it will delay your practice!"

When Zhou Chun heard what he said, he immediately shook his head and said: "These juniors understand what you are talking about, Elder Taishang, but strange insects like the Sky Frost Bee are rare to see in a thousand years. Since this junior is lucky enough to encounter them, How can you live up to God’s will and ignore it?”

"What's more, if such a large piece of Millennium Cold Jade is exposed, our Zhou family will not be able to protect it at all. Even if it is divided up and sold slowly, others may follow the clues and find out that our Zhou family did it, and we will still have to bear a lot of risks!"

"In this case, it's better to use it for beekeeping temporarily. When other alternatives are found in the future, it won't be too late to sell it!"

Zhou Mingde has not practiced the art of repelling insects, nor has he seen the power of the "Sky Frost Bee", so it is normal for him to question the use of giant thousand-year-old cold jade to keep bees.

But Zhou Chun had seen the power of the "Sky Frost Bee" with his own eyes, and he really wanted to conquer and tame this strange insect.

And this may be his only chance to conquer the monster insects on the "World of Strange Insects".

Even if he discovered other strange insects, he would not have the strength to catch them.

Only the "Sky Frost Bee" was restrained by the [Moon Toad Orb], giving him the chance to conquer this strange insect.

"Hey, what you said makes sense. If you didn't have the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], you wouldn't be able to capture the Sky Frost Bee. Maybe this is really God's will!"

Zhou Mingde sighed softly and nodded slightly. He was convinced by Zhou Chun and immediately stopped mentioning the matter.

After talking about his experience in the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun took out the remaining 70,000 spiritual coins in his hand and deposited them in the family treasury, and then took the family's formation master Zhou Xindie to the wilderness.

"Sky Frost Bee" likes to live in extremely cold places, and the place where Zhou Chun originally obtained the [Moon Toad Orb] is undoubtedly the most suitable place for it to live.

If there was nothing else to do next, Zhou Chun planned to concentrate on taming these monster bees.

It's just that because these demon bees are too powerful, Zhou Chun must have someone set up a formation to transform it.

At this time, after he took Zhou Xindie outside the cave where the ice cave was located, he asked her to explore the terrain on the spot and determine the formation according to local conditions.

Zhou Xindie lived up to his expectations. After some exploration inside and outside the cave, he quickly came up with an idea.

"The cold air here is too strong, and other formations are easily disturbed by it. Only the earth formation that connects the power of the earth can avoid its impact to the maximum extent. With the current ability of this junior, the most I can do is to lay out thick soil The demon-sealing formation can trap a third-level low-grade demonic beast for about a quarter of an hour."

Hearing that he could trap a third-level low-grade monster, Zhou Chun immediately smiled, nodded and said: "That's enough, Xindie, just let go and arrange it. If you need any materials, you can tell me directly. I will let you know." Find it for you."

Try to do two updates tomorrow!

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