Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 384 Conquering the Swarm of Bees and the Mutation of the Thunder Python [Please subscribe]

Zhou Xindie was left outside to carefully explore the terrain and consider how to set up the formation. Zhou Chun walked into the mountain crevice cave alone with the jade boxes that sealed the Sky Frost Bees.

He went deeper and soon arrived at the location of the Cold Spring Ice Cave.

Zhou Chun had previously put ten snow crystal insects into the cold spring ice cave to raise, and found that they could live well here.

This gave him strong confidence in raising Sky Frost Bees here.

After arriving at the ice cave, Zhou Chun put all the other jade boxes aside, then picked one and took it into his hand, then gently opened the lid.

As soon as the jade box was opened, the demon bee inside felt the strong cold air outside and began to vibrate its wings in an attempt to take off.

However, the sealing talisman attached to its body emitted a weak white light and suppressed it in the box. No matter how it vibrated its wings, it could not fly.

A strange insect like the Sky Frost Bee, all its abilities are based on the "Sky Frost Cold Qi" in its body. In terms of physical constitution, it may not be as strong as the "Black Armor Golden Feather" in terms of teeth and physical strength.

In the previous battle with Zhou Chun, the Frost Frost Bee had already absorbed all the cold air from its body by the [Moon Toad Orb], and had been sealed so that it could not absorb the cold air from the outside to recover. Naturally, it was unable to break free from the suppression of the sealing talisman.

Of course, what's more important is that the Sky Frost Frost Bee in Zhou Chun's hand is not a mature demon insect, not even an adult phase, it is just a demon insect in the growth stage.

Zhou Chun stretched out his hand, picked up the demon bee and put it in his hand for inspection.

A golden light loomed on his palm, and no matter how much the demon bee opened its mouth and bit it, it could not break through the thin layer of golden light.

After carefully observing the demon bee, he suddenly frowned and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Something is wrong. The Sky Frost Frost Bee recorded on the strange insect list has eighteen blue stripes on its body. There are no black spots, so why is there only sixteen blue stripes on this demon bee’s body, and there are still black spots on its wings?”

Could it be that the record on the Strange Insect List is wrong?

Zhou Chun frowned and doubts suddenly arose in his heart.

This is not impossible. After all, the strange insects on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" were only compiled by the monks of Qianling Sect, and were not seen by them with their own eyes.

If there are some subtle differences in appearance, it is also possible.

But Zhou Chun knew that there was actually another possibility.

That is, these demon bees are indeed not Sky Frost Han Bees, but hybrid demon bees produced by the combination of Sky Frost Han Bees and other demon bees.

This kind of thing has not happened before. The monks of Qianling Sect have found some monster insects with the bloodline of the strange insects in the world. Although their strength is not as strong as those monster insects on the list of strange insects, they are indeed much stronger than ordinary monster insects.

However, as far as Zhou Chun knew, ice-attributed demon bees were very rare. At least he had not heard of anyone discovering other ice-attributed demon bees in Yang Kingdom.

So the possibility doesn't seem high.

"By the way, look at that queen bee again!"

Zhou Chun suddenly thought of something, and immediately put the demon bee in his hand back into the jade box, closed it, and took out the jade box with the queen bee sealed inside.

Queen Bee was so powerful that it could not escape the ban, so Zhou Chun affixed several second-level ban talismans to it.

At this time, after he took out the queen bee, he carefully counted the blue stripes on her body.

"It's eighteen blue stripes. That's right. The queen bee is indeed the Sky Frost Bee!"

This result made Zhou Chun relieved.

Since the queen bee is an authentic Sky Frost Han Bee, then the offspring she produces must also be Sky Frost Han Bees.

As for why there were two fewer blue stripes on the backs of those demon bees and some more black spots on their wings, Zhou Chun estimated that there were only two reasons.

Either they will reappear the two blue stripes after they enter adulthood or maturity.

Or their bloodline is slightly degraded.

Either way, it's not a big problem.

Degeneration of the demonic insect's bloodline is not a big deal. Generally, this happens mostly as a last resort to adapt to the environment.

As long as it is given a good living environment, the bloodline can still be purified and returned to its ancestors.

If this group of Sky Frost Bees were allowed to develop naturally in the wild environment, it might be difficult for those demon bees with degraded bloodlines to successfully purify their bloodlines.

But as long as Zhou Chun conquers them, he will definitely collect various ice-attribute spiritual materials to feed them to help them purify their blood and promote them to real Sky Frost Bees.

So after figuring out the situation, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that he immediately took action himself and built a shelf above the cold spring with solid ice. Then he took out the giant piece of thousand-year cold jade and placed it on the shelf, just enough for the beehive to cover the cold spring.

Then he took out the young bees and put them in the hive.

There are thirty-four of these young bees in total, and none of them can fly yet.

This shows how difficult it is for a strange insect like the Sky Frost Bee to reproduce.

You must know that the queen bee of an ordinary wasp colony can lay hundreds of eggs a day.

After observing the activities of the young bees in the hive and making sure that they were not uncomfortable with the new environment, Zhou Chun began to carve out the contract circle and make a contract with these young bees to identify their owners.

The infancy of any monster or monster is the best time to make a contract and recognize the master.

The monsters and monsters at this stage are just like the two or three-year-old children, they are like a blank sheet of paper with no sense of resistance at all.

Zhou Chun used some food as bait and easily reached a contract with the thirty-four young bees.

It's just that the time required for young bees to grow to adulthood is too long and cannot meet Zhou Chun's short-term needs.

So after he contracted the young queen bee, he set his sights on the queen bee.

The queen bee is the brain and master of the bee colony. As long as the queen bee is conquered, the entire bee colony can be used by Zhou Chun.

But the queen bee is a mature Sky Frost Bee and a third-level monster insect. It is not that difficult to conquer it.

Zhou Chun could only try his best.

He put the queen bee on the ground and took off all the sealing talismans attached to her body with a wave of his hand.

As soon as the sealing talisman was removed, the dead queen bee on the ground flapped its wings and instantly turned into a white shadow and rushed towards the hive.

Obviously in its consciousness, the hive is always the safest place.

Zhou Chun did not stop him and allowed him to fall onto the hive.

After the queen bee returned to the nest, she began to absorb the cold air here, as if she wanted to regain her strength first.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately took out another large piece of monster meat, chopped it up, and threw it piece by piece onto the hive.

The queen bee was not polite at all. After smelling the fragrance of the food, she quickly flew out to eat.

And after eating a few mouthfuls, it began to take on the work of a worker bee, chopping up the food and feeding it to the young bees.

Zhou Chun knew that all this was actually controlled by the queen bee's instinct.

Normally, it is the worker bees and drone bees that guard the safety of the bee colony. The queen bee only needs to hide in the nest and reproduce.

But now that the worker bees and drones are gone, the queen bee has to take care of her children and find food by herself, and even takes on the task of defending the young bees and the hive.

For the queen bee, when there is no threat to her own life, the first thing to do is to feed the young bees well so that they can grow into worker bees that can hunt and protect themselves as soon as possible.

Zhou Chun wanted to use this to improve his success rate in conquering the queen bee.

He first gave the queen bee food and then gave it time to recover.

After the queen bee condenses some "cold air from the sky" in her body, he threatens the hive and forces the queen bee to fight with him.

Needless to say, the outcome of the battle was that Queen Bee, who had only recovered less than half of her strength, was easily defeated by Zhou Chun.

After defeating Queen Bee, Zhou Chun tried to form a contract with her.

The result was of course a failure.

As "punishment", Zhou Chun took away two young bees from the hive and arranged for them to be raised separately in another place.

A few more days passed, and when the queen bee regained some strength, Zhou Chun once again stimulated it to fight against him, and won the battle again.

Then he repeated his previous actions, first making a contract with the queen bee, but failing the contract, he took away the two young bees.

Such repeated pulling, defeating the queen bee and taking away the young bees again and again made the queen bee strongly fear him.

Once you get to the back and even smell his breath, you will start to hide uneasily deep in the hive.

The occurrence of this situation lifted Zhou Chun's spirits, and he knew that his plan was about to succeed.

So he changed the rules slightly and waited for more than two months until the queen bee's body was almost full of "sky frost cold energy" before stimulating her to fight with him again.

In this battle, because the queen bee was too strong, she successfully activated the automatic guardian of the [Moon Toad Orb].

The queen bee was not only sucked out of the hard-earned cold air in her body by the orb, she was also knocked unconscious by the weird roar that sounded like a cow roaring or a frog croaking.

After it woke up, Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and concluded a contract with it. Sure enough, he succeeded in one fell swoop and successfully subdued it to become his spiritual pet.

After conquering the queen bee, things become simple.

Zhou Chun had the queen bee in hand, and he held the queen bee hostage to control the bees, and soon all the other demon bees also concluded contracts.

Under the suppression of the queen bee's order, even the three drone bees in the colony that had also reached maturity were unable to resist Zhou Chun's contract.

By comparing the three stages of the mature, adult, and growth stages of the bees in the bee colony, Zhou Chun quickly determined one thing.

That kind of demon bee with only sixteen blue stripes on its body is actually a demon bee with degraded bloodline.

As long as a demon bee can reach maturity, its bloodline will be purified and it will transform into a true Sky Frost Bee.

And what makes Zhou Chun happy is that after he communicated with the queen bee, the queen made it clear that the current environment made him and his tribe feel more comfortable and happy than the previous environment. The cold air from the cold spring condensed the "cold air of the sky" for them. Also helps a lot.

This good environment is likely to improve the bloodline degradation of the bee colony, or even stop it completely.

So Zhou Chun first left the bee swarm in the ice cave and let them go out to forage on their own.

With the strength of the swarm, even if they encounter a third-level monster, their chances of winning are very high.

Therefore, Zhou Chun is not worried about their safety.

When he wants to use the bee swarm in the future, he can just come over and collect the bee swarm.

This will not delay the growth of the bee colony, but also give him an extra trump card that others don't know.

Not long after Zhou Chun conquered the bee swarm, the Zhou family received the news of Lu Ran's death.

"The high priest asked Ukuru to deliver these two magical artifacts to Fellow Daoist Zhou before he died. He said that Fellow Daoist Zhou was a man of faith and hoped that Fellow Daoist Zhou could bury his body to the place of his birth!"

In the residence of the Black Spear Tribe of the Alien Scaled Frog tribe, when Zhou Chun came here on behalf of the Zhou family to mourn the death of Lu Ran, the tribe's chief elder Wukulu took out two relics left by Lu Ran and handed them over he.

He was very familiar with these two relics. One was the "Red Dragon Dagger" that Lu Ran used to kill the guardian of the Golden Dragon Hall of the Hualong Sect when he and Lu Ran first met. The other was a red orb. The magic weapon was also the one used by Lu Ran during his lifetime.

This kind of magic weapon used by immortal cultivators cannot be used by the alien warlocks. It seems that Lu Ran has no intention of bringing them into the tomb.

Now giving it to Zhou Chun can be regarded as ending the fate between the two.

As for Lu Ran's final request, Zhou Chun would certainly help him complete it.

Lu Ran had already said this before his death. Afterwards, he did not want to be buried in the Scaled Frog alien tribe, but in a mountain city below the ruins of the Chilong Hall of the original Hualong Sect.

From this point alone, it can be seen that Lu Ran has always regarded himself as a human race and does not have much sense of belonging to the alien race of scaled frogs.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist Wukuru, Zhou will bury Senior Lu's body properly."

Zhou Chun took the two magic weapons and made a promise to Ukulu with a solemn expression.

The two then exchanged information about future trade between the two tribes, and Zhou Chun took Lu Ran's body and left the Black Spear tribe.

A few days later, Zhou Chun's figure appeared near the original Red Dragon Hall ruins.

Although decades have passed, the Hualong Sect still has no intention of reactivating this site, and a fourth-level monster has also appeared on the mountain.

Zhou Chun did not dare to make much noise to avoid disturbing the fourth-level monster. After finding the ruins of the mountain city that Lu Ran had mentioned, he buried his body inside.

"Senior Lu, this junior has fulfilled your last wish for you. I wish you can be reincarnated as a human being in your next life and embark on the path to immortality again!"

In front of the new tomb made of bluestone, Zhou Chun poured a few glasses of spiritual wine on the tomb and completed the worship of the owner inside.

This is likely to be the last worship that the tomb owner can enjoy after being buried.

After paying homage to Lu Ran, Zhou Chun returned to his family.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the gate of Jiufengling Mountain, he suddenly felt some kind of strong feeling.

So he originally planned to go to the top cave to meet Zhou Mingde, but he immediately changed his mind and went to his residence first.

When he opened the courtyard door of his residence, a huge silver-white snake head appeared in front of him.

"Oh, Bai Bai, are you awake?"

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and reached out to touch the snake head in front of him.

But suddenly he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, his eyes suddenly focused and he looked at the top of the snake head.

I saw that the original bulge on the head of the snake's head had disappeared at some point, and was replaced by a silver horn about a foot long.

First update! I also recommended a friend's new book "Only when I was nominated for the gold medal, I found out that my wife is the Three Holy Mothers"

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